"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hit'

Chit'iaa Peh'iaa | Taiwan’s legend of two temple guards one short and one tall | 七爺八爺
Chit'iaa Poeh'iaa | Taiwan’s legend of two temple guards one short and one tall | 七爺八爺
Chit'iaa | guard of a City god in Taiwanese religion | 七爺
Serngsiin chit'wn | seven gifts of Holy Ghost (Catholic) | 聖神七恩
chit'afkhoef | drug store cowboy; girl watcher; stagedoor Johnny; gigolo | 七仔花; 喜歡玩弄女人的人
chit'ar | eraser | 七仔; 拭仔; 板擦; 橡皮
chit'ee | seven items | 七個
chit'hieen-khiim | zither | 七弦琴
chit'hienkhiim | seven-stringed Chinese musical instrument | 七弦琴
chit'hioong | 7 heros | 七雄
chit'høex | seven years old | 七歲
chit'iaa | a god worshiped in Taiwan | 七爺
chit'iau | seven magnificent | 七曜
chiuxlefng chit'ar | eraser | 樹乳拭仔; 橡皮擦子
hit'axm | that night | 那夜
hit'e | that | 那下
hit'e'ar | that one | 那下仔
hit'ee | that; it | 那個; 彼个
hit'ee-laang | that guy | 那個人
hit'hang | that kind | 彼項
hit'hvoa | yonder shore | 彼岸
hit'hø | that sort or kind; that number | 那號; 那種
hit'ui | there; that place | 彼位; 那裡
hit'viu | that kind; that sort | 彼樣; 那樣
khit'ho | pray for rain; Usually farmers pray to Thi-kong for rain in mourning clothes; the magistrate of that prefectures has to join the rite; also in mourning | 乞雨; 祈雨
khit'høea | start fire | 吸火; 戛火; 發火
khit'wn | beg a favor | 求恩
khit'yn | beg a favor | 求恩, 乞恩
lixpoxchit'ar | skillful | 二步七仔
nngxpoxchit'ar | skillful person | 兩步七仔
opangchit'ar | chalkboard eraser | 烏枋拭仔
peqzhat-chit'ar | lier | 白賊七仔
phit'hw | ordinary man; rustic man | 匹夫
samchit'ar | rapporteur | 三七仔

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