"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hanci

hancichiafm | grated sweet potato | 甘薯簽
hanciexn | tremble caused by cold | 寒戰
hancihngg | sweet potato field | 甘薯園
hancihurn | sweet potato flour | 甘薯粉; 地瓜粉
hancii | yam | 蕃薯; 番薯; 甘薯; 地瓜
hancikhof | sweet potatoes sliced and dried | 蕃薯箍; 番薯箍; 蕃薯塊
hancileeng | long raised bed of potatoes | 甘薯行; 蕃薯龍
hancimoee | rice and sweet potatoes boiled to congee | 甘薯粥; 地瓜粥
hancithngg | potatoes preserved in sugar | 月見糖
hancitiin | sweet potato vines | 蕃薯藤
khanciin | make the chalk line or ink line strike the wood (or other material) so as to make a straight line | 牽繩; 量線; 以墨線劃線; (木匠)
khornghancii | bake sweet potato | 爌蕃薯; 烤地瓜
lee hancii | take up a whole field of sweet potatoes either with plough or hoe | 採收蕃薯; 採收地瓜
or hancii | dig sweet potatoes | 挖蕃薯
poe hancileeng | set up potato beds with the plough | 培蕃薯畦

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