"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: gvaf

Thaegvafzok | a aboriginal in Taiwan | 泰雅族
gvafaix | your kindness; your gracious; graceful love | 雅愛
gvafbong | your good reputation | 雅望
gvafcip | hold meeting of scholars or poets | 雅集
gvafgak | ceremonial music (in ancient China); Chinese classical music | 雅樂
gvafgieen | honest advice; well-intentioned criticism | 雅言
gvafgvar | feel gentle and graceful | 雅雅
gvafhefng | mood to enjoy some quiet pleasure (chess | 雅興
gvafhø | your gracious or poetic name | 雅號
gvafiuo | friends among the poets or scholars | 雅友
gvafix | your ideas | 雅意
gvafjiin | a person of poetic temperament; man of refinement and culture | 雅人
gvafkaxm | for your perusal (archaic) | 雅鑒
gvafkerng | a lovely view; a graceful scenery; a beautiful scene | 雅景
gvafkheq | kindness visitor; graceful guest; refined traveler | 雅客
gvafkhix | elegance | 雅氣; 高雅
gvafkoafn | grace; concinnity; nice appearance; fine sight | 雅觀
gvafkøf | the Song of Solomon; Canticle of Canticles (Catholic); Song of Songs (Protestant) | 雅歌
gvafliong | generous; your gracious; great drinking capacity; magnanimity | 雅量
gvafpaang | elegant | 雅房
gvafsiok | elegant custom; refined culture; cultivated custom; the refined and the vulgar | 雅俗
gvafsu | elegant affairs; refined business; graceful job | 雅事
gvaftiern | elegant and classic; refined | 雅典; 典雅
gvaftiong | elegant and respect | 雅重
gvaftix | elegance | 雅致; 雅緻
gvafun | elegant rhymes | 雅韻
gvafzhux | elegant taste; refined pleasure | 雅趣
put'gvafkoafn | awkward, ugly | 無雅觀; 不雅觀

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