"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bøkhvii bøkhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗無吸; 無著力處; 無可依據; 無牽連
bøo khvikhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗吸; 無可依據; 無牽連
chip | sip with lips | 緝
chip'ao | stubborn, pigheaded, wilful | 緝拗
chip'axn | case issued for arrest | 緝案
chip'hee | catch shrimp with a bamboo frame | 緝蝦; 撈蝦
chip'heg | to arrest | 緝獲
chipafng | lay down boards so as to make a level surface | 持板; 舖木板
chipeeng | flat | 持平
chiphiørjiin | bearer of a check or bill | 持票人
chipid | hold the pen to write | 持筆
chipkhiim | to keep guard | 緝擒
chipnar | arrest; catch | 緝拿
chippo | arrest | 緝逮; 緝捕
chippor | to seize; to arrest | 緝捕
chipsu | confiscate smuggled good | 緝事
chipsw | anti-smuggling activities | 緝私
chvihiphvix | sashimi | 生魚片
cinkhofng khiptinkhix | vacuum cleaner | 真空吸塵器
goghiphøee | alligator leather | 鱷魚皮
hip'aw | tea cup; mug | 翕甌; 茶杯
hip'hib | sultry | 翕翕; 悶熱; 空氣無流通
hipcioxng | fainthearted; shy on public | 怯場; 翕眾
hipciøh | magnet | 翕石; 磁鐵
hiphiaw | swimming bladder | 魚鰾
hiphvix | fillets, slices of fish meat | 魚片
hipiq | marine life | 魚鱉; 魚類
hipiø | fish air bladder | 魚鰾
hipjoah | swelter; sultriness; sultry | 翕熱; 悶熱
hipkhuix | choke; stifle; suffocate | 翕氣; 窒息
hipkoax | cover to retain heat | 翕掛; 蓋蓋; 悶掛
hipkvoa | to sweat; cover up warmly so as to perspire | 翕汗; 發汗; 悶汗
hiploah | hot and humid | 翕熱
hipnng | to hatch in human labor | 翕蛋; 人工孵蛋
hipok | thin and diluted | 稀薄
hipor | dried fish; small dried salty fish | 魚乾; 魚脯; 小魚乾; 小魚干
hipsid | extinguish by covering | 悶死; 撲滅
hipsie | choke; suffocate; suffocation; be choked | 悶死; 翕死; 窒息
hipsiong | photo; photograph | 照相
hipsiong-koarn | place for portrait taken | 照像館
hipsiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
hipsiorngky | camera | 照相機
hipsiorngsut | photography | 照相術
hipsioxng khiezaihaang | photographic equipment shop | 照相器材行
hipsioxng | take a photograph | 照相
hipsiøf | cover and simmer | 悶燒; 翕燒
hiptee | cover the hot tea | 悶茶; 蒸茶; 翕茶
hipøh | slight, superficial | 虛薄
hipøx | false report; to report falsely | 虛報
hokhipkhix | a respirator | 呼吸器
hokhiptax | respirator | 呼吸罩
joaqhip'hib | hot and humid | 熱翕翕
keg-phiphii | feign tiredness | 裝疲疲
kekphiphii | pretend not to pay attention to | 裝疲疲; 裝無理會
khip | grip; hold; cling (hold on) to; hang on; depend on | 及; 抓住; 握住; 攀住
khip'hied-kuie | a bloodsucker, a vampire | 吸血鬼
khip'hietkuie | vampire | 吸血鬼
khip'hux | adsorption; sorb | 吸附
khip'iefn | exhaust smoke; fumes | 吸煙
khip'imparn | soundproofing board | 吸音板
khip'irm | to sip | 吸引; 吸飲
khip'irn | attract | 吸引
khip'irn-lat | power of attraction | 吸引力
khip'iu'ienky | exhaust fan | 吸油煙機
khip'ym | sound-absorbent | 吸音
khip'ynlek | power of attraction; gravitation | 吸引力
khipbagzoar | blotting-paper | 吸墨紙; 吸水紙
khipbak-zoar | blotting paper | 吸墨紙
khipciøh | magnet; lodestone | 吸石; 磁石; 磁鐵
khipeeng | incline; lean; slant; slope; tilt | 敧爿; 傾斜
khipefng | cavalry | 騎兵
khiphiexn | deceit; deception; fraud; deceive; to swindle | 欺騙
khiphiin | not straight | 敧蹁; 壁肩等傾斜
khipiin tioxnghux | cheat the poor and respect the rich | 欺貧重富
khipjibkhix | inhaler | 吸入器
khipjiet | endotherm; decalescence | 吸熱
khipjip | inhalation; inhale | 吸入
khipkhiekhix | aspirator | 吸氣器
khipkhix | breath in; inspire; inhale; draw in the breath | 吸氣
khipkorng | a sucker, a siphon | 吸管
khiplat | attractive force, magnetic force, suction | 吸力
khiplek | magnetic force; magnetic force; force of attraction | 吸力
khippvoaa | sucker (as in octopus) | 吸盤
khipsit | suck | 吸食
khipsiw | absorb; assimilate; absorption; suction; suck in | 吸收
khipsuq | suck | 吸吮; 吸飲
khiptaf | to suck dry | 吸乾; 吸焦
khipthiq | magnet | 吸鐵; 磁石; 磁鐵
khiptiin-khix | a vacuum-cleaner | 吸塵器
khiptinkhix | vacuum cleaner | 吸塵器
khiptogciar | drug addict | 吸毒者
khiptok | smoke opium | 吸毒
khipzhuo | seek (knowledge); suck (liquids) | 吸取
khipzu | to grip, to attract | 吸住
khipzuie | sop | 吸水
khipzuyzoar | blotting-paper | 吸水紙
khvikhip | no handhold | 纏及; 依靠; 可抓之物
loaqhip'hib | hot and humid | 熱翕翕
loaxnchipazaw | messy | 亂七八糟
ohipiø | mullet swim bladder | 烏魚鰾
phienchip | edit | 編輯
phienchip-po | editorial department | 編輯部
phienchip-seg | editorial room | 編輯室
phienchipciar | editor | 編輯者; 人
phienchippo | editorial department | 編輯部
phiphak | expose | 披曝
phiphii | un-concern; naughty; mean and despicable; be shameless; thick skinned | 皮皮; 厚臉皮
phiphy | spread out | 披披
phipog | to refute, to rebut, to turn down | 反駁; 批駁
soahiphoee | shark skin | 鯊魚皮
taxngkhipeeng | unbalance; two sides are different weight | 一邊重; 一邊輕; 無平衡
thongchip'hoan | criminal wanted by the law | 通緝犯
thongchipleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
tøexsym-khiplat | gravity | 地心吸力
zhuphøe-hipnoa | bed sore | 褥瘡

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