"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Hayhiabhoe | ARATS | 海協會
Khofngzwkofng mxkvar siw laang ee kehmii-thiab | Confucius did not dare accept an invitation for the next day. Tomorrow is very uncertain | 孔子公無敢收隔夜帖; (不知未來如何)
Longbiin-hiabhoe | farmer's association | 農民協會
aechiab | beloved concubine; beloved concubine | 愛妾
angthiab | red invitation card | 紅帖
bythiab | part of salary paid with rice | 米帖; 食物配給
chiab | a concubine; to steal; concubine; secondary wife (self deprecating term used by a woman referring to herself when speaking to her husband) | 妾; 竊
chiabak | to look down on somebody | 斜目
chiabea | chariots and horses | 車馬; 馬車
chiabea-huix | travelling expenses | 車馬費
chiabee | car fans | 車迷
chiabefhuix | transportation allowance; travel expenses | 車馬費
chiabii | extravagant | 奢靡
chiabin | a slant; an inclined plane; inclined plane; oblique plane; a slope | 斜面
chiabong | an extravagant hope; an unusual great hope; a wild hope; extravagant hopes | 奢望
chiabunpox | twilled cotton | 斜紋布
chiabuun | twill | 斜紋
chiapchiab sugi | discuss something in secret; comment on something in whispers | 竊竊私議
chiapchiab sugie | talk stealthily or in a very low voice; to whisper | 竊竊私語
chiapchiab-suguo | to whisper to each other | 竊竊私語
chviafthiab | invitation; an invitation card | 請帖
ciøthiab | poster | 招貼
haxthiab | to send invitation | 下帖
hiab | cheak | 頰
hiab'e | labor by force | 脅工; 肋下
hiab'iog | a trade treaty; alliance | 協約
hiab'oaxn | hatred | 怨抱; 挾怨
hiabcih | shake to break | 協折; 搖動而折斷
hiabgi | protocols; consultation; agreement; a draft agreement | 協議
hiabgii | doubt; suspicious | 懷疑; 挾疑
hiabhoe | union; association; institute; cooperative society | 協會
hiabhoong | help defend a place | 協防
hiabhøo | mediate; harmonize; cooperation; Concorde; harmony | 協和
hiabkeg | attack from the flank | 挾擊
hiabkud | flank | 脅骨; 肋骨
hiablegchiaf | bicycle or vehicle powered by two or more people | 協力車
hiablek | concert; concurrence; cooperate; united effort | 協力
hiablie | sub manager in a chief office of a bank; assistant manager | 協理
hiabpan | assist; help somebody do something; cooperate in doing something; assist in managing | 協辦
hiabsimzexng | stenocardia; angina pectoris | 狹心症
hiabsiofng | palaver; conference | 洽商; 協商; 協商(磋商)
hiabsym | (N) Tongxin (place in Ningxia) | 協心; 同心
hiabtaam | consult; counseling | 協談
hiabtamhoe | conference | 協談會
hiabteng | protocol; entente; concert; agreement; convention | 協定
hiabtiaau | to readjust | 協調
hiabtiau | in chime; assort; coordinate; harmony | 協調
hiabtiaujiin | coordinator; mediator | 協調人
hiabtiaw | in chime; assort; coordinate; harmony; coordination | 協調
hiabtoong | cooperate; work with others | 協同
hiabzaokheg | concerto | 協奏曲
hiabzaux | harmonize | 協奏
hiabzex | force s.o. into doing one's bidding | 挾制; 強迫; 壓制
hiabzo | hand; help; work in accord | 協助
hiabzog | cooperate in doing | 協助; 合作
hiabzuie | draw water | 拹水
hoatthiab | send out invitation | 發帖
hoethiab | acknowledgement card | 回帖
hythiab | wedding invitation | 喜帖
høefchiabuo | locomotive; train station | 火車母
høxthiab | congratulatory cards | 賀帖
iapthiab | hidden | 隱密
jixthiab | copybook (for calligraphy); writing book | 字帖
kapchiab'hiap | negotiate with… | 與… 接洽
kazok-tinthiab | family allowance | 家族津貼
khiabea | ride a horse | 騎馬
khiabeflofng | sit astride of; sit on a person | 騎馬瓏; 跨騎
kunzuo hiabteng | gentlemen's agreement | 君子協定
labchiab | take a concubine | 納妾
lefthiab | invitation (card) | 禮帖; 請帖
lenghong thiab | betrothal cards; wedding invitation cards | 龍鳳帖
lionghong thiab | betrothal cards; wedding invitations | 龍鳳帖
lionghong-thiab | betrothal cards | 龍鳳帖
miathiab | name tag | 名帖
paethiab | visiting card | 拜帖
pangthiab | to give financial assistance to | 資助; 津貼; 幫貼
parngthiab | to send an invitation card | 放帖; 發帖子
peqthiab | funeral invitation card | 白帖
pithiab | inscription | 碑帖
pixchiab | be victimized by burglary | 被竊
pngfthiab | add post | 補帖
pofthiab | a subsidy; a subvention; an allowance | 補貼
pynthiab | official report to a superior | 稟報; 陳情書
pøehjixthiab | document containing eight zodiac character times; often exchanged before marriage | 八字帖
samthiabkie | triassic | 三疊紀
samzhesuochiab | many wives | 三妻四妾
sarngthiab | send an invitation | 送帖
siafthiab | write a post | 寫帖
siangpvy hiabteng | bilateral agreement | 雙邊協定
siapthiab | Put neatly and densely | 屧貼
siaxthiab | thank you note | 謝貼
sitchiab | be stolen; be visited by a burglar | 失竊
sitgiap tinthiab | unemployment allowance | 失業津貼
suthiab | private post | 私帖; 私貼
tafmkhiab | mush; shyness; timidity; eeriness; quail | 膽怯
tangsym hiablek | with one mind and united strength | 同心協力
tengsafn hiabhoe | alpinist club or association | 登山協會
thefthiab | thoughtfulness; considerate; have sympathy with; show appreciation of; to act in conformity with; show solicitude or consideration for | 體貼
thefthiab-sym | show appreciation of | 體貼心
thengciexn hiabteng | truce; armistice | 停戰協定
thiab haghuix | subsidize tuition fee | 補貼學費
thiab hoefsit | subsidize mess; food | 補貼伙食
thiab laang ciah | pay for one's board | 搭伙
thiab lie ee lixseg | to give some interest when borrowing from a friend | 貼你利息
thiab taxmpøh | give a small tip; make up a little deficiency | 貼淡薄; 貼一點
thiab | paste on; to stick up; attached; close to | 貼; 帖; 緊緊的
thiabhoex | stacking | 疊貨
thiabkhie | stacking | 疊起
thiabkoaan | stack; supraposition | 疊高
thiabløhaxn | stacking people | 疊羅漢
thiabseeng | stack | 疊成
thiabsit | neatly put up, compact | 堆實; 塞緊
thiabzhao | pile straw up into stacks | 堆草
thiabzngf | lay brick | 堆磚; 砌磚
thiabzoex | stack | 疊做
thiabzøx | stack | 疊做
thvithiab | make up the deficiency or a deficit | 添貼; 填貼
thørthiab | safe, satisfactory | 套貼; 妥貼
tiaochiabea | hanging at the bottom- score the worst generally | 吊車尾
tiaochiaboea | Hang on to the back (side) of a train; bus (figure of speech) | 吊車尾
tinthiab | allowance; pay; pension; subsidize; allowance; to help out with money | 津貼
tørthiab | pay out of one's own pocket | 倒貼
uihiabtiøh | threatening | 威脅著
voaxthiab | brotherhood; exchange cards; giving all the particulars of birth; and thus become sworn brothers | 換帖; 結拜
voaxthiab`ee | buddy | 換帖的; 結拜兄弟
zaechiab | remarry (said of a man) | 再娶
zhechiab | wife and concubine; wife and concubine(s) | 妻妾
zuyhiab'ar | manual water pump | 水拹仔

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