anghuihkiuu | red corpuscle | 紅血球
bihuihkngr | capillaries | 微血管
ciernzeg huihoong | brilliant combat performance; extraordinary battle achievement | 戰績輝煌
huih'ab | blood pressure | 血壓
huih'ab-kex | sphygmomanometer | 血壓計
huih'angsox | hemoglobin | 血紅素
huih'axn | murder, homicide | 血案
huih'ek | blood | 血液
huih'iog | blood-covenant | 血約; 血盟
huih'ixn | blood-seal | 血印
huih'un | circulation of the blood | 血運; 血液循環
huihaan | to wipe off perspiration | 揮汗
huihan-seng'uo | drops of perspiration falling down like a shower | 揮汗成雨
huihciab | blood plasma | 血汁; 血漿
huihciexn | bloody war | 血戰
huihcviw | blood plasma | 血漿
huiheeng kielogkhix | airplane black box | 飛行記錄器; (黑盒子)
huiheeng | V: make a flight, go by air. N: flying, aviation | 飛行
huiheng'oaan | pilot of a plane | 飛行員
huihengkaf | flyer | 飛行家
huihengkahparn | flight deck | 飛行甲板
huihengky | airplane | 飛行機; 飛機
huihengzuun | air ship | 飛行船
huihgaam | blood cancer | 血癌
huihhae | bloodbath | 血海; 血洗;
huihhafm | blood clam | 血蚶; 灰虷
huihheeng | blood type; blood group | 血型
huihhuun | bloody mark | 血痕
huihiarm | danger | 危險
huihii | blenny (fish) | 血魚; 土鮒
huihjiaq | blood stain | 血跡
huihkag | clotted blood, coagulated blood | 血塊; 血角
huihkhiaxm | anemia | 血缺; 貧血
huihkhix | courage with sense of justice | 血氣
huihkiuu | blood cell; corpuscle | 血球
huihkix | blood nevus | 血痣
huihkngr | vein; blood vessels | 血管
huihkvoa | blood and sweat; sweat and toil | 血汗
huihkwn | blood tendons | 血筋
huihkyn | blood vessel | 血筋; 血管
huihliaq | blood stains | 血跡
huihliuu | blood tumor | 血瘤
huihlo | blood passageway; passage for escape in a battle; bloody road | 血路; 血液循環
huihluun | corpuscle | 血球
huihmeh | blood circulation | 血脈
huihoaan | unusual; unique; uncommon; above the average | 非凡
huihoad | illegal; unlawful | 非法; 無法
huihoat'iuu | volatile oil; naphtha; gasoline; naphtha or other volatile oils | 揮發油
huihoatsexng | of a volatile nature | 揮發性
huihog | to spend extravagantly | 揮霍
huihog-buto | squander money | 揮霍無度
huihoo | Formosan flying fox | 飛狐; 狐蝠
huihoong | resplendency; glory; magnificent; splendid; glorious; brilliant | 輝煌
huihoong-thengtat | period of great accomplishment | 輝煌騰達
huihseg | scarlet; red; blood color | 血色
huihsy | coffee ground emesis | 血絲
huihtae | Blood stain; Small blood clot; gore | 血污; 小血塊; 血塊
huihtarng | blood sediment; blood lees | 血滓
huihtex | a clot | 血塊
huihthaang | hookworm | 血蟲; 鉤蟲
huihthngg | blood sugar | 血糖
huihthorng | lineage, family tree, pedigree | 血統
huihtii | bloody pond | 血池
huihuii | dull; rounded (knife); fat and round face | 無利; 淝淝; 圓圓的
huihuizøo | soap powder | 非肥皂
huihun | undeserved; improper to one's status | 非份
huihuy-cy-siorng | wishful thinking | 非非之想
huihuy-loaxnzøx | do evil | 胡作非為; 非非亂做
huihuy-safmzøx | capable of every evil | 非非糝做; 胡作非為
huihwn | twenty wedding anniversary | 磁婚
huihzhefng | serum | 血清
huihzuie | bloody water | 血水
huihøo | to wield one's writing brush | 揮毫
khuihefng | (literally) to open the chest; to open one's mind | 開胸
khuiho | open a bank account | 開戶
khuihoe | opening of a meeting; begin a meeting; hold a meeting | 開會
khuihoef | blossom; bloom | 開花
khuihoextiofng | be in session | 開會中
khuihofng | to open (a letter; ect.); break or open a seal | 開封; 開啟
khuihux | to be deficient; to be negligent in an obligation; to fail | 背恩; 虧負
khuihøea | to open fire; to engage in battle | 開火
køhuih'ab | high blood pressure | 高血壓
paixhuihpvi | septicemia, blood poisoning | 敗壞病; 敗血病
paixhuihzexng | septicemia | 敗血症
peh-huihkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
peqhuihkiuu | a white blood cell | 白血球
peqhuihpvi | leukemia | 白血病
sixsi-huihuy | gossip; scandal; rumors | 是是非非
suhhuihloong | bloodsucker | 欶血狼
thihchiu khuihoef | literally; the blooming of an iron tree ─ an impossibility; something that very rarely happens | 鐵樹開花
thuiheeng kokgie | to advocate the use of the national language (Mandarin) | 推行國語
thuiheeng | push; promote (a scheme); carry into operation what has already been decided | 推行
thuihengjiin | promoter | 推行人
thuihioxng | to push into | 推向
thuihoafn | topple over; demolish; explode; reversal; overturn; to push over; to overthrow (a government); to stultify (a theory; principle) | 推翻
tngtoo-huiheeng | long distance flight | 長途飛行
tuhuihkea | pork blood cake | 豬血粿
wtiu-huiheeng-oaan | an astronaut, a cosmonaut, a spaceman | 宇宙飛行員
zharnlan-huihoong | brilliant and magnificent | 燦爛輝煌
zhuiheeng | carry into operation what has already been decided; implement | 推行
zhuihoafn | overthrow a government; prove incorrect a theory or principle | 推翻
zhuihoarzef | catalyst | 催化劑
zhuihoax | catalysis | 催化
zhuihoex | to shatter, to demolish, to despoil | 推貨; 吹貨; ?廢
zhuihuie | destroy (enemy positions; heavy weapons) | 摧毀
zhuihuu | reminder | 催符
zhuihw | puff; boast of; brag of | 吹噓
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