"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: høeh

høehap | a round | 回合
høehiofng | return to one's native place | 回鄉
høehog | to reply; answer | 回覆
høehurn | dust; limewash | 石灰; 灰粉
høehuun | to rise from dead; to revive | 回魂; 還魂; 甦生
høehøef | spotty, scarcely, unreasonable | 花花
hør-khøehaai | humorous; laughter-provoking. | 好詼諧; 幽默詼諧
khyphøeh | blister | 起沫; 起泡沫
khøeh | a ancient grain measure | 斛
khøeh'ar | small box | 盒仔; 篋仔; 篋子
khøehaai | dandyish, too particular, nuisance | 詼諧
khøehbak | close eyes | 閉目; 瞌目
khøehkhiaxm | be in want, want, need | 缺欠; 欠缺
khøehkhofng | eastern cuckoo | 鵑孔 [*]
khøehkhøeq | crowded, feel confined | 擠擠
phøeh | spume; foam; froth | 泡沫
phøehiaf | boot | 皮靴; 長筒靴
phøehiuu | fur coat, leather coat | 皮裘
phøehix | shadow play; shadowgraph | 皮戲
phøehoad | wholesale | 批發
phøehoad-kex | wholesale price | 批發價
phøehukhøf | dermatology clinic | 皮膚科
phøehw | skin | 皮膚
phøehw-khøf | the dermatology department; the skin department | 皮膚科
phøehw-pvi | skin disease | 皮膚病
puhphøeh | blistering | 暴泡; 起泡
zhøehii | cook fish by steaming | 蒸魚; 炊魚
zhøehkhuix | stop respiration; suppress feeling | 慼氣; 憋氣
zhøehmia | grief | 慼命
zhøehofng | blow air | 吹風
zhøehsym | (adj) heartbroken; desperate | 慼心; 失望
zhøehsym-oarnmia | griefing | 慼心怨命
zuyphøeh | water foam | 水沫
øekhøeh | jostle, crowded | 矮擠

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