"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Thuthiog ginhaang | Saving Bank | 儲蓄銀行
Thuthiog hoxzoxsia | Credit Union ─ C U | 儲蓄互助社
bachiog | game of mahjong; sparrow | 麻雀; 麻將
bogthiog | stock farming; cattle breeding | 牧畜
bongkhiog | to forget | 忘卻
chiog | to urge; catch magpie; a sparrow; ample; to touch; touch; to contact; to butt; offend; move or touch emotionally | 促; 捉鵲; 雀; 綽; 觸
chiogciao | magpie | 鵲鳥; 臺灣藍鵲
chiogthoo | to play in mud; work clay or mud with the hands; play with mud like a child | 觸土; 玩泥巴; 搗拌泥土
chiogzuie | to play in water; splash water; to splash into the water | 觸水; 玩水; 戲水
chiokchiog | enough; plenty | 綽綽
ciapchiog thoanjiarm | to come in contact with; to infect; communicate disease; communicable or infectious disease | 接觸傳染
ciapchiog | contact; meet; touch; make contact with; come in contact with; to encounter enemy | 接觸
hamthiog | connotation; implicit; reserved; deep | 含蓄; 涵蓄,含蓄
hiehiog | use vulgar language; make obscene jests; to laugh at; to ridicule; cajolery; mocking. | 輕浮; 戲謔
hiog | to rise; rich in fragrance; save | 旭; 郁; 蓄
hunchiog | Formosan skylark | 分雀; 雲雀
hunhiog | fragrancy | 芬郁
hychiog | pie | 喜鵲
ienchiog | chaffinch | 燕雀
iernchiog | chaffinch | 燕雀
itchiog-zek'hoad | imminent; touch-and-go (Lit. One slight touch; and off it goes.) | 一觸即發
jinthiog | men and beasts | 人畜
kafmchiog | feeling; effect on the mind; mental reaction | 感觸
kathiog | cattle; domestic animals | 家畜
khie'khiog | refuse, reject, decline | 去絕; 拒絕
khiekhiog | refuse, reject, decline | 棄曲
khimchiog | arrest; to capture | 擒捉
khiog | crooked; bent | 曲; 卻
khofngchiog | peacock | 孔雀
khutkhiog | crooked; winding | 屈曲; 屈曲的
kimchiechiog | siskin (bird) | 金鵲雀; 金翅雀
kimsichiog | canary bird | 金絲雀
kipchiog | hurried, in hurry | 急促
kvoachiog | Chinese magpie | 官鵲; 喜鵲
lefngkhiog | to get cold; to cool off; get cold; cool down; refrigerate | 冷卻
lefngkhiog-ky | cooling machine | 冷卻機
liawkhiog | to settle | 了卻
liogthiog | the six domestic animals- horse; cow; sheep; chicken; dog and hog; domestic animals; oxen; sheep; horses; pigs; dogs and fowls | 六畜:馬,牛,羊, 雞, 狗, 豬
liwkhiog | to distort the fact | 扭曲
machiog | mahjong | 麻將
moachiog | sparrow; mahjong | 麻雀; 麻將
nafchiog | catch; arrest | 捉拿; 拿捉
niwkhiog | distortion | 扭曲
oaikhiog | to falsify; to distort stories or facts. | 歪曲
oanbwkhiog | waltz | 圓舞曲
oankhiog | crooked; convoluted; devious; winding | 彎曲; 狡猾
okchiog | immoral (behavior); lusty | 齷齪
pekchiog | to pursue; urgent; pressed for time | 迫促
phahbachiog | play mahjong | 拍麻雀
phahboachiog | play mahjong | 拍麻雀
phahmoachiog | play mahjong | 打麻將
phaq-bachiog | to play mahjong | 打麻將
poaqmachiog | play mahjong | 打麻將
poaqmoachiog | mahjong | 跋麻雀
pofchiog | to catch | 捕捉
poxchiog | catch; seize | 捕捉
siakhiog | clicked, immoral | 邪曲; 狡滑
sinkhiog | divine comedy | 神曲
svoachiog | titmice, mountain birds | 山雀
tefchiog | to conflict with | 抵觸; 牴觸
tekchiog | grey starling | 椋鳥
thiog | animal; to rear or raise (livestock) | 畜
thuikhiog | to decline, deny, refuse | 推屈; 推卻
thuthiog | to save; fund; saving | 儲蓄
thwthiog | savings, to save money | 貯蓄; 儲蓄
toafnchiog | short; brevity; briefness; short (time or life); brief; transient; ephemeral; terse | 短促
tokchiog | to urge; to press; get after; urge a person to do; demand | 督促
tuichiog | chase | 追捉
tuithiog | to hound, to run after | 追逐
tunchiog | to urge | 敦促
tuunchiog | to urge, to hasten | 敦促
twthiog | savings | 貯蓄
tychiog | lock horns; butt; clash; conflict; collision; interference; conflict; in contravention of (law or regulation) | 牴觸; 抵觸
uykhiog | cunning or crooked, involved, tortuous, twist and turn | 委屈; 狡猾,委曲
zaobengkhiog | sonata | 奏鳴曲
zekthiog | save; saving; amassment; accumulate; accumulate (savings) | 積蓄
zhongchiog | hastily | 匆綽; 匆促
zhuichiog | hasten; press; urge; press; expedite; to urge; to push; demand for payment | 催促

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