"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: gym

gym | a puddle; tearful | 涔
gym'y | luxurious clothings | 錦衣
gymkef | golden pheasant | 錦雞
gymkii | flag of honor; embroidered flag | 錦旗
gymkw | stooped of an old person | 錦龜; 傴僂
gymloong | instructions for dealing with an emergency; wise counsel; a secret master plan | 錦囊
gymloong-biauxkex | clever scheme yet to be revealed | 錦囊妙計
gymphiausaix | sports tournament | 錦標賽
gymphiaw | championship; pennant | 錦標
gympiaw | championship, trophy | 錦標
gymsiong-thiamhoaf | embroider flowers on a piece of brocade--to make a good thing even better | 錦上添花
gymsiux | embroidered silk | 錦鏽; 錦繡
gymsiux-høsafn | land of splendor--one's fatherland | 錦繡河山
gymtoan | brocade, damask | 錦緞
gymzoaa | boa snake; boa constrictor | 錦蛇
saosegym'ar | thin bamboo branches on the bamboo broom | 掃梳笒仔

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