"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bunho khaihoxng zwgi | Open Door Policy | 門戶開放主義
bi khaihoax | uncivilized | 未開化
bixkhaihoad | undeveloped; uncultivated land or resources | 未開發
bunho khaihoxng | the open-door policy; open the door to or for.. | 門戶開放
bøexkhaihoax | conservative | 未開化; 無開化
chiørhaihay | laugh | 笑咍咍
chiøx-haihay | laughing loudly | 笑咍咍
hongthaiho | typhoon rain | 颱風雨
iawbøe khaihoax | uncivilized | 未開化
khaihak | start classes at the beginning of a semester | 開學
khaihak-tiefnlea | ceremony held to signal the beginning of a school semester | 開學典禮
khaihoaai | enjoy oneself; relax; joyful; jubilant; happy | 開懷
khaihoaai-thiorng'irm | have a jolly carousal and forget all cares | 開懷暢飲
khaihoad | develop; exploit; open up; cultivation; exploitation; development | 開發
khaihoax | civilized; civilization; developed | 開化
khaihoe | opening of a meeting; begin a meeting; hold a meeting | 開會
khaihoexsuu | opening speech | 開會詞
khaihofng | to reclaim a wasteland | 開方; 開荒
khaihonghoad | (the) extraction of root | 開方法
khaihoxng mngho | open-door policy | 開放門戶
khaihoxng | open up; open to the public; lift a ban | 開放
khaihuix | expenditures; pay; expenses | 開費; 開支
khaihuun-kiernjit | from dark to light; from obscurity to clarity | 開雲見日
kihaihoax | mechanization; mechanized | 機械化
kihaihoax-poxtui | mechanized troops | 機械化部隊
longte khaihoad | development of farmland | 農地開發
pvoarkhaihoax | semi-civilized | 半開化
thaihofng | typhoon; hurricane | 颱風
thaihøea | the reddish color of the face of a baby just after birth | 胎火; (嬰兒出生後臉紅紅的)
tøf-khaihuix | spent more money | 多開費
zhaihongchia'ar | sewing machine | 裁縫車仔
zhaihongchiaf | sewing machine | 縫紉車
zhaihongchiøq | sewing ruler | 裁縫尺
zhaihonghoad | sewing mechanism | 裁縫法
zhaihongky | sewing machine | 縫衣機
zhaihongsaihu | tailor or seamstress | 裁縫師父
zhaihongsay | tailor | 裁縫師
zhaihongtiaxm | tailor shop; dress maker's shop | 裁縫店
zhaihoong pofsibpafn | training class for tailoring | 裁縫補習班
zhaihoong | to tailor; a tailor; needlework; tailoring; tailor or seamstress | 裁縫
zhaihoong-chviu | tailor | 裁縫匠
zhaihoong-ky | sewing machine | 裁縫機

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