geg'aau | be unpleasant to throat; to stick in the throat | 逆喉; 無順喉
geg'ah | jade box | 玉匣; 玉盒
geg'ar | sampan; gem (usually Jade | 玉仔; 舢舨
geg'ixn | jade stamp; jade seal | 玉印
gegbeng | disobey order | 逆命; 違背命令
gegchiafm | the tuberose; jade clasp | 玉簪
gegcie | against imperial decree; against wish | 逆旨; 違背聖旨
gegee | uncomfortable | 睨睨; 不舒服,怪怪的; 有點討人厭; 無舒服
gegheeng | movement in an opposite direction; conduct contrary to normal rules; proceed in the opposite direction | 逆行
geghioxng | go in the opposite direction | 逆向
geghoad | rebel against law | 逆法
geghofng | go against the wind; be at a disadvantage; head wind | 逆風
geghvi | be offensive to the hearer; be unpleasant to hear | 逆耳
gegkafng | jade worker | 玉工
gegkerng | adverse circumstances; bad fortune; adversity | 逆境
gegkhix | jade vessels; jade utensils; jade wares; jade articles | 玉器
gegkhoaan | jade bracelet | 玉環
geglaihiofng | tuberose | 玉來香; 夜來香
gegliau | foretell; anticipate; foresee | 逆料
geglie | go against the principle; violate human obligation; contrary to reason | 逆理
gegliuu | reverse current; something that goes against the flow; adverse current | 逆流
gegloo | jade stove; jade furnace | 玉爐
gegluun | rebellious to the family order | 逆輪; 逆倫
gegnie | be offensive to the hearer; grate on the ears (of statements) | 逆耳
gegpaan | a jade vial | 玉瓶
gegpoef | jade cup | 玉杯
gegpvoaa | jade plate or tray | 玉盤
gegsad | slaughter, massacre, genocide | 逆殺; 屠殺
gegsexng | go against nature | 逆性; 違背人性
gegsiin | traitors and usurpers; minister who has switched loyalty to another ruler | 逆臣
gegsuie hengciw | boat going against the stream; sail a boat against the current | 逆水行舟
gegsym | in disagreement with what one wants | 逆心; 無順心
gegthai | maltreat; to torment; ill-treat | 逆待; 虐待
gegthaixkoong | maltreat; torment; torture; sadism; sadist | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
gegthiefn | offend against Heaven | 逆天
gegthorng | a rebel party or group | 逆黨
gegthvy | offend against Heaven | 逆天
gegtiøh | opposing | 逆到; 生氣
gegtui | jade pendant | 玉墜
gegzhaf | deficit | 逆差
gegzhuix | broken jade | 玉碎
gegzoarn | deteriorate; turn for the worse | 逆轉
gegzuie | go against the current | 逆水
gegzuo | an unfilial son; unfilial; disobedient or recalcitrant child | 逆子
gegzw | jade bead | 玉珠
hak juu gegsuie hengciw | Move ahead or be pushed backwards. (Learning is like sailing a boat up stream.) | 學如逆水行舟
kimky-geghiøh | member of royal family | 金枝玉葉
ng'geg'ar | topaz; chrysolite | 黃玉仔
pi gegthaixkoong | masochism | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
pixgegkoong | masochism | 被虐狂
tionggien'gegnie | loyalty | 忠言逆耳
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