"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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hoad hvoaizaai | become wealthy by illegal and dishonest methods | 發橫財
hvoai'og | wicked | 橫惡; 邪惡
hvoaibahsvef | of fierce or ferocious appearance | 橫肉生; 惡形惡狀的人
hvoaibin | transverse section | 橫面
hvoaigek | rebellious; disobedient; lawless | 橫逆
hvoaiheeng partø | bully; behave in total disregard of law | 橫行霸道
hvoaiheeng | proceed on ways other than proper usually evil; move sideways like crabs | 橫行
hvoaihek | violent, overbearing, unjust | 橫行; 無法無天
hvoaihioxng | horizontal | 橫向
hvoaihvoaai | cruel, unreasonable (person) | 橫橫
hvoaihvoai'køo | act unreasonably | 橫橫來; 亂來
hvoaihø | unexpected calamity | 橫禍; 橫
hvoaikef | cross street | 橫街
hvoaikeh | set oneself against; oppose; make a pair | 橫逆; 橫扴; 作對
hvoaikehmoh | the diaphragm | 橫隔膜
hvoaikekmøh | the diaphragm (physiology); abdominal diaphragm | 橫隔膜
hvoaikoaxn konglo | highway running from east to west; Cross Island Highway in Taiwan | 橫貫公路
hvoaikoaxn-konglo | the cross-island highway; east-west highway | 橫貫公路
hvoaikoaxn-svoameh | mountain range running from east to west | 橫貫山脈
hvoaikoong | rafter, ceiling joist | 橫栱
hvoaikoxng | strong transverse bar for a door | 橫槓; (門閂)
hvoaikviaa | walk sideways | 橫行
hvoaikvoae | stub supports horizontally | 橫杆; 桌子橫木
hvoaikvoay | cross-bars connecting the legs of a chair; table or bed | 橫杆
hvoaikøf | act against law and reason | 無理; 橫滾
hvoaikøkøo | cross; unreasonable; overbearing | 橫黏黏; 橫分無講理
hvoailaau | cross-current | 橫流
hvoailo | the horizontal road; east-west road | 橫路
hvoainiar | horizontal collar | 橫領
hvoainiuu | lateral beam | 橫樑
hvoaiparpax | overbearing | 橫霸霸
hvoaipax | perverse and tyrannical | 橫霸
hvoaipiern | horizontal tablet over door | 匾額; 橫扁
hvoaipø | high-handed | 橫暴
hvoaisef | horizontal yarn | 橫絲
hvoaisiar | write horizontally | 橫寫
hvoaisie | untimely death by accident | 橫死; 橫禍
hvoaisvoax | horizontal lines; horizontal lines | 橫線
hvoaisvy | difficult labor of childbirth | 橫產; 橫生; 非順產
hvoaitek | the common flute (played horizontally) | 橫笛
hvoaithofng | wood across the columns | 橫通; 柱間橫木
hvoaitit | either way; in either case; horizontal and perpendicular; in any case; anyway; in the end; in the long run | 橫直; 反正
hvoaito | (n) ferry | 橫渡; 渡船
hvoaitoaxnbin | cross section | 橫斷面
hvoaizaai | get rich illegally; making a windfall; good fortune which one doesn't deserve; illegal gains | 橫財
hvoaizah | put across, obstruct | 橫閘; 攔阻
hvoaizhaa giajip zaux | argue irrationally; do things the way they won't work (to put sticks of wood into the stove sideways; contrary to the way they fit) | 強詞奪理; 橫柴抬入灶
hvoaizhvoax | cross bolt or bar (at a gate) | 橫閂
hvoaizoa | horizontal stripe or row | 橫列
khvoaixkhvoaixkiøx | sound of cymbals | 銅鑼的聲音
lamhvoaikonglo | Southern Cross-Island Highway | 南橫公路
oxhvoaikvoaf | dry the stem of taro leaf | 芋莖乾
pak'hvoaikonglo | North Cross Highway in Northern Taiwan | 北橫公路
thafnhvoaisvef | transverse position presentation (obstetrics) | 坦橫生; 難產
tionghvoaikonglo | Central Cross-island Highway | 中橫公路

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