"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: giefn

Kanggiefnvi | ITRI | 工研院
Tionggiefnvi | Academia Sinica | 中研院
ciamsym giefnkiux | study diligently,and concentrately with a quiet mind | 潛心研究
giefn | beautiful; to grind; letter paper; hamper; to carry on the shoulder | 妍; 研; 箋; 簍; 掮; 揅
giefnhoad | research and development | 研發
giefnkiuohoe | seminar, scholar's meeting for intensive research | 研究會
giefnkiuohuix | research fund; research grant | 研究費
giefnkiuopafn | post-graduate class | 研究班
giefnkiuosefng | researcher; post-graduate student | 研究生
giefnkiuoseg | research laboratory | 研究室
giefnkiuosor | research center; research laboratory | 研究所
giefnkiuovi | research institute | 研究院
giefnkiux hoatpiawhoe | meeting for the presentation of the results of study | 研究發表會
giefnkiux thoanthea | research body | 研究團體
giefnkiux | to research; to study carefully; to investigate; study and research | 研究
giefnphvoax | research and judge | 研發
giefnsibhoe | symposium; seminar; workshop | 研習會
giefnsip | study; research and study | 研習
giefnsiw-hoe | study session, workshop | 研修會
giefnthok | to study; do research | 研讀
giefnthøfhoe | workshop; seminar; symposium | 研討會
giefnthør | enter into; research; study and discuss | 研討
giefnzeeng | at present | 眼前
tionggiefnvi | Academia Sinica | 中研院
u-giefnkiux | expert in, experienced in | 有研究

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