"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Augustine Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | MSSA: Miss. Sirs. of St. Augustine (Catholic) | 奧古斯丁傳教修女會
Banlaam-guo | Southern Min (South Fukien dialect of China) | 閩南語
Engguo | English language | 英語
Harnguo | Chinese; Han language | 漢語
Hiliap-guo | Greek spoken language | 希臘語
Hipeklaai-guo | Hebrew spoken language | 希伯來語
Hoaguo | Chinese language | 華語
Hoatguo | FrenchFrench; French speaking language | 法語
Høfhoef zhaq ti gusae | woman married to an unworthy husband (good flower planted in cow dung) | 好花插在牛糞
Jidguo | Japanese language | 日語
Khehguo | Hakka dialect | 客語
Latengguo | Latin language | 拉丁語
Lidguo | Japanese language | 日語
Luxnguo | Analects of Confucius | 論語
Paraguay | Paraguay | 巴拉圭
Taiguo | Taiwanese language | 台語; 臺語
Taiguo-buun | Taiwanese writing | 台語文
Tekguo | German | 德語
an'gui | safe and in danger | 安危
anguii | security and danger | 安危
armguo | secret code word | 暗語
arn'guo | a note, a comment | 案語; 按語
bafng'ar texng gukag | doesn't feel it; only slightly affected; remains unperturbed (Lit. a mosquito to stings a bull's horn) | 蚊仔螫牛角; 無在乎
baxnguu kau sayjiø | put off work; slow to get started (Lit. A sluggish ox leaves a lot of manure and urine.) | 慢牛厚屎尿; 懶牛屎尿多
begbek putguo | silent, speechless, without a word to say | 默默無言
bexguo | riddle; charade | 謎語
biauxguo | epigram | 妙語
bidguo | small talk; sweet or pleasant words | 蜜語; 密語
bogguu | wooeden fish, wooden resonator for recitation | 木魚
bun'guun | grained silver | 紋銀
bunguun | Chinese stampedsilver ingots | 錠銀; 紋銀
bwguo | native language; mother tongue | 母語
bwguun | capital money, principal | 母銀; 本金
bøfguo | mother tongue; native language | 母語
bøo guu sae bea | use the means at hand; make an adjustment (Lit. If there is no ox; then use a horse.) | 無牛駛馬; 事出無奈
chiahguu | red cattle; scalper; someone who cheats a person like by selling difficult to get tickets at a high price (Lit. brown or yellow cow) | 赤牛; 黃牛
chiapchiab-suguo | to whisper to each other | 竊竊私語
chiengieen-baxnguo | thousands and thousands of words; innumerable words | 千言萬語
chitgieen-patguo | all talking at once; lively discussion with everybody trying to get a word in | 七言八語
chiwguo | sign language | 手語
chixguu | graze cattle | 放牛
chvi'miguu | an illiterate | 青瞑牛; 文盲
chvimiguu | illiterate | 青盲牛; 文盲
chvy-gulyn | fresh milk | 生牛乳; 鮮奶
chvy-guny | fresh milk | 生牛乳; 生牛奶
ciapbøea-guo | ending words | 接尾語
ciapthauguo | joint language | 接頭語
cingui | real or false | 真偽
ciuoguo | incantation; conjuration; abracadabra; spell | 咒語
cviguun | money | 錢銀; 銀錢
cvygukarng | young bull | 幼公牛
engsviaf-iernguo | the pleasant effect of a woman's voice (Lit. like an oriole singing and a swallow talking) | 鶯聲燕語
gaxnguo | adage; proverb | 諺語
giaxm'gud | examined (a note stamped on or attached to finished products) | 驗訖
gien'guo | language | 言語
gienguo | language; dialect | 言語
gienguo-hak | philology | 言語學
goanguo | original language | 原語
goanguu | Thick-headed | 頑愚
goaxgu | affair; lover outside marriage; have a extra-marital affair | 外遇
goaxkokguo | foreign language | 外國語
goaxlaiguo | term borrowed from a foreign language | 外來語
goxngguu | foolish; stupid; silly; naive; ingenuous; open and sincere | 憨牛; 憨愚
gu | met | 遇
gu'ar | calf | 牛仔; 牛犢
gu'iuu | beef-fat; butter; grease; tallow; butter oil | 牛油; 奶油; 黃油
gu'wn | cattle plague; cattle epidemic | 牛瘟
gu`tiøh | happened to meet; suffer; meet with (something unfortunate) | 遇著; 遭到
guafkhox | blue-jean | 牛仔褲
guafkviar | calf | 牛仔囝; 牛犢子
guar | cattle | 牛仔; 牛
guar-kviar | calf | 牛仔囝; 牛犢
gubahciab | beef extract | 牛肉汁
gubahkvoaf | beef-jerky | 牛肉乾
gubahmi | noodles served with stewed beef | 牛肉麵
gubahtaxng | jellied beef-soup; beef consomme | 牛肉凍
gubahthngf | beef soup | 牛肉湯
gubahtiaxm | butcher shop | 牛肉店
gubahtviuu | theater for strip shows | 牛肉場; 脫衣舞秀
gubaq | beef | 牛肉
gubea | cattle and horses; slave for others: | 牛馬
gubiin zerngzheg | policy of keeping the people in ignorance under a dictatorship; obscurantism | 愚民政策
gubiin | to deceive; to keep people ignorant; to misguide | 愚民
guboea | oxtail | 牛尾
gubong | stupid and rash | 愚妄
guboong | ignorance; ignorant | 愚蒙
gubun | foolish question | 愚問
gubuo | cow | 母牛; 牛母
gubyjiin | a beautiful woman | 虞美人
gubyjiin-hoef | corn poppy | 虞美人花; 虞美人
gubøea | ox-tail; cow's tail; cattle's tail | 牛尾
gubør | cow | 母牛; 牛母
guchi | ox market | 牛市
guchiaf | ox-cart; ox cart | 牛車
guciaq | count of cattle | 牛隻
gucih | ox-tongue; cow's tongue; cattle's tongue; beef tongue | 牛舌
guciqpviar | Taiwanese cookies shape like cow’s tongue | 牛舌餅
gud | high with the top part flat; up to; till | 兀; 迄; 暨
gudefng | turkey vulture; a kind of baldheaded vulture | 兀鷹
gudhoef | a kind of peach flower | 兀花; 月桃花
gugieen | fable; parable | 寓言
gugong | stupid; foolish; stupidity; folly | 牛憨; 愚戇; 愚昧
guhefng | self-depreciatory reference to oneself when addressing a colleague or friend less advanced in age (usually used in correspondence) | 愚兄
guhi | ox-ear; cow's ear; cattle's ear | 牛耳
guhix | ox lung | 牛肺
guhoaxn | cattle buyer and seller | 牛販
guhw | a fool, a dunce | 愚夫
guhy | cow market | 牛墟; 販牛場
gui zerngkoaan | usurped authority | 偽政權
gui | false; counterfeit; simulated; artificial; illegal; not legally instituted | 偽
gui-kunzuo | hypocrite | 偽君子
guiboong | in great danger; danger of death | 危亡
guie | a surname; high | 隗; 頠
guigieen | as in a startling or shocking statement; cautious speech | 危言
guihai | to jeopardize; to harm; to endanger; injure | 危害
guiheeng | cautious conduct | 危行
guihiafmbut | dangerous goods; e.g.; explosives; poisons; inflammables | 危險物
guihiarm huxnzuo | dangerous elements; undesirable elements | 危險份子
guihiarm khuhek | danger zone | 危險區域
guihiarm sirnhø | danger signal | 危險信號
guihiarm susiorng | dangerous thoughts | 危險思想
guihiarm | danger; dangerous | 危險
guihiarm-sexng | danger, possibility of danger | 危險性
guii zai tarnsek | city under enemy attack that may fall at any moment; a patient critically ill and may die soon; dying | 危在旦夕
guii | to endanger; false; bogus; erroneous; wrong; danger | 危; 偽; 訛
guikib | emergency; critical; urgent; pressing | 危急
guikip | connoting risk and danger; urgent; pressing; hazardous; in a state of emergency | 危及
guiky | crisis; period of danger; danger point | 危機
guilaan | calamity; danger | 危難
guilan | peril, danger | 危難
guipeg | critical, urgent, pressing | 危逼; 急迫
guitog | critically ill; critical condition | 危篤
guiuu | butter, tallow, butter oil | 牛油
guixkunzuo | hypocrite | 偽君子
guixpex | counterfeit coin | 偽幣
guixsien | hypocrisy | 偽善
guixsiexnciar | hypocrite | 偽善者
guixzaq | protection | 偽詐
guixzernghuo | bogus government; government dominated by a usurper or traitor | 偽政府
guixzerngzoe | perjury (law) | 偽證罪
guixzexng | perjury; give false evidence | 偽證
guixzhaw | a counterfeity note; a forged banknote; counterfeit money | 偽鈔
guixzofng | to disguise; fake; camouflage | 偽裝
guixzø bunsw | counterfeit; forgery; false documents | 偽造文書
guixzø | to forge; to fabricate; to invent; forgery; forgery | 偽造
guixzø-zoe | forgery | 偽造罪
guixzøxciar | forger | 偽造者
guixzøxzoe | forgery | 偽造罪
gukaf | glue made from cowhide | 牛膠
gukafng | steer | 牛公; 公牛; 去勢牛
gukag | ox-horn; cow's horn; cattle's horn; cow or ox horn(s) | 牛角
gukak'hoef | sweet acacia | 牛角花
gukang'ar | young bulls; young male cattle | 牛公仔; 小公牛
gukarng | bull | 公牛; 牛犅
gukhaf | ox-feet | 牛腳
gukhidar | small wooden stake for tying cattle | 牛杙仔
gukhit | hitching post to tie up cows | 牛杙; 繫牛之小木柱
gukiexn | my humble opinion | 愚見
gukofng isafn | determined effort can move a mountain; Where there's a will; there's a way | 愚公移山
gukuun | herd of cattle | 牛群
gukyn | beef tendon; tendon from cattle | 牛筋
gukøf | bull | 種牛; 牛哥
gulang | derision | 愚弄
gularm | sirloin | 牛腩
gulat | cattle's strength; made all-out efforts | 牛力
gulaxnphasvoai | mango | 牛𡳞脬檨
gulefng | cow's milk; milk | 牛乳; 牛奶
gulefng-thauar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳頭仔; 奶嘴
guleng'iuu | cream | 牛乳油; 奶油
gulenghurn | powdered milk | 牛乳粉; 奶粉
gulengkoarn'ar | baby's (nursing) bottle | 牛乳罐仔; 奶瓶
gulengpviar | biscuits | 牛乳餅; 牛奶餅乾
gulengseg | milk color | 牛乳色
gulengthngg | caramel | 牛乳糖; 牛奶糖
gulengzhuie'ar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳嘴仔; 奶嘴
gulengzhuiear | pacifier, nipple | 牛奶喙仔
gulepee | rake; a harrow to even the ground surface | 牛犛耙
guliau | halter or tether rope for a cow | 牛迫; 繫牛繩
gulo | cattle's path | 牛路
gulogsøex | amusement tax | 娛樂稅
gulogtviuu | amusement place | 娛樂場
gulok | entertainment | 娛樂
gulong | derision; mock; ridicule; make a fool of somebody | 愚弄
guloong | cowherd; cowboy; cowpoke; male escort | 牛郎
gulor | ignorant and stupid | 愚魯; 愚蠢
gumai | stupid; ignorant | 愚昧
gumoe | (formal self reference) your stupid younger sister | 愚妹
gumui | stupid; ignorant | 愚昧
gunbo | screen | 銀幕
gunhaang | bank | 銀行
guni'iuu | cream | 牛奶油; 奶油
gunia | cow's back | 牛陵
gunihurn | powdered cow's milk | 牛奶粉
gunipviar | milk biscuit | 牛奶餅
guniseg | milk color | 牛奶色
gunithngg | caramel | 牛奶糖
gunizhuiear | pacifier | 牛奶喙仔
gunkak'ar | coins | 銀角仔
gunkhix | silver vessels | 銀器
gunlaau | Jewelry store | 銀樓
gunphiøx | bill; cash | 銀票
gunseg | silver | 銀色
gunte'ar | a purse | 銀袋仔
guny | cow's milk | 牛奶
gunzoar | hades pape | 銀紙
guo | language; speech; word; phrase; expression; sentence | 語
gupaai | beef steak; steak | 牛排
guphafng | hornet | 牛蜂
guphoee | ox hide; cowhide | 牛皮
guphoekaf | glue made from cow-hide | 牛皮膠
guphoesiern | psoriasis | 牛皮癬
guphoezoar | thick packing paper | 牛皮紙
guphvi | ox-nose; cow's nose; cattle's nose; nose of a cow | 牛鼻
guphvixkhiefn | bull nose ring | 牛鼻圈
guphøee | ox hide; leather | 牛皮
guphøekaf | glue | 牛皮腳; 牛皮膠
guphøezoar | brown paper, craft paper | 牛皮紙
gupiefn | ox penis | 牛鞭
gupof | meadow; wilderness | 牛埔
gupun | stupid, foolish, clumsy, awkward | 牛笨; 愚笨
gupvixjiet | cow disease fever | 牛病熱
gupy | cow tick | 牛蝨
gurn | we (not including the listeners); us; my (as my parents; home; brothers; sisters; wife; etc) | 阮; 我們
gusae | cow dung | 牛屎
gusayciawar | wagtail | 牛屎鳥仔
gusaykw | a dung beetle; beetle which lives on cow dung | 牛屎龜; 甲蟲之一種; 糞堆硬殼蟲
gusayseg | feces yellow | 牛屎色
gusiin | gadfly; stinging fly that attacks cattle | 牛蠅
gusud | a tool or rope to hit cattle | 牛摔
gusut'ar | a whip to encourage a cow to move | 牛鞭仔
gusym | heart of a cow | 牛心
gusøq | heavy rope; heavy thread; rope to tie up a cow | 牛繩
gutau | smallpox; vaccine or vaccination; cowpox | 牛痘
gute | (formal self reference) your stupid younger brother | 愚弟
guthaau | cattle's head | 牛頭
guthaau-befbin | ox-headed and horse-faced (demons in Hades) (Taoism) | 牛頭馬面
guthuie | a quarter of beef | 牛腿
guthun'ar | younger bull or heifer | 犢牛仔
guthurn | stupid, foolish, stupidity, foolishness | 牛碩; 愚蠢
gutiaau | cattle shed; stable; cattle pen (shed) | 牛寮; 牛牢; 牛欄
gutin | ox herd | 牛群
gutiofng-guhaux | blind devotion to one's lord and parents | 愚忠愚孝
gutit | blunt but honest | 愚直
guto | cattle's tripe; ox-tripe | 牛肚; 老饕
guturnzhao | some type of grass | 牛頓草
gutvaf | cattle's shoulder pole; yoke for a cow or ox (for plowing or pulling an ox cart) | 牛擔; 牛軛
gutvar | cattle's gallbladder | 牛膽
gutøee | cattle's hoof | 牛蹄
gutøf siøfchix | waste of energy (Lit. use a large butcher knife to cut a little thing) | 牛刀小試
gutøf | butcher's knife; butcher knife for cattle | 牛刀
guu khankhix kaux Pakkviaf iao si guu | unchangeable; remains the same; character is difficult to improve (Lit. If you lead a cow to Beijing; it is still a cow.) | 牛牽到北京還是牛; 永遠改無掉壞習慣
guu | ox; cow | 牛
guun | stare in anger; silver | 睨; 瞪眼; 銀
guviuu | cow and sheep | 牛羊
guwn | cattle plague | 牛瘟
guxgieen | fable; parable; allegory; metaphor | 寓言
guxhaan | chill protection | 禦寒
guxhai | be murdered or assassinated | 遇害
guxhap | to meet together; get along together; coming together | 遇合
guxhiarm | meet an accident; accident; meet with danger | 遇險
guxiong | for the use of the emperor; employed by the emperor. | 御用
guxix | moral; moral lesson | 寓意
guxjiin putsiog | married the wrong guy; married a bad husband | 遇人無淑
guxlaan | distress; die a tragic death; was killed | 遇難
guxlan | distress; die a tragic death; was killed; get killed in an accident | 遇難
guxliim-kwn | palace guard | 御林軍
guxlimkwn | imperial guard | 御林軍
guxn | to joke; joking; to fun; to jestj | 諢
guxpid | imperial pen; imperial handwriting | 御筆
guxsor | house; home | 寓所
guxsuo | imperial censor | 御史
guxsw | imperial document | 御書
guxtiøh | meet with; come across; bump into | 遇到; 遇著
guxzex | made by order of emperor | 御製
guxzog | made by order of emperor | 御作
guzaux | slaughterhouse | 牛灶; 屠牛場
guzef | cattle plague | 牛瘟
guzefng'ar | young bulls; young male cattle | 牛種仔; 小牡牛; 小牝牛
guzerng | cattle's breed; cattle's strain | 牛種
guzhef | (formal self reference) your stupid wife | 愚妻
guzhuieafm | mask for cow to prevent eating while working | 牛喙罨
guzhuielafm | muzzle (for calf or ox) | 牛嘴罩; (以防止亂吃農作物)
guzhurn | stupid; foolish; folly; stupidity | 愚蠢
guzoad | stupid; foolish; folly; stupidity | 愚拙
gvofgu | meet accidentally | 偶遇
harnguo | Chinese | 漢語
hexnggu | nice to meet you | 幸遇
hiarmguu`ee | cowboy | 喊牛的
hienguu | wise and foolish | 賢愚
hiexnguun | cash, ready money | 現銀; 現金
higui | fake; mendacity; leasing; falsity; untruth; false | 虛偽
hiorngguu | can not get; can not acquire | 向隅
hiorngguun | soldier's pay, civil servant's pay | 饗銀; 薪餉
hiøh'auxguo | have the last word of a well-known phrase understood and not spoken | 歇後語
hoafnguo | an irony | 反語
hoagieen-khawguo | sweet words; blandishments; luring speech; blarney | 花言巧語
hoanguu | joy and pleasure | 歡娛
hogieen-loaxnguo | lies or wild talk; talk nonsense; talk incoherently or unintelligibly | 胡言亂語
honggieen-hongguo | gossip | 風言風語
honggu kangsu | defense works; defense fortifications | 防禦工事
honggu | defend; to guard; to defend | 防禦; 防衛
hongguxciexn | defensive war; defensive operation | 防禦戰; 防衛戰
hongguxlek | defensive force or strength | 防禦力
hu'guii-zeakhuxn | help those in danger and relieve those in distress | 扶危濟困
hugui | insincere; hypocritical | 虛偽
huogud | pay a bill or a tax | 付訖
huokaguo | postscript; P.S | 附加語
høguo | a big talk; a bold promise | 豪語
iafguu | wild buffalo; bison; wild ox | 野牛
iamguu | castrate a bull | 閹牛
iaxmgu | encounter with a beautiful woman | 豔遇
imguo | tongues, ecstatic language | 音語; 欣喜若狂的語言
iongguu | stupid | 庸愚
ioxngguo | wording | 用語
iugu | treat well, give special consideration | 優遇; 優待
jidguo | Japanese language | 日語
jinciorng ee zhapiet thaixgu | racial discrimination | 人種的差別待遇
kamgieen-khawguo | sweet talk | 甘言巧語
kan'guii | difficult and dangerous | 艱危; 艱險
kayguii | head off danger | 解危
kefgunphiøx | counterfeit banknotes | 假銀票
kefnggu | condition; situation; circumstances | 境遇
khan'guu | star Altair | 牽牛
khanguhoef | morning glory | 牽牛花
khanguu | take care of cattle | 牽牛
khanguzhvef | star Altair | 牽牛星
khawgu | to meet by chance | 巧碰; 巧遇
khawguo | spoken language; colloquial | 口語
khawthaau-guo | colloquial language; cant; empty words; meaningless phrases; pet phrase; regularly used expression | 口頭語
khehguo | Hakka language | 客語
khin'guun | aluminum | 輕銀
khorguun | treasury money | 庫銀
khvoarguu | a cowherd; to herd or take care of cattle; herd cow; pasture cattle | 放牛; 看牛; 牧牛
khvoarguu`ee | watch the cow | 看牛的
kiafn-suguii | think of the time of peril in times of peace; be prepared for possible future perils while enjoying peace | 居安思危
kiargu | to sojourn | 寄留
kigu | chance; opportunity; luck | 機遇; 奇遇
kiguo | flag-signals | 旗語
kimgieen-giogguo | wise saying; good counsels | 金言玉語
kimguu | golden calf | 金牛
kimguun | money | 金銀
koarn'iong-guo | idiom | 慣用語
kofguo | ancient language | 古語
kokguo | the official national language | 國語
konggu | apartment | 公寓
kongpvee thaixgu | treat fairly | 公平待遇
korngguun | tribute money | 敲銀; 貢銀
kuiegu | (a polite expression) your residence | 貴寓
labguun | pay taxes | 繳錢; 繳稅
lafmguu | weak cow | 弱牛
lauxguu | old cow | 老牛
lefgu | treat (a person) with due courtesy (respect); be polite and respectful to (a person); respectful treatment | 禮遇
leguu | farming cow | 犁牛
lengguu | milk cow | 奶牛
lengguun | silver dollar | 龍眼; 銀元
lienciab-guo | a connective | 連接語
limguii | the point of death; in grave danger | 臨危
linguu | milk cow | 乳牛
lut gulefng | milk a cow | 擠牛乳
luxnguo | Analects | 論語
lwgu | temporary lodging | 旅寓
lyguo | slang; colloquial speech; colloquialisms | 俚語
ng'guphiøx | scalped tickets | 黃牛票
ng'guu | common Chinese ox; a ticket scalper; faker; fraud | 黃牛
ngguu | ox, bovine draft animal | 黃牛
niawguo | bird's twitter | 鳥語
niguu | a cow, a milk cow | 奶牛
nyguo | whisper | 耳語
oarn'gu | an unhappy couple (expect [[oarn'gvor]]) | 怨耦
oexguo | language; word | 話語
ogieen-loaxnguo | mumbo-jumbo | 胡言亂語
okguo | profane language, bad language | 惡言
parnggupafn | class with students that don't plan to attend middle high school | 放牛班
parngguu | graze cattle | 放牛
parngguu-ciaqzaho | dismissed a class; a term that was used to those students that do not plan for further education | 放牛吃草
pengterng thaixgu | equal treatment | 平等待遇
peqguun | silver | 白銀
phaq bor tikawguu | man beat his wife be like a beast | 打老婆者如禽獸
phengguo | a statement of judgment | 評語
phiauguo | motto; slogan | 標語
phiernguo | a phrase | 片語
phoeagu | a mate, spouse | 配偶
phoeguo | criticism | 批語; 批判語
phvayguun | counterfeit coin | 歹銀; 假幣
phøeagu | a mate, spouse | 配偶; 配耦
piauguo | catchword; poster; slogan | 標語
pinguo | verdict | 憑語
putgu | unexpected | 無遇
putguu | unexpected | 無虞
putkii jigu | meet by chance; encounter someone unexpectedly | 無期而遇
pvexguii | dying of illness; about to die of an illness | 病危
pvixguu | sick cow | 病牛
pwnguun | original capital | 本銀
pwnkokguo | vernacular | 本國語
safnguu | emaciated cattle | 瘦牛
saiguboxnggoeh | rhino staring at moon | 犀牛望月
saiguciørkag | imply people that are quarrel all the time due to disagreement | 犀牛照角
saiguu | rhinoceros | 犀牛
sengguo | an idiom, a phrase | 成語
siangguo | bilingual | 雙語
siangkoafn-guo | a pun, equivocal | 雙關語
sin'guo | a new word | 新語
siogguo | colloquialism; common sayings | 俗語
sionggu | to encounter, to meet | 相遇
siøfgu'ar | a calf | 小牛仔
siøfguu | a calf | 小牛
siøfguun | small money, small change | 小銀; 零錢
siøgu | meet one another | 相遇
siøguun | burn paper money | 燒銀; 燒紙錢
sudguo | terminology; technical term; jargon | 術語
suhoad ngguu | profiteer serving as arbitrator or liaison between a judge and a defendant | 司法黃牛
suiguii | be in imminent danger or in a precarious state (said of an illness or situation) | 垂危
supwlynguq | springs in a easy chair or sofa; bed springs | 彈簧
suyguu | buffalo | 水牛
suyguun | mercury | 水銀
sviuguun | inlay with silver | 鑲銀
taixtix jiogguu | The wise man looks dumb (because he never shows off) | 大智若愚
tangguu | bronze bull | 銅牛
taogusu | bullfighter; matador | 鬥牛士
taogutviuu | bull ring | 鬥牛場
taoguu | bullfight | 鬥牛
tefgu | to stand up against, to resist | 抵抗; 抵禦
tegpiet thaixgu | special treatment; special behavior towards | 特別待遇
texguhoansyn | earthquake | 地牛翻身
texguu | earth cow (a legend that says the earth is carried on the shoulders of a cow; when the cow moves; there is an earthquake) | 地牛; (古人相信地震是因地牛翻身引起)
thaiguu | kill an ox, kill a cow, kill a bull | 殺牛; 待遇
thaikef nar tiøh eng gutøf | Why use a cattle knife to kill a chicken? ─ Great talent can be used for better purpose or for greater results | 殺雞焉用牛刀
thaixgu ee zhapiet | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
thaixgu | treatment; deal; treatment; dealing; reception; pay | 待遇
tharnguo-suu | Interjection | 嘆氣詞
thihguafchiaf | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛仔車
thihguafchiaterng | on agricultural machinery | 鐵牛仔車頂
thihguar | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛仔
thihguchiaf | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛車
thihguu | an iron ox; cultivator; garden tractor; small plot tractor | 鐵牛; 耕耘機
thoatcy gulefng | skim milk | 脫脂牛乳
thoguhoansyn | earthquake | 塗牛翻身
thøeagurn | for me; for us | 替阮
thørguo | polite words in conversation | 套語; 客套話
tikawguu | pig dog cow | 豬狗牛
tikøf khafn tuix guhy khix | to bring a boar to the cow market put the saddle on the wrong horse (literally) | 張冠李戴; 牛頭無對馬嘴
timtimputguo | not making a sound | 沉沉無語
toaxguu | big cow | 大牛
toaxguun | large silver dollar | 大銀
toaxnguo | judgement | 斷語
toexguhoansyn | earthquake | 地牛翻身
togkakguu | single horn cow | 獨角牛
torgutviuu | bull ring | 鬥牛場
torguu | bullfight | 鬥牛
tuix guu tvoakhiim | play a lute before an ox ─ speak to someone about something completely incomprehensible to him | 對牛彈琴
tviaxguun | deposit money | 訂銀; 定銀
tvigieen bidguo | honeyed words; flattery | 甜言蜜語
tvoaguo | one word; one language | 單語
twgu | happen to meet, meet by chance | 剛遇; 碰到
tøeguun | raise money by subscription to help some purpose | 題銀
uxnguo | rhyme | 韻語
wn'guo | argot; enigmatic language | 隱語
zargui | false | 詐偽
zeagu | condition; situation; opportunity; chance | 際遇
zeaguii | aid the endangered or needy | 濟危
zefngguu | bull used for breeding | 種牛
zhaiguo | riddle | 猜語; 謎語
zhapiet thaixgu | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
zharmguo | prophecy | 讖語; 預言
zhenggutoo | pornography | 春牛圖
zhogu | first encounter | 初逢; 初遇
zhun'gutoo | weather forecast pictures | 春牛圖
zhunguu | ticket scalping | 春牛
zhvef-gulefng | fresh milk | 鮮牛乳; 鮮牛奶
zhvegulefng | fresh milk (not condensed or powdered) | 鮮牛乳; 鮮奶
zhvemeguu | blind cow (scolding) an illiterate | 青盲牛; 文盲
zngrgukakciafm | stubborn | 鑽牛角尖
zoafn'guii ui'afn | turn a perilous situation into a safe one; advert a danger or peril | 轉危為安
zoeahuixkog thaixgu | most favored nation status | 最惠國待遇
zoguun | rent money | 租銀
zuxgieen-zuxguo | talk to oneself; to think out loud; mutter to oneself | 自言自語
zuyguar | water buffalo | 水牛仔
zuygubiø | water buffalo temple | 水牛廟
zuygupeq | uncle water buffalo | 水牛伯
zuyguu | water buffalo | 水牛
zuyguun | mercury; quicksilver | 水銀
zvayguu | slaughter or butcher a steer | 宰牛
zwguo | subject of a sentence | 主語
zøexguu tah-bøo puxn | Many bulls don't make any dung to step in; If there are too many workers nothing gets done | 濟牛踏無糞; 人濟反而成事難
zøgu | one's lot in life, meet with, vicissitudes of life, what one has encountered in life | 遭遇
zøguun | rent money | 租銀
zørguu zørbea | work hard | 做牛做馬
zøxgu | confront; encounter; get caught in; incur | 遭遇

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