"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hongti

Kaozofng-thongtiap | encyclical (Catholic) | 教宗通牒
hongti | a remedy against; prevention and cure | 防治
hongtiaau | direction of wind and tide; a paper strip seal; strips of paper pasted across parcels | 風潮; 封條
hongtiaau-wsun | timely wind and rain | 風調雨順
hongtiap | counter espionage | 防諜
hongtiau | crisis; school or labor strike | 風潮
hongtiaw | Japanese dessert buzzard, Buteo buteo burmanicus | 風雕; 風潮
hongtieen | fields left uncultivated; desolate fields | 荒田
hongtiefn | lunatic; acting queerly; mad | 瘋癲
hongtiin | N. vines of the pepper family; 1: Piper kadsura 爬崖番 2: Piper subcordata 風藤 3: Taiwan millettia; Millettia taiwaniana 風藤; the world of prostitution; human world; mundane world | 風塵; 風藤; 紅塵; 爬崖番
hongtiin-lwloong | a call girl | 風塵女郎
hongtiofng | alarmed, nervous, startled, frightened, agitated, excited | 風中; 慌張,慌慌張張
hongtiong | head priest of a Buddhist temple; a Buddhist abbot | 方丈
hongtix | charm (of painting | 風致
khongtiaau | A/C | 空調
khongtiefn | mentally deficient; stupid; crazy | 悾癲; 癡呆; 瘋癲
khongtiofng | in the sky; in the air | 空中
khongtiofng-haghau | school-of-the air; academic instruction by radio | 空中學校
khongtiofng-haxmzvea | air pocket (in aviation) | 空中陷阱
khongtiofng-huijiin | trapeze show | 空中飛人
khongtiofng-kaiuu | refueling in the air | 空中加油
khongtiofng-laxmchiaf | cable car; funicular | 空中纜車
khongtiofng-lokøq | illusion; castles in the sky | 空中樓閤
khongtiofng-siøfciar | stewardess | 空中小姐
kiet'hut hongti-tiongsym | T.B. prevention and treatment center | 結核防治中心
lianghongtiofng | in a breeze | 涼風中
lunjip hongtiin | women fall into professions not socially respectable (prostitution) | 淪入風塵
poarnkhongtiofng | in mid-heaven | 半空中
pvoarkhongtiofng | open air; sky; aerial; overhead | 半空中
thiaq hongtiaau | break an embargo; break a sealing tape | 拆封條
thongtiap | diplomatic communications or messages | 通牒
thongtien | to cable all concerned; supply electricity to; connect with the electric current | 通電
thongtilaq | notify | 通知啦
thongtisw | notification | 通知書; (單)
thongtitvoaf | notice | 通知單
zhaihongtiaxm | tailor shop; dress maker's shop | 裁縫店
zoea'au-thongtiap | ultimatum | 最後通牒

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