"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hoang

hoang'eeng | welcome; to greet with joy; to welcome | 歡迎
hoang'eeng-hoe | reception (welcome) | 歡迎會
hoang'eeng-mngg | a welcome gate | 歡迎門
hoangeeng | welcome | 歡迎
hoangeeng-hoe | reception (welcome) | 歡迎會
hoangeeng-mngg | a welcome gate | 歡迎門; 彩牌
hoangiaau | circle around; circle round | 環繞
hoangieen | complaints | 煩言
hoangoaan | revert; reduction | 還原
hoangoan | thank God for answering one's prayer | 還願
hoanguu | joy and pleasure | 歡娛
phahphog'ar hoangeeng | receive a person with applause; clap one's hands in applause | 打拍仔; 手歡迎
putsiu hoangeeng ee laang | unwelcome visitor; persona non grata | 無受歡迎的人
siu hoangeeng | be welcomed; be received or treated graciously; find favor in one's eyes | 受歡迎
thoangieen | verbal message; send verbal messages; hearsay | 傳言
ygee-hoangee | tooth for tooth; repay evil with evil | 以牙還牙

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