"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: gvex

gvexaq | forced into submission | 硬押
gvexboeq | demand insistently | 硬要
gvexbøeq | importunity | 硬要; 硬欲
gvexchiuo | force to get; importunity to take | 硬手; 硬取; 使硬法子
gvexchviuo | force to rob; importunity to loot | 硬搶
gvexciaq | burliness; hard | 硬脊
gvexciexn | a desperate combat, a stiff fight | 硬戰
gvexcvia | robust health; stiff (cloth starched) | 堅硬; 硬實; 硬很(硬朗)
gvexcviaf | hardy, strong | 硬正
gvexgee | talk tough; refuse to admit mistake | 硬牙; 嘴硬; 死無承認
gvexgiah | force to raise; importunity to lift up; must to | 硬舉; 必定
gvexgve | stiff, motionless | 硬硬
gvexhaxn | a strong-willed person; one who never yields | 硬漢
gvexhoad | importunity law | 硬法
gvexhoax | to harden; sclerosis; to harden stiffen; harden | 硬化
gvexkag | hard; strong; tough; defiant; truculent | 硬角; 態度強硬
gvexkhag | hard shell | 硬殼
gvexkhakefng | several persons force to do something | 硬腳經; 幾個人合力苦撐
gvexkhix | very honest; of great integrity; very open; blunt; straight-forward or plain-speaking; not afraid to tell a man his faults to his face; firm and manly | 正直; 剛毅; 硬氣
gvexkix | memorize by rote | 硬記; 死記
gvexkorng | strong to explain; strong to discuss; strong opinion | 硬講
gvexkud | tough bone; tough person | 硬骨
gvexlat | doing by strength of hand alone | 硬力; 蠻勁
gvexliah | to convince someone to do something they don't want to do; twist someone's arm to make someone do something | 硬捉; 逮捕
gvexlien | exercise hardly; train hardly; learn experience by hardships | 硬練
gvexlo | hard to tackle; laborious; requiring strenuous effort | 硬路; 費力; 難搞
gvexlurn | subdue; hard to swallow | 強忍; 硬忍
gvexniar | stiff collar | 硬領; 硬領子
gvexnngr | hard and soft; force and gentle; firm and yielding | 硬軟; 軟硬
gvexoe | strong speeches; strong words; strong talks | 硬話
gvexpeg | compel or force; press hard for | 硬逼
gvexpex | hard currency; subsidiary coin; minor coin | 硬幣
gvexphaix | diehard; stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬派
gvexphiaq | tough; hard; hard disposition | 硬癖
gvexphvi | dogged, obstinate | 硬頑; 頑固
gvexphøee | stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬皮
gvexpiarngpiaxng | hard and firm; rigid and inflexible; stiff | 硬幫幫
gvexpo | drastic measure | 硬步; 強硬之策
gvexsek | hard seat, wooden seat | 硬性; 硬席
gvexsexng kuiteng | rigid and inflexible ruling | 硬性規定
gvexsexng | tough hard; hard disposition; tough or hard nature; hard | 硬性
gvexsiog | contracture | 硬縮; 攣縮
gvexsym | cruel; ruthless | 狠心; 心硬; 硬心
gvextao | tough; difficult, hard (work), hard to handle | 硬斗; 無好應付; 棘手
gvexthea | hardware | 硬體
gvexthuy | force oneself to do something (eating; studying; etc) | 硬撐
gvexthøx | to apply arbitrarily | 硬套
gvextiap | hard drive | 硬碟
gvextit | straightforward and not afraid to give offence | 剛直; 心直口快; 硬直
gvexto | hardness; temper; without spontaneity | 硬度; 勉強
gvextw | sell under coercion | 硬堆; 強推銷
gvextwgve | head-on | 硬拄硬
gvextøe | hardpan; hard land; hard ground | 硬地
gvexzhaa | hard wood | 硬柴
gvexzhuiepef | talk tough; refuse to admit mistake | 硬嘴扒; 嘴硬
gvexzhuix | brutumfulmen; bravado; swash | 硬嘴
gvexzuie | hard water; difficult; requiring a lot of effort | 硬水; 費勁; 艱巨
gvexzøx | do (something) in disregard of obstacles or good sense | 硬做; 硬幹
kvoaf gvexhoax | cirrhosis | 肝硬化
pvoargvexnngr | between too much firmness and too much yielding; half threatening and half pacifying | 半硬軟; 軟硬兼施
sie-gvexgve | dead | 死殗殗
toxngmeh gvexhoax | arteriosclerosis; sclerosis of the arteries | 動脈硬化

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