chvie | to wake up | 醒
chvie`khylaai | come to sense; come round | 醒起來
chviebak | strike the eye; markedness; spotlight | 醒目
chvychvie | be awaken, be conscious, understanding | 醒醒; 清醒
cidphvie'ar | small piece | 一片仔; 一小片
hoafnchvie | (v) realize; dawn upon; become aware of some sort of cheating | 反醒; 復甦; 覺醒
hoarnchvie | waken; wake-up; awoken; awaken; roust up | 喚醒
hviechiuo | lift a hand (as to give order or to write) | 甩手; 擲手
hvielaai-hviekhix | swing back and forth or from side to side; throw back and forth | 擲來擲去; 擺來擺去; 盪來盪去
hviesag | throw away | 拋丟; 挕捒; 丟掉; 擲棄
hvietiau | throw away | 丟掉; 擲掉
iøchvie | awaken by shaking | 搖醒
kakchvie | rouse; disillusion; awakening | 覺醒
kefngchvie | be awake, be alert | 驚醒; 警醒
khurnchvie | waken up | 睡醒; 睏醒
kiet'hviesag | to throw away | 擲拋丟
kiørchvie | to awaken; to arouse | 叫醒; 喊醒; 喚醒
kviachvie | to cause to wake up with a startle | 驚醒
mefchvie | wake up | 猛醒
mxzay chvie | soundly asleep (Lit. do not know to wake up) | 毋醒; 睡沉了
parnghviesag | get rid of; throw away | 放擲棄
phahchvie | wake up | 打醒; 拍醒; 吵醒
phvieboea | end of film | 片尾
phviechviuo | studio | 片廠
phviemiaa | movie title | 片名
phviesiofng | movie distributor | 片商
phviethaau | first part of movie; giving name of product | 片頭
pviahviesak | throw away | 拚擲棄
pvoarchvie | half awake | 半醒
pølephviear | glass pieces | 玻璃片仔
siephvie'ar | 4 pieces | 四片仔
siephviear | thin coffin | 四片仔
siorngphvie'lai | in the photo | 相片內
sochvie | regain consciousness; revive | 甦醒
suiphviear | movie stars appear on stage in person at the premiere of a movi | 隨片仔
tarnhviekak | throw away | 擲挕捔
tarnhviesag | throw away | 擲挕捒
taxn hvietiau | throw away | 丟掉
taxn-hviesag | get rid of, throw away | 丟擲棄; 丟掉
thechvie | remind; awoke; to call attention to | 提醒
thichvie | awaken notice, bring to the attention | 啼醒; 提醒
thviethaau | support head with one's hands, emerge as a leader | 挺頭; 牚頭; 托腮
thviethuie | spread legs | 牚腿
tiafmchvie | to point out someone's errors and make him realize; awaken | 點醒; 警告
toarnchvie | to arouse, to awaken, to wake up | 斷醒
tørhviesag | pour out; throw away | 倒擲捒
zeaphviechviuo | movie studio | 製片廠
zeaphviejiin | movie producer | 製片人
zhafchvie | awaken with noise | 吵醒
zhaochviebuo | Taiwan stink snake, Stinking Goddess, Stinking Green Snake, keeled Snake | 臭仙母, 臭青公 (蛇)
zhaochviekuar | stinky bug | 臭腥龜仔
zhaphvie'ar | panel of wood | 柴片仔
zhengchvie | clear-headed; sober; sobriety; disenchantment | 清醒
zuiechvie | wake up from drunken | 醉醒
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