garngaxn | to feel cold | 彥彥; (覺得冷冷的)
gaxmbak | useless eyes | 笨眼; 眼光遲鈍
gaxmbin | stupidy | 儑面; 憨面; 狂妄; 呆戇
gaxmgam | bluntness; foolish; silly; naive; ingenuous; open and sincere; foolish | 憨憨; 傻傻的
gaxmkao siaosviu tikvoakud | hope against hope; a prize beyond one's reach; unattainable goal (Lit. A stupid dog thinks about pig liver bones.) | 憨狗哨想豬肝骨; 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉
gaxmlaang | fool; dunce | 傻瓜; 憨人
gaxmsviu | daydreaming | 妄想; 憨想
gaxmthaau gaxmbin | idiotic; absurd; stupid (Lit. bonehead and stupid look) | 儑頭儑面; 呆頭呆腦; 憨頭憨面
gaxmthaugaxmbin | ignorance | 儑頭儑面
gaxmzhat | rash thief | 笨賊; 憨賊
gaxn | frozen | 彥; 冷卻; 急冷; 凍
gaxncie | geese; cranes | 雁子
gaxnggang | bewilderedly; be baffled; nonplussed; ignorant; have no knowledge of; daydream; lost in thought | 卬卬; 發呆; 茫然; 憨憨
gaxnggang`khix | be dumbfounded | 愣住了; 錯愕; 卬卬去
gaxnggaxngkhix | be dumbfounded | 愣住了, 錯愕
gaxnguo | adage; proverb | 諺語
gaxnhaang | cranes or geese which fly in formation | 雁行
gaxntiaux | to condole | 弔喪; 唁弔
gaxntien | a message of condolence | 弔電; 唁電
gaxntin | a flock of wild geese fly in formation | 雁陣
haygaxnsvoax | coastal line; coast route | 海岸線; 海線
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If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]