"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Goxgeqzoeq | the 5th of the 5th lunar month (a dragon boat regatta is held) | 五月節
Phutøgelaang | Portuguese | 葡萄牙人
Phøtøgee | Portugal | 葡萄牙
Thoan'ge Tiongsym | Communication Arts | 體委會
a'geq | Fried bean curd | 阿給; 油豆腐
anggee | ruddy; ruddy; rosy | 紅潤; 紅霓; 紅霞
anggek | carnelian | 紅玉
au geqlit | next month | 後月日
au køx geh | next month | 後個月
befgee | a banquet held by corporation in lunar Dec. as employes reward | 尾牙
befløfge | cornelian | 瑪瑙牙
beqgee køf | malt extract | 麥芽膏
beqgee thngg | maltose | 麥芽糖
beqgee | malt; wheat-sprouts; malt; wheat gluten | 麥芽; 飴糖
beqgee-køf | malt extract | 麥芽膏; 麥芽糖
beqgee-thngg | maltose | 麥芽糖
beqgekøf | maltose (sweet syrup) | 麥芽膏
beqgethngg | malt sugar; maltose | 麥芽糖
bexge | earn a living by entertaining with skills or stunts | 賣藝
binkafn gexsut | folk art | 民間藝術
bo'gek | a treasonable plot | 謀逆
boagee | grind one's teeth; be too talkative; indulge in arguments | 磨牙
boefgee | year-end dinner for employees; 16th day of 12th month in the lunar calendar; year-end dinner given by a shop owner to entertain his employees on the 16th of the twelfth moon; during which an employee would know that he will not be hired for the coming year if the head of a cooked chicken is pointed at his seat | 尾牙
boggek cy kaw | uninterrupted friendship | 莫逆之交
boggek | friend with complete mutual understanding | 莫逆
bun'ge | literature and art | 文藝
bunge hoghefng | the Revival of Learning; the Renaissance | 文藝復興
bunge zokphirn | literary works or productions | 文藝作品
bunge | literary arts; literature and arts; art and literature; literary arts | 文藝
bungexkaix | literary circles | 文藝界
bwge | martial arts; technique; military art or accomplishments | 武藝
bøefgee | the 16th day of the 12th month in the lunar calendar | 尾牙
bøkangge | nothing to do | 無事做; 無工藝
bøkaogeh | premature birth | 無夠月
bøo kangge | nothng to do | 無工藝
chiahgek | oriental amethyst | 赤玉; 紫鋼玉
chiegek | rebellion | 弒逆
chingeeng | receive bride personally; to go to the bride's home to bring her to the groom's home | 親迎; 親自迎娶
chitgeh | July; the seventh month of lunar year; when the spirits of the dead are let out of the underworld and are specially worshipped | 七月
chiuxgee | tree bud | 樹芽
chiwge | workmanship; craft; handicraft; handicraft | 手藝
chiwkangge | workmanship; craft; handicraft; handicraft | 手工藝
chiwkangge-phirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chiwkanggexphirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chvibin-liaugee | green-faced and long-toothed; terrifying in appearance | 青面獠牙
chvibixnliaugee | green-faced fangs - horrible face | 青面獠牙
chvigek | emerald | 青玉; 翡翠
chviugee | ivory | 象牙
chviuxgee | ivory; ivory; elephant tusk | 象牙
chygee | mouth teeth, child's first teeth | 乳牙; 鼠牙
cidgeqlit | a month | 一月日
ciuogee | decay | 蛀牙
cviaa geqlit | about a month | 成月日
cviaf`geh | January | 正月
cviageqcviasii | Lunar new year | 正月正時
engzhuix gex køekhaf | nothing to do but lick chicken bones | 閒著啃雞腳
ge | name of a legendary archer; firm; skill; to talk in sleep; art | 羿; 毅; 藝; 囈
ge'iah | military guard | 衙役
ge'mngg | police station; Mandarin's office | 衙門
ge'y | dentist | 牙醫
gea | to pinch or hold with the fingers; to look askance; to call on someone respectfully; tooth that grows in old age | 捏; 睨; 詣; 齯; 斜眼看人
gea`laang | to glance at person; look askance at person; to look down person | 睨人
gea`tiøh | to glance at; look askance at; to look down | 睨著
geagex`leq | gnaw roughly | 啃啃咧; 嚙嚙咧
gebak | be an eyesore; hurts to look at | 礙眼
gee | government office | 衙; 睨; 牙; 芽; 倪; 霓; 使人厭
gee`laang | disgusting person; detestable person; annoying person | 睨人; 使人厭
gee`tiøh | disgust; detest; annoy; dislike | 生厭; 睨著
geeng | go out to receive ceremoniously; go in procession | 迎; 凝; 氣悶
geeng`kaotea | very depressed; very melancholy; frightfully bored | 凝到底; 心悶至極
geeng`sie | very depressed; very melancholy; frightfully bored | 凝死; 心悶至極
gefng'iøh | grind medicine into powder | 研藥
gefngboah | grind into powder | 研末
gefnghurn | pulverize | 研粉
gefnghw | pulverize | 研粉; 研夫
gefngpoaq | mortar | 研缽
gefngthuii | rolling-pin | 研槌; 杵
gefngzhuix | grind to pieces | 研碎
gefngzøo | groove for grinding medician | 研槽
geg'aau | be unpleasant to throat; to stick in the throat | 逆喉; 無順喉
geg'ah | jade box | 玉匣; 玉盒
geg'ar | sampan; gem (usually Jade | 玉仔; 舢舨
geg'ixn | jade stamp; jade seal | 玉印
gegbeng | disobey order | 逆命; 違背命令
gegchiafm | the tuberose; jade clasp | 玉簪
gegcie | against imperial decree; against wish | 逆旨; 違背聖旨
gegee | uncomfortable | 睨睨; 不舒服,怪怪的; 有點討人厭; 無舒服
gegheeng | movement in an opposite direction; conduct contrary to normal rules; proceed in the opposite direction | 逆行
geghioxng | go in the opposite direction | 逆向
geghoad | rebel against law | 逆法
geghofng | go against the wind; be at a disadvantage; head wind | 逆風
geghvi | be offensive to the hearer; be unpleasant to hear | 逆耳
gegkafng | jade worker | 玉工
gegkerng | adverse circumstances; bad fortune; adversity | 逆境
gegkhix | jade vessels; jade utensils; jade wares; jade articles | 玉器
gegkhoaan | jade bracelet | 玉環
geglaihiofng | tuberose | 玉來香; 夜來香
gegliau | foretell; anticipate; foresee | 逆料
geglie | go against the principle; violate human obligation; contrary to reason | 逆理
gegliuu | reverse current; something that goes against the flow; adverse current | 逆流
gegloo | jade stove; jade furnace | 玉爐
gegluun | rebellious to the family order | 逆輪; 逆倫
gegnie | be offensive to the hearer; grate on the ears (of statements) | 逆耳
gegpaan | a jade vial | 玉瓶
gegpoef | jade cup | 玉杯
gegpvoaa | jade plate or tray | 玉盤
gegsad | slaughter, massacre, genocide | 逆殺; 屠殺
gegsexng | go against nature | 逆性; 違背人性
gegsiin | traitors and usurpers; minister who has switched loyalty to another ruler | 逆臣
gegsuie hengciw | boat going against the stream; sail a boat against the current | 逆水行舟
gegsym | in disagreement with what one wants | 逆心; 無順心
gegthai | maltreat; to torment; ill-treat | 逆待; 虐待
gegthaixkoong | maltreat; torment; torture; sadism; sadist | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
gegthiefn | offend against Heaven | 逆天
gegthorng | a rebel party or group | 逆黨
gegthvy | offend against Heaven | 逆天
gegtiøh | opposing | 逆到; 生氣
gegtui | jade pendant | 玉墜
gegzhaf | deficit | 逆差
gegzhuix | broken jade | 玉碎
gegzoarn | deteriorate; turn for the worse | 逆轉
gegzuie | go against the current | 逆水
gegzuo | an unfilial son; unfilial; disobedient or recalcitrant child | 逆子
gegzw | jade bead | 玉珠
geh | moon; month | 月
gek | oppose (esp. oppose or resist a superior) | 逆; 作對; 玉; 獄; 嶷
gek-phoaxlien | jade necklace | 玉項鍊
gek`tiøh | be angry | 逆到
gekhie | teeth | 牙齒
gekhyhvoa | the gums | 牙齒岸; 牙齦
gekhøf ivi | dentist's office | 牙科醫院
gekhøf | dentistry | 牙科
gekhøy | dentist | 牙科醫
gekud | jaw bone | 衙骨; 牙床
geky | geisha | 藝妓
gekyn | root of the teeth | 牙根
gekøf | toothpaste | 牙膏
gemngg | government office; Yamen | 衙門
geng | to face or meet; vigor; stiff | 迎; 勁; 硬
gengbien | head-on, coming toward one | 迎面
gengbin | head-on; coming toward one; face to face; headlong | 迎面
gengchyn | bridegroom goes to bride's family to escort her to wedding; go to escort one's bride from her home to one's own for the wedding | 迎親; 迎娶
gengciab | receive a visitor ceremoniously | 迎接
gengciexn | meet the enemy in battle; to engage enemy forces; to meet a visiting team | 迎戰
genggeeng | feeling unhappy | 凝凝
genggerng | longan | 龍眼
genghap | pander; to cater to another's wishes | 迎合
genghoeq | blood blister; contusion; bruise | 瘀血; 凝血
genghuiq | extravasated blood; blood clot | 瘀血; 凝血
gengkeg | to make frontal attack; to meet enemy; intercept (an advancing enemy) | 迎擊
gengkied | coagulate | 凝結
gengkox | clot; coagulate; solidify; solidification; become solid | 凝固
gengpyn | to receive a guest | 迎賓
gengsaxng | greet (new arrivals) and see off (the departing); hail-and-farewell | 迎送
gengsi | to stare at; look intently; look steadily; watch intently | 凝視
gengsiin | to welcome spirits after ceremony | 迎神
gengsw | meditate | 凝思
gengsym | cold hear; concentrate | 心冷; 凝心; 無甘心; 鬱悶
gengsyn khieku | forsake the old for the new; fickle-minded | 迎新棄舊
gengsyn sarngku | usher in the new and send off the old; (a dinner party held) to greet a new boss; fellow students; etc and bid good-bye to those departing | 迎新送舊
gengsyn | welcome newcomers | 迎新
gengtaxng | coagulate, congeal, solidify | 凝凍
gengtek | meet the enemy; to go out and challenge enemy; meet the enemy in battle | 迎敵
gengzhwn | the jasmine; celebrating the spring festival; welcome spring; ceremony of greeting the new year | 迎春
geqarmmii | a moonless night | 月暗暝
geqbaai | crescent moo | 月眉
geqbea | end of the month | 月尾
geqgoaxjit | more than a month | 月外日; 一個多月
geqgoaxlit | over a month | 月外日
geqha | moonlight night; under the moon | 月下
geqhong | monthly salary | 月俸
geqhun | a month; monthly | 月份
geqkefng | the menstruation; the menses | 月經
geqkhafn | a monthly periodical | 月刊
geqkhiim | stringed instrument | 月琴
geqkhør | monthly examination | 月考
geqkib | monthly salary; monthly pay | 月薪
geqkngf | moonlight | 月光
geqkngmii | moonnight | 月光暝
geqlai | mother or woman within a month after baby bearing | 月內; 做月子
geqlaihiofng | tuberose | 月來香
geqlaixhofng | puerperal fever | 月內風
geqlaixpaang | maternal confinement room | 月內房
geqlit | a month | 月日
geqniuu | moon | 月亮; 月娘
geqpviar | moon cake for the Mid-Autumn Festival | 月餅
geqpvoax | about the 15th day of the month | 月半
geqseg | moonlight | 月色
geqsid | lunar eclipse; eclipse of the moon | 月蝕; 月食
geqsixn | the menstruation; the menses | 月信; 月經
geqsu | the menstruation; the menses | 月經; 月事
geqsyn | monthly salary; monthly pay | 月薪
geqthaau | beginning of the month | 月頭
geqthøo | alpinia | 月桃
geqtiofng | middle of the month | 月中
geqviar | the shadow of the moon | 月影
geqvii | complete month; full moon; child's achievement of month of life | 月圓
geqzhoef | beginning of a month | 月初
geqzhof | beginning of the month | 月初
geqzhud | moonrise | 月出
geqzohuix | monthly rent | 月租費
gerng | grind; to crush | 研; 研磨; 磨; 壓碎
gesea | satirize; mock; criticize | 諷刺
geseg | ivory color | 牙色
gesiaau | hate (vulgar); to disgust | 厭惡; 㤉潲; 怨恨; 討厭
gethaang | bud worm | 芽蟲
geti | ivory chopsticks | 牙箸; 象牙筷子
gex | to gnaw; gnaw | 囓; 嚙; 咬; 啃
gexbuun | literature and the arts | 藝文
gexjiin | performing artist; actor; acrobat | 藝人
gexky | geisha (girl) | 藝妓
gexkøq | the fine arts as a creative field; float | 藝擱; 花車
gexlek | willpower; will | 毅力
gexliin | artist | 藝人
gexmiaa | artist's stage name; stage name | 藝名
gexniu | amusement; pastime; diversion | 藝量; 消遣
gexoaan | artisan; any member of artistic profession | 藝員
gexoarn | artistic or literary salon; art gallery | 藝苑
gexphirn | artifacts | 藝品
gexsudhe | Department of Fine Arts (college or university) | 藝術系
gexsudji | characters (printed or written) in a fancy style | 藝術字
gexsudkaf | artist | 藝術家
gexsudkaix | the world of art; artistic circles | 藝術界
gexsudphirn | art piece; work of art | 藝術品
gexsut kaoiok | art education | 藝術教育
gexsut thienzaai | artistic talent | 藝術天才
gexsut | art; artistic; arts | 藝術
gexsut-hak | art scholarship; creative art scholarship | 藝術學
gexsut-ji | art characters | 藝術字
gexsut-kaf | artist | 藝術家
gexsut-koarn | art museum | 藝術館
gexsut-phirn | object d'art | 藝術品
gexthoaan | art organization; a theatre company; a theatre troupe | 藝團
gextvoaa | art world | 藝壇
gextvoax | hetaira; geisha; girl artist of song and dance; geisha (girl) | 藝妲
gezhngg | teeth ridge; gum; jawbone; gums | 牙床
gezøkud | jawbone | 牙槽骨; 顎骨
gezøo puxlaang | pyorrhea | 牙床化膿; 牙槽孵膿
gezøo | lower jaw; lower jawbone | 牙槽; 下牙床; 牙床
gezøthaau | back part of the lower jaw | 下顎頭; 牙槽頭
giarnggee | to gnash the teeth; provide an explanation; try to defend oneself | 齜牙; 齴牙
giøqgeh | jeer or mock at | 瞟睨; 嘲弄
goansie gexsut | primitive arts | 原始藝術
gvexgee | talk tough; refuse to admit mistake | 硬牙; 嘴硬; 死無承認
gviawgee | flaunt; to show off | 誇耀
gvofgek pexbuo | disobedient to parents | 忤逆爸母
gvofgek takekvoaf | disobedient to one's father-in-law and mother-in-law | 忤逆公婆; 忤逆乾家官
gvofgek | rebellion; defiant; disobedient; openly oppose one's parents; disobedient to parents | 忤逆
hagge | to learn a trade; arts and sciences | 學藝
hak juu gegsuie hengciw | Move ahead or be pushed backwards. (Learning is like sailing a boat up stream.) | 學如逆水行舟
henggee | second teeth, permanent teeth | 行牙; 永久齒
henggek | rebellious | 橫逆; 蠻橫
hiernge | stage performance of special skills; appear on stage for a performance | 獻藝
hiongthor gexsut | local art; native art or handicraft; folk craft | 鄉土藝術
hngge | horticulture; art of gardening | 園藝
hoafngek | rebellion; treason; revolt against | 背逆; 反逆
hoangeeng | welcome | 歡迎
hoangeeng-hoe | reception (welcome) | 歡迎會
hoangeeng-mngg | a welcome gate | 彩牌
hoatgee | to put out a sprout; shoot or bud | 發芽
hoege tiefnlarm | flower show | 花藝展覽
hokgerng | a longan tree or fruit | 福眼; 福龍眼
honggee | a rainbow | 紅霓; 彩虹
honggeeng | to meet and greet | 逢迎
hoxnggeeng | adulate | 奉迎
huxngengthoo | concrete | 混凝土
huyzhuix-gek | emerald; jade | 翡翠玉
hvoaigek | rebellious; disobedient; lawless | 橫逆
iefn'ge | appear on stage for a performance | 演藝
iefnge | performing arts; perform some act; skill or magic | 演藝
iefnge-jin'oaan | performer; a player; a magician | 演藝人員
iofngge | brave and firm (church) | 勇毅
iuge | recreation | 遊藝
iugexhoe | exhibition of student's work | 遊藝會
iuogee | bud; a sprout | 幼芽
jiaugee | agent, hatchet man, minion | 奴才
jiawgee | cat's paw; running dog; dupe; to work for the interest of an opposing group at the expense of one's own | 爪牙; 吃裡扒外
jixgeh | February | 二月
kangge | stalwart; tough and determined; resolute; unwavering; gift of fortitude (Catholic) | 剛毅; 堅強有決斷
kangge-haghau | technological school | 工藝學校
kangge-hak | technology | 工藝學
kangge-kaoiok | technical education | 工藝教育
kangge-phirn | handicraft articles or object | 工藝品
kanggexphirn | industrial product; manufactured article | 工藝品
kawgee | dog's teeth | 狗齒; 狗牙
kaxgee | to clamp the teeth together | 咬牙
kaxgee-chietkhie | gnash one's teeth (in pain or rage) | 咬牙切齒
khiokge | ballad singing and story telling; trivial skills; music art | 曲藝
khygee | tooth | 齒牙
kige | artistry; skill; crafts | 技藝
kimgek | treasure, gold and jade | 金玉
kimky-geghiøh | member of royal family | 金枝玉葉
kionggeeng | to welcome respectfully; welcome respectfully | 恭迎
kngrgee | steel teeth | 鋼牙
kongge | stalwart; tough and determined; resolute; unwavering; gift of fortitude (Catholic) | 剛毅; 堅強有決斷
kuygeh | July in lunar | 鬼月
kviugee | ginger sprout; ginger bud | 薑芽
kvoagee | government office; police station | 官衙
laggeqtafng | June winter meaning summer harvest crops | 喇叭
laggeqthvy | lunar June which is the hottest month | 六月天
lamgek | sapphire | 藍石; 藍玉
larnggeh | every other month | 閬月
laxnggee | triumph over a conquered enemy (fig From cricket fighting) | 弄牙; 恥笑; 耀武揚威
lefngge | speak sarcastically | 冷牙; 冷笑
leggek | beryl, emerald | 綠玉
lenggefngchiu | logan tree | 龍眼樹
lenggefngchiuxkhaf | under logan tree | 龍眼樹跤
lenggefngkvoaf | dried dragon eye fruit | 龍眼乾
lenggefngzaang | logan tree | 龍眼欉
lenggerng | logan; dragon eye fruit | 龍眼
liaugee | long protruding teeth; buck teeth; fangs | 獠牙
liexngek | purgatory | 煉獄
liogge | the classical six arts(propriety; music; archery; riding; writing; arithmetic); six arts (rites; music; archery; chariot; driving learning; mathematics) which ancient Chinese scholars were required to master | 六藝; 禮,樂,射,御,書,數
longge hagkaf | agronomist | 農藝學家
longge | agronomy | 農藝
longge-hagkaf | an agronomist | 農藝學家
longgexhak | agronomy | 農藝學
luxn'geh | leap month | 閏月
løh texgek | go to hell | 下地獄
mnggee | front teeth | 門牙
moafgeh | newborn who is one year’s old | 滿月
ng'geg'ar | topaz; chrysolite | 黃玉仔
nggek | chrysolite | 黃玉
nikwgeqchym | over time | 年久月深
nngfgek | nephrite | 軟玉
oan'ge | horticulture, gardening | 園藝
oan'ge-hak | horticulture | 園藝學
oange | horticulture; gardening | 園藝
oangek | horticulture, gardening | 園藝
oangexhe | Dept of gardening (of a university) | 園藝系
ochvy genghuiq | blood stasis | 烏青凝血
paesuhagge | apprenticeship | 拜師學藝
pauhgee | germination; sprouting; budding; germinate; to sprout; to bud | 發芽
peqgee | white bud | 白芽
peqgek | white jade | 白玉
phahphog'ar hoangeeng | receive a person with applause; clap one's hands in applause | 打拍仔; 手歡迎
pi gegthaixkoong | masochism | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
pixgegkoong | masochism | 被虐狂
pixgek-koong | masochism | 被虐狂
poaxngek | to revolt against; revolt; sedition; rebellion; one who rebels against his country or superiors; mutineer | 叛逆
poaxngek-ciar | rebel | 叛逆者
poexgek | disobedient; unruly; rebellious; refractory; to rebel; to revolt; disobey a sovereign or good doctrine | 悖逆; 背逆
pokgee | sprouting; tooth convex; sprout (lit; fig) | 冒芽; 暴牙; 萌芽
puhgee | budding; sprout; put forth buds | 萌芽; 發芽
putsiu hoangeeng ee laang | unwelcome visitor; persona non grata | 無受歡迎的人
pviekangge | articraft | 變工藝
pvoax geqlit | half month | 半月日
pøexgek | rebel | 背逆; 悖逆
pøfgek | precious jade | 寶玉
pørgee | the cry of insects or birds in cluster | 播牙; 成群而鳴; (蚊子)[*]
pøxgek | cruel; tyrannical | 暴虐
sarngku gengsyn | bid farewell to those departing; and greet the arrival of new comers; send off the old year and usher in the new | 送舊迎新
sefgee | satirize; mock; criticize | 諷刺
sibge | apprenticeship | 習藝
sibgexsor | vocational training center; handicraft class | 習藝所
sin'ge zonghabthea | cinemascope | 新藝綜合體
sitgeeng | Excuse me for not having greeted you I am sorry that I was out when you called | 失迎
sitgeh | eclipse | 蝕月
siu hoangeeng | be welcomed; be received or treated graciously; find favor in one's eyes | 受歡迎
siøfgeh | leap month | 小月
suxn'geh | month of childbirth | 順月
suxngek | forward and reverse- on planet's movement | 順逆
svisilidgeh | birthday and horoscope | 生時日月
sviugek | inlay with precious stones, set a jewel | 鑲玉
sviwgeh | admiring the moon | 賞月
svoaf-genggerng | mountain longan | 山龍眼
taang-gezøo | bronze jaw, a person refuses to admit mistake | 銅牙槽; 槓頭
taixgee | molar (tooth) | 大牙; 臼齒
tanggezøo | falsely and doggedly refusing to admit a fault; stubborn | 同蚜嘈; 頑固無化; 嘴硬
tauxgee | bean sprouts (more succulent than tau-chhai) | 豆芽
tauxzhaegee | bean sprout | 豆菜芽
tefnggeh | last month | 頂月
tege | tea art | 茶藝
tegexkoarn | teahouse restaurant | 茶藝館
terng geqlit | last month | 頂月日
texgek ee efngkhor | eternal pains of hell | 地獄的永苦
texgek | hell; Hades | 地獄
thaugee | first worship of earth god on Jan.2 (lunar calendar) | 頭牙; (農曆正月二日; 祭拜土地公)
thefge | divert oneself | 體藝; 消遣性的
thienkawciaqgeh | Tengu eclipse moon | 天狗食月
thientoong texgek | Heaven and Hell | 天堂地獄
thihkhie tanggezøo | literally, iron teeth copper jawbone ─ obstinately refusing to admit a fault or error and doggedly telling lies in defense | 鐵齒銅牙槽
thihkhie taxnggezøo | literally; iron teeth copper jawbone ─ obstinately refusing to admit a fault or error and doggedly telling lies in defense | 倔強頑固; 死無認錯
thoan'ge | transfer art | 傳藝
thofgee | sprout (Lit. fig) | 萌芽
thokgee | pick one's teeth | 剔牙
thøgee | green peach aphid | 通蚜; 波斯蚜
tikøgee | hog teeth | 豬哥牙
tionggee | central incisors (teeth) | 中牙; 門
tionggien'gegnie | loyalty | 忠言逆耳
toan'gee | general shape; outline; clue; sigens | 端倪
toaxgeh | months with 31 days | 大月
toggee | poison fangs | 毒牙
tokgek | carve or work precious stones | 啄玉; 琢玉
toxsiøfgeh | a famous Tainan noodle shop- getting by a tough short month | 度小月
tukøgee | pig tooth | 豬哥牙
tøexgek | a hell, an inferno | 地獄
tøzaai tøge | great ability; versatile; master of all trades | 多才多藝
viafsiong-gexsut | the art of photo-taking | 影像藝術
ygee-hoangee | tooth for tooth; repay evil with evil | 以牙還牙
zaige | gifted in arts; ability; skill; dexterity | 才藝
zhoargee | crooked tooth | 斜牙
zhonggek | chalcedony | 玉髓
zhutgee | to put out a sprout; shoot or bud | 發芽
zhvebin-liaugee | evil looking; coarse looking | 青面獠牙
zhvebixnliaugee | green-faced fangs | 青面獠牙
zhvegek | emerald | 青玉; 翡翠
zoadge | unique feat; stunt or performance | 絕藝
zoeagee | make teeth | 做牙
zoeageqlai | rest and recuperate body and mind after childbirth | 做月內
zoex-kangge | make artifacts | 做工藝
zongge | variety show | 綜藝
zonghap gexsut | art which requires both visual sense and hearing to appreciate (such as performing arts) | 綜合藝術
zoxtiu uigek | help wicked people to continue to do bad things | 助紂為虐
zøeagee | observe the 2nd or 16th day of the lunar month | 做牙
zøex-kangge | keep busy, killing time, occupy oneself | 做工藝
zørgee | observe the second and sixteenth of each month with worship of te-ki-chu | 做牙; (拜土地公)
zørkangge | occupy oneself, keep busy (to pass the time on the train or when retired) | 做工藝
zørthefge | have as a hobby | 做體藝; 著玩
zøx-kangge | keep busy, killing time, occupy oneself | 做工藝; 消遣
zøxge | accomplishments; attainments | 造詣

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