"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: gag

Sepangagie | Spanish (language) | 西班牙語
cioksu gagtui | jazz band | 爵士樂隊
gag'ym | musical sounds | 樂音
gagbee | music fan | 樂迷
gagbiør | man's mother in law | 岳母
gagbuo | man's mother in law | 岳母
gagbør | mother-in-law (wife's mother) | 岳母
gagchiuo | musicians | 樂手
gagciofng | movement | 樂章
gagcviw | a musical composition; a song composition; musical movement | 樂章
gaghu | man's father-in-law; father-in-law (wife's father) | 岳父
gagjiin | a musician | 樂人; 音樂家
gagkaix | music world | 樂界
gagkerng | prison police; prison guards | 獄警
gagkheg | composition; music | 樂曲
gagkhix | music instrument; musical instruments | 樂器
gagkvoaf | prison or jail warden; official who in charge of music department | 獄官; 樂官
gagli | jailer; turnkey | 獄吏
gaglie | theory of music | 樂理
gagphor | notes in music; music score | 音譜; 樂譜
gagsefng | music performer on Confucious birthday | 音生; 樂生
gagsiong | court trial | 獄訟
gagsiuu | convict in prison; prisoners | 獄囚
gagsw | musician; musicians | 樂師
gagthoaan | band; orchestra | 樂團
gagtiern | musicological works | 樂典
gagtui | band; musical band | 樂隊
gagtvoaa | music scene | 樂壇
gagzud | jailer; jailor; low-ranking employees who help run a prison | 獄卒
hiengagkhix | string instruments | 絃樂器
hiengagtui | string band | 絃樂隊
imgaghe | Department of Music (in college) | 音樂系
imgaghoe | concert | 音樂會
imgagkaf | musician | 音樂家
imgagphor | musical notation | 音樂師; 樂譜
imgagsviaf | sound of music | 音樂聲
imgagsw | bandsman, music teacher | 音樂家; 樂師
imgagthviaf | music hall | 音樂廳
imgagtngg | music hall | 音樂堂
imgagtui | band (musical) | 音樂隊
kauhiorng-gagthoaan | orchestra | 交響樂團
kungagtui | military (naval) band; regimental band | 軍樂隊
kwn-gagtui | military band | 軍樂隊
segagsw | western pharmacist | 西樂師
senggagkaf | vocalist; singer | 聲樂家
sirn'gagthoaan | church orchestra | 信樂團
tiefngagkvoaf | prison guard; prison official | 典獄官
tøexgagmngg | hell gate | 地獄門
zusien imgaghoe | charity concert | 慈善音樂會

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