"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Augoaan | EURO dollar | 歐元
Cioxnggoaan | highest literal degree | 狀元
Haxgoaan | fifteenth day of the tenth lunar month | 下元
Honggoaan | a village in ‘Taitiofng' County Taiwan | 豐原
Konggoaan | the Christian era, A.D | 公元
Konggoaan-zeeng | before the Christ era, B.C | 公元前
Segoaan | A.D.; Western Calendar | 西元
Sioxnggoaan | fifteenth of the first moon (the lantern Festival) | 上元; 元宵節
Thogoaan | a city in Kaohsiung County | 桃源
Thøgoaan | a city in Kaohsiung County | 桃源
Tionggoaan | Lantern Festival (15 Jan.); fifteenth of the seventh lunar month, special day for worship of ancestral tablets | 中原; 中元
bwcioxnggoaan | the No.1 of the national military examinations | 武狀元
chiuu kingoaan | investigate carefully (having found a clue); so as to find the real root and origin of the matter | 揪根源; 追溯根源
ciaogoaan | (adj) as before; as in the past | 照原; 按照原來; 復原; 照樣; 照舊
cigoaan | resource support | 支源
cioxnggoaan | champion; kemp; highest degree given to the applicant who passed the final imperial examination (ancient system); today this title is given to the applicant who passed an entrance examination with honor | 狀元
cirngoaan | epicenter | 震源
gin'goaan | silver dollar (a coin formerly in circulation), yuan, an arbitrarily fixed monetary unit worth NT$3 used as a standard in fines only | 銀元, 銀圓
gingoaan | silver dollar (a coin formerly in circulation); yuan; an arbitrarily fixed monetary unit worth NT$3 used as a standard in fines only | 銀元; 銀元,銀圓
goaan | original; source | 原
goaan-khythaau | the very origin | 源起頭; 起初
goangoaan jii laai | come in an endless flow | 源源而來
goangoaan putzoat | continue without end | 源源無絕
goangoaan | originate; origins; basic principles; beginnings | 原原
gwgoaan | etymology | 語源
gwgoaan-hagkaf | etymologist | 語源學家
haxgoaan | October 15th of lunar calendar | 下元; 陰曆十月十五日
haygoaan | the sea | 海原
hoangoaan | revert; reduction | 還原
hoatgoaan | origin; source; origin | 發源
hoatgoaan-tøe | the place of origin, source | 發源地
hoggoaan | restore; rehabilitate; to recuperate; restore to its original state | 復原; 復元
honggoaan | wilderness | 荒野; 荒原
huogoaan | resources | 富源; 富(資); 富資源
høeagoaan | supply of commodity, source of supply | 貨源
ien'goaan | source, origin | 淵源
iengoaan | origin; source; source | 淵源
igoaan | as usual | 依原
itgoaan-lun | monism | 一元論
iugoaan | still; yet | 猶原; 仍然; 還是
jixgoaan | etymology of a word | 字源; 二元
jixgoaan-hoarhabbut | binary compounds | 二元化合物
kanggoaan | cognate | 同源
khaigoaan | broaden sources of income | 開源
khaigoaan-cietliuu | open the fountains and restrict the outflow ─ study ways to profit and limit expenditure | 開源節流
khehgoaan | customer source | 客源
khygoaan | origin; souce; beginning; origin; beginning; genesis | 起源
kiegoaan | epoch; era | 紀元
kin'goaan | source, root of the matter, the cause, origin | 根源
kingoaan | source; origin; root; source; root of the matter; the cause; origin | 根源
kipcirntofng'goaan | extremist | 急進黨員
knggoaan | luminary, light-source | 光源
konggoaan | in the year of our Lord...; A.D. of Christian calendar | 公元
kuigoaan | revert to the original restore to the original | 歸原; 還原
kun'goaan | source | 根源
kungoaan | origin; source | 根源
kygoaan | beginning of a reign or era | 紀元
kygoaan-au | after Christ, A.D | 紀元後
kygoaan-zeeng | before Christ, B.C | 紀元前
køgoaan | plateau | 高原
laigoaan | source; origin | 來源
lenggoaan | energy resource; source of energy; source of power | 能原; 能源
liaugoaan cy hoea | great prairie fire | 燎原之火
lixgoaan | natural resources | 利源
loaxn'goaan | source of chaos | 亂源
penggoaan | moor; plain; prairie; manpower as a source of conscription | 平原; 兵源
pvexgoaan | cause of a disease; origin of a disease | 病原
pvixgoaan | source of a disease | 病源
pwngoaan | origin; fountainhead; source; cause; ultimate | 本源; 原本
samgoaan | three great principles (essence; breath; and spirit) the three primordial powers: heaven; earth and water | 神); 氣; 三元 (精
seagoa thøgoaan | imaginary; ideal world; secluded paradise | 世外桃源
seagoaan | tax resource | 稅源
segoaan | AD | 西元
senggoaan | member | 成員
sioxnggoaan | January 15th (Lunar year); fifteenth of the first moon (the lantern Festival) | 上元
soeagoaan | tax source | 稅源
suygoaan | water source | 水源
syn kygoaan | new era | 新紀元
tan'goaan | a unit, a single course | 同源; 單元
tangoaan | unit; complete entity; complete unit; (as opposed to a portion or section) | 單元
thoan'goaan | member | 團員
thuipurn sokgoaan | investigate origins; ascertain the causes; trace the origins | 推本溯源
tiexn'goaan | power supply | 電源
tiexngoaan | source of electricity | 電源
tionggoaan | fifteenth of the seventh lunar month; special day for worship of ancestral tablets | 中元; 七月十五
tioxng cioxnggoaan | obtain the highest degree | 中狀元
tøgoaan | diversity | 多元
tøgoaan-lun | pluralism | 多元論
uixgoaan | bit | 位元
uliafmgoaan | pollutant | 汙染原
uygoaan | committee member uykhuttai vae | 委員
ymsuie-sugoaan | When you drink the water, think of the spring.--Be grateful for the means by which you have profited | 飲水思源
ymzuie-sugoaan | never forget one's origins | 飲水思源
zaigoaan | financial resource; source of revenue; source of revenue; financial resources | 財源
zhamgixgoaan | senator | 參議員
zhawgoaan | prairie; grassland | 草原
zoan'goaan | source of spring water | 泉源
zoxnggoaan | highest literary degree | 狀元
zugoaan | resources | 資源
zuygoaan | source of river or stream; riverhead | 水源
zvoagoaan | origin or source of water; fountain-head; fountainhead | 泉源

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