bichiaux | give a smile; give a wee smile | 微笑
chiapchiaux | snicker | 竊笑
chichiaux | to scoff at; to laugh at; a sneer; silly smile | 痴笑
chitkhiaux | the seven apertures in the human head; seven apertures in human head; eyes; ears; nostrils; mouth | 七竅
ciøqthiaux | tone mallet | 石槌
gvofkhiaux | five sense organs (ears; eyes; lips; nose; heart) | 五竅
hamchiaux kiwzoaan | be able to smile in Hades; die with satisfaction | 含笑九泉
hamchiaux | to smile, to grin, with a smile, smilingly | 含笑
hichiaux | mischievous smile | 嬉笑
hoanchiaux | to laugh merrily; make good cheer | 歡笑
hux-cy-itchiaux | laugh it off | 付之一笑
itchiaux | a smile | 一笑
itkhiaux-putthofng | quite stupid; completely ignorant; find a way of doing anything | 一竅無通
khaikhiaux | open up one's mind; get set straight; begin to acquire understanding | 開竅
khiaokhiaux | hold up; bend | 翹翹
khiaux | outstanding; to raise; cock up; to rise (e.g.; one end of a seesaw) | 翹; 竅; 撅
khiaux`khylaai | rise (as the tail of a peacock or one end of a seesaw); stand erect | 翹起來
khiawchiaux | smile | 巧笑
khofchiaux | to smile grimly; to force a smile | 苦笑
khofngkhakhiaux | the table lack of a leg; unable to stand firm | 抗腳翹; 桌椅缺一腳無穩
khokchiaux | to weap and smile | 哭笑
khoxngkhakhiaux | on somebody's head; furniture not sitting level; it totters | 鞏腳翹; 四腳朝天; 桌椅無穩
khuikhiaux | to open one's eyes to; (of a girl) to start getting sex-conscious; to reach puberty; start getting sex conscious; begin to acquire understanding | 開竅
khøfchiaux | absurd; ridiculous; laughable | 可笑
kichiaux | to laugh at; to make fun of; to deride; to ridicule | 譏笑
kikhiaux | alertness; quick wits; ready responsiveness; skillful; tacts | 機智
koatkhiaux | formula for remembering | 訣竅
kø'khofng-tvoathiaux | jump from high altitude; bungee jumping | 高空彈跳
lengkhiaux | wit; intelligence | 靈竅; 伶敏
maixchiaux | to work as a prostitute; sell laugh | 賣笑
oah-thiaothiaux | (adv) while still alive | 活跳跳
oaqthiaothiaux | strong and active | 活跳跳; 活生生的
oaqthiaux | lively active | 活潑
phiagphiak thiaux | leap up and down frantically (e.g | 跳動無停
phiaux | bill; bank note; ticket; certificate; warrant | 票
phinthiaux | observe | 憑眺
phiqphogthiaux | faster heartbeat | 咇噗跳
phogphogthiaux | palpitate | 卜卜跳; 砰砰跳
phutphutthiaux | jump up and down with happiness or anger; leap about (for joy); to hop | 怫怫跳; 雀躍
phychiaux | sneer | 鄙笑
piernkhiaux | adapt to circumstances | 變竅
pogpogthiaux | bouncing and vivacious; stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 蹦蹦跳; 暴跳如雷
pøxthiaux-juluii | stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 暴跳如雷
saethiaux | competing in jumping | 賽跳; 比賽跳
sie-khiaokhiaux | dead and rigid | 死翹翹
sienjinthiaux | treacherous | 仙人跳
simthiaux | palpitation, heartbeat | 心跳
sym kviaf baq thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym kviaf garn thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym thiaux | heart beat; palpitation of the heart caused by fear or anxiety | 心跳
tamchiaux | talking and joking | 談笑
tauchiaux | sneerat; scoff; ridicule; mock; make fun of | 嘲笑
thechiaux | cry and laugh | 啼笑
thechiaux-kaihuy | neither to cry nor to laugh | 啼笑皆非
thiaothiaothiaux | jump | 跳跳跳
thiaothiaux | in a lively or skipping manner | 跳跳
thiaux pheng koaan | try who can jump highest | 比跳高
thiaux søh'ar | rope skipping | 跳索仔
thiaux | sell grain | 糶; 跳; (賣五穀)
thiaux`khylaai | to jump up; begin to jump or dance | 跳起來
thiaux`køex | jump over | 跳過
thiauxciøh | base of a pillar, plinth | 跳石; 柱石
thiauxpeeng | pilaster, half-pillar | 柱半; 捱壁柱
thiauxsyn | column | 柱身
thiauxtao | ornamental top of a pillar, capital | 柱罩; 柱頭斗栱
thiauxterng | top of a pillar | 柱頂
thiauxvii | pillars and beams | 柱圓; 柱子
tiexnhoefthiauxterng | street light column top | 電火柱頂
tiøthiaux | jump and throw; leap about; jump for joy; bound | 投跳; 跳投; 跳躍
tørthiaux | to rebound | 倒跳
zawthiaux | active | 活動
zhuietuun khiaokhiaux | upper lip naturally turned up (angry) | 嘴唇翹翹的; (生氣的樣子)
zhvethiaothiaux | live and still jumping up and down | 青跳跳
zhwchiaux | tease; play a joke | 取笑
zhwkhiaux | to manipulate things for selfish purpose, to take advantage of others | 取巧
zørkhiaux | play tricks | 做竅
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