Enghokkefng | the Gloria (Catholic) | 榮福經
Korkiofng-phokbudvi | National Palace Museum (housing China's art treasures) | 故宮博物院
Sek'hokni'af | Sophonias (Catholic) | 索福尼亞; (索)
Thok'hog zhekgiam | Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) | 托福測驗
Thokhox | a city in Yunlin County | 土庫
Thokkoarn lysuxhoe | The Trusteeship Council (of the United Nations) | 託管理事會
Tiong'iofng sirnthokkiok | Central Trust of China | 中央信託局
ap'hok | subjugate; force a nation or person to his or her knees; suppress | 壓服; 制服; 壓伏
baihok | ambush; lie or hide in ambush | 埋伏
baxnleeng phoksu | Mr. know-it-all | 萬能博士
begthok | mental reading | 默讀
beng'uu-phoksu | honorary doctor | 名譽博士
bihok | to travel disguised as commoner; to travel in homely garment | 微服
boafnlefhok | formal evening dress | 晚禮服
bunhak phoksu | Doctor of Literature | 文學博士
chiamhok | to be dormant | 潛伏
chiamhok-kii | incubation period, latent period | 潛伏期
chimhokhib | deep breath; breathe deeply | 深呼吸
chym hokhib | deep breathing | 深呼吸
ciamhok | lurk; dormancy; be in hiding; lie hidden; latent; hidden; concealed | 潛伏
ciamhok-kii | incubation period, latent period | 潛伏期
cidhok | one prescription | 一服
cidzhok'ar | a small piece; a bunch | 一撮仔; 一小片
ciet'hok | to be convinced of by someone else with superior wisdom; logic; integrity; etc. | 折服
cviaa-hokkhix | greatly blessed | 誠福氣
eng'u phoksu | honorary doctor (PhD) | 榮譽博士
giefnthok | to study; do research | 研讀
gvofhok | mourning for the five degrees of relationship | 五服
hanghok | submit to; surrender | 降服
haohok | mourning dress worn by bereaved children | 孝服
harhok | mourning clothing | 孝服
hauxhok | school uniform | 校服
hexsiin-thokput | vow to spirits and idols | 求神託佛
hiehok | stage costume; actor's costumes | 戲服
hoafnhok | repeated, time and again, reversal | 反覆; 反復,反覆
hoanhuun-hok'uo | as changeable as clouds and rain (said of human affection) | 翻雲覆雨
hoanthiefn hokte | turn everything upside down; world shaking | 翻天覆地
hoanthvy-hoktøe | turn the whole world upside down; earth shaking | 翻天覆地
hoarnthok | to read widely | 汎讀; 泛讀
hoat'hak phoksu | Doctor of Law | 法學博士
hoehok kiexnkhofng | be restored to health | 恢復健康
hoehok tiedsu | restore order by effort | 恢復秩序
hoehok | answer; reply; feedback | 回覆; 恢復
hok lø'ek | do society service or work as a form of punishment for a crime | 服勞役
hok lø'iah | do society service or work as a form of punishment for a crime | 服勞役
hok peng'ek | undergo military training; do military service | 服兵役
hok peng'iah | undergo military training; do military service | 服兵役
hok | submit and obey, take medicine, one dose of medicine | 服; 伏
hok'hap | compound, mix togethere | 覆合; 複合
hok'hun | fortune; one's share of happiness | 福份
hok'imthoaan | spread good news | 福音傳
hok'imtngg | chapel, Gospel hall | 福音堂
hok'imtoan | the Christian Gospel | 福音傳
hok'imtoong | a chapel | 福音堂
hok'ixm | I take advantage of your influence and assistance (in some danger; to get some benefit; or on going to see some influential man). I should like to share your luck | 福蔭; 托你的福
hok'oaan | dried longan (dragon's eyes or leng keng); dried fruit | 福圓; (龍眼乾)
hok'ym | Gospel; good news; the gospel | 福音
hokaw | thresher shark | 狐鮫; 長尾鯊
hokbeng | report on the results of what one has been ordered to do | 覆命; 復命
hokbiet | destruction; complete collapse; destroy | 覆滅
hokbut | capsize and sink, be engulfed | 覆物; 覆沒
hokbuun | reply | 覆文
hokcie | welfare | 福祉
hokcirn | subsequent visits to a doctor or hospital for the same complaint | 複診
hokgerng | a longan tree or fruit | 福眼; 福龍眼
hokhao | to make a living; to live from hand to mouth | 糊口
hokhib khiekoafn | respiratory organs | 呼吸器官
hokhib | respire; respiration; breathing; breathe | 呼吸
hokhib-kex | spirometer | 呼吸計
hokhib-lut | respiration rate | 呼吸量; 呼吸律
hokhipkhix | a respirator | 呼吸器
hokhiptax | respirator | 呼吸罩
hokhix | exhalation; expiration; exhale | 呼氣
hokiuu | beseech | 呼求
hokiux | call for help; call for help | 呼救
hokiørkhix | beeper or pager (bee-bee-call) | 呼叫器
hokiøx | shout; cry out; to yell | 呼叫; 招呼
hokjiin | a man of good luck | 福人
hokkaix | overlay; cover with; to mantle | 覆蓋
hokkhix | good luck; welfare; fortune; happy | 福氣
hokkofng | devil fish, devil ray | 蝠魟; 魔鬼魚; [*]
hoklaan | gladiolus | 唐菖蒲
hokli | social welfare, mutual benefit | 福利; 複利
hoklixsia | a store doing business on the premises of a school | 福利社
hokloan | cholera | 霍亂
hoklogsiu | happiness; wealth; and longevity; the three ingredients of a full life | 福祿壽
hoklok | luck and wealth; happiness and honor; happiness and prosperity | 福祿
hokmoh-iam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hokmøqiam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hokngf | arclight | 輻光; 弧光
hokof | a moat; a ditch; a trench | 壕溝
hokofng | arclight | 輻光; 弧光
hokofng-tefng | an arc lamp | 輻光燈; 弧光燈
hokpo | abdominal region | 腹部
hoksafm | Foochow ceda | 福杉; 福州杉
hoksefng ciao'iau | wishing someone good luck (may the auspicious star shine on you) | 福星照耀
hoksefng | a lucky star; a mascot | 福星
hoksia | radiation; radiate | 輻射
hoksia-leeng | radiation energy | 輻射能
hoksiaxjiet | radiant heat | 輻射熱
hoksiaxkex | radiometer | 輻射計
hoksiaxleeng | radiant energy | 輻射能
hoksiaxsvoax | radiant rays | 輻射線
hoksiaxthea | radiant body; radiator | 輻射體
hoksiaxthihkyn | radioactive iron rods | 輻射鐵條
hoksiaxtiin | radioactive dust, atomic fallout | 輻射塵
hoksiin | God of luck | 福神
hoksinzhaix | a kind of Asian vegetable | 福神菜
hoksioxng | a countenance of good luck; fat (complimentary term | 福相
hoksirm | a retrial | 覆審
hoksiu siangzoaan | enjoy both happiness and longevity | 福壽雙全
hoksiu zoankuy | have enjoyed both happiness and longevity (a laudatory expression about people who die at venerable age) | 福壽全歸
hoksiu | happiness and longevity | 福壽
hoksiuxlee | apple snail | 福壽螺
hoksixn | to write a letter in reply; a reply letter | 覆信; 覆訊
hoksoarn | election by delegates; indirect election; run off in beauty contests; etc.; semi final | 覆選; 復選; 複選
hoksox | plural number of a noun or pronoun | 複數
hoksuie lansiw | no use crying over spilt milk; misfortune cannot be undone (Spilt water is difficult to get back into the container.) | 覆水難收
hoksvix | a compound surname | 複姓; 二字姓
hokte hokjiin ky | fortunate land has fortunate people living in it | 福地福人居
hokte | happy land; good grave site | 福地
hokteg zerngsiin | god of the soil and graves | 福德正神; 土地公
hoktek | good fortune; happiness; blessedness | 福澤
hoktiet | last track; last failure | 覆轍
hokto | the range; a margin | 幅度
hokzeaphirn | reproduction of the original, replica | 複製品
hokzuie | ascites, dropsy of the abdomen | 腹水
hyhok | full dress | 喜服
høhok | a kimino; Japanese kimono | 和服; 日本服
iedhok | concede or submit willingly | 悅服
iedthok | read | 閱讀
iernboefhok | swallow-tailed coat; dress coat | 燕尾服
iernbyhok | tuxidoe | 燕尾服
ihak-phoksu | Doctor of Medicine; M.D | 醫學博士
ihok | clothes (in general) | 衣服
iongsvaf thoksix | commission many people to act; ask someone over and again to do something | 央三託四
iuzhok | postal cancellation; postmark | 郵戳
ixhok | outlandish clothing; strange garb | 異服
jinkafng-hokhib | artificial respiration | 人工呼吸
jinkofng-hokhib | artificial respiration | 人工呼吸
jit hok itjit | day after day; day in and out | 日復一日
jixnhok | acknowledge defeat | 認服; 認輸
kafmhok | persuade someone to obey his order | 感服; 佩服
kanghak-phoksu | Doctor of Engineering; D. Eng | 工學博士
kangthok | work on a job in order to finance one's study or education | 工讀
kangzog-hok | working clothes | 工作服
kangzok'hok | working clothes | 工作服
karnghok | surrender | 降伏; 降服
kaythok | Interpretation | 解讀
kernghok | admire | 敬服; 敬畏
khaithokciar | cultivator; pioneer | 開拓者
khaithokte | reclaimed land | 開拓地
khatthoky | excavator | 挖土機
khawhok simhok | to win people's heart; with sincerity and willingly; concede defeat; to admit somebody's superiority | 口服心服
khawhok | oral | 口服
khek'hok | through; cope with; get over; overcome; fetch through; conquer; subdue; overcome (difficulties) | 克服; 克復
khimhok | adore; respect; reverence | 欽服
khoehok | restore, recover, recovery | 恢復
khogkhok | without stop | 撞撞; 無停地
khok køq kiet | stingy; miserly | 虯擱潔; 儉吝嗇
khok | stingy; miserly; tightfisted; niggardly | 吝嗇; 小氣
khok'aftef | a Taiwanese fried food with bean sprout and oyster mixed with flour | 觳仔炱
khok'aix | love something very much | 酷愛
khok'ar | cocoon | 殼仔; 繭仔
khok'heeng | inhuman punishment; cruel; unreasonable; violent; torture | 酷刑; 殘忍; 痞情; 無講理
khok'hiah | having an unusually projecting forehead | 擴額; 前額突出
khok'imky | audio amplifier | 擴音機
khok'ym | amplify the sound | 擴音
khok'ym-ky | a loud-speaker, a microphone | 擴音機
khok`cide | to bump once | 撞一下
khok`tiøh | bumped | 撞著; 碰著
khokao | call a dog | 呼狗
khokchiaux | to weap and smile | 哭笑
khokchiofng | enrich; expand (equipment or facilities) | 擴充
khokef | to crow as a cock or to cackle as a hen in order to call out for the chicken; call chickens | 呼雞
khokhofaq | cocoa | 可可仔
khokkhog | one's forehead protruding (raised) | 凸凸; 擴擴; 凸凸的; 酷酷
khokkiexn | make new additional structures | 擴建
khokkwn | enlarge military forces | 擴軍
khoksaxn | pervasion; diffuse; proliferate; mix and blend together | 擴散
khoksefng-ky | public addressing system, loud-speaker | 擴生機; 擴聲機
khoksengky | amplifier (of a radio or record-player) | 擴聲機; 擴音器
khoksox | to tell and cry; to tell with mourning | 哭訴
khoksu | to resemble very closely | 酷似
khoksuo | very hot weather; torturing heat | 酷署
khoksviaf-ky | public addressing system, loud-speaker | 擴聲機
khoksvoax | to diffuse, to spread | 擴線; 擴散
khoktai | magnification; enlarge; amplify; magnify; enlarge; magnify; expansion | 擴大
khokthaau | having an unusually projecting forehead | 擴頭; 酷頭; 前額突出
khoktiern | stretch; expand; to spread | 擴展
khoktiofng | overspread; expand; expansion; extension; enlarge | 擴張
khoktoa | magnification; enlarge; amplify; magnify | 擴大
khoktok | cruel and maliciously | 酷毒
khoktvar | torture; harsh beatten | 酷打
khonghok | recover (from illness); recovery | 康復
khut'hok | to succumb; yield; or submit (to power; threat; etc); to give in; submission; surrender; acknowledge one's defeat | 屈服
khyhok | ups and downs | 起伏
khykhok'ar | mouthwash cup | 齒觳仔
khythok'ar | tooth pick | 齒戳仔
kiongthok | read respectfully | 恭讀
kizofng-ixhok | strange or odd clothing | 奇裝異服
konghok | a city in Hualien County | 光復
kongkiong hokli | public welfare | 公共福利
kongthok | major field, to study the major course, to study hard, to study | 公讀; 攻讀
kuihok | submit, surrender | 歸服
kunhok | military uniform; military uniform | 軍服
kuothok | choice of words, style of composition | 句讀
kut'hok | to surrender, to submit, to yield | 屈服
kvoahok | uniform of an official | 官服
laixhok | medicine for internal (oral) dosage | 內服; 內服,口服
lauxkhokkhog | extremely old | 老硞硞
lauxkhokkhok'aq | very old | 老硞硞矣
lauxphoksu | old Phd | 老博士
lefhok | ceremonial dress; full dress; evening dress | 禮服
lilikhokkhog | loose and untidy | 哩哩硞硞
lily-khokkhog | untidy | 哩哩刻刻
loexhok | take (medicine) orally | 內服
lofngthok | to read in clear voice, to recite | 朗讀
logkhok | disappointed or unsuccessful in life | 遊盪; 潦倒失搖
luthoky | bulldozer | 推土機
lyhak phoksu | Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) | 理學博士
lyhak-phoksu | Doctor of Science | 理學博士
mng'exhok | under the door | 門下栿
moa'hok | clothing made of sackcloth (used in mourning; cf moa5-san) | 麻服; 喪服
moahok | hemp mourning garment | 麻服; 孝服
oadthok | study | 閱讀
oefthoky | dredger | 挖土機
ofng'hok | to and from | 往復
ofnghok | to go back and forth; to go to and fro; return trip; going and returning | 往復; 往返; 來回
ofthoky | an excavator; a suction dredge; dredger; ditcher | 挖土機; 挖塗機
onghok | royal robe | 王服
othaukhok'ar | black head birdy | 烏頭觳仔
paehok | greeting | 拜福
paethok | to read with respect; read with respect (a polite expression) | 拜讀
pauhok | baggage; bundle of clothes; burden; encumbrance | 包袱
pekthok put'iax | not boring even after repeated readings; very interesting (book) | 百讀無厭
penghok | to return to normal; subjugate; reduce to order; peaceful; steady; tranquil | 平復; 平服
peqthaukhok'ar | grackle (bird); gray starling | 白頭酷仔; 白頭翁
phag-løqkhix thokhaf | fallen to the ground; to fall prostrate | 仆倒在地上
phahphitphok'ar | clap | 拍匹噗仔
phahphok | clap | 拍噗
phahphok'ar | clapping of hands; hand clapping; applaud | 打拍仔; 鼓掌
phihok | to reply officially | 批服; 批復; 批覆
phiqphok | heartbeat | 咇噗
phoeahok | admire | 佩服
phok | dry in the sun; expose to sunlight; to sun | 曬; 曝
phok'aezø | fraternity seat | 博愛座
phok'afsviaf | clapping sound | 噗仔聲
phok'aix zwgi | philanthropy | 博愛主義
phok'aix | philanthropy; charity | 博愛
phok'ar | bubbles | 泡仔; 泡(沫)兒
phok'hak | well-read; erudite; well read; erudite; well versed in a wide range of learning; erudition; deep and wide education | 博學
phokaix | simple bed and bedding | 撲蓋; 舖蓋
phokbiet | (v) stamp out; dampen out | 撲滅
phokboarn | cover completely | 撲滿
phokbudhak | natural history; natural science | 博物學
phokbudkoarn | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phokbudvi | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phokbut | nature; natural sciences | 博物
phokbuun | knowledgeable | 博聞
phokciøh | stone with jade | 璞石
phokgvar | knowledgeable and elegant | 博雅
phokhaf | lay hold of a man's leg in order to throw him down | 抬腳; 鋪腳; 扶跤; 床下; 扶腳
phokhaf-phochiuo | flattering someone; special treatments | 抬腳抬手
phokhazhngf | fltter | 扶尻川
phokhylaai | pave up | 鋪起來
phokiøo | pave a bridge; make a wooden bridge | 鋪橋; 造橋
phokkheg | poker | 撲克
phokkheg-paai | playing card, poker card | 撲克牌
phokkhekpaai | playing cards | 撲克牌
phokkheq | blog | 博客
phokkhofng | to come to nought | 撲空
phokkngf | expose to light | 撲光
phokkor-thongkym | be well informed in things past and present; be well versed in ancient and modern learning | 博古通今
phokkor-thongkyn | knowledgeable | 博古通今
phokkorng | full of air and protrude | 凸管; 凸起而內包空氣
phokkw | convex | 凸起
phoklafmhoe | an exposition; fair (trade); exhibition | 博覽會
phoklarm | to be well-read; read extensively | 博覽
phokong'efng | dandelion; cow weed | 蒲公英
phokphaf | skin bubble | 起泡
phokphog | protruding; bulging; bulging; swollen; puffy | 凸凸
phokphvi | to excite the nose (with a smell) | 撲鼻
phoksad | kill | 撲殺
phokseg | knowledge | 博識
phoksit | sparingly; simple minded; honest; sincere | 樸實; 誠實
phoksorng | surplus | 多餘
phoksox | homeliness; austerity; artlessness; simplicity; quiet; simple; plain (dress) not gaudy; simple and quiet in taste and manner (man not given to display or vanity) | 樸素
phoksu | Phd; doctor (of science); doctoral degree | 博士
phoksu-luxnbuun | dissertation, doctorate thesis | 博士論文
phoksuxphog | a person who claims that he/she knows everything | 博士博
phokthofng | knowledgeable | 博通
phokthor | PhD | 博土
phoktit | simple and straightforward | 扶直; 樸直
phoktox | to wrestle | 搏鬥
phokym | pave with gold | 鋪金
phokzefng | a large bronze bell for religious ceremony | 博鐘; 鎛鐘
phokzhuo | to gain, to obtain, to seize, to catch | 博取
phuu khok'aftef | deep fried foodstuff | 油炸的食品
piexnhok | mufti; casual dress; ordinary clothing; everyday dress | 便服
piexntongkhok'ar | bento box | 便當觳仔
piin hokkhix | trusting to his own good luck | 憑福氣
pngxkhok'ar | lunch box; rice container | 飯盒仔
poarnkofng poarnthok | work half a day; study half a day; to work one's way through school; a self supporting (working) student | 半工半讀
poeahok | admire | 佩服
poexhok | respect, have confidence | 背負; 佩服
puihiakhok'ar | gourd shell ladle | 瓠桸觳仔
pulawkhok'ar | | 瓠佬觳仔
put'hok | to refuse to obey; object; disagree; dislike; disobey; resist | 不服; 無服
pørhok | take revenge | 復仇; 報復
saothokhaf | sweep the floor | 掃塗跤
saux thokhaf | sweep the ground or floor | 掃地
saythafngkhok'ar | shit ladle | 屎桶觳仔
siaxhoe hokli suxgiap | social welfare work | 社會福利事業
siaxhoe hokli | social welfare | 社會福利
simhok | admit somebody's superiority with sincerity | 心服
simhok-khawhok | admit somebody's superiority with sincerity | 心服口服
simphok | heart-beat | 心噗; 心跳
sinhak phoksu | doctor of divinity (DD) | 神學博士
sinhok | surrender | 臣服
sioxngthok | read; read aloud; recite; intone | 誦讀
sirnhok | believe in; to trust; admire | 信服
sirnthokkiok | board of trustees | 信託局
siuhok | subdue and win the allegiance of | 收服; 收復
siuxthokjiin | trustee | 受託人
siuxthokliin | rustee | 受託人
siøkhok | come knocking together | 相撞
soafnthok | study an elective course in a college | 選讀
soanthok | read out (a declaration; announcement) in public | 宣讀
soat'hok | persuade; convince; prevail on | 說服
soeahok | persuade | 說服
songhok | sable; sackcloth; weeds; mourning dress | 喪服
sorhok | mourning clothes | 素服; 喪服
suhok | plain clothes; e.g.; detective; mufti; civilian clothes | 私服; 便衣
sunhok | tame; subdue; subdued; obedient | 馴服
suxnhok | obey, submit, obedience, submission | 順服
taf-khokkhog | dry out and harsh | 焦涸涸
taixlefhok | formal or full dress | 大禮服
takhokkhog | very dry | 焦涸涸
tap'hok | reply-to; respond to; in answer to; give a reply | 答復; 答覆
teng-khokkhog | very hard and strong; so hard as to give a clear ringing sound when struck; stingy; stupid | 硬幫幫
texng-khokkhog | harsh | 釘硞硞
texngkhokkhog | hard | 𠕇硞硞
thaau khokkhog | having an unusually projecting forehead | 前額突出
thesvathoksix | push away with reason | 推三託四
thiafm hoksiu | May you increase in happiness and longevity | 添福壽
thiamhoksiu | lunar leap month’s gift from married daughter | 添福壽
thoaan hok'ym | preach the gospel | 傳福音
thok | read; to study | 讀
thok'hofng | to pioneer | 拓荒
thok'hofng-ciar | a pioneer | 拓荒者
thok'hog | TOEFL (test of English as a foreign language); thanks; I enjoy good fortune by your favor or influence (a polite phrase) | 托福
thok'hux | request to bear responsibility | 託負; 託付
thok'iok | childcare | 托育
thokaau | cricket | 蟋蟀
thokad | adobe mud bricks | 土磚; 塗墼; 土墼
thokafng | ordinary mason | 土工; 泥瓦匠
thokag | lump of earth | 土角; 一團土
thokakzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼厝
thokat'afzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼仔厝
thokatzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼厝
thokaubear | muddy | 塗溝糜仔
thokaumoee | muddy | 塗溝糜
thokaw | ditch | 土溝; 水溝
thokbang | give instruction in the dream; appear in a dream | 託夢
thokbe | sell on consignment | 託賣
thokbea | ask a person to buy | 託買
thokeq | reddish subsoil | 土層
thokgee | pick one's teeth | 剔牙
thokgieen | excuse | 托言
thokhabin | ground | 塗跤面
thokhaf | ground; land; floor; earthen or tiled floor; surface of the ground | 地面; 塗跤; 地上
thokhaf-pox | floor mop | 土跤布; 拖把
thokhaf-zu | floor mat | 土跤蓆; 墊子
thokhafng | hole in the earth | 土孔; 泥洞
thokhapafng | floor mat | 塗跤枋
thokhataw | floor mat | 塗跤兜
thokhatea | floor | 塗跤底
thokhix | rustic | 土氣
thokhud | lower ground, a cellar | 土坑; 土窟
thokhvy | ditch | 土坑; 泥坑
thokjisor | day care center; nursery school; public nursery; day nursery | 托兒所
thokkaw | entrust to, hand over to | 托交; 托付
thokkhie | using tooth pick | 剔齒
thokkhoafn | acquire a broader (road); to broaden (a road); widen (a street) | 拓寬
thokkoafnkoaan | mandatory powers | 託管權
thokkoarn lefngthor | trust territories; mandate territories | 託管領土
thokkoarn | trustee; mandate; trustee; trusteeship | 託管
thokkoarn-tøe | trust territory, mandated territory | 託管地
thokkox | to give a pretext, to make an excuse | 託顧; 託故
thoklisor | nursery | 托兒所
thokomoear | muddy | 塗糊糜仔
thokphoax | reveal somebody's secret of success | 拓破
thokpoad | beg for alms | 托砵
thokpvoaa | a tray | 托盤
thoksixn | to have sincere faith; honest; trustworthy | 篤信
thoksu | ask to manage a matter | 託事
thoksuu | pretext, pretence, excuse | 託辭
thoktiern | carry out; develop | 拓展
thoktiong | entrust | 信託; 托付
thuhthoky | scraper | 黜土機
thuithoky | bulldozer | 推土機
thuq thokhaf | loosen and remove dirt on the floor | 鏟地
tiauhok | ceremonial dress, formal dress | 朝服
tienhok | to topple; over turn; to subvert; subversion; be overthrown | 顛覆
tiet'hak phoksu | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD | 哲學博士
tionghok | repeat; to duplicate; again and again | 重複
tioxnghok | to repeat; repetition; to duplicate | 重複
toaxlefhok | formal or full dress | 大禮服
tofphoktviuu | gambling house, gambling den | 賭博場
tøxhak-phoksu | doctor of divinity (D.D.), doctor of theology (Th.D.) | 道學博士
uythok'haang | consignment store | 委託行
uythokciar | someone commission to do something | 委託者
uythokphirn | consignment goods | 委託品
viuhok | western style clothing; suit | 洋服
vixhok | Foreign dress | 異服
zeahok | uniform; to conquer; to subdue | 制服
zenghok zuxjieen | conquer nature | 征服自然
zenghok | conquer; conquest; crush; subjugate; subjugation | 征服
zenghok-ciar | a conqueror | 征服者
zerngseg tap'hok | formal discussion | 正式答覆
zhehpauhok | booklet | 冊包袱
zhexng thokhix | affected by the cold damp air of the ground | 沾受地氣
zhok | pinch | 戳; 踩; 鑿
zhok'hap | make a match | 撮合
zhokafng | labor worker; unskilled laborer | 粗工
zhokaw | a new friend; a bowing acquaintance | 初交
zhokay | introductory | 初階
zhokhaf | thick feet | 粗腳
zhokhaf-taxngchiuo | crude acting; rude; violent; wild | 粗手笨腳
zhokhie | from the beginning | 初起
zhokhng'iuo'ar | coarse chaff | 粗糠幼仔
zhokhngf | rice hulls; coarse rice husks; rice chaff | 粗糠; 穀殼
zhokhuy | first opening | 初開
zhokib tionghak | junior middle school | 初級中學
zhokib | elementary; first grade | 初級
zhokii | rudiment; first of initial stage; early or earlier stages | 初期
zhokippafn | first grade class | 初級班
zhokkerng | be touched by the sight | 觸景
zhokør | first draft (of a poem; play; novel) | 初稿
zhuithoky | bulldozer | 推土機
zoafkhok'ar | paper bag | 紙觳仔
zuykhok'ar | dipper | 水舀仔; 舀水器
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
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If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]