Thoansirnpo | Congregation of Propaganda (Catholic) | 傳信部
hoansia | tribe; hamlet; aborigine village | 番社
hoansiaux | pay a bill | 還數
hoansidlek | procreative power | 繁殖力
hoansie | worried to death | 煩死
hoansiin | fairy becomes incarnate; mental worries | 凡神; 煩神
hoansiok | (of Buddhist monks and nuns)to resume secular life; to renounce the cloth; said of a monk or nun to return to secular life | 番俗; 還俗
hoansit | reproduce oneself; breed; propagate | 繁殖
hoansiw | rebuild; to overhaul; remodel | 翻修
jidkhoansit | annular eclipse of the sun | 日環蝕
khoansiax | forgive; pardon | 寬赦
thoansiin | a vivid portrayal; true to nature | 傳神
thoansit | preach or spread the truth | 傳實
thoansiu | deliver a tradition, teach | 傳受; 傳授
thoansixn | summon to the low court or police station | 傳信; 傳訊
zhoansia | houses in a village | 村舍
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If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]