Aeinsutharn | Albert Einstein (1879-1955), physicist and mathematician, noted for his Theory of Relativity | 愛因斯坦
Chiahkharmlaau | formerly Fort Provintia in Tainan City; was built in 1653 by the Dutch during their colonization of Formosa. | 赤崁樓
Kharkaebiaau | BCG vaccine | 卡介苗
Pakisutharn | Pakistan | 巴基斯坦
Pakkek tharmhiarm | Arctic expedition | 北極探險
Palegsutharn | Palestine | 巴勒斯坦
Toaxharnkhef | a river in Taiwan | 大漢溪
bagseg khar | quick at understanding or imitating | 目色巧; 眼力好
bagthaau khar | skilful at recognizing or calculating at a glance | 目頭巧; 眼識好
beftharng | toilet; stool; commode; night vessel; western-style toilet; commode | 馬桶
bikhar | thin bamboo strip | 竹蔑
bixntharng | washing basin; basin for washing hands and face; wash basin | 面桶; 面盆; 臉盆
bukhar putseeng sw | it happened that...; There would have been no story to tell but for that coincidence | 無巧無成書
byhwnzhar | stir fried rice noodle | 米粉炒
bytharng | rice pail | 米桶
bøkharm-bøzam | not rule | 無坎無站; 無規律
bøo tharncvii | no profit; too small a profit | 無賺錢
chitkharpafng | a seven-piece puzzle; a Chinese puzzle | 七巧板
chiwbin tharnciah | be a worker | 手面賺食; 打零工
chizharm | miserable; tragic; heartrending; pitiful; miserable | 悽慘
chvitharng | green bucket | 青桶
chvizhar | fresh stir fried | 生炒
chvizharm | wretched; miserable | 悽慘
chvizharm-logpheg | wretched; miserable | 悽慘落魄
cidkharm | one step of a stair | 一個階梯
cienzhar | to saute | 煎炒
cirnharm | to shock | 震撼
citpharng | weave and spin | 織紡; 紡織
ciwtharng | wine bucket; wine barrel or cask | 酒桶; 酒量大
ciøqkharm | stone stair | 石崖; 石階
cviaa-hiharn | very rare, very few, very costly | 成稀罕; 誠稀罕; 很險
cvitharn | a woolen blanket; a blanket | 毛毯; 氈毯
cynharm | shake; shaken | 震撼
egtharng | wooden bath; bathtub | 浴桶; 浴盆
exngtharntiau | aria | 詠歎調
hafnharn | rarely | 罕罕; 稀罕
harhok | mourning clothing | 孝服
harm | beat (downward) with a cane or a stone (see kong) | 擊; 撼; 榨; 用力打下; 砸
harm'oe | exaggerated talk | 謬話; 虛言; 諏話
harm`phoax | hammer to crash | 打破; 撼破
harm`sie | strike to death | 打死; 撼死
harmhaxm | pompous | 諏諏; 譀譀; 不實,誇誕; 浮誇不實; 無實
harmkao | people don't care | 諏狗; 無在意之人
harmkhoaxkhoa | reckless and careless in managing affairs; absurd; nonsensical | 諏掛掛; 馬虎極了; 荒謬極了
harmkoaxkoa | reckless and careless in managing affairs; absurd; nonsensical | 諏掛掛; 馬虎極了; 荒謬極了
harmkoftioxng | abdominal dropsy | 臌古帳; 肚脹
harmkor | incredible; empty; baseless stories | 諏古; 譀古; 誇大的故事; 無實之事; 荒謬
harmkviax | magnifying glass; magnifying glass | 擴鏡; 譀鏡; 顯微鏡; 放大鏡
harmphuh | swollen with a disease | 浮腫; 譀浡; 癡肥; 水腫
harmpuh | swollen with a disease | 浮腫, 癡肥
harmsu | things over exaggerated; ridiculous | 諏事; 荒唐事
harmtoong | absurd | 諏唐; 荒唐
harn | violent; fierce; termagant | 悍; 喊; 潑辣; 罕; 傳佈流言; 傳布消息
harn'iøh | Chinese herb medicine; Chinese medicine | 漢藥; 中藥
harn'iøqpaang | Chinese drug store | 漢藥房; 中藥房
harn'iøqtiaxm | Chinese medicine store | 漢藥店
harn'oe | Chinese painting | 漢畫
harn'ui | Chinese painting | 漢畫
harn'y | Chinese herb doctor; doctor of Chinese medicine | 漢醫; 中醫
harn'ym | the sound of Han | 漢音
harn'øqar | private school; hedge school; class conducted at a temple to learn Chinese | 漢學仔; 私塾
harn`khylaai | shut up | 悍起來
harn`tid | seldom | 罕得
harnbuun | Chinese | 漢文
harng | intimidate; browbeat; frighten; threaten; to bully | 哄; 威脅; 嚇唬; 威嚇
harngak | Chinese music | 漢樂
harnghah | be generous; vehement fervent liberal; unselfish | 腫合; 出手很大方; 很富裕
harngiok | Chinese jade | 漢玉
harnglefng | healthy baby; grown very fat on milk like an infant | 腫乳; 嬰兒胖大
harnglyn | swell with milk, develop (breasts), milk-fed | 腫乳; 肨奶; 漲奶
harngny | swell with milk, develop (breasts), milk-fed | 腫乳; 肨奶; 漲奶
harngphøee | swelling skin | 腫肥; 肥胖
harnguo | Chinese | 漢語
harngzerng | swell from infection | 腫脹; 感染腫脹
harnhoax | Han-civilize | 漢化
harnji | Chinese Character; Han Character | 漢字
harnjiin | Chinese; Han people | 漢人
harnkafn | traitor; a spy; one who betrayed China; traitor to China | 漢奸
harnli | Chinese character | 漢字
harnpefng | Chinese soldier | 漢兵
harnsefng | Chinese sound | 漢聲
harnsek | Chinese meat; Chinese food | 漢席; 中餐
harnzhao | physique | 漢草; 體
harnzok | the Han race | 漢族
harnzw | Chinese book | 漢書
harsvaf | mourning dress | 孝服; 孝衫
harthng | sun's stick with a white paper at funeral | 曬搪; 孝杖; [*]
hengkharm | chest; thorax; chest | 胸坎; 胸膛
hiaukharng | elope for love | 淫奔; 嬲夯
hiharn | rarity; rareness; rare | 稀罕
hiharn-mih | (n) curio | 稀罕物; 珍品
hiongharn | ferocious; cruel | 凶悍
hoetharn | a blanket with 9flower) design | 花毯
hofphøee-tharn | tiger fur carpet | 虎皮毯
hoharn | to shout, to cry, a shout | 呼喊
hongtharn | jaundice | 黃疸
hortharng | large basket for two men | 戽桶; 水桶
iaupafzhar | Hungry or full; he is still troublesome.--No matter what the circumstances; he causes a lot of trouble | 飢飽吵; 嘮叨無休
iaupar-zhar | squabble all the time; fuss unceasingly | 飢飽吵; 吵鬧無停
ientharng | metal bucket; galvanized bucket | 鉛桶; 白鐵桶
imzharm | gloomy, miserable | 陰慘; 暗淡的
iutharng | oil bucket; fuel tank (of motorcycle; automobile) | 油桶
iuxtharn | to bare the right shoulder (in punishment) | 右袒
ixn laang khaq-zharm khiaxm laang | You have to keep your word. (Lit. To promise someone something is more serious than for someone to owe you a debt.) | 答應他人比欠他人更嚴重
iøtharng | barrel for washing clothes | 腰桶
jiongtharn | woolen blanket or carpet | 絨毯
jizhafngzharng | mixed up, confused, in confusion | 很亂, 亂七八糟
jiøxtharng | a urinal; portable container for urine; urine bucket (pot) | 尿桶; 便壺
juzhafngzharng | chaotic; untidy; messy; in a mess | 亂糟糟; 亂七八糟
kafmtharnhø | exclamation mark | 感嘆號
kafmtharnsuu | interjection | 感嘆詞
kafzhar | make a noisy disturbance | 絞吵; 吵鬧
kawkharng | Taiwanese clams with 9 water absorption holes | 九孔
kekkharm | play dumb | 激憨; 假裝呆子
kengtharnhø | exclamation mark | 驚嘆號
khafmkharm | foolish | 憨憨; 歁歁
khafnkharn | fluent; open; straightforward | 侃侃
khahzharm | more miserable | 較慘
khangtharng | empty bucket or barrel | 空桶
khaozharm | crying bitterly | 哭慘
khar | clever; ingenious; artful; skillful; witty; pretty; cute; coincidental; coincidence | 巧; 稀有的
kharbiau | dexterous, ingenious | 巧妙
kharchiaf | truck | 卡車
khariuu | press oil out of seeds; or peanuts | 搾油; 敲油
kharkhax`leq | dial the telephone | 卡卡咧
kharm | to chop, to fell trees, to slash | 砍; 坎; 憨; 階; 家; 歁
kharm'afkvii | edge of a cliff | 崖仔墘; 崖緣; 嵌邊
kharm'afpvy | edge of a cliff | 崖仔邊; 崖緣; 嵌邊
kharm'aw | a cup with a cover | 蓋甌; 有蓋子的茶沸
kharm'ixn | to affix a seal, to stamp | 蓋印
kharm`ee | stupid person | 傻瓜; 坎的
kharmbat | cover closely; close tightly | 蓋密; 蓋緊
kharmbextiaau | cannot be hidden | 蓋無了
kharmbin | cover the face; don't see danger | 遮面; 無知險惡
kharmchiu | cut tree | 砍樹
kharmgiam | examine on the spot; officially inspect the state of a place or person (esp. as to injuries) | 堪驗
kharmgo | correct printing errors; collate; correct errors | 勘誤
kharmgoxpiør | corrigenda; errata; table of errors | 勘誤表
kharmhe | cover | 蓋下
kharmhvi | cover the ear | 蓋耳
kharmkhaf | cliff; foot of a cliff | 崖下; 嵌下; 崖腳
kharmkhaxm`leq | cover the whole | 蓋蓋咧
kharmkhør | rough; rugged; full of frustrations | 坎坷
kharmkoax | cover; cover | 蓋蓋; 崁蓋; 蓋蓋子; 蓋上蓋子
kharmngg | knock at a door | 扣門; 敲門; 扣(敲)
kharmterng | on the cliff; upper level | 崖頂; 山崖上
kharmthaau-kharmbin | don't see danger; silly; stupid | 蓋頭蓋面; 傻乎乎的; 無知死活; 把頭臉都遮住
kharmthaukharmbin | dumb-headed; ignorant | 崁頭崁面
kharmtiautiaau | cover tightly | 蓋牢牢
kharmzaf | examine; investigate | 勘查; 查勘
kharmzay | inspect a disaster-stricken area | 勘災
kharmzhad | investigate; to review; examine | 勘察
kharmzhaxng | hid | 蓋藏
kharmzhuix | to cover the mouth, to let shut the mouth | 蓋嘴; 崁喙
kharn | Straightforward; open | 侃
kharnbong | visit or call on (archaic) | 看望
kharng | eye socket | 眶
kharngkafng | stay away from work without good reason; neglect work | 曠工
kharngkhaxng`leq | scratch or scrape with nails | 揭揭咧
kharngpeh | blank | 空白
kharngphie | pick off scabs | 揭痂
kharngte | open vacant piece of ground suitable for building | 曠地
kharngtiau | scratch away with the nails | 樞起來, 樞掉
kharngtoe | | 空地
kharngtøe | open space | 曠地; 空地
kharnho | nurse; caretaker; nurse (in hospital) | 看護
kharnho-hu | nurse; ; care taker | 看護婦
kharnhoxhak | Nursing | 看護學
kharnhoxhu | nurse | 看護婦; 護士
kharnhoxhu-tviuo | hospital matron | 看護婦長; 女護士長
kharnkox | look after | 看顧
kharnsiuo | guard a jail or a prison; jailer; prison guard; prison police; prison guards | 獄警; 看守
kharnsiwsor | house of detention | 看守所
kharphoax | to break by striking or knocking | 砍敲; 敲破
kharphvix | card | 卡片
kharpinchiafng | carbine | 卡賓槍
kharpinzhexng | carbine | 卡賓槍
kharsaxng | mother | 母親; 源自日語かあさん(kaasan); 日語漢字為「母さん」
kharsvoax | to strike to separate apart | 敲散
kharthofng | cartoon | 卡通
kharzax | to extort, to blackmail | 敲詐
kharzefng | ring bell; strike bells; toll a bell | 敲鐘; 鳴鐘
kharzhuix | to knock into pieces | 敲碎
khatharng | wooden pail; container; water bucket; large basin used by women for a sponge bath | 腳桶; 跤桶; 洗腳盆; 水桶
khauzhar | criticize; find fault with | 刮吵; 計較
khef`nih bøo kharmkoax | Good for nothing. Useless lout! (Lit. The river has no cover ─ so it's easy for you to go throw yourself in.) | 溪裡無蓋蓋; (比喻人沒用可跳河死)
khekkharm | cut notches | 刻坎; 刻成凹痕
khiuo hengkharm | seize a man by his clothes at the neck or the breast | 揪衣襟; 揪胸坎
khongkharm | stupid; idiot; silly; do or say something jokingly and thoughtlessly; stupid; absurd | 悾憨; 悾歁; 呆瓜; 狂妄; 做傻事
khotharng-saihu | hooper; cooper | 箍桶司父; 箍桶匠
kiawzhar | to disturb; to stir; to interrupt; make a disturbance | 騷擾; 攪吵; 打擾
kikhar | rare and precious; rare; ingenious; crafty; with great skill and beauty | 奇巧; 希罕; 奇珍; 稀奇
kikhietharng | machine for threshing rice | 打穀機
kim'iongkhar | bank card; ATM card | 金融卡
koaekhar | strange | 奇巧; 奇怪
koaikhar | clever; ingenious; obedient and intelligent (children) | 乖巧; 乖順
koanke-kharm | high and low stairs or steps | 高低階
koankexkharm | sudden change of level (on a road or terraced hill-side) | 高低坎
koeazhar | be fried | 炒過
kuaftharmpaang | bride’s brothers came to visis | 舅仔探房
kuinii-tharngthvy | the whole year through | 一年到頭
kuinitharngthvy | a year | 規年迵天
kviatharngthaxng | walk all about (e.g.; through a whole region or country) | 行桶桶; 走遍
kviatharnhø | exclamation mark | 驚嘆號
langkoanharntoa | big guy | 人懸漢大
lengkhar | clever; bright; cute; lovable | 靈巧
liøxtharng | piss bucket | 尿桶
loaxnkharm | to slash | 亂砍
luzhafngzharng | take the cloak | 挐氅氅
løharnkha'ar | single- typically about male | 羅漢跤仔
løharnkhaf | a bachelor; a single male; vagabond | 單身漢; 光棍
løharnkuun | a game played by Taiwanese during drinking alcohol | 羅漢拳
løharnkør | mangosteen | 羅漢果
løharnzay | special vegetarian dish | 羅漢齋
mngtharn | woolen blanket; hairy woolen rug | 毛毯
motharn | woolen blanket; hairy woolen rug | 毛毯
ngsngf-tharng | pale and emaciated | 黃酸桶; 病夫
ngtharn | icterus; jaundice; jaundice (a kind of sickness) | 黃疸; 黃膽
niawkharmtoo | bird's-eye view; view from high above | 鳥瞰圖
nngfphafngpharng | extremely soft | 軟紡紡
otharng | a bucket of a well-sweep | 黑桶
oxmzhafzhar | luxuriant | 茂吵吵
paktoftharng | stomach | 腹肚桶
paktor-tharng | big belly | 腹肚桶; 大肚皮
pefngtharn-chiøx | to lie face up | 翻躺笑
pefngtharn-khab | to turn into a prostrate position | 翻躺磕; 反過來蓋伏
pefngtharn-phag | to turn into a prostrate position | 俯躺伏
pefngtharn-tør | to turn over from a prostrate position | 俯躺倒; 倒下成橫
pengtharn | even, level, plain, flat | 平躺
phahkhar-oaan | a clerk who use card puncher | 拍卡員
phaq hengkharm | pound one's chest (to show confidence; defiance; acceptance of a challenge or responsibility) | 拍胸脯; 保證
pharn'ar | fool | 呆仔
pharnbong | expect eagerly; long for; hope for; long for; to wish; expect eagerly | 盼望
pharng | bread; reel; to spin; to twist | 麵包; 紡; 源自日語パン(pafn)
pharngkvix | lose something | 丟掉; 不見了; 遺失
pharngphuq | pump | 幫浦
pharnliam | think of longingly | 盼念; 想念
pharzheg | empty grain | 打穀
phaypharng | bad spinning | 歹紡
phientharn | partial; unfair; partiality; unfairness; favouritism; be partial; give improper protection to; to screen | 偏袒; 偏坦
phoetharng | mailbox (those on the street) | 郵筒
photextharn | spread carpet | 舖地毯
phuntharng | barbell for leftover; tub install leftovers (of food) | 餿桶; 潘桶; 泔水桶
phurntharng | watering bucket | 噴桶; 撒水桶
phvaypharng | hard to handle; hard to deal with | 歹紡; 很難辦; 很難應付
phøetharn | leather blanket | 皮毯
phøetharng | letter-box, mail-box | 批桶; 郵筒
piahtharn | carpet for the wall | 壁毯
piexntharng | a commode | 便桶
pizharm | miserable; dismal; tragic; grievous; tragic; pathetic; miserable; wretched | 悲慘
pngxtharng | large rice bucket; good-for-nothing; stupid; tub for storing cooked rice; a good for nothing; stupid; clumsy fellow | 飯桶
poaqtharng | water bucket | 跋桶; 拔桶; 打水用桶
purnsørtharng | dust bin | 垃圾桶
purnsørtharng`lie | inside garbage can | 糞埽桶裡
purnsøx-tharng | garbage can | 垃圾桶; 糞埽桶; 垃圾箱
puxntharng | bear; bonehead; chump; goosey; donkey | 笨蛋
pvoaqtharng | change barrel | 拔桶
saytharng | bucket for dung; chamber pot; honey bucket | 屎桶; 糞桶
seaharn'ar | little one | 細漢仔
seaharnkiøafkao | little one | 細漢茄仔狗
seaharnko'ar | youngest aunty | 細漢姑仔
seaharnkuar | the youngest uncle on the mother side | 細漢舅仔
seaharnkviar | the youngest of the family | 細漢囝
seaharnsi'ar | during the young age | 細漢時仔
seaharnsii | during the young age | 細漢時
seaseaharn'ar | little guy | 細細漢仔
serngtaxn kharphvix | Christmas card | 聖誕卡片
siahtharng | tin bucket | 錫桶
siaktharng | tub for threshing rice | 摔桶; (脫穀用的大木桶)
siogpharng | toast | 吐司; 白麵包; 源自日語しょくパン(shokupan); 日語漢字為「食パン」
siokpharng | toast | 俗麭
sirn'ioxngkhar | credit card (外來詞) | 信用卡
siuohoef-tharn | embroidered coverlet | 繡花毯
siøf-tharnviu | follow the example of others | 相探樣; 相仿效
sngtharng | ice cream freezer | 酸雪; 冰桶
soaxntharng | watering can; sprinkling can | 灑桶
soefsengkhutharng | shower water bucket | 洗身軀桶
sokkatharng | plastic bucket | 塑膠桶
taftharng | bucket | 打桶
tahhengkharm | bang on chest | 搭胸坎
tetharng | vessel for tea or hot water | 茶桶
textharn | carpet or rug | 地毯
tharhea | stir the flame | 挓火
tharhoea | stir the fire | 挓火
tharhøea | stir a fire | 炒火; 挓火; 通火
tharkhuy | push away; push things apart with a pole | 撥開; 攪開
tharm | a rug; a carpet; a blanket | 毯
tharm'ar | scout; spy; detective | 探仔
tharm'oaan | detective | 探員
tharm'viaa | visit a military camp, spy on a camp | 探營
tharmbea | mounted scout; spy | 探馬
tharmbeeng | to ferret out | 探明
tharmbong | to visit | 探望; 探墓; 省墓
tharmboxngzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmboxzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmbun | inquiry; to inquire about or after | 探問
tharmchyn | visit one's relatives | 探親
tharmciaotefng | searchlight | 探照燈
tharmhiafmkaf | explorer; adventurer | 探險家
tharmhiafmtui | expedition team; exploration party | 探險隊
tharmhiarm | to undertake an exploratory trip; exploration; explore; set out on an adventure+E26673 | 探險
tharmhiarm-kaf | explorer | 探險家
tharmhoef | detective | 探花
tharmhorng | to investigate; visit; inquire about; pick up information | 探訪
tharmkhvoarbai | seeking out | 探探看
tharmkhvoax | investigate | 探看; 查看
tharmkiuu | to seek; hunting | 探求
tharmkiux | explore | 探究
tharmkvaf | visit a prisoner | 探監
tharmlo | pathfinding | 探路
tharmloong zhwbut | as easy as taking things out of one's own pocket | 探曩取物
tharmmng | inquire about; pick up information | 探問
tharmpaang | marriage custom in which the younger brother of the bride goes to the bridal chamber on the third day to call on and inquire about his older sister | 探房; (新娘過門後第三日; 其弟到姊姊房中探問)
tharmpvi | visit the sick | 探病
tharmsiim | explore | 探尋
tharmsofng | inquire about mourning ceremonies; condole with someone on his bereavement | 弔喪
tharmsuun | to inquire about | 探尋; 探詢
tharmsøq | to explore, exploration | 探索
tharmthaau | thrust one's head forward so as to see or hear better; drop in; visit | 伸頭; 探頭; 伸頭探看; 拜訪
tharmthviacide | snoop | 探聽一下
tharmthviaf hisit | verify the facts by inquiry | 打聽虛實
tharmthviaf | to investigate secretly; to try to find out; snoop; inquire about; pick up information; make inquiries about something; usually somewhat secretly; investigate secretly | 探聽; 打聽
tharmthør | to study; explore | 探討
tharmzaf | spy out, find out | 探查
tharmzefng | probe; burrow into | 探偵; 偵探; 探查
tharmzheg | to probe, to survey | 探測
tharmzhekkhix | detector | 探測器
tharn | wide and smooth; level; even; open; self-possessed; calm; composed; peaceful | 坦
tharn'ee | earned | 趁的
tharn'eeng | take advantage of leisure time | 賺閒; 趁閒
tharn'gox | tango | 探戈; 源自日語タンゴ(tango)
tharn'u | made money | 趁有
tharn'viu | follow an example | 探樣; 循例
tharnbextør | does not have the ability or faculty to make money to full potential | 能力不夠所以沒辦法賺人家的錢
tharnbøextør | does not have the ability or faculty to make money to full potential | 賺未倒
tharnbøo | earned nothing | 趁無
tharnciah | livelihood; earn living; earn one's food | 賺食; 趁食; (賺錢); 謀生; 工作; 營生
tharnciah-zabor | prostitute | 賺食查某; 妓女
tharnciaqkefng | brothel | 趁食間
tharnciaqkeng'ar | brothel | 趁食間仔
tharnciaqlaang | man who lives just on what he earns; a man who earns just enough to support himself | 賺食人; 趁食人; 工人
tharnciaqpo | mechanism of making money | 賺食步
tharnciaqtøea | prostitute background | 賺食底
tharnciaqzabor | prostitute | 趁食查某
tharncidsii | making money for a moment | 賺一時
tharncitsii | making money for this moment | 賺這時
tharncvii | earn money by work; business | 賺錢
tharng | be eliminated from the basket (e.g.; rotten fruit) ─ omit; be left out; count for nothing | 被淘汰; 桶; 無中用之人
tharnghae | straight to the ocean | 迵海
tharngkaux | lead through to | 透夠; 通到
tharngkhix | straight through | 迵去
tharngkoex | straight | 迵過
tharngkøex | hole made all the way through; as a hole; pierce or pass quite through | 透過; 迵過
tharngoan | appeal, entrust, petition | 透願; 歎願
tharngsym | penetrate to heart | 透心
tharngthviax | ache; pain; be in pain; to ache; feel pain; grieved; distressed; miserable | 疼痛; 痛疼
tharngthvy | pass through to the sky | 透天
tharnguo-suu | Interjection | 嘆氣詞
tharnhoax | to carbonize, to carbonate, carbonization | 碳化; 炭化
tharnkhix | carbonic acid gas; to sigh | 歎氣; 碳氣; 嘆氣
tharnkhuix | groan; sigh; suspire | 嘆氣
tharnkngx | carbon steel | 碳鋼
tharnkoafar | make some | 趁寡仔
tharnlaang | follow others; imitate others | 趁人
tharnlauzuie | take advantage of the flowing water | 趁流水
tharnsaikhiaf | make money for personal usage | 趁私奇
tharnseg | to exclaim; sigh; groan | 嘆息
tharnsex | take advantage of favorable circumstances | 趁勢
tharnsii | make use of the time, take an advantage of an opportunity | 趁時
tharnsiofng | to lament; mawkishness | 嘆傷
tharnsiøf ciah | eat while the food is still hot | 趁熱吃
tharnsiøf lym | drink while (the tea; soup) is hot | 趁熱喝
tharnsiøf | when it is hot or warm; before it's too late; eat while the food is still hot; before it gets cold; get'em while they're hot | 趁熱; 趁燒
tharnsiøq | to pity, to regret | 嘆息; 嘆惜
tharnsngf | carbonic acid | 碳酸
tharnsoafn | carbonic acid | 碳酸
tharnsuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
tharnsuu | an interjection (in grammar) | 歎詞; 嘆詞
tharnthioxng | rejoice to soon; be feel let down | 賺暢; 空歡喜; 白高興
tharntiøh | earned | 趁著
tharntoaxcvii | make a fortune | 趁大錢
tharnviu | imitate an example or model | 仿傚; 照樣
tharnzar | as early or as soon as possible | 趁早
tharoar | pull thing near to stick | 粘倚; 堆起
thaukharm | first; primary; foremost | 頭嵌; 第一
thetharng | a tail, a bucket | 提桶
thihtharng | iron bucket ─ impregnable defense | 鐵桶
thiuzuie beftharng | flush toilet; western style toilet bowl; commode | 抽水馬桶
thogkharky | card-reader | 讀卡機
thvy bøkharm | no flight of stairs in heaven; means never afraid of danger | 天無階梯; (形容無怕危險)
tiexnharn | electric welding | 電焊
tiexntharn | electric blanket | 電毯
tngnii tharngthvy | whole year through | 一年到頭
tngrhengkharm | beat the breast | 頓胸坎
tngzharm | just now become very miserable; in the midst of misery | 當慘; 最悲慘的時候
toa-tharncvii | making large gains | 賺大錢; 發大財
toaxharnkhoarn | like a big guy | 大漢款
toaxharnkviar | eldest son | 大漢囝
toaxharnzabofkviar | eldest daughter | 大漢查某囝
toaxtharncvii | make big bucks | 大趁錢
toaxtoxtharng | distended belly | 大肚桶
toextharn | carpet | 地毯
tuii hengkharm | beat one's breast with the fist in grief or displeasure; especially grief for one's own folly or on failing to use a good opportunity | 搥胸坎
tvaftharng | seal up a coffin awaiting burial | 停柩; 打桶; 停靈
tvafzhar | annoy peoples | 打吵; 打攪
tøextharn | carpet; rug | 地毯
vaxpharng | bread with filling | 餡麭
zengkhar | exquisite; exquisiteness; fine; subtle; ingenious; elaborate | 精巧
zengzhar put'hiw | quarrel endlessly | 爭吵無休
zengzhar | to quarrel; to wrangle | 爭吵
zhafzhar | fried; quarrel | 炒炒; 吵吵
zhakhatharng | wooden bucket | 柴跤桶
zhao'iutharng | unpleasant oil barrel | 臭油桶
zhaokharm | center of the tree is rotted out; rotten wood | 臭坎; 湊巧; 木頭心有洞
zhaotwkharm | manage to make enough quantity; unexpectedly; by chance; accidentally | 湊夠數; 湊巧
zhar byhurn | fry rice noodles; fried rice noodles | 炒米粉
zhar | fry or parch in frying pan with little or no fat | 炒; 吵
zhar`ee | fried | 炒的
zhar`laang | bother a person by being noisy; hollering or requesting things; disturb someone | 擾人; 打擾人
zhar`sie | noisy; bothering | 吵死; 煩死
zhar`sie-laang | make someone angry; annoy; bother; disturb; also used as a light swear word with the meaning; You are driving me nuts. (Lit. You are so disturbing it's killing me.) | 吵死人
zharm buu jintø | inhuman; brutal | 慘無人道
zharm buu thienjit | said of life under a tyrannical government; so dark; or full of suffering; that it is as if the sun were not in the sky | 慘無天日
zharm putjirm tor | so tragic that one cannot bear to look at it | 慘無忍睹
zharm | miserable; wretched; unfortunate; tragic; sorrowful; tragic; cruel; brutal; gloomy | 慘
zharm`aq | Goodness! Heaven! | 慘啊
zharmgie | predict good or bad | 讖語
zharmguo | prophecy | 讖語; 預言
zharmhoea | repent of sin; repentance | 懺悔
zharmhoealiok | confessions | 懺悔錄
zharmhoeasuu | Penitential Rite of the Mass (Catholic) | 懺悔詞
zharmhoefkhix | repent | 懺悔偈
zharmhoex zuxsyn | repent and turn over a new leaf | 懺悔自新
zharmhoex | repent of one's sin | 懺悔
zharmhøea | repent of sin, repentance | 懺悔
zharn | sheep crowding | 羼
zharng | cloak | 氅
zharngbi | dive | 潛泳
zharngbiq | hide | 躲藏; 潛匿
zharngchiw | exaggerated confidence; get rude; bumptious (Lit. moustache bristling with rage) | 氅鬚; 聳鬚; 鬚毛豎起; 展威風; 髮指; 高傲自大
zharngjip | hide in | 藏入
zharngkhix | hide | 藏去
zharngmih | hide something | 藏物
zharngmngg | hair that stands on end; feathers ruffled as when a bird is ill; spread the tail feathers like a turkey cock | 豎毛
zharngmokngr | get goosebumps | 氅毛管; 起雞皮疙瘩
zharngmoo | hair that stands on end; feathers ruffled as when a bird is ill; spread the tail feathers like a turkey cock | 豎毛
zharngpøfsviw | treasure chest | 藏寶箱
zharngzhao | die; dead | 死去
zharngzhaxng | disorderly hair; confusion; disheveled | 氅氅; 毛髮豎起無整; 毛茸茸的
zharngzheq | collection | 藏冊
zharngzuie | diving | 潛水
zharngzuybi | dive | 潛水匿
zharngzuyoaan | diver | 藏水員
zharngzuysvaf | diving suit | 藏水衫
zharngzuytui | diving team | 藏水隊
zharnjieen | bright | 燦然
zharnkngf | bright | 燦光
zharnlan | brilliant; dazzling; splendid; brilliant; splendid; dazzlingly bright | 燦爛
zharnlan-huihoong | brilliant and magnificent | 燦爛輝煌
zharnlan-konghuy | brilliant and glorious | 燦爛光輝
zhatharng | wooden pail | 柴桶; 木桶
zhezharm | deplorable | 淒慘
zhortharng | jealous woman; jealous person | 醋桶; 醋罐; 醋罈(子)
zhotharng | thick bucket | 粗桶
zhvezharm | tragic; miserable; wretched | 淒慘
zhvezharm-logpheg | very miserable | 悽慘落泊; 慘透了
zhw textharn | spread carpet | 舖地毯
zhwkhar | trick | 取巧
zuytharng | water bucket | 水桶
zvezhar | brawl | 爭吵
zøftharn | bare the left shoulder (in ancient ceremonies of mourning), be biased, favor one side, to side with | 左袒
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