Toan'gvofcied | seasonal festivals (as New year, May 5th , August 15th of the 8th month etc), according to the lunar calendar | 年節 (端午節, 中秋節)
Toangvofcied | seasonal festivals (as New year; May 5th; August 15th of the 8th month etc); according to the lunar calendar | 端午節
boggvofhix | puppet show | 木偶戲
gvofafn | good afternoon | 午安
gvofar-hii | four-rayed threadfin (fish) | 五仔魚; 四絲馬魚拔
gvofau | afternoon | 午後
gvofbi | the five flavors(sweet | 五味
gvofbiin | our people; my people | 我民
gvofbuun | south gate of imperial palace; we | 午門; 我們
gvofcie | five fingers | 五指
gvofcieen | forenoon; A.M | 上午; 午前
gvofgek pexbuo | disobedient to parents | 忤逆爸母
gvofgek takekvoaf | disobedient to one's father-in-law and mother-in-law | 忤逆公婆; 忤逆乾家官
gvofgek | rebellion; defiant; disobedient; openly oppose one's parents; disobedient to parents | 忤逆
gvofgieen-sy | poem of five character-verses | 五言詩
gvofgiensy | verses with five characters to a line | 五言詩
gvofgu | meet accidentally | 偶遇
gvofheeng | he five elements (metal | 五行; 五刑; 五官; 神色
gvofhiafng | a mixture of various spices | 五香
gvofhiangbi | five spices used for flavoring | 五香味
gvofhiangboah | the powder of the mixture of various spices | 五香末
gvofhiofng | the five spices--cloves, cumin, fennel, aniseed, zanthoxylum seed | 五香
gvofhiø | afternoon | 午後
gvofhoad | accidental; chance; fortuitous; adventitious | 偶發
gvofhofng | our side | 我方
gvofhog | five blessings (talent; posterity; long life; wealth; and honor) | 五福; (好德; 康寧; 長壽; 富貴; 善終)
gvofhok | mourning for the five degrees of relationship | 五服
gvofia | midnight | 午夜
gvofjieen | by chance (accident); accidentally; unexpectedly) | 偶然
gvofjiin | disposition; temperament; temper | 五仁; 令人覺得有趣; 性情怪異
gvofkaix | the five commandments of Buddhist monastic discipline | 五戒
gvofkaktaixha | pentagon | 五角大廈
gvofkaphii | medicated millet liquor | 五加皮
gvofkapii | a spicy plant; liquor soaked in bark of this plant | 五加皮; 五加皮酒
gvofkefng | the Five Confucian Classics | 五經
gvofkek | puppet show; marionette | 偶劇
gvofkhiaux | five sense organs (ears; eyes; lips; nose; heart) | 五竅
gvofkimhaang | hardware store | 五金行
gvofkimtiaxm | hardware store | 五金店
gvofkoaan-hiernhoad | the quintuple constitution--legislative, executive, judicial, examination, and oversight | 五權憲法
gvofkoafn toanzexng | pleasant looking face with the five organs in normal shape and position | 五官端正
gvofkoafn | the five senses organs (ears | 五官
gvofkog | the different grains of harvest; five major grain; grains of all kinds; food crops; our country | 五穀; 我國
gvofkog-pekkør | all the agricultural products | 五穀百果
gvofkym | the five metals(gold | 五金
gvofkym-haang | hardware store | 五金行
gvoflea | the five ceremonies | 五禮
gvofliin | sarcastic | 五仁
gvofliwkw | Tainan’s famous fish dish | 五柳居
gvofliwky | weet and sour fish especially in Tainan | 五柳居
gvoflo | the five roads; all roads; everywhere; in every direction | 五路; 各方
gvofloxlaang | people from all parts | 各地的人
gvofluun | moral obligations; the five human relationships: between prince and minister; father and son; husband and wife; brothers; friends | 五倫
gvofmar hunsy | tear body limb from limb; drawn and quartered | 五馬分屍
gvofpoex | people of our group | 我輩
gvofsefng sioxngcioxng | five-star general or admiral | 五星上將
gvofsefng | the five sacrifice's animals; sacrificial offerings (Lit. five kinds of domestic animals) | 五牲
gvofseg | the five colors(red | 五色
gvofsex kii chiofng | May you prosper for five generations! | 五世其昌
gvofsicviax | noon | 午時正
gvofsien | midday meal | 午膳
gvofsii | from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM | 午時
gvofsiong | idol; image | 偶像
gvofsiong'ixn | stigmata | 五傷印
gvofsioong | five cardinal virtues (love | 五常
gvofsox | even number | 偶數
gvoftai tongtoong | five generations living under the same roof | 五代同堂
gvoftai | five generation; the Five Dynasties in historic China | 五代
gvoftaixciw | five big continents (Africa | 五大洲
gvoftaixviuu | five big oceans (Atlantic | 五大洋
gvoftex | the five legendary emperors in prehistoric China | 五帝
gvoftok | the five poisonous animals or creatures | 五毒
gvoftoo | people or disciples of our group | 我徒; 我輩
gvofym | fifth note of pentatonic scale; the five notes of traditional Chinese music | 五音
gvofzhae | polychrome | 五彩
gvofzhafn | lunch | 中餐; 午餐
gvofzhayhuun | colorful clouds | 五彩雲
gvofzhayseg | polychrome | 五彩色
gvofzok | Chinese Five Races(Chinese | 五族
gvofzong | the five internal organs (the heart | 五臟
gvofzong-lioghuo | all the great internal organs and intestines | 五臟六腑
igvoflun | solipsism; egoism | 惟我論
kekgvofjiin | make jokes and act witty | 激五仁
kekgvofliin | make jokes and act witty. | 激五仁
koex gvofkoafn | kind of solitaire played with dominoes | 過五關
lauxtheagvofar | old veteran | 老退伍仔
luikekgvofgak | hit by thunder | 雷擊五嶽
paix gvofsiong | worship idols; idol worship | 拜偶像
paix-gvofsiong | worship images | 拜偶像
patgvofcied | fifteen percent discount | 八五折
samleng gvofsyn | repeated orders and injunctions | 三令五申
samsafm-gvofgvor | small groups of people scattered here and there | 三三五五
samsyn-gvofleng | give repeated orders | 三申五令
siøfgvofkym | small hardware | 小五金
suohwn gvofliet | fall to pieces; total disintegration | 四分五裂
suosiar gvofjip | round off (a number); (in arithmetic) to count one-half and higher fractions as units and disregard the rest | 四捨五入
sygvofkhied | sworn; enemy | 死對頭
theagvofkym | compensation after discharge from military | 退伍金
theagvofpefng | discharged soldier; veterans | 退伍兵
theagvofzexng | Discharge Papers (military) | 退伍證
tiah gvofkog | buy grain | 糴五穀
toan'gvofcied | the 5th of the 5th lunar month (a dragon boat regatta is held) | 端陽節, 端午節
toangvofcied | the 5th of the 5th lunar month (a dragon boat regatta is held) | 端陽節; 端午節
toangvofzøeq | the Dragon Boat Festival | 端午節
zwgvofciafm | meridian needle | 子午針
zwgvofsvoax | meridian | 子午線
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