"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: i'af

Bykai'af | Micheas (Catholic) | 米該亞
Phøsuxni'af | Bosnia-Herzegovina | 波士尼亞
Sai'afhoe | the Lions Club | 獅子會
Sek'hokni'af | Sophonias (Catholic) | 索福尼亞; (索)
amoni'af | ammonia | 阿摩尼亞
chvi'afzaang | a rash fellow; a reckless guy; a daredevil | 冒失鬼; 青仔欉
hi'afchi | fish market | 魚仔市
hui'afiøo | porcelain pit | 磁仔窯
hui'afthoo | ceramic clay | 磁仔土; 陶土
hui'aftiaxm | china shop | 磁仔店; 陶器店
hviati'aftai | brothers | 兄弟仔代; 弟兄關係
kekui'afsiefn | boast; bragger | 雞規仔仙; 吹牛大王
khoni'afkuq | elephant's foot plant; (transliterated sound from Japanese); having a massive; edible; yam-like tuber (also called Hottentot's bread or tortoise plant) | 蒟蒻
ki'afpefng | popsicles | 枝仔冰
kvi'afkea | salty rice cake | 鹼仔粿
kvi'afkoea | yellowish jelly made of flour together with a little alkali | 鹼仔粿
kvi'afkøea | alkali-treated steam cake | 鹼仔粿; 鹼粿
lai'afkoef | musk-melons | 梨仔瓜
lai'afkøf | some type of sweet cake | 梨仔膏
laixli'aftea | inner fence bottom | 內籬仔底
li'afkhaq | rear car; pull cart | 拉仔車
li'afkviar | colt of an ass, foal of a donkey | 小驢
libthofui'afn | RIP | 入土為安
mi'afaxm | tomorrow night | 明仔暗
mi'afky | cotton candy | 棉仔枝
mi'afthngg | marshmallow; spun sugar | 棉花糖
mi'afzaix | tomorrow | 明仔在; 明天
mi'afzoar | toilet paper; tissue-paper | 綿仔紙; 綿紙; 衛生紙
moai'afpviar | plum cake | 梅仔餅
mui'afkvoaf | dry plum | 梅子干
ngki'afhoef | yellow gardenia | 黃梔仔花
ni'afbø | a felt hat, felt cap | 哖仔帽; 呢仔帽
ni'afphex | bra | 奶仔帕
ni'afpox | cloth of wool flannel | 哖仔布; 呢仔布
ni'afzeh'ar | New Years Day | 年仔節仔
obui'afbarng | mosquito | 烏蝛仔蚊
omoai'afciuo | black plum wine | 烏梅仔酒
osviusi'afzaang | black acacia | 烏相思仔欉
otvi'afotvy | dark skin and sweet | 烏甜仔烏甜
otvi'afzhaix | solanum nigrum | 烏甜仔菜
pai'afthaau | pier | 棑仔頭
phvai'aflai | in the back | 揹仔內
phvi'aflai | inside nose | 鼻仔內
phvi'afterng | top of nose | 鼻仔頂
pi'afpvy | pond side | 埤仔邊
pi'afsviaf | ,whsitle sound | 觱仔聲
pvi'afkag | corner | 邊仔角
pvi'afmngg | side door, frontier pass | 邊門, 側門
pvi'afthaau | at the side | 邊仔頭
sabui'afsabuy | tiny; unclear; foggy | 沙微仔沙微
sai'afbuo | lion mom | 獅仔母
sai'afbøea | lion tail | 獅仔尾
sai'afkafng | aaprentice | 師仔工
sai'afkviar | lion cub | 獅仔囝
sai'afphvi | short; flat nose; pug nose | 獅子鼻
sai'afthaau | lion head | 獅仔頭
sai'afthaukhaxm | lion head cover | 獅仔頭崁
sai'afthuun | half-grown lion | 獅仔豚; 幼獅
si'afboeh | silk stockings or socks | 絲仔襪
si'afkyn | silk scarf | 絲仔巾
si'afpox | silk cloth | 絲仔布
si'afsvoax | silk thread | 絲仔線
si'aftoax | silk ribbons | 絲仔帶
sngbui'afsngbuy | a bit sour | 酸微仔酸微
sngkamtvi'afsngkamtvy | sweet and sour | 酸甘甜仔酸甘甜
sngtvi'afsngtvy | sweet and sour | 酸甜仔酸甜
sviusi'afchiu | acacia tree | 相思仔樹
sviusi'afhoef | acacia flower | 相思仔花
svoai'afbin | overbearing, arrogant, unreasonable | 耍賴
svoai'afchvy | Taiwanese green mango | 檨仔青
svoai'afciab | Taiwanese green mango juice | 檨仔汁
svoai'afkhaf | under Taiwanese green mango tree | 檨仔跤
svoai'afkvoaf | dry Taiwanese green mango | 檨仔乾
svoai'afzhvef | mango candied | 芒果青; (醃未熟之芒果)
svoati'afbaq | wild boar meat | 山豬仔肉
syti'afkex | dead pig price- low price | 死豬仔價
søf vi'afthngf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder | 勸退 (選舉時); 搓圓仔湯
søvi'afthngf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder decorous | 挲圓仔湯
tai'afkhaf | platform bottom | 台仔跤
tai'afterng | platform top | 台仔頂
tek'ui'aflai | inside bamboo garden | 竹圍仔內
tek'ui'aftea | deep inside bamboo garden | 竹圍仔底
thihki'aflo | railway | 鐵枝仔路
thngsi'afzhaix | species of cabbage whose leaf looks like a teaspoon | 湯匙仔菜; 青江菜
thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面; 癡呆相
thui'afbin-thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面槌仔面; 癡呆相
ti'afho | pig farm | 豬仔戶
ti'afkviar | piglet | 豬仔囝
tiørhi'afng | kingfisher | 釣魚翁
vi'afhoef | Gomphrena globosa, commonly known as globe amaranth, makhmali, and vadamalli | 圓仔花; 千日紅
vi'afthngf | with sweet or flavored soup | 圓仔湯
vi'afzhex | rice dough | 圓仔脆
vi'afzhoex | rice dough for making rice ball | 圓仔粞
vi'afzhøex | rice dough | 圓仔粞
zai'afhngg | plant embryo garden | 栽仔園
zai'afkii | plant embryo season | 栽仔期
zhaechi'aflai | traditional market | 菜市仔內
zhaechi'afmiaa | traditional Taiwanese names | 菜市仔名
zhaechi'afoe | market talks | 菜市仔話
zhaechi'afpvy | traditional market side | 菜市仔邊
zhaechi'afthaau | traditional market head | 菜市仔頭
zhehphvai'aftea | backpack bottom | 冊揹仔底
zoafn'guii ui'afn | turn a perilous situation into a safe one; advert a danger or peril | 轉危為安
zubui'afzubuy | a little bit ? | 滋微仔滋微
zuyti'aflai | in the pool | 水池仔內
zuyti'afpvy | pool side | 水池仔邊

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