"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Sioxngzuo ee taixgienjiin | person of foresight or forethought (Note: The prophets in the Scriptures are translated as Siong-chu e tai-gian-jin (上主的代言人) spokesman of God.) | 先知; (上主的代言人)
akchiuo gienhoafn | shake hands and converse cheerfully | 握手言歡
bungienbuun | the written language used in old China which is vastly different from the spoken language | 文言文
chitgiensy | an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line; verses with seven characters to a line | 七言詩
gien | to grind | 研
gien'gie | language | 言語
gien'guo | language | 言語
gienbuun | language | 語文
giengie hagciar | linguist; philologist | 言語學者
giengie | speech; words; language | 言語; 語言
giengoa | the meaning between the lines; between the lines | 言外
giengoa-cy-ix | overtones; hidden meaning between the lines; innuendo | 言外之意
giengoe | the meaning between the lines; between the lines | 言外
gienguo | language; dialect | 言語
gienguo-hak | philology | 言語學
giengwhak | philology; linguistics | 言語學; 語言學
gienheeng ittix | conformity of one's action to one's word | 言行一致
gienheeng | words and deed; speech and behavior; words and actions | 言行
gienheeng-lok | sayings and personal stories of eminent men; a form of biography. | 言行錄
gienhenglok | chronicle of one's sayings and deeds | 言行錄
gienkhyn | words carry little weight | 言輕
gienlun zuxiuu | freedom of speech | 言論自由
gienlun | speech; discussion; open discussion | 言論
gienluxnkaix | press; journalistic world | 言論界
giensia | to say thanks; to thank | 言謝
giensuu | speech; words | 言辭; 言詞
gientaam | conversation; words and speech | 言談; 談吐
gientiong | words carry heavy weight; am embarrassed by words; one's words counted of weight | 言重
gientioxng | predict should come about | 言中; 說中了
gientong | what one says and does | 言動
gienzeg | duty of expressing criticism; opinion during tenure of office | 言責
gienzong | description | 言狀
gvofgiensy | verses with five characters to a line | 五言詩
gwgienhak | Llinguistics | 語言學
gygienhak | language teaching method | 語言學
hoatgienjiin | a spokesperson | 發言人
hoatgienkoaan | the right to speak | 發言權
itgientoong | rule by the voice of one man only | 一元堂; 一言堂
lyzexng-giensun | right reason with fitting words | 理正言順
sie-giexngien | dead | 死殗殗
sygiexn'gien | dead | 死殗殗
sygiexngien | hopeless | 死翹翹; 比喻此事完全沒望了
taixgienjiin | a spokesman; a prophet | 代言人
taixgienliin | spokesperson | 代言人
tionggien'gegnie | loyalty | 忠言逆耳
uxgienciar | prophet; fortune-teller (Note: A prophet in the Bible is translated as Siong-Chu e tai-gian-jin meaning; spokesman of God | 預言者

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