"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Goxgoeqzeq | The double fifth, the dragon boat festival on which dragon boat race is held, May 5th, by the lunar calendar | 五月節
au goeqjit | next month | 後月日
auxgoeqjit | next month | 後月日; 下個月
chitgoeqpvoax | fifteenth of the seventh lunar month, special day for worship of ancestral tablets | 七月十五, 中元
cidgoeqjit | a month | 一月日
cviaa goeqjit | about a month | 成月日
cviagoeqcviasii | Lunar new year | 正月正時
cviagoeqjit | almost one month | 成月日; 將近一個月
cviagoeqzhef | first ten days of the year | 正月初
goeqarmmee | a moonless night | 月暗暝
goeqarmmii | moonless night | 無月夜; 月暗暝
goeqbaai | half-moon or crescent moon | 月眉
goeqboea | end of a month | 月尾
goeqcy | monthly expenses | 月支
goeqgoaxjit | more than a month | 月外日; 一個多月
goeqhong | monthly salary | 月俸
goeqhun | month | 月份
goeqjit | month | 個月; 月日
goeqkefng putsun | irregular menses | 月經無順; 月經不調
goeqkefng thengcie | cessation of menses | 月經停止
goeqkefng | menses | 月經
goeqkengtoax | sanitary napkin | 月經帶
goeqkhafn | monthly publication; a monthly | 月刊
goeqkhiim | string instrument | 月琴
goeqkhør | monthly test | 月考
goeqkib | monthly salary | 月薪
goeqkiuu | the moon | 月球
goeqkngf | moonlight | 月光
goeqkngmee | moonlit night | 月光暝
goeqkngmii | moonlit night | 月光暝
goeqlai | during the month of confinement | 月內; 坐褥期
goeqlaihiofng | tuberose | 月來香
goeqlaixhofng | the month following childbirth when women more easily can get sick | 月內風
goeqlaixpaang | maternity room for women after having a baby | 月內房
goeqlek | full month calendar (as distinct from a day-by-day calendar) | 月曆
goeqniuu | the moon | 月娘
goeqphiøx | monthly ticket | 月票
goeqpviar | moon-cake | 月餅
goeqpvoax | fifteen of the month | 月半
goeqpøx | monthly report; monthly journal | 月報
goeqseg | monthly interest rate; monthly interest | 月息
goeqsid | lunar eclipse | 月蝕
goeqsiør | twenty-nine-day moon of the lunar calendar; 30-day month of the Gregorian calendar | 月小
goeqsu | menstruation | 月事
goeqsyn | monthly salary | 月薪
goeqtaai | railway platform; car or railway platform; platform (at a railway station) | 月臺
goeqtaiphiøx | platform ticket | 月台票
goeqtea | end of a month | 月底
goeqthaau | first decade of the month | 月頭
goeqthiah'ar | month calendar | 月拆仔; 月曆
goeqtiofng | middle of month | 月中
goeqtoa | thirty-day moon of the lunar calendar; 31-day month of the Gregorian calendar | 月大
goeqzhef | first decade of the month | 月初
goeqzohuix | rent | 月租費
goxgoeqzeq | the 5th of the 5th lunar month (a dragon boat regatta is held) | 五月節; 端午節
laggoeqseq | June snow | 六月雪
laggoeqtafng | harvest of the sixth moon; the first harvest | 六月冬; 第一期作
laggoeqthvy | lunar June which is the hottest month | 六月天
laggoeqzhef | beginning of June | 六月初
moafgoeqciuo | wine for celebrating one month old baby | 滿月酒
nigoeqjit | days; years | 年月日
nikwgoeqchym | over time | 年久月深
paix goeqniuu | worship the moon | 拜月亮
peq goeqjit | eight months | 八個月
pvoax goeqjit | half month | 半月日
tefnggoeqjit | last month | 頂月日
terng goeqjit | last month | 頂月日
zørgoeqlai | rest and recuperate body and mind after childbirth | 做月內

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