"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: gex

binkafn gexsut | folk art | 民間藝術
bungexkaix | literary circles | 文藝界
chiwkanggexphirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
engzhuix gex køekhaf | nothing to do but lick chicken bones | 閒著啃雞腳
geagex`leq | gnaw roughly | 啃啃咧; 嚙嚙咧
gex | to gnaw; gnaw | 囓; 嚙; 咬; 啃
gexbuun | literature and the arts | 藝文
gexjiin | performing artist; actor; acrobat | 藝人
gexky | geisha (girl) | 藝妓
gexkøq | the fine arts as a creative field; float | 藝擱; 花車
gexlek | willpower; will | 毅力
gexliin | artist | 藝人
gexmiaa | artist's stage name; stage name | 藝名
gexniu | amusement; pastime; diversion | 藝量; 消遣
gexoaan | artisan; any member of artistic profession | 藝員
gexoarn | artistic or literary salon; art gallery | 藝苑
gexphirn | artifacts | 藝品
gexsudhe | Department of Fine Arts (college or university) | 藝術系
gexsudji | characters (printed or written) in a fancy style | 藝術字
gexsudkaf | artist | 藝術家
gexsudkaix | the world of art; artistic circles | 藝術界
gexsudphirn | art piece; work of art | 藝術品
gexsut kaoiok | art education | 藝術教育
gexsut thienzaai | artistic talent | 藝術天才
gexsut | art; artistic; arts | 藝術
gexsut-hak | art scholarship; creative art scholarship | 藝術學
gexsut-ji | art characters | 藝術字
gexsut-kaf | artist | 藝術家
gexsut-koarn | art museum | 藝術館
gexsut-phirn | object d'art | 藝術品
gexthoaan | art organization; a theatre company; a theatre troupe | 藝團
gextvoaa | art world | 藝壇
gextvoax | hetaira; geisha; girl artist of song and dance; geisha (girl) | 藝妲
goansie gexsut | primitive arts | 原始藝術
hiongthor gexsut | local art; native art or handicraft; folk craft | 鄉土藝術
iugexhoe | exhibition of student's work | 遊藝會
kanggexphirn | industrial product; manufactured article | 工藝品
longgexhak | agronomy | 農藝學
oangexhe | Dept of gardening (of a university) | 園藝系
sibgexsor | vocational training center; handicraft class | 習藝所
tegexkoarn | teahouse restaurant | 茶藝館
viafsiong-gexsut | the art of photo-taking | 影像藝術
zonghap gexsut | art which requires both visual sense and hearing to appreciate (such as performing arts) | 綜合藝術

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