"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Thviaa | surname Cheng; Ch'eng (Cheng) | 程
chviaa | finish; complete; accomplish; become; turn into; win; succeed; one tenth; foster; rear; take care of; manage properly; rear and educate; help out | 成; 晟; 撫養; 照顧; 養育
ciøqthauphviaa | beach full of stones | 石子埔
cviaa-kviahviaa | very frightened, very terrified | 很驚惶; 誠驚惶
exphviaa | lower part of a slope (hill) | 下坡
hayphviaa | sandy area of the beach; portion of shore left dry at low tide | 海坪; 沙灘
hviaa | burn; on fire; carbonado; burn fuel; to heat | 惶; 燃; 燒; 加火; 橫; 焚
hviaa-ciøqiuu | burn kerosene | 燒石油
hviaa-hoefthvoax | burn charcoal as fuel | 燒木炭
hviaa-hof kurn | boil | 燒開; 燒沸
hviaa-kwnzuie | boiling water | 燒開水
hviaa-oafsw | burn gas as fuel | 燒瓦斯
kuisvoaphviaa | all over the mountains and plains | 規山坪
kviahviaa | dread; panic; consternation; be panic-stricken | 驚惶; 恐慌
kviakviaf-hviahviaa | trembling with fear; very cautious | 驚驚兢兢
kviakviahviahviaa | trembling with fear; very cautious | 驚惶驚惶; 戰戰兢兢
laophviaa | to rid of roof shingles | 漏坪; 除屋頂瓦
moafsvoaphviaa | whole mountain area | 滿山坪
phviaa | remain attached to an opinion; insist; stubborn; obstinate; naughty; disobedient | 頑固; 坪; 頑皮
svoaphviaa | sidehill; hillslope; brae; mountain side; hillside; mountain slope | 山坡; 山坪; 山坡地
thophviaa | mud bank on the seashore | 土灘
thviaa | a schedule; a course; a pattern; a family name | 程

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