"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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gonggviah | be startled; surprised; taken aback | 驚愕; 驚奇; 昂愕
gviaa lauxjiet | have festive procession | 迎神賽會; 迎鬧熱
gviaa | go out to receive ceremoniously; go in procession | 迎
gviaa-lauxjiet | jolly party's celebrations; to greet the crowd on holidays | 迎熱鬧; 迎鬧熱; 節期遊行
gviachviar | welcome courteously | 迎請
gviachyn | bridegroom goes to bride's home to escort her to wedding; go to meet one's bride at her home before escorting her back to one's own home for the wedding | 迎親
gviaciab | receive as a visitor; to welcome with open arms; to welcome in person | 迎接
gviaciq | receive a visitor ceremoniously | 迎接
gviah | stunned; astounded | 愕
gviakoafn | receive a coffin | 迎棺
gvialauxjiet | festival parade;jolly party's celebrations; to greet the crowd on holidays | 迎鬧熱
gvialauxliet | festival paradejolly party's celebrations; to greet the crowd on holidays; | 迎鬧熱
gviao hvixsae | clean one's ears | 掏耳垢; 掏耳屎
gviao thihteng'ar | pull out a nail with pincers or nail puller | 掏鐵釘仔; 拔鐵釘
gviao zhuiekhie | pick one's teeth | 剔牙齒
gviao | pull out (a nail); to pick (one's teeth) | 挑; 剔; 掏
gviao`khylaai | pick up; pull out (a nail) | 挑出來; 剔起來
gviaput | worship the Buddha's celebrations; to welcome Buddha's ceremony | 迎佛
gviasaxng | meet and send off visitors; send gifts back and forth; treat with much respect: going out to meet a man when he arrives | 迎送; 送往迎來
gviasiin | an event for carrying idol spirits in procession in a festival; procession in which an idol (or idols) is (are) carried | 迎神
gviasinkhieku | dislike the old. Mostly describe people who are not devoted to love | 迎新棄舊
gviasyn-khieku | take to the new and forsake the old | 迎新棄舊
gviatefng | carry lanterns on occasions of general rejoicing | 迎燈
gviatui | welcome team; welcome unit | 迎隊
gviau | the pinworm | 蟯
gviaugviaw | ticklish; scratch an itch; itching; tickling; sensation of tickling | 搔痒; 癢癢的
gviauh | twitch | 搔; 蠕
gviauhgviauq`leq | pry up | 搔搔咧; ??咧
gviauhkhix | die | 蠕去; 死去
gviauhzhuix | protrude one's lips | 翹嘴; 噘嘴; 突出唇
gviauq zhuietuun | upper lip naturally turned up | 翹嘴唇
gviauq | pick out; scrape off; halberd; descriptive of dog's barking; to pick; push up; pout the lips | 挑; 掙扎起來; 翹; 戟; 剔; 狺; 摳; 往上推
gviauq-bøe khie`laai | unable to get up (from a lying position or bed) | 爬無起來
gviauqgviauqsoafn | writhe; to wriggle | 蠕蠕旋; 滾動
gviauqgviauqsøo | describes a person's movements like squirming like a worm | 蟯蟯趖
gviauqgviauqtang | be in constant motion; always at work; restless | 蠕蠕動
gviauqgviauqzuxn | tremble with fear | 翹翹顫; 發抖
gviauty | scratch an itch; tickle; tickling | 擽呧; 呵癢; 胳肢; 搔癢
gviaw | twitch | 攁; 擽; 癢
gviawchix | pick a thorn out | 挑刺
gviawgee | flaunt; to show off | 誇耀
gviawzhvoaf | take out a splinter | 挑刺芒
gviazhwn | celebrate the Spring Festival | 迎春
kviagviaw | sensitive to tickling; ticklish | 驚癢
uiegviauzhao | fear grass | 畏擽草

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