"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: gyn

chitthøo-gyn'ar | playboy | 拭桃囝仔; 𨑨迌囡仔
chiwzhexng-gyn'ar | a mischievous body | 手槍囝仔; 調皮鬼
gong-gyn'ar | dumbbell | 傻囝仔; 憨孩子
goxnggynnar | dumbbell | 傻孩子
gyn'afhviaf | young boy | 囡仔兄
gyn'afkafng | child-labor | 囝仔工; 童工
gyn'afkhoarn | childlike; childish | 囝仔款; 孩子氣
gyn'afkoaf | kids songs | 囡仔歌
gyn'afkviar | toddler | 囡仔囝
gyn'aflaang | children | 囝仔人; 孩子
gyn'afphie | very young child | 囝仔痞; 小鬼
gyn'afphvoa | children companions | 囝仔伴; 玩伴
gyn'afsexng | childish | 囡仔性
gyn'afthuun | boy just about reaching manhood; about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囝仔豚; 青少年
gyn'aftorng | kids gang | 囝仔黨
gyn'afvef | infant | 囡仔嬰
gyn'afvy | infant | 囝仔嬰; 囡仔嬰; 嬰兒
gyn'afzay | toddler | 囡仔栽
gyn'afzexng | infantile diseases | 囝仔症; 小兒病症
gyn'ar | child | 囝仔; 囡仔; 小孩
gyn'ar-chiaf | baby carriage; stroller | 囡仔車; 童車; 兒車
gyn'ar-hix | children's play; child's play | 囡仔戲; 童戲; 兒戲
gyn'ar-khoarn | childishness; childish fun | 囡仔款; 孩子氣
gyn'ar-koaf | children's songs; children's folk song | 囡仔歌; 童歌; 兒歌; 童謠
gyn'ar-kviar | little children; young child or children | 囡仔囝; 小小孩; 幼兒
gyn'ar-laang | children | 囡仔人; 小孩子
gyn'ar-miaa | pet name, nickname | 囡仔名; 乳名
gyn'ar-mih | toys | 囡仔物; 玩具
gyn'ar-phvoa | a companion or friend of a child | 囡仔伴; 玩伴; 童伴; 兒伴
gyn'ar-thuun | adolescent boy; boy just about reaching manhood, about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囡仔豚; 青少年
gyn'ar-torng | a gang of children | 囡仔黨; 孩子群
gynnafkhoarn | childlike, childish | 像孩子, 孩子氣
gynnafkoaf | children's songs | 囡仔歌; 童謠
gynnar | child | 囝仔; 小孩
iøf gyn'ar | nurse a child | 養育孩仔
iøgyn'afkoaf | lullaby | 育囡仔歌
kaugyn'ar | children; troublesome child | 猴囝仔; 小孩子
kausygyn'ar | bad kids | 猴死囡仔
khiøhgyn'ar | gives birth to the child; to reproduce; deliver; give birth to a child; child birth | 生孩子; 拾囝仔; 接生
khiøq gyn'ar | deliver a child | 拾囝仔; 接生
lang-gyn'ar | play with the kids; get the child will | 弄囡仔
lomoagyn'ar | gangster | 鱸鰻囡仔
mxcviagyn'ar | bad kid | 毋成囡仔
mxcviagynnar | scrawny looking child; mischievous child | 無毋成囡仔
ngsngf-gynnar | thin sickly child; face turned a yellow color | 黃酸黃酸; 瘦弱而臉黃
nibea gyn'ar | kids born at the end of the lunar calendar | 年尾囡仔
niboea gyn'ar | kids born at the end of the lunar calendar | 年尾囡仔
o'kao gynnar | handsome man | 英俊的小伙子
phaygyn'ar | bad kid | 歹囡仔
phiern'gyn'ar | deceive | 騙囡仔
phø gyn'ar | carry a child in the arms | 抱囡仔; 抱小孩
poexkutgyn'ar | betray child | 背骨囡仔
svef gyn'ar | gave birth | 生囡仔
svegyn'ar | give birth | 生囡仔
svigyn'ar | gave birth | 生囡仔
svy gyn'ar | gave birth | 生囡仔
sygyn'afpor | dead kid; bad kid | 死囡仔脯
sygyn'afthef | back float | 死囡仔䖙
sygyn'afthvef | back float | 死囡仔䖙
sygyn'ar | common scolding for misbehaving child (Lit. damned kid ─ ought to die) | 死囝仔
tapogyn'ar | boy | 查埔囡仔
taxngtiøh gynnar | an illness in pregnant women superstitiously thought to be caused by such things as building construction or repairs begun without proper rites | 動到胎氣
thitthøgyn'ar | young fellow fond of low; licentious and vicious pleasures | 拭桃囝仔; 小太保
tihtuq gynnar | mischievous child; naughty child | 頑皮孩子
vaixgyn'ar | holding baby with holder | 偝囡仔
zabofgyn'aflaang | girl | 查某囡仔人
zabofgyn'ar | girl | 查某囡仔
zabor gyn'ar | girl | 查某囡仔
zabor-gyn'ar | girl | 查某囝仔; 查某囡仔; 女孩子
zapof gyn'ar | boy | 查埔囡仔
zapof-gyn'ar | boy | 查哺囝仔; 查埔囡仔; 男孩子
zapogyn'ar | boy | 查埔囡仔
zhoa gyn'ar | baby sit | 看孩仔; 帶孩仔
zhoaxgyn'afee | babysitter | 帶囡仔的

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