"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hviar

Hokchviar | Fuqing; Fu-ching (a city near Fuzhou) | 福清
a'ienphviar | galvanized metal sheeting | 亞鉛板; 白鐵皮
aienphviar | galvanized iron sheet | 亞鉛鉼
baxnchviar | wait | 慢且
bofngchviar | temporarily | 罔且; 姑且; 從權; 暫且
chviar be khie | cannot afford to hire a teacher; cannot afford to invite a guest to a restaurant because of the expense | 請無起
chviar be laai | unable to make someone come by invitation | 請無來
chviar cidpvy | put aside temporarily | 請一邊; 暫時放一邊
chviar isefng | send for a doctor | 請醫生
chviar | and; to request; request with great earnestness ─ (used in an application) | 且; 請
chviar`lie | please | 請你
chviarchiaf | hire a cab or truck together with its driver | 雇車
chviarchviax`leq | after hired people | 請請咧; 僱僱咧
chviarkafng | to hire worker; hired laborer; hire a workman | 僱工; 雇工
chviarlaang | hire someone to do something; hire; engage (servant; official help; laborer) | 僱人; 雇人
chviarzuun | charter or hire a boat | 雇船
ciaxmchviar | temporary; provisional; for the time being | 暫且; 姑且; 暫時
ciøchviar | invite | 招請; 邀請
ciøqphviar | flat-faced rock | 石片; 石鉼
cythviariøh | anodyne; pain killer | 止痛藥
cythviartafn | anodyne; pain killer | 止痛丹
cythviarzef | anodyne, anglestic | 止痛藥; 止疼劑
gviachviar | welcome courteously | 迎請
hoanchviar | Will you please…; Please be so kind as to… | 煩請
hochviar | call a spirit for taking offering | 呼請
hofngchviar | besides; furthermore | 況且
horngchviar | furthermore | 況且
huichviar budcixn | Do Not Enter | 非請勿進
hviafhviar | in fine threads; almost none | 顯顯; 一絲兒 [*]
hviar | prominent; conspicuous | 顯; 晃蕩
hviarbak | conspicuous; glamorization | 顯目
hviarhviax | leaning to one side; off the perpendicular; with one's face upward | 傾斜; 後仰
hviariøf | to bend back deeply | 晃腰; 向腰; 向後彎腰
hviarkhuy | go backwards to avoid some contacts; to stop | 向開; 罷手; 向後退開
hviarlaau | at law ebb; ebb | 向流; 退潮
hviarsyn | lean backward | 向身; 向後靠
hviartviuu | so bright that dazzles eyes to the audiences; dazzlingly beautiful | 嚇場; 場面耀眼
høfiangchviar | willing to help people or do things for people | 好揚請; 肯為人代勞
iauchviar | to invite; invitation | 邀請
ienchviar | to invite; appoint; send for | 延請
ienphviar | a lead plate; sheet iron; galvanized iron sheeting | 鉛片; 鉛鉼; 鉛版; 鉛板
iernchviar | to invite to a banquet, to entertain | 宴請
iuxchviar | also, in addition, besides | 又且; 而且
jichviar | also; in addition; moreover; but also; moreover; besides | 而且
jixchviar | also, in addition, moreover, but also | 而且
kaciahphviar | the back, the upper-back of the body | 尻脊背
kerngchviar | invite or request respectfully | 敬請
khaciahphviar | the back of body | 尻脊背; 背脊
khwnchviar | to ask earnestly; to implore; to plead | 懇請
kochviar | for the time being; in the meantime; to let be | 姑且
kofchviar | against principle | 苟且
kuiphviar | the whole thick slice; over a considerable surface (e.g.; a skin disease) | 整片
kwnchviar | to petition, to beseech | 懇求
liauchviar | just; temporary | 聊且; 暫時
lichviar | besides | 而且
lie chviar | goodbye; so long | 你請 再見
lie-chviar | Goodbye, go ahead | 你請
paechviar | give a ceremonial invitation; invite | 拜請
pekchviar | urge an invitation on | 迫請; 逼請
perngchviar | moreover; furthermore; and; in addition; to boot | 並且; 幷且
pexngchviar | and; both | 並且
phahphviar | to spoil, to injure | 打壞
pherngchviar | to engage; to invite; to employ; invite for service; invite by sending presents; engage (a teacher) | 聘請
phiernchviar haixgø | deceitfully invite someone so as to starve him ─ deceitfully breaking a promise | 騙請害餓
phviar | splinter; strip; flake; large thick slice or cut (of meat; cake); thick flattish piece | 片; 鉼; 皮; 塊
pixchviar | be invited | 被請
purnchviar | dust-pan | 糞車; 畚箕
pvoachviar | invite | 邀請; 搬請; 接(父母)同位
sioxngchviar | still; yet; yet; still; even | 尚且
siuxchviar | be invited, receive an invitation | 受請; 被邀
siøthviarthaxng | cherish each other | 相疼痛
svachviar | treat meal each other | 相請
tafnghviar | hurried and careless; so as to break or spoil things | 粗心; 無穩
tangphviar | bronze metal | 銅餅
thihphviar | steel plate | 鐵片
thviarbofzhaix | burdock | 疼某菜
thviarkoex | hurt | 疼過
thviarkviar | love dearly sons and daughters; children | 疼囝; 疼孩子
thviarlaang | love people | 疼人; 愛人
thviarmiaxmia | painful | 疼命命
thviarsie | painful | 疼死
thviarsiøq | treasure up; to love; use sparingly | 痛惜; 疼惜; 愛惜; 疼愛
thviarsym | love, affection, warm heart | 疼心
thviarthaxng | have a warm spot in one's heart for; love; to love (passionately) | 疼痛; 疼愛
thviarthviax | painful | 疼疼
thviartiuhtiuq | painful twitch | 疼搐搐
thviartiuotiux | electric pain | 疼搐搐
tirnthviarzef | anodyne; painkiller | 鎮痛劑
tunchviar | to invite sincerely, to employ | 墩邀; 敦請; 聘用
u-thviarsym | loving | 有疼心; 有愛心
zhawphviar | a sod of turf | 草皮; (塊)

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