Serngbøfgoeh | Month of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母月
Serngsimgoeh | Month of the Sacred Heart (Catholic) | 聖心月
arngoeh huokhoarn | monthly installment | 按月付款
au køx goeh | next month | 後個月
auxkofgoeh | next month | 後個月; 下個月
bøkaogoeh | premature birth | 無夠月
ciokgoeh | full term | 足月
citkofgoeh | this month | 這個月
cviaf`goeh | January | 正月
cviagoeh cviathaau | first few days of the year sometimes including to about the fifteenth in which time debts are not collected and ill-omened language is avoided | 正月正頭; 大年初
cviagoeh | January | 正月
cviakofgoeh | almost one month | 成個月; 將近一個月
goeh vii | full moon | 月圓
goeh | month | 月
jixgoeh | February | 二月
juxn'goeh | leap month | 閏月
kofgoeh | month | 個月
kuygoeh | July in lunar | 鬼月
laggoeh | June; the sixth month | 六月
laqgoeh | twelfth moon of the lunar year | 臘月
larnggoeh | every other month | 閬月
luxn'goeh | intercalary month | 閏月
luxngoeh | extra month inserted seven times in nineteen years to make up the deficiency between the solar and the lunar cycles; intercalary month | 閏月
moafgoeh | month after childbirth | 彌月; 滿月
muygoeh | every month; per month | 每月
pvoax kofgoeh | half a month | 半個月
pvoax kørgoeh | half a month | 半個月
pwngoeh | the present month; the current month; this month | 本月
saiguboxnggoeh | rhino staring at moon | 犀牛望月
sitgoeh | eclipse | 蝕月
siøfgoeh | slack season | 小月
suxn'goeh | within a month before the time of childbirth | 順月
svesijidgoeh | date and time of birth | 生時日月; 出生年月日
sviwgoeh | enjoy the moonlight | 賞月
tefnggoeh | last month | 頂月
terng-kørgoeh | last month | 上個月
thienkawciaqgoeh | Tengu eclipse moon | 天狗食月
toaxgoeh | month in which much business is done; e.g.; the 7th or the 12th | 大月; 旺季
toxsiøfgoeh | a famous Tainan noodle shop- getting by a tough short month | 度小月
zabgoeh | October | 十月
zuytiofng-løgoeh | make obviously futile efforts; (Lit. try to fish the reflected moon out of water) (literally) | 水中撈月
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Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]