Habhoafn Svoaf | Mt. Hohuan | 合歡山
Pvepohoafn | Pingpu Aboriginal people | 平埔番
Pvipohoafn | Pingpu Aboriginal people | 平埔番
Suozhoafn | a Chinese providence | 四川
akchiuo gienhoafn | shake hands and converse cheerfully | 握手言歡
anghoafn | American Indians | 紅蕃
angmohoafn | Westerners especially the Dutch in old Taiwan; red-haired barbarians | 紅毛蕃
auxhoafn | next time | 後番; 下次
chvihoafn | barbarian | 生番
chviux hoafntiau | air an opposing view | 唱反調
chviux-hoafntiau | to harp on a discordant tune, to sing a different tone | 唱反調
ciongkhoafn | lenient; be lenient in meting out punishment | 從寬
cixnhoafn jii saxn | leave only after each has enjoyed himself to the utmost | 盡歡而散
cixnzeeng khoafnthai | treat with the utmost kindness | 盡情款待
cviarhoafn | wild duck | 正番; 番鴨
habhoafn | happily together | 合歡
hegzuo hoafn'erngloo | nuke reactor | 核子反應爐
hiangzhoafn | village; countryside; rural area | 鄉村
hiongzhoafn kaoiok | rural education | 鄉村教育
hiongzhoafn | rustic; village; countryside | 鄉村
hizhoafn | fishing village | 漁村
hoafn | turn; translate; recondition; unintelligible; unreasonable; ignorant; barbarous | 翻; 番
hoafn'aang | turn red | 反紅; 變紅色
hoafn'axn | reverse the decision of a lower court | 翻案; 反案
hoafn'exng | responses; reaction; feed back; reflect | 反應
hoafn'exng-but | reactant | 反應物
hoafn'ioxng | reflect (like an image in a mirror; or on one's inner feelings); a reflection on one's personality; performance | 反映
hoafn'm | to break a contract | 反無; 違約
hoafn'ngg | turn yellow; changed into yellow | 反黃; 變黃
hoafn'nngr | soften | 反軟
hoafn'oe | talking oppositely; statements that are contrary to what the speaker really believes | 反話
hoafn'of | anti-black | 反黑
hoafn'ui | feel like vomiting | 反胃
hoafn'viax | to reflect | 反應
hoafn-koealaai | turn over | 翻過來
hoafn-lirntngr | turn over | 倒轉身; 翻轉; 翻輾轉
hoafnbi | to develop an odor | 走味; 反味
hoafnbiet | to melt into nothingness | 幻滅
hoafnbin busioong | always changing | 反面無常
hoafnbin buzeeng | fight; to squabble (with a change of facial expression old friendship is completely forgotten) | 反面無情
hoafnbin | the reverse side; obverse; turn a cold shoulder; the back side | 反面
hoafnbok | draw apart; quarrel; fight | 反目
hoafnbuun | radical of the Chinese character for bun | 漢字部首之一
hoafnchvie | (v) realize; dawn upon; become aware of some sort of cheating | 反醒; 復甦; 覺醒
hoafnchvy | turn green | 反青; 變青色
hoafnciaux | be reflected like a light | 返照; 反照
hoafnciøx | reflection of light; to flash back | 反照; 返照; 反射
hoafncviax | to come over from the rebel's camp; in either case | 反正
hoafngek | rebellion; treason; revolt against | 背逆; 反逆
hoafnguo | an irony | 反語
hoafnhauxjit | day during school vacation on which students must attend classes | 返校日
hoafnheeng | to change behavior | 反形; 行動性格轉變; 變壞
hoafnheg'uxntong | Opposition to nuclear energy | 反核運動
hoafnhegjinsu | Anti-nuclear Protests | 反核人士
hoafnhiaw | to violate | 反僥; 變心; 背約; 無認帳
hoafnhiofng | return hometown | 返鄉
hoafnhiorng | an echo, a response | 反響
hoafnhoa | disturbance; uproar | 反譁; 騷動
hoafnhoarn | non-specific | 泛泛; 有若無
hoafnhoea | to regret; repentance | 反悔; 後悔
hoafnhoee | to return | 返回
hoafnhofng | suddenly a wind starts blowing | 反風; 突然間起風
hoafnhog busioong | unstable in mind; inconsistent or changeable (said a person) | 反覆無常
hoafnhog | back and forth; repetitiousness; again and again; change mind; recurrence | 反覆
hoafnhok | repeated, time and again, reversal | 反覆; 反復,反覆
hoafnjii | on the contrary; instead; contrarily | 反而
hoafnkafn | to alienate the enemy coalition; good person turning bad | 反間; 反奸
hoafnkafn-kex | a stratagem of showing distrust among one's enemies | 反間計
hoafnkankex | alienating measure | 反間計
hoafnkantiap | counter espionage | 反間諜
hoafnkarm | antipathy; unfavorable feeling | 反感
hoafnkefng | deny what one has said | 翻供; 反供
hoafnkeg | counter attack; fight back | 反擊
hoafnkhie-hoafntør | not dependable; always changing; fickle; capricious; can't determine things | 反覆無常; 時好時壞; 沒主見; 反起反倒
hoafnkhorngkii | opposition to authority phase of human development | 反抗期
hoafnkhoxng | revolt at; to hit back; to rebel against; resistance | 反抗
hoafnkhyhoafntør | not dependable, always changing, fickle, capricious, can't determine things | 反覆無常, 時好時壞, 沒主見, 沒定性
hoafnkiong uxntong | anti communist movement | 反共運動
hoafnkiong | anti-communist; anti communism | 反共
hoafnkiong-khornggvoo | a KMT slogan against communist and Russia | 反共抗俄
hoafnkngf | reflected light; light reflection | 反光
hoafnkoax | change mind | 變卦; 反卦
hoafnkofng hogkog | counter attack and restore one's country | 反攻復國
hoafnkofng taixliok | counter attack the mainland | 反攻大陸
hoafnkofng | counter attack; fight back | 反攻
hoafnkongkviax | reflecting mirror; reflector | 反光鏡; 反射鏡
hoafnkorng | reply to criticism | 反講
hoafnkox | look back; to review; reflect; reflection | 反顧
hoafnkvaf | strategy to alienate allies | 反間; 反監
hoafnkøx | to countercharge | 反告
hoafnlaau | turn and begin to flow | 反流
hoafnlierntngr | turn upside down; in a moment | 反輾轉; 一轉眼; 翻輾轉; 倒轉身
hoafnloan | social disorder; chaos | 反亂; 造反
hoafnlun | antithesis | 反論; 相反
hoafnluxn | moist; damp | 潮濕
hoafnløo | turn turbid | 反濁
hoafnlør-hoantoong | regain youth; rejuvenate oneself | 返老還童
hoafnmng | response with a question | 反問
hoafnnor-hoantoong | to rejuvenate | 反老還童
hoafnpag | vomit | 反腹; 吐
hoafnpak | hands tied on the back | 反綁
hoafnpan | reverse | 反辦; 與樣品相異
hoafnpeh | turn white; changed into white | 反白; 轉白; 變白
hoafnphaix | opposition faction | 反派; 反對派
hoafnpiexn | to revolt | 反變; 叛變; 變化
hoafnpo | to repay one's parents when they get old | 反哺
hoafnpoan | to rebel; to revolt; to be in revolt against; revolt | 反叛
hoafnpoe | to rebel; turn the back | 背叛; 反背
hoafnpog | to retort; to controvert; to answer back; confute | 反駁
hoafnpøx | to opposite the news | 反報
hoafnseg | turn color | 變色
hoafnserng | introspection; examine oneself; self-reflection; self-questioning; meditate | 反省
hoafnsia | reflection; mirroring; reflect light or heat | 反射
hoafnsiaxkhix | reflector | 反射器
hoafnsiaxkviax | reflecting mirror; reflector | 反射鏡
hoafnsiaxloo | reverberatory furnace | 反射爐
hoafnsib | turn wet | 反濕
hoafnsie | covert; in disguised form | 反死; 反而糟
hoafnsioong | covert; in disguised form | 變相; 反常
hoafnsioong`ee | preposterous | 反常的
hoafnsiorng | fantasy; illusion | 幻想
hoafnsioxng | a sudden temporary change in character; personal type; temperament | 反相; 性格轉變
hoafnsiw | anti-revisionism | 反收; 反修
hoafnsngf | something turns sour; spoils | 變酸; 反酸
hoafnsox | to resort | 反訴
hoafnsviu | think it over, reflect on | 反想
hoafnsym | heart changed | 反心; 變心
hoafntex | anti-imperialism, to oppose imperialism | 反帝
hoafnthvy | the weather changes from sunny to cloudy or rainy | 反天
hoafntiau | opposing view; sing off key | 反調
hoafntiuo | radius of arm | 反肘; 撓骨; 手臂半徑
hoafntngfnii | next year | 反轉年; 隔年
hoafntngr | turn back; on the contrary | 返轉; 反過來; 反之; (而)
hoafntok uxntong | anti-drug campaign | 反毒運動
hoafntong susiorng | reactionary idea | 反動思想
hoafntong | reactionary; reaction | 反動; 反動(反作用)
hoafntong-huxnzuo | reactionary elements | 反動份子
hoafntong-lat | reaction force | 反動力
hoafntoo | rebel, traitor | 反徒; 叛徒
hoafntoxnglek | reaction force | 反動力
hoafntoxngphaix | reactionary party | 反動派
hoafntuix | oppose; come out against; raise an objection to | 反對
hoafntuix-ciar | adversary, opponent | 反對者
hoafntuix-torng | opposition party | 反對黨
hoafntvoaa | rebound | 反彈
hoafnviax | reflect (like an image in a mirror; or on one's inner feelings); a reflection on one's personality or performance; to express opinion to a higher echelon | 反映
hoafnzerng | mutate like plants or animals; plant or animal mutation; hybrid | 突變; 變種; 反種
hoafnzex | counterattack | 反制
hoafnzexng | a disproof; counter evidence; change for the better or worse (political situation | 反證; 病情轉變; 反症
hoafnzhat | traitor | 反賊; 叛賊
hoafnzhuix | deny what has been said | 翻供; 反嘴
hoafnzhvef | turn green out of fear | 反青; 變青色
hoafnzoad | suffer from being too smart | 反拙
hoafnzoarn | to turn back; turn inside out | 反轉
hoafnzof | to ruminate, rumination | 反芻
hoafnzok'iong | reaction | 反作用
hoafnzuo | After the burial the memorial tablet is taken home | 反主; 出葬後神主牌奉回家中
hoanhoafn | be impervious to reason; won't listen to reason; rude | 番番; 無講理; 不順理行動
hoanhoafn-tientiefn | senile; be in one's dotage or second childhood; insane; capricious; whimsical | 顛三倒四; 番番癲癲; 老糊塗
hoanliawhoafn | repeatedly; again; successively; repetitious (writing); redundant | 翻了翻; 重複
hoarhak hoafn'exng | chemical reaction | 化學反應
hoarhak-hoafn'exng | chemical reaction | 化學反應
hoekhoafn | garland; lei; wreath | 花圈
hoekonghoafnciaux | momentary return to consciousness before death | 迴光反照
horngkhoafn | to loosen restrictions; relax rules | 放寬
hudzuo-hoafn'exng | nuclear reaction | 核子反應
huokhoafnjit | pay day | 付款日
hviuzhoafn | village | 鄉莊; 鄉村
hyhoafn | like; enjoy; pleased | 喜歡
høhoafn | to united with barbarians | 和番
hør khoafnthai | easy to serve | 好伺候; 好款待
hør-khoafnthai | treat well, easily pleased | 好款待; 招待好
høzhoafn | river; stream | 河川
i juu hoafnciorng | easy as turning over the palm of one's hand--easy as falling off a log | 易如反掌
iafhoafn | savage, barbarous, brutal | 野番
imsexng-hoafn'exng | negative reaction; negative result | 陰性反應
iongsexng hoafn'exng | positive reaction; positive result | 陽性反應
it'hoafn | once | 一番
kafm'erngkhoafn | induction coil | 感應圈
kakhoafn | broaden | 加寬
kauhoafn | get along with one other person very well | 交歡
kefhoafn | fake aboriginal | 假番
khietzhoafn | reveal | 揭穿
khoafn | large-minded; forgiving; lenient; liberal; magnanimous; spacious; generous; broad | 寬; 圈
khoafn`khylaai | circle it | 圈起來
khoafnbiern | exhort | 勸勉
khoafnhak | encouraging learning | 勸學
khoafnhang | funds; a sum of money; sum; items of expenditure | 款項
khoafnkhngx | persuade and exhort | 勸導; 款勸; 勸勸
khoafnkhoarn`leq | put in order | 款款咧; 收拾
khoafnkøx | advice | 勸告
khoafnliuu | to sincerely try to make a guest stay longer in order to offer greater hospitality | 款留
khoafnløh | put carefully away in order | 收拾; 置於; 款
khoafnpak | pack and tie up | 款落; 綑扎; 收拾
khoafnseg | form; model; pattern; sort. It seems that.. | 款式; (樣子)
khoafnsid | form; model; pattern; sort. It seems that.. | 款式; (樣子)
khoafnthai | to entertain with courtesy and warmth; hospitality; host; treat (well or badly); hospitality | 款待; 伺候
khoafnthea | external look; outward appearance | 外觀; 形式; 款體
khoafntø | persuade | 勸導
khoafnzheq | to put books in order; to tidy | 款冊; 收拾書本
khoafnzor | dissuade | 勸阻
khyhoafn | behaving unreasonably | 起番
kimhabhoafn | sweet acacia | 金合歡
kiuhoafn | seek intercourse with a woman | 求歡
koarnzhoafn | penetrate; pierce through; understand thoroughly | 貫穿
konghoafn | to rejoice with wild excitement; to be carried away by wild pleasure or joy; to revel | 狂歡
kudzhoafn | to dig through | 掘穿
kyit'hoafnsafm | to infer the rest from what is already known (Lit. to be able to infer three from only one that is known) | 舉一反三
lauxhoafn | old barbarian | 老番
lienhoafn | repeatedly | 連番; 聯歡
liensør hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
liensør-hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
longzhoafn buxntøee | rural problem | 農村問題
longzhoafn tiexnkhiehoax | rural electrification | 農村電氣化
longzhoafn | farm village; countryside; agricultural district | 農村
loxngkhao-hoafnzoad | suffer from being too smart | 弄巧反拙
lunhoafn | to take turns; assume duties in turn | 輪番
naixzhoafn | durable (cloths), to stand wear | 耐穿
parngkhoafn | to make wider | 放寬
phoafn | fan | 藩
phvae-khoafnthai | treat badly; maltreat; hard to please; difficult to bargain or deal with; hard to persuade; be peevish; be fastidious; difficult to please; give poor service (to guests) | 難侍候
pi'hoafn lixhap | sorrows of parting and the joys of reunion that life has | 悲歡離合
pi'hoafn | grief and joy | 悲歡
piawsi hoafntuix | express or indicate one's opposition | 表示反對
pinkhoafn | bandwidth | 頻寬
pinzuo cixnhoafn | Both the guest and the host are having a great time | 賓主盡歡
put'hoafntuix | no objection | 不反對; 無反對;
pvepo'afhoafn | Taiwanese aboriginal | 平埔仔番
pvepohoafn | Taiwanese aboriginal | 平埔番
pvipohoafn | Taiwanese plains aborigines | 平埔番
samhoafn liofngzhux | time and again; repeatedly | 三番兩次
sanzhoafn | mountains and rivers | 山川
seghoafn | aborigines who submitted to Chinese rule and learned Chinese; civilized aborigines | 熟番; 已平地化的高山族
simkhoafn | open mind | 心寬
sinhoafn | new sweetheart or lover | 新歡
sinzhoafn | new community; new village | 新村
sionghoafnsuu | antonym | 相反詞
siongkhoafn | business district | 商圈
siukhoafnjiin | recipient (of remittance) | 收款人
siøkhoafnthai | hospitality | 相款待
sngsexng hoafn'exng | acid reaction | 酸性反應
tegpiet khoafnthai | give special treatment | 特別款待
texhoafn | place number | 地蕃
thekhoafnky | ATM | 提款機
thiahzhoafn | to expose | 拆穿
thienhoafn texhog | condition of utter disorder; as if the universe was overthrown | 天翻地覆
thoafn | rapidly flowing | 湍
thofhoafn | primitives; indigenous or original inhabitants of a place or country; uncivilized natives; a species of crossbred duck | 土番; 土番鴨
thokkhoafn | acquire a broader (road); to broaden (a road); widen (a street) | 拓寬
thuihoafn | topple over; demolish; explode; reversal; overturn; to push over; to overthrow (a government); to stultify (a theory; principle) | 推翻
tonghoafn | do duty by turns; be on duty (archaic) | 當番; 輪班當值
uihoafnciar | offender; violator | 違反者
voaxhoafn | change shift | 換番
zhoafn | bore (a hole); to prick (with a needle or thorn) | 穿; 刺痛
zhoafnbexli | can't catch one's breath | 喘不過氣來
zhoafnbøexli | can't catch one's breath | 喘未離; 無過氣來
zhoafnkhix | breath | 喘氣
zhoafnkhuiekhafng | panting | 喘氣空
zhoafnkhuiesviaf | wheezing | 氣聲喘
zhoafnkhuix | take a breath; breathe | 呼吸; 喘氣
zhoafnphvexphve | wheezing | 喘怦怦
zhoafnphvixphve | breathe heavily; gasp pant; puff | 喘忐忑; 喘得要命
zhoafnpvi | athema | 喘病
zhoafntoaxkhuix | draw a long breath; sigh a deep sigh | 歎大氣
zhuihoafn | overthrow a government; prove incorrect a theory or principle | 推翻
zhvehoafn | aborigines of Taiwan; an unruly fellow; unreasonable | 生蕃; 生番; 無講理
zhwhoafn | this time | 此番; 今回
zoadtuix hoafntuix | positively against another's demands | 絕對反對
zoanthea hoafntuix | unanimous opposition | 全體反對
zuxiuky-hoafn'exng | radical reaction (chemistry) | 自由機反應; 自由基反應
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]