"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hieen

aix hieeng | vainglorious | 愛虛榮
chieen | postpone | 延
chienchieen | drag | 延延; 拖拖
chit'hieen-khiim | zither | 七弦琴
cviarhieen | sine (math.) | 正弦
cymthauhieen | pillow talk of a female companion; slanders or flatteries (Lit. Chinese fiddle played by one's pillow companion) | 枕頭弦; 枕邊細語
haxhieen | the last quarter of the moon | 下弦
hieen | subtense; chord; catgut; string; capable | 玄; 弦; 炫; 絃; 舷; 賢; 懸
hieen`teq | put in one place and pay no attention | 懸得; 放置著
hvorhieen | fond to meddle in others' affairs; curious; full of curiosity; love fun and games; inquisitive | 貪玩; 好賢; 好管閒事
høhieen | adjusting the string | 和弦
ienchieen | tarry; delay; stall; (vt) procrastinate | 延延; 煙腸; 延遲; 延持; 香腸
iuchiuo-hvorhieen | to live idleness; to be a lazy good-for-nothing | 遊手好閒
iwchieen | has money | 有錢
jioxnghieen | yield one's position to a more talented person | 讓賢
kechieen | additional delay | 加延
kenghieen | bow string | 驚弦; 弓弦
kernghieen | respect the wise man | 敬賢
kerngkhieen | devotion; piety; pious | 敬虔; 虔誠
kernglør-zunhieen | respect the old and honor the wise | 敬老尊賢
khak'afhieen | instrument made from coconut shell | 殼仔絃
khaojiin simhieen | very touching (said of music; writing) | 扣人心弦
khieen | dry; dried; exhausted; clean; diligent (When pronounced khia5n it means heaven; male or a father.) | 乾
khimhieen | chord; string | 琴絃
koafnhieen | wind and string instruments | 管絃
koafnhieen-gak | symphonic music | 管絃樂
laghieen-khiim | a guitar | 六絃琴
lefhieen | courteous | 禮賢
pak'hieen | northern string | 北絃
phieen | to stagger; to stumble; stagger; totter; reel | 踉
phuhieen | suspended, in suspension | 暫停; 懸
put'hieen | incompetent | 無賢
putkhieen | irreligious | 無虔; 不虔誠
samhieen | three-stringed mandolin | 三弦; 三絃
senghieen | capable | 承賢
sernghieen | sages and virtuous men | 聖賢
sienhieen | ancient saints and sages | 先賢; 先哲
sioghieen | cheap zither | 俗弦
sioxnghieen | first quarter | 上弦
suxhieen | knowledgeable person | 士賢
svachieen | delay | 相延; 相遷
svachieen-sieieen | delay; put off | 三遷四延; 拖拖拉拉
thieen | fill up; make up a deficiency; to fill up with earth; mud; sand; rubbish | 填
toaxkofnghieen | Chinese instrument | 大廣絃
zernghieen | sine (math) | 正弦
zunhieen | honor the wise; ship dock?? | 尊賢; 船舷
zøfhieen | port side | 左舷

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