"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hoeh

Engsefng-hoehngg | Taipei garden | 榮星花園
afmphoeh | bubbles of the rice gruel | 粥沫; 米湯膜
anghoehkiuu | red corpuscle | 紅血球
auxhoehngg | back yard; garden at the back of a house | 後花園
bagciw hoehoef | blurred vision | 目睭花花
bii-hoehkngr | capillaries | 微血管
ciøqhoehurn | lime powder | 石灰粉
cyhoeh'iøh | medicine to stop bleeding | 止血藥
cyhoehtoax | tourniquet | 止血帶
hoeh'ab | blood pressure | 血壓
hoeh'ab-kex | sphygmomanometer | 血壓計
hoeh'angsox | hemoglobin | 血紅素
hoeh'axn | murder, homicide | 血案
hoeh'ek | blood | 血壓; 血液
hoeh'ieen | consanguinity | 血緣
hoeh'iog | blood-covenant | 血約; 血盟
hoeh'ixn | marks made with blood like footprints | 血印
hoeh'un | circulation of the blood | 血運; 血液循環
hoehaang | return trip; voyage or flight | 回航
hoehap | a round; an encounter | 回合
hoehbaq | flesh | 血肉
hoehchvy | bloody, sanguinary, blood-stained | 血清; 血腥
hoehciab | blood plasma | 血汁; 血漿
hoehciexn | bloody war | 血戰
hoehcviw | blood plasma | 血漿
hoehgaam | leukemia | 血癌
hoehhafm | redish clam | 血蚶
hoehheeng karmteng | blood grouping | 血型鑑定
hoehheeng | blood type; blood group | 血型
hoehhuun | bloody scars | 血痕
hoehia | colored | 花瓦; 彩瓦片
hoehied | colorful, gaudy | 花哨; 鮮艷
hoehiofng | to return home; go back to one's native place | 回鄉
hoehiorng | echo | 回響
hoehiøh | leaf of flowering tree | 花葉
hoehjiaq | bloodstains | 血跡
hoehkag | clotted blood; clots of blood | 血塊; 血角
hoehkhix | healthy and lively vigor; courage with sense of justice; animal spirit | 血氣
hoehkhox | blood bank | 血庫
hoehkiuu | corpuscles | 血球
hoehkix | blood nevus | 血痣
hoehkngr | vein; blood vessels | 血管
hoehkvoa | blood and sweat; suffering and hard work | 血汗
hoehkvoaxcvii | hard-earned money; money earned with blood and sweat | 血汗錢
hoehkyn | blood vessel; vein; veins and arteries | 血筋; 血管
hoehliong | pulse volume (strong; weak) | 血量
hoehliuu | blood tumor; varix | 血瘤
hoehlo | bloody road; bloody path | 血路
hoehluun | corpuscle | 血輪
hoehmeh | consanguinity | 血脈
hoehngg | garden; flower garden | 花園
hoehoe'ar | flowery; unclearly; with many variations and patterned | 花花仔
hoehoef | not clear; have dim eyesight or blurred vision | 花花; 朦朧; 不穩定(生意); 眼花
hoehog | recover; revert to; return | 回復; 還元
hoehogkii | convalescence | 恢復期
hoehok kiexnkhofng | be restored to health | 恢復健康
hoehok tiedsu | restore order by effort | 恢復秩序
hoehok | answer; reply; feedback | 回覆; 恢復
hoehpafng | menorrhagia; excessive menstrual discharge | 血崩
hoehseg | red; scarlet; color of the face | 血色
hoehsw | letter written in blood | 血書
hoehsy | detectable traces of blood in sputum; etc. in silky or fibrous form | 血絲
hoehtarng | blood dregs | 血滓
hoehtex | a clot | 血塊
hoehthaang | hookworm; ancylostoma | 血蟲; 鈎蟲
hoehthngg | blood sugar | 血糖
hoehthorng | lineage, family line, pedigree | 血統
hoehtii | bloody pool in the Buddhist hell for women who die in the first month after child birth | 血池
hoehtiq | bloody spots; drops of blood | 血滴
hoehuix | remitting charge | 匯費
hoehuo | going home | 回府
hoehurn | pollen | 花粉
hoehurn-jiet | hayfever | 花粉熱
hoehuun | come to life again; revive from a swoon; faint; or apparent death | 還魂
hoehviw | fennel; aniseed; herbs | 茴香
hoehzhefng | serum | 血清
hoehzuie | bloody water; bloodstained water | 血水
kauxkhoehaai | troublesome | 毛病多; 厚詼頦
khoeh | pull out; take family along | 挈
khoehaai | look for problems; active | 毛病多; 動作多
khoehkhiaxm | be in want; deficient | 缺少; 需要; 缺欠
khoehoaai | funny | 詼頦
khoehok | restore, recover, recovery | 恢復
kofzhoehoef | morning glory | 鼓吹花
køhoeh'ab | high blood pressure | 高血壓
kørlør-hoehiofng | retire to one's native place | 告老還鄉
lailaihoehoee | back and forth | 來來回回
lauhoeh'aq | bleeding | 流血矣
lauhoehlautiq | bleeding | 流血流滴
paixhoehzexng | septicemia | 敗血症
peh-hoehkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
peqhoehkiuu | white blood cells; leucocytes; white corpuscles in the blood | 白血球
peqhoehpve | leukemia | 白血病
peqhoehpvi | leukemia | 白血病
phoeh | tiny bubbles on the surface of water; froth; suds; foam; saliva | 沫
phoeha zuosia | hypodermic injection; subcutaneous injection | 皮下注射
phoehaam | mail | 信函
phoehiaf | leather shoes | 皮鞋
phoehoad | wholesale | 批發
phoehu'iam | dermatitis | 皮膚炎
phoehuhak | dermatology | 皮膚學
phoehukhøf ivi | dermatological clinic | 皮膚科醫院
phoehupve | skin disease; skin problem | 皮膚病
phoehuseg | skin color | 皮膚色
phoehw chiegiam | skin test | 皮膚試驗
phoehw isit | skin graft | 皮膚移植
phoehw | skin | 皮膚
sapbunphoeh | soap bubbles | 雪文沫
suhhoehkuie | bloodsucker; vampire | 吸血鬼
thoeh | take up with the hand; carry or take in the hand (a small object) | 拿; 提
thorhoeh'oe | disgusting talk | 吐血話
tiarm hoehlo | strike him with the point of the finger in some part that causes great pain; weakness or sickness | 點血路; 點穴
tihoehkoea | pork blood cake | 豬血粿
tihoehthngf | pig blood soup | 豬血湯
zhoehkhuix | sob | 啜泣; 唏噓; 咽聲
zhoehofng | air in the wind | 晾風
zhoehongky | hair dryer | 吹風機
zhoehsym | despair | 慼心
zhoehurn | cooking powder | 炊粉
zhoehør | cook well | 炊好
zofngphoehoad | equipment or outfit (especially of a soldier) | 總批發
zux hoehkyn | intravenous injection | 靜脈注射

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