"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hioxng

chioxng | to advocate; to sing; to indulge; firearms; lead; introduce; be first | 倡; 唱; 縱; 銃
chioxngchiu | oak tree | 橡樹
ciehioxng | direction of desire; purpose; intention; inclination; aim; aspirations; an ideal; ambitions; purpose; ambition | 志向
cionghioxng | at last; conclusion; final purpose; to end or conclude final goal; the ultimate desire | 終向
cyhioxng | point to; direct to | 指向
geghioxng | go in the opposite direction | 逆向
goaxhioxng | extrovert; extroversion | 外向
hioxng | face; face towards | 朝; 餉; 向
hoat'hioxng | to issue pay (esp. to soldiers) | 發餉
honghioxng | direction; aspect; way; orientation; direction of the wind | 方向; 風向
horngchioxng | set cock on the hoop; give loose to; to indulge; self indulgent | 放縱
hvoaihioxng | horizontal | 橫向
hvuihioxng | horizontal | 橫向
hw chioxng hu suii | harmony between spouses (husband leads and wife follows) | 夫唱婦隨
iehioxng | intent; intention; inclination; mind | 意向
it'hioxng | always; all along; always; consistently; used to; hitherto | 一向
itchioxng-it'høo | One echoes the other. (said of two persons on the same side of an argument) | 一唱一和
itchioxng-pek'høo | One person proposes and a hundred others agree | 一唱百和
khenghioxng | tendency; predisposition; aptness; inclined towards; tendency; trend; inclination | 傾向
khiehioxng | direction; whereabouts; where one is going | 去向
kofngthioxng | to make fun of | 說暢; 說著玩
kuihioxng | yield to; go towards; convert to | 歸向
kunhioxng | military payroll; pay and allowances for soldiers | 軍餉
labhioxng | pay customs due | 納餉; 付關稅
laixhioxng | introverted, introvert | 內向
lampak'hioxng | north and south direction | 南北向
lauhioxng | flow direction | 流向
liogthioxng | optimistic | 樂觀
liongthioxng | joyful; smooth | 良暢
liuhioxng | flow direction | 流向
liuthioxng | fluent; smooth | 流暢
logthioxng | delightful; fond of low and bad pleasures; leading an idle or fast life; cheerful and easygoing | 樂暢; 樂觀; 無知憂愁; 快活; 暢快
maixhioxng | towards | 邁向
ngrhioxng | keep the eye on, face toward | 盼望; 向
niuhioxng | money for food and other supplies in army | 糧餉
oadhioxng | change direction | 轉向
penghioxng | the pay for soldiers | 兵餉
phienhioxng | (v) biased toward; (n) bad tendency; lean; be inclined toward | 偏向
putty khiehioxng | gone to nobody knows where | 無知去向
saihioxng | west side | 西向
sianghioxng | two ways | 雙向
siaxhioxng | shoot towards | 射向
simhioxng | intention; purpose | 心向; 意思
siuhioxng | collect duties, collect taxes | 收向; 收餉
siøhioxng | be face to face; be opposite | 相對; 相向
sofhioxng-butek | invincible; carry all before one; encounter no significant opponent on the way | 所向無敵
sofngthioxng | cool and happy | 爽暢
suthioxng | comfortable; pleasant; comfortable; leisurely and harmonious; in good spirits | 舒暢
tangsaihioxng | westeastern | 東西向
texnghioxng | to orient, orientation | 定向
tharnthioxng | rejoice to soon; be feel let down | 賺暢; 空歡喜; 白高興
thechioxng | to promote; to advocate; to recommend; propose; take the lead in urging forward a matter | 提倡
thiorngthioxng | joyful and happy; joyful and peaceful | 寵寵; 無憂無愁
thioxng | smoothly; fluently; jollity; joyful; pleasant; delightful; happy; joyous; easily accessible; with gusto; to one's heart's content; long; expanding; luxuriant; often means sexual enjoyment | 暢
thiuhioxng | collect duties or taxes | 抽稅
thuihioxng | to push into | 推向
togchioxng | sing a solo; vocal recital | 獨唱
toxhioxng | to conduct to, to lead to | 導向
toxnghioxng | tendency, trend | 動向
tuiehioxng | opposite | 對向
tøxhioxng huitvoaa | guided missile | 導向飛彈
tøxhioxng | to conduct to | 導向
zexhioxng | orientation | 坐向
zhauchioxng | manage; manipulate; steering; to manage; control or manipulate activities; people or market prices | 操縱
zhuhioxng | tendency; trend; one's inclination | 趨向; 傾向
zhuohioxng | Interesting | 趣向
zhøchioxng | to handle | 操縱
zhørchioxng | manage; control or manipulate activities or people | 操縱
zoafnhioxng | change direction of wind; turn to the direction of | 轉向
zwchioxng | take the lead in doing | 主唱; 主倡; 首倡
zøxhioxng | sit to | 坐向

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