"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Phohzuo | a city in Chiayi County | 朴子
hamhaam-hohoo | (of a statement) vague; ambiguous; confusing | 含含糊糊
hohad | to command; to order | 呼轄; 命令
hoharn | to shout, to cry, a shout | 呼喊
hohaxm | (adj) careless | 糊含; 馬虎; 呼諏
hoheeng | a crescent-shape, an arc, bow-shaped, spherical | 葫形; 弧形
hohiaxm | call out; to shout; to yell | 呼喚
hohoaan | to relax, to glow down | 和煩
hohoaxn | call; page | 呼喚
hohoo-totoo | muddled; confused | 糊糊塗塗
hohun | confusion; chaos | 糊混; 含混無清; 混亂
hohzay | agree only by mouth | 呼哉; 只在口頭說是
hohø | to cry out in distress or for help | 呼號
noaxhohoo | muddy | 爛糊糊
poef-thohurn | push, set aside the dust | 撥土粉
tekhohurn | soap powder; detergent powder | 洗衣粉; 肥皂粉
thoham | pitfall | 陷阱; 地陷坑
thohu | blenny (fish) | 土魚; 土鮒
thohurn | dust; dust | 土粉; 塗粉; 泥灰; 灰塵
thohvoa | tuan | 土岸
zhoha | early summer | 初夏
zhohagciar | novice (Catholic) | 初學者
zhohak | begin to learn; beginning stage of studying a subject; a beginner | 初學
zhohak-sinsw | novice master | 初學神師
zhohak-siuluo | novice (female) | 初學修女
zhohak-siusu | novice (male) | 初學修士
zhohax | mourning sign | 帶孝
zhohoad | not a fine method | 粗法
zhohoan | first time offender; first offence; first offender | 初犯
zhohoat'heeng | first issue (of postage stamps) | 初發行
zhohoe | first encounter | 初會
zhohoee | 1st time | 初回
zhohoef | rough flowers | 粗花
zhohoex | course commodities; crude products | 粗貨
zhohoo | crude | 粗糊; 粗暴
zhohud | careless | 粗忽
zhohui'ar | coarse porcelain | 粗瓷仔
zhohuii | coarse stoneware; coarse earthenware china | 粗瓷
zhohwn | first marriage (of a person who has remarried) | 初婚
zhohøex | not fine goods | 粗貨
zhuiechiw-hohoo | thick and coarse beard | 嘴鬚糊糊; 腮鬍

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