"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Pakkek tharmhiarm | Arctic expedition | 北極探險
anhiarng boafnlieen | enjoy a happy time in old age | 安享晚年
bagzadchiarm | baked cuttlefish | 烏賊叉
bin'eeng hoattiexnchiarng | privately owned power station | 民營發電廠
boexhiarng | unable to sound loud; ; will not; be unable to; be incapable to | 未響; 無會
bychiarm | gadget for poking rice from rice bag | 米攕
bøexhiarng | unable to | 未響; 無會
chiar | to pull; to tremble | 扯; 哆
chiarchiaa | somewhat declining | 斜斜
chiarm | fork; stab; pierce with a fork or a meat skewer | 叉; 攕; 刺叉; 刺
chiarm'oat | overstep | 僭越
chiarm`tiøh | crossed | 叉著
chiarmkoaan | to intervene somebody's affair without authorization | 僭權; 越權
chiarmtøf | tine knife | 叉刀
chiarmzhuix | to break into a conversation or statement | 僭嘴; 插嘴
chiarng | busy; to strike; plant; to startle; a long day; hop along; walk with much difficulty as with a lame or sore leg | 冗; 蹌; 獨腳跳; 廠; 昶; 聳; 跛行
chiarngchiarngzao | run very quickly | 䢢䢢走; 跑得很快
chiarngkex | bidding price | 唱價
chiarngkhaf | dance with one foot | 䢢腳; 單腳跳
chiarnglea | sing | 唱禮
chiarngmiaa | call name; call the roll loudly | 唱名
chiarngphiøx | count votes aloud | 唱票
chiarngsviaf | raise voice against | 試看覓
chiarngtø | advocate or lead with a new idea | 倡導
chiehiarm | take a risk | 試險
ciøf pøfhiarm | canvass for insurance | 招保險; 拉保險
cviathiarm | very exhausted | 很累; 誠忝
exhiarng | to be able to; to be capable of | 會響; 能夠; 會曉
guihiarm huxnzuo | dangerous elements; undesirable elements | 危險份子
guihiarm khuhek | danger zone | 危險區域
guihiarm sirnhø | danger signal | 危險信號
guihiarm susiorng | dangerous thoughts | 危險思想
guihiarm | danger; dangerous | 危險
guihiarm-sexng | danger, possibility of danger | 危險性
guxhiarm | meet an accident; accident; meet with danger | 遇險
haysiong pøfhiarm | marine insurance | 海上保險
hiafmhiarm | almost | 險險; 險些兒; 差一點兒; 幾乎
hiafnghiarng | resonating well | 響響
hiarm | dangerousness; dangerous | 險; 嶮; 獫; 差一點
hiarm'oafn | call for justice | 喊冤
hiarmguu`ee | cowboy | 喊牛的
hiarmhoaq | shout | 喊喝; 大聲叫
hiarmkhor | complain about hardships loudly; broadcast one's grievances | 喊苦; 叫苦
hiarmkiux | cry for help | 喊救
hiarmkiøx | cry out; shout | 喊叫
hiarmphaq | shout; Beat him up! | 喊打; 叫打
hiarmsviaf | shouts and screams | 喊聲
hiarmthviax | yell with pain | 喊痛
hiarmzhat | shout the thief | 喊賊
hiarng | enjoy; receive | 享; 響
hiarng'au | in the future; turn around | 向後
hiarng'eeng | on the road to prosperity; making progress | 向榮
hiarng'iaang | facing the south or the sunny side (said of a house) | 向陽; 採光好
hiarng'orng | admire and try to imitate a great person | 嚮往
hiarnggoa | turn outside | 向外
hiarngjidkuii | sunflower | 向日葵
hiarnglaai | hitherto; until now | 向來; 從來
hiarngsii | yore; once upon a time | 向時; 那當時
hiarngsimlek | centripetal force | 向心力
hiarngsiong | turned upward; strive upward; try to improve oneself | 向上
hiarngzeeng | go forward | 向前
hiauhiarm | sly and crafty | 陰險; 僥險
hionghiarm | extremely hazardous; dangerous.; evil and danger | 凶險
hoahhiarm | to cry in distress; to shout; to howl. | 喝喊
hoarhiarm uii ii | turn peril into safety | 化險為夷
hoefhiarm | fire insurance | 火險
honghiarm | risks; hazards; danger | 風險; 危險
huihiarm | danger | 危險
hunhiarng | share blessings or happiness | 分享; 同享
høefhiarm | fire insurance | 火險
høefzay-pøfhiarm | fire insurance | 火災保險
iegoa-pøfhiarm | accident insurance | 意外保險
imhiarm | sinister; insidious; tricky; crafty; treacherous | 陰險
itluii thienha hiarng | achieve enormous success at the very first try; become famous overnight | 一雷天下響
jinsiu-pøfhiarm | life insurance | 人壽保險
kangchiarng | factory; mill; plant; manufactory; workshop | 工廠; 工場
kanhiarm | crafty and wicked; treacherous; crafty; traitorous; treacherous | 奸險; 陰險
khiarm | sorry; bashful; ashamed; insufficient | 歉
khiarm'afn | unease; indisposed; be in poor health (a polite expression) | 欠安; 微恙
khiarm'eng | require or be in need of | 缺用; 欠用; 需要
khiarm'iong | require or be in need of | 缺用; 需要
khiarm'oaan | short of help | 欠員; 欠工作人員
khiarm'ui | lacking seats | 欠位
khiarmcvii | lacking of money | 缺錢
khiarmhang | still one thing to do; not finished | 欠項; 缺一樣 (東西)
khiarmhied | anemia | 貧血
khiarmho | crops lacking rain | 欠雨; 缺雨
khiarmhoat | shortage; lack; deficiency | 缺乏
khiarmhoeq | anemia | 欠血
khiarmhuiq | anemia | 欠血
khiarmkaf | not good; not satisfactory | 欠佳
khiarmkhasiaux | be short of help | 欠腳數; 缺人手
khiarmkheq | lacking | 欠缺
khiarmkhiaxm | somehow lack of | 欠欠; 缺缺
khiarmkhoad | defect; defectiveness | 欠缺
khiarmkhoarn | owe money; amount of money owed | 欠款
khiarmkhoeq | be in want; deficient | 欠缺
khiarmkhøeq | defect; defectiveness | 欠缺
khiarmkiao | have not paid (dues; tax) | 欠繳
khiarmlaang | short of help | 欠人; 需要人手
khiarmsek | be absent, absence | 欠席; 缺席
khiarmsiaux | indebted; owe an account; buy on credit | 欠數; 欠賬; 欠帳
khiarmsoex | tax arrears | 欠稅
khiarmsyn | overdue wages; back pay | 欠薪
khiarmtang | not enough weight | 欠重; 無足重量
khiarmthøx | defective | 欠妥
khiarmtiarm | short-coming; a lack | 缺點
khiarmzeeng | owe favors; favors not returned or repaid | 欠情; 欠人情
khiarmzex | indebted; owe a debt | 負債; 欠債
khiarngchiuo | a clever person, a sharp, strong-willed, overbearing | 能手; 精明的人
khiarngkhaf | terrible; formidable; serious; devastating; tough; capable; sharp; severe; fierce; unyielding (said of a woman); spirited; mannish | 能幹; 勥跤; 厲害; 精明
khiarngtao | a clever person, a sharp, strong-willed, overbearing | 能斗; 精明的人
kiongzex-pøfhiarm | compulsory insurance | 強制保險
kuohiarm | to hold strategic positions | 據險
kuxkhiarmsiaux | previous debt, loan before | 舊債
kviahiarm | adventurous; breathtaking; thrilling | 驚險
laxnghiarm | take risks; adventure; adventurous | 弄險; 冒險
leghiarm | experience adventures; undergo dangers; had a narrow escape | 歷險
liexn'iuu-chiarng | oil refinery | 煉油廠
liexnthiq-chiarng | blooming mill | 煉鐵廠
limhiarm | endanger | 臨險
loxnghiarm | playing with risk; get insurance | 弄險
lyafchiarm | plum tree | 李仔攕
løkafng pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險; (勞保)
løkafng-pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險
maixchiarnglie | singing girl | 賣唱女
moxhiarm ee zengsiin | spirit of adventure | 冒險的精神
moxhiarm | risk; venture; hazard; adventure; jeopardy; take a chance; take risks | 冒險
peng'anhiarm | safety insurance | 平安險
phahhiarng | beat | 拍響
phauxkhiarm | regret; deplore; be ashamed | 抱歉
phøxkhiarm | be sorry; apologetic | 抱歉
puttoong hoanhiarng | extraordinary; remarkable | 無同凡響
pøfhiarm kikafn | period of insurance | 保險期間
pøfhiarm kimgiah | sum for which the subject is insured; insured value | 保險金額
pøfhiarm kongsy | insurance company | 保險公司
pøfhiarm | insurance; insurance; insure; to guarantee; insure against risk; dangers | 保險
pøfhiarm-huix | insurance premium | 保險費
pøfhiarm-kym | insured amount | 保險金
pøfhiarm-sviw | safe, safety box | 保險箱
pøfhiarm-thøx | condom | 保險套
pøfhiarm-tvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
safnbut pøfhiarm kongsy | property insurance company | 產物保險公司
siabhiarm | risk; adventure; involved in danger | 涉險
sitgiap pøfhiarm | unemployment insurance | 失業保險
siuxhiarm | at risk | 受險
siøkhiarmzex | to mutually owe a debt of gratitude (wife and husband) | 相欠債
swnhai pøfhiarm | insurance against loss | 損害保險
tekchiarm | bamboo stick | 竹攕
tharmhiarm | to undertake an exploratory trip; exploration; explore; set out on an adventure+E26673 | 探險
tharmhiarm-kaf | explorer | 探險家
thiafmthiafmthiarm | tiresome | 忝忝忝; 累累累
thiafmthiarm | tiresom | 忝忝; 累累
thiarm | very tired; avail oneself of; very severe (disease; beating); very thoroughly cooked; get tired; grow weary; be tired out; be exhausted | 殄; 忝; 疲倦; 過分; 累; 趁
thiarm'aq | tired | 忝啊
thiarm`sie | tiresome | 忝死; 累死
thoat'hiarm | to escape from dangers; be out of danger | 脫險
tonghiarng | share blessings or happiness | 分享; (同享)
tøxkhiarm | apologize | 道歉
zeazøxchiarng | factory; mill | 製造廠
zhenghiarng | reverberant | 清響
zhernghiarng | bang | 銃響
zhut'hiarm | escape from crisis; danger; accident; extricate from danger | 脫險
zoanhiarm | the complete insurance | 全險
zofngchiarng | main factory | 總廠
zuychiarng | waterworks | 水廠
zuyhiarm | marine insurance | 水險
øexhiarng | be able to; can | 能曉; 能夠

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