"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Anhuy | | 安徽
Engkog Onghuy Tae'annar | Britain's Princess Diana | 英國王妃黛安娜
Kunzuo putciah gafncienkhuy | One who overlooks a slight | 君子無吃眼前虧。
Lamhuy Kioxnghøkog | Republic of South Africa | 南非共和國
Lamhuy | South Africa | 南非
Tionghuy | Sino-African; Central Africa | 中非
Viuu Kuiehuy | An Ancient Chinese Queen | 楊貴妃
Zhuy | surname Cui; Ts'ui (Tsui) | 崔
ahuy | young man who combines the characteristics of a hippie and a juvenile delinquent | 阿飛
bengpien sixhuy | know distinctly what is right and what is wrong | 明辨是非
bexkhuy | cannot open; unable to open | 未開; 無開
biexnbok zoanhuy | everything has changed beyond recognition | 面目全非
boexkhuy | cannot open, unable to open | 未開
boghuy | can it be possible that; could it be; certainly; surely; can it be that | 莫非; 莫非是
buhuy | that is; nothing but | 無非
busu senghuy | make trouble out of nothing | 無事生非
bøexkhuy | unable to open, unable to negrect | 未開; 袂開; 不開
chietkhuy | to cut open; to cut apart; cut open | 切開
ciaokhuy | to pay fee evenly | 照開
ciaqkhuy | suffer a disadvantage; suffer loss; be victimized; be deceived (this term has a wide range of usage) | 吃虧; 食虧
cidkhuyar | one breath | 一口氣
cienhuy | previous wrongdoing; past offenses | 前非
ciøhtee hoat'huy | make an issue of; capitalize on; seize a pretext to air one's own complaints or attack others | 借題發揮
ciøhtee-hoat'huy | to make use of the subject under discussion to put over one's own ideas | 借題發揮
ciøqthuy | stone ladder | 石梯
cvikhuy | to get free from | 掙開
cyhuy | command; give directions; give orders; conduct; conduct or direct an orchestra | 指揮
cyhuy-oaan | a commander | 指揮員
cyhuy-pang | a baton | 指揮棒
cyhuy-po | command post, headquarter | 指揮部
cyhuy-pong | a baton | 指揮棒
engkhuy | profit and loss | 盈虧
giaa`khuy | move something out of the way (e.g.; chair) | 拿開; 抬開
giaq`khuy | pierce through; leak a secret | 戳開
giwkhuy | pull open; pull apart | 拉開
goanzuo-khuyhek | atomic orbital | 原子軌道; 原子軌域
goanzuo-khuytø | atomic orbital | 原子軌道
gvexthuy | force oneself to do something (eating; studying; etc) | 硬撐
hauxhuy | school emblem | 校徽
hexngkhuy | thanks to | 幸虧
hiap`khuy | move and shake to open | 拹開; 左右搖開
hiefn`khuy | remove the seal; uncovered | 掀開
hienkhuy | to open; to show (a ticket); to turn on; to switch on | 掀開; 蓋子打開
hiernkhuikhuy | open out like a dress; door or window | 獻開開; 袒開; 露開
hiernkhuy | open out like a dress; door or window | 袒開; 獻開; 露開
hoat'huy | exert; exertion; find an outlet for; exhibit or display one's ability | 發揮
hoefthuynng | ham and egg | 火腿蛋
honghuy | the concubine of an emperor; the wife of a crown prince | 皇妃
hoxhuy | emperor's wife or concubines | 后妃
hoxnghoong u'huy | happy marriage; pair of phoenixes on the wing | 鳳凰于飛
huihuy-cy-siorng | wishful thinking | 非非之想
huihuy-loaxnzøx | do evil | 胡作非為; 非非亂做
huihuy-safmzøx | capable of every evil | 非非糝做; 胡作非為
hunhuy pheksaxn | frightened out of one's wits; as good as dead | 魂飛魄散
hunhuy thiengoa | frightened out of one's wits; completely carried away by passion; infatuated | 魂飛天外
hunhuy | whirl around in confusion; to fly all over | 紛飛
hunkhuy | break down into smaller parts; segregate; to divide into individual parts or portions | 分開
hunthuy | a traditional scaling ladder; a firefighter's tower ladder; scaling ladder; a fire extension ladder | 雲梯
huthuy | a staircase, a stairway | 扶梯
huun khuy kviejit | turn of fortune for the better (When the clouds part; the sun comes out.) | 雲開見日
huxnseeng-khuyhek | hybrid orbital | 混合軌道; 混成軌域
huy Kitoktoo | non-Christians | 非基督徒
huy Sincid jin'oaan | laity | 非神職人員
huy gvor bok siok | I; and I alone; am qualified for or deserve a position | 非我莫屬
huy | (hui'~) non-, in- un- | 非; 妃
huybiet | raze; destroy; consume; exterminate utterly | 毀滅
huybong | destroy the grave | 毀墓
huygi | slander; people's grievances | 誹議
huygiok | to revile, to defame, to slander, to libel | 毀逐; 誹謔
huyhai | unremitting; ruin; destroy; demolish | 匪懈; 毀害
huyhoai | devastate; demolish; crack up; damage | 毀壞
huyiog | break a contract | 毀約
huyioong | destroy the face; to disfigure one's face; injure the face; to destroy another's beauty out of jealousy or hatred; deface | 毀容
huykhox | robber; bandit | 匪寇
huykhw | bandit or communist area | 匪區
huylui | robber; black sheep of the family | 匪類; 敗家子
huypafng | a gang of bandits | 匪幫; 匪幫(匪邦)
huypok | unworthy; small(gift) | 菲薄
huyporngciar | libeler; slander | 誹謗者
huyporngzoe | criminal offense of libel | 誹謗罪
huypoxng heng'uii | act of libel or slander; libel | 誹謗行為
huypoxng | vilify; traduce; detraction; defame; slander; defame; to libel | 誹謗; 毀謗
huypvii | demolish | 毀平; 毀掉
huysiofng | destroy; injure the body; to wound | 毀傷; 受傷
huysiuo | brigand or rebel leaders; the leaders of Red China | 匪首
huysurn | damage; injure | 毀損
huytiap | robber's spy; agent of the rebels; Chinese Communist agent | 匪諜
huytiau | to vanish; perish | 毀掉
huytii | destroy utterly | 毀除
huytoo | bandits; brigands; robbers | 匪徒; 土匪
huytorng | outlawed political party (In Taiwan the term usually applies to the Chinese Communist Party) | 匪黨
huytuu | destroy utterly | 毀除
huyu | to vanish; perish | 毀譽
huyzhat | bandit; robber | 匪賊
huyzhuix | emerald; jade | 翡翠
huyzhuix-gek | emerald; jade | 翡翠玉
hviarkhuy | go backwards to avoid some contacts; to stop | 向開; 罷手; 向後退開
ikhuy | moved | 移開
imgak-cyhuy | direct; conduct (chorus; orchestra) | 音樂指揮
imkhuy | immunity deficiency | 陰虧
iong huy sor hak | be engaged in an occupation not related to one's training | 用非所學
iong huy sor tioong | be engaged in an occupation not related to one's specialty | 用非所長
jiar sixhuy | make mischief; incur unnecessary trouble | 惹是非
jiin huy bogsek | Man is a sentimental creature | 人非木石
kaykhuy | untie a knot | 解開
kefng`khuy | spread to open | 弓開
kehkhuy | to separate; isolate; insulate | 隔開
kengkhuy | open or widen (mouth; nose; ear etc.) with surgical instruments; spread washing with bamboo sticks or any other rack | 張開; 繃開
keq`khuy | separate | 隔開
khahkhuy | further apart | 較開; 開一點; 遠一點
khang'ui-khuyhek | vacant orbital (phys.) | 空位軌域
khao si sym huy | say one thing and mean another ─ hypocrisy; meaning contrary to what is spoken | 口是心非
khekkhuy | get the fag end; at a disadvantage; make (someone) suffer a loss cf. chiah-khui | 吃虧; 克虧
khiaxkhuy | stand on the side | 站開
khudthuy | a playground slide | 滑梯
khuikhuy | open; leave it open; opening | 開開; 開著
khuy ciphiøx | draw a check | 開支票
khuy hoatphiøx | write an (uniform) invoice | 開發票
khuy iaxchiaf | burn the midnight oil; work late into the night; to study at night (Lit. ride the night train or bus) | 開夜車
khuy iøqhngf | write out a medical prescription | 開藥方
khuy iøqtvoaf | write out a medical prescription | 開藥單
khuy khoaechiaf | (said of a car; etc.) to speed; speeding; to hasten up with one's work; to catch up with working schedule | 開快車
khuy oanchiøx | to play a joke; to joke | 開玩笑
khuy zuylo | open a water way; make a canal | 開水路
khuy | open; begin; make out (a bill or a prescription); to dig (a well); to bloom | 開
khuy'vi | peculiar, uncommon | 開異; 詭異
khuy-tøfchiaf | to back a car; train; cte.; to be old-fashioned or anachronistic; to turn back the clock; to retrograde | 開倒車
khuy`khuy | (v) open up wide | 開開; 打開; 敞開
khuyhek | orbital , (atomic or molecular) orbital (chemistry) | 開域; 軌域
khuyhoan | model, rule | 開犯; 軌範
khuykex | scheme of trick, intrigue | 開計; 詭計
khuykex-tøtoafn | full of schemes and tricks | 詭計多端
khuyku | track-gauge | 軌距
khuypien | sophistry; to argue one's point in a subtle; artful; clever; sophisticated way; sophism | 詭辯
khuypien-hagphaix | the school of sacrums | 鬼辯學拜; 詭辯學派
khuysuu | feigned words | 開詞; 詭辭
khuytø | track; railway; orbit; proper course; ruts; rails; orbit of the heavenly bodies | 軌道
khuyzax | cunning, crufty | 詭詐
khuyzeg | locus | 軌跡
khyhuy | to take off (in an airplane) | 起飛
kiauxkhuy | pry open, wrench open | 撬開
kiekhuy | saw asunder | 鋸開
kionghuy | court ladies, concubine of emperor | 強妃; 宮妃
kngflee-thuy | spiral stairs | 捲螺梯; 螺形梯
kngflethuy | spiral stairs | 捲螺梯; 螺形梯
koahkhuy | to cut open; cut open | 割開
kofzhuy | promote; inspire a person with; inculcate (an idea or a doctrine) in another | 鼓吹
kok'huy | national emblem | 國徽
konghuy | glow; brilliance; splendor; glory | 光輝
kongkhuy | mutually (bear) burden of responsibilities | 共開; 同負擔
kudthuy | a slideway (for children's amusement) | 滑梯
kuiehuy | highly honored women officials or imperial concubines in ancient China; title of a lady-in-waiting; an imperial concubine | 貴妃
kviaa-bøexkhuy khaf | regret to leave (with lingering affection or anxiety) | 依依無捨
kviakhuy | walk away | 行開
kvoafkhuy | to drive away | 趕開
larkhuy | open shirt or coat | 扯開; 納開
larngkhuy | to partition; leave a space | 曠開; 隔開
lauthuy | a staircase; ladder; staircase | 樓梯; 梯子
lauthuy-khaf | foot of stairs | 樓梯跤; 樓梯口
laxlaxkhuy | stir to open | 抐抐開
leh`khuy | split open | 裂開
lenghuy | a woman immortal | 靈妃
leq`khuy | slit open (with a knife) | 裂開
lerngkhuy | escape with force | 躘開; 掙脫; 躘
li bøe khuy | not getting away from; unable to separate from | 離無開
liafsuxsenghuy | make trouble | 惹事生非
liahkhuy | to rip open | 裂開
liaqkhuy | pull apart, separate | 捉開; 扯開; 掠開
liekhuy | tear open; rive off; rip up; pull apart | 撕開
lih`khuy | split open | 裂開
lioong huy titiongbut | dragon is not a creature of a pond (but of the ocean) ─ a man of great ability | 龍非池中物
liorngkhuy | free oneself or s.t. from tangle | 掙開
liqkhuy | open out (a joint or seam); split open; rupture | 裂開
liuthuy | slide | 溜梯
lix`khuy | to open by tearing (as envelope) | 撕開
lixkhuy | leave; depart; apart; leave (a place); part (from a person) | 離開
lixkhuy`khix | leave; depart; apart; move away from | 離開去
lorngkhuy | to knock away by bumping; open with blows; whacks; kicks or thumps | 撞開
luixthuy | reason by analogy | 類推
luixzhuy | reason by analogy | 類揣; 類推
lykhuy | to have no justification | 理虧
løh lauthuy | there is a way open to set the matter straight without too much sacrifice of one's dignity | 下台; 下樓梯
mohuy | morphine; goldbrick | 嗎啡; 開溜; 偷懶
naa-huyzhuix | Indian white-breasted kingfisher | 藍翡翠; 蒼翡翠
nakhuy | separate (quarrelling parties) by using the hands | 拉開; (勸架)
neakhuy | open the eyes | 躡開; 張開
ngkhuy | wax and wane; gain or loss | 盈虧
niuxkhuy | get out of the way; step aside; make way | 讓開
nngfthuy | escalade | 軟梯
noakhuy | separate (combatants) | 攔開
onghuy | princess; queen; concubine of a king | 王妃
pafngphiøx huytoo | brigands | 綁票匪徒
paikhuy | to arrange or put in order | 排開
pakkhuy | strip; flay | 剝開; 拆開
pankhuy | to pull open | 扳開; 搬開
parngkhuy | relax; loosen (a grasp) | 放開
paxng-bøexkhuy | inseparable (one person with another); unwilling to leave one's wife and children | 放無開
paxng`khuy | let go | 放開
pehkhuikhuy | open up | 擘開開
pehkhuy | open; break open; break open with the hands; to peel (an orange) | 擘開; 剝開; 張開
peq lauthuy | climb stairs | 爬樓梯
pernghuy | not as said | 並非
pexnghuy | not so | 並非
phahkhuy | open settle | 打開
phaq-bexkhuy | cannot be opened; try in vain to open | 打無開
phaukhuy | to throw off | 拋弄; 拋開
phawkhuy | to leave, to get out the way; horse racing | 拋開; 跑開
phiahkhuy | make way for other person; avoid; get out of the way; to keep away from | 避開; 闢開
phikhuy | open up; spread out (in the sun); unroll (as a bolt of cloth) | 披開
phoahkhuy | cut open | 剖開
phoarkhuy | cut to open; split open (with a hatchet) | 劈開; 破開; 剖開
phoax`khuy | split | 破開
phvii`khuy | evenly spread | 平開; 均開
phvikhuy | evenly spread | 平開
piakkhuy | burst; crack; burst; to crack; to split up and fall apart (e.g.; things that had been glued or joined together) | 逼開; 爆裂; 裂開; 迸開
pid`khuy | split | 必開
pienkhuy | to pull open; pull open with force (a stiff door or drawer) | 扳開; 攀開
pirnhuy | concubine | 妾妃
pitkhuy | to rend; to split open; to cleave; crack open | 裂開
poahkhuy | to push aside; lay; set something aside; open a space; clear a way through a multitude of people; to separate (especially by moving one's hands apart without violence); to separate combatants | 推開; 撥開
poaq`khuy | poke | 撥開
poarnzhuy poarnciu | to be half willing (at heart) and half unwilling (in appearance) ─ often referring to price haggling or girls being seduced; between refusal and consent | 半推半就
poatkhuy | to push open aside | 撥開
poefkhuy | ward off with the hands; to open out with hands; to separate | 撥開
punkhuy | separate; go apart; separate; set apart; isolate | 分開
pvekhuy | spread; open | 扳開; 強拉開
pvoarkhuy | half opened | 半開
pvoarzhuy pvoarciu | be half willing (at heart) and half unwilling (in appearance) ─ often referring to price haggling or girls being seduced | 半推半就
pvoaxkhuy | brush off, get free from | 拂門; 拌開; 推開
pøefkhuy | to push aside | 拂開; 推開
sakkhuy | push away something; shirk one's responsibility | 推開
sakkhuy`khix | push away | 推開去
seqlethuy | spiral ladder | 踅螺梯
siafmkhuy | to get quickly out of the way; get out of the way; dodge quickly; avoid a collision; avoid being hit; Gang way! | 閃開
siarm`khuy | stay away | 閃開
simhoef khuy | heart blossoming ─ be brimming with joy; feel very happy | 心花開
simkvoaf parngkhuy | keep one's mind at ease | 心情放鬆
sinkhuy | newly opened | 新開
siuxkhuy | be hard done by | 受虧; 吃虧
sixhuy khioktit | right and wrong; proper and improper; right and wrong; reasonable and absurd | 是非曲直
sixhuy tientøx | confound right and wrong | 是非顛倒
sixhuy | right and wrong; gossip; right or wrong; right and wrong; scandal | 是非
sixsi-huihuy | gossip; scandal; rumors | 是是非非
soafkhuy | to move away; move something out of the way | 移開; 搬開
softab huy sofbun | give an irrelevant answer | 所答非所問
su si jii huy | seemingly correct but really incorrect; like the reality; but not so | 似是而非
svahkhuy | fail to grasp an opportunity | 相開
sviu khaq-khuy`leq | Don't take it (failure; misfortune) too seriously. Cheer up! | 想開
sviu-bøexkhuy | unable to take a resigned attitude; take some misfortune too seriously | 想未開; 想袂開; 想不開
svoarkhuy | to scatter, to disperse | 散開
tefngkhviw lih`khuy | cleft palate | 上顎裂
tekthuy | bamboo ladder | 竹梯
tengkhuy | re open; anew open; inaugurate raise curtain (meeting) | 重開; 重新開幕
thaai`khuy | cut(fruits) | 削開
thao-bøexkhuy | cannot loosen or untie it; cannot settle (a dispute) | 解無開
thao`khuy | open | 敨開
tharkhuy | push away; push things apart with a pole | 攪開; 撥開
thatkhuy | kick upon (a door); kick (something) out of the way | 踢開
thaukhuy | open (a jewel box; safe; suitcase; door) stealthily | 偷開; 偷拆
thawkhuy | unloose; untie; open out | 解開; 敨開
theakhuy | step aside | 退開
theakhuy`khix | step aside | 退開去
thechiaux-kaihuy | neither to cry nor to laugh | 啼笑皆非
thekhuy | shove; push; refuse with excuses and polite words that sound good but generally more or less false; withdraw with excuses; put aside | 推開; 推辭掉
thiahkhuy | to take apart; detach; to separate; to tear open (a wrapper or envelope); to part from each other | 拆開
thiaokhuy | jump away | 跳開
thiaukhuy | to clear out, to brush aside | 挑開
thichiøx kaihuy | between tears and laughter; unable to cry or laugh | 啼笑皆非
thie`khuy | open | 褫開
thiefnkhuikhuy | unfold | 展開開
thiefnkhuy | unwind; unfold; open up; spread or open out | 展開
thoahkhuy | pull out | 拖開
thoakhuy | drag away | 拖開
thoankhuy | to spread | 傳開
thofhuyafsvoaf | bandit | 土匪仔山
thofhuykwn | bandit soldier | 土匪軍
thofhuypefng | bandit soldier | 土匪兵
thorngkae cienhuy | earnestly repent and reform former faults | 痛改前非
thuikhuy | to push off, to push away | 推開
thuy zekjim | shirk (escape) one's responsibility; lay the blame at another's door | 推責任
thuy | ladder; steps; stairs | 梯; 推; 搥
thuybaq | the rump; the ham; the dark meat | 腿肉
thuykhox | upper leg muscles | 腿庫
thuykhu | socket of the hip-bone | 腿臼; 臀骨臼
thvithuy | Jacob's ladder, the ladder to the heaven | 天梯
thvoarkhuy | disperse; scatter; decentralize; spread out; extend | 擴散; 湠開; 擴展; 蔓延
thykhuikhuy | spread wide open | 褫開開
thykhuy | unfold; unwind; outspread; open out (wings or an umbrella) | 展開; 褫開; 張開
thøeakhuy | step aside, make way | 退開
tiaokhuy | to convene; to convoke; hold | 召開
tiaothuy | hanging ladder of ropes; e.g.; on a vessel | 吊梯
tiefnkhuy | to open; spread out; unfold | 展開
tientøx sixhuy | confound right and wrong; confuse justice and injustice; distort the truth; twist facts | 顛倒是非
tiexnthuy | elevator | 電梯; 升降機
tiexnzuo-khuyhek | electronic orbital | 電子軌道; 電子軌域
tiexnzuo-khuytø | electronic orbital | 電子軌道
tihuy | with the exception; only if; unless | 除非
tngkhuy | period of blooming | 當開
toaxthuykud | thigh bone | 大腿骨
toaxthuyterng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂
tokzhuy | urge to action, spur to action | 突推; 督催
torngkhuy | to parry | 擋架; 擋開
tudhuy befngcixn | advance by leaps and bounds; progress rapidly | 突飛猛進
tuhuy | unavoidably; unexceptionably; unless; except; unless | 除非
tukhuy | thrust away or to the side | 推開; 除開
tviukhuy | to unfold | 張開
tviuokhuy | to unfold, to open, to spread out | 脹開
tvoa`khuy | hit to break it up | 彈開
uihuy-zoktae | do evil | 為非作歹
voarkhuy | late opening | 晏開; 晚開
zarkhuy | explode a bomb | 炸開
zawkhuy | run away; stand off; stand aside | 走開; 跑開
zengkhuy | to get free with force | 征開; 爭開
zhaikhuy | cut apart with a knife or scissors | 裁開
zharnlan-konghuy | brilliant and glorious | 燦爛光輝
zheakhuy | to tear away, to tear asunder | 扯開; 扯後腿
zhefkhuy | to tear away, to tear asunder | 扯開
zheg khaq-khuy | widen a gap or distance | 測較開; 隔開一點
zhokhuy | first opening | 初開
zhuix pehkhuy | open the mouth | 嘴張開
zhunhuy | parental affection | 春暉
zhuy | shirk; to decline; to yield; excuse oneself | 推; 摧; 催; 勒緊
zhuy`sie | strangle | 勒死
zhuymoo | investigate, search out | 揣摩
zhuyto | to conjecture, to guess | 揣度
zhuytok | draw inferences from evidence | 揣督; 揣度; 臆測
zhuyzaan | destroy, ruin | 廢墟
zhuyzheg | conjecture, guess | 揣測
zoaxnkhuy | unscrew | 旋開
zofngcyhuy | commander in chief | 總指揮
zuxnkhuy | unscrew; loosen the screw | 旋開; 轉開
zuxtong tiexnthuy | escalator | 自動電梯
zuxzhuy | to brag about oneself, to make a boast of oneself | 自吹
øexkhuy | can open | 會開; 能開

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Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

The following example will get all the words start with a


Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or back match.

Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]

Search Term:

"Hiexntai-buun" to

Unlike the above form, this form allows you specify number of spelling error.
Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
For wildcard matching, use regular expression described in the above form with '0' spelling error.

Match Error #:

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