"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: giaxm

Longliim chiegiaxmtviuu | Government Experimental Farm and Nursery | 農林試驗場
chiegiaxmseg | laboratory | 試驗室
giaxm'ek | to inspect for epidemic disease; to quarantine | 驗疫
giaxm'gud | examined (a note stamped on or attached to finished products) | 驗訖
giaxmbeeng | to verify by examination; ascertain by a test or examination | 驗明
giaxmhoeq | blood test | 驗血
giaxmhofng | to inspect and seal up | 驗封
giaxmhuiq | blood test | 驗血
giaxmjiø | urine test; urinalysis | 驗尿
giaxmkhaxm | investigate; inspect | 驗勘
giaxmkhvoax | to inspect | 驗看
giaxmkngf | optometry; examine eyesight | 驗光; 驗光 (眼睛)
giaxmsikvoaf | coroner | 驗屍官
giaxmsiofng | to examine wounds; examine an injury for legal purposes | 驗傷
giaxmsiw | examine and accept (buildings; goods; etc) after ascertaining that the quality or quantity meets requirements | 驗收
giaxmsoaxn | check computations | 驗算
giaxmsy | to examine corpse; perform autopsy; autopsy; post-mortem examination | 驗屍
giaxmthaam | examine sputum under microscope | 驗痰
giaxmtien | electricity examination | 驗電
giaxmtiexnkhix | electroscope | 驗電器
giaxmtvoaf | inspection bill | 驗單
giaxmzexng | to identify, identification | 癌症
gygieen sidgiaxmseg | language laboratory | 語言實驗室
hoargiaxm'oaan | a tester | 化驗員
hoargiaxmseg | a loborator | 化驗室
kenggiaxmciar | man of experience; veteran | 經驗者
kenggiaxmtaam | story of one's experiences | 經驗談
khaikoafn-giaxmsy | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein; exhumation | 開棺驗屍
khuikoafn giaxmsy | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
khuikoafn-giaxmsy | to open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
kiafmgiaxmsor | inspection office | 檢驗所
longgiap chiegiaxmsor | agricultural laboratory; experimental farm | 農業試驗所
longgiap chiegiaxmtviuu | experimental farm; agricultural experiment station | 農業試驗場
phoarpag giaxmsy | post-mortem examination; an autopsy | 剖腹驗屍
sidgiaxmseg | laboratory | 實驗室
sidgiaxmtaai | laboratory bench | 實驗台
thefgiaxmciar | experiencer | 體驗者
thefgiaxmtiøh | experienced | 體驗著
zuysarn chiegiaxmsor | fisheries research institute | 水產試驗所

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