"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bexngbiør samchiefn | The mother of Mencius changed her abode three times; in order to get a better environment for her son's education | 孟母三遷
Liap`si hanswpiør | Celsius centigrade thermometer; a Celsius | 攝氏寒暑表
Serngbiør | Virgin Mary; Holy Mother | 聖母
Siør Siuvi | Minor Seminary (Catholic) | 小修; (道)院
Siør-Luxsoxng | Manila | 小呂宋
aipexkiørbuo | screaming and shouting | 哀爸叫母
aplegpiør | pressure gauge | 壓力表
befpiør | stopwatch | 馬錶
bengseapiør | specification; minute description; detailed statement | 明細表
bexphiørzhux | box office; ticket window | 賣票處; 售票處
biedkhiør | kill a person to prevent him from disclosing a secret | 滅口
bisiør | very small, unimportant | 微小
biør | (a measure word); second | 秒
bøexciør | a lot of; not a few | 未少; 無少
chiphiørjiin | bearer of a check or bill | 持票人
chiwpiør | watch; wrist watch | 手錶
chiørbin | laughing face; smiling face | 笑面; 笑臉
chiørbin-hor | slick; person with kindly face and cruel heart | 笑面虎; 巧言令色
chiørbixnhor | friendly looking villain; wolf in sheep's skin; treacherous fellow | 笑面虎; 面善心惡
chiørbixsi | continually laugh or smile | 笑惟是; 嘻嘻哈哈
chiørchiøx | smilingly, with smile | 笑笑
chiørchiøx`leq | after singing the song | 唱唱咧; 唱唱`leq; 笑笑咧; 笑笑`leq
chiørhaihay | laugh | 笑咍咍
chiørioong | a smiling face; a smile; a smiling countenance; smiling facial expression | 笑容
chiørkhef | joke; funny; comical | 笑詼; 笑料; 詼諧
chiørkhoef | joke; jest; jocularity; comical; a comic or comedian; Nonsense! | 笑詼; 喜劇的; 滑稽
chiørkhøef | a laughing stuff | 笑詼; 笑話; 笑稽
chiøroe | joke; joke; funny story; ridiculous error; laughable mistake; Nonsense! | 笑話
chiørphoax laang ee zhuix | be overwhelmed with laughter; to roll with laughter | 笑破人的嘴
chiørphoax paktofphoee | overwhelmed with laughter; rock with laughter | 笑破腹肚皮
chiørpii | funny bone | 笑枇; 笑源地
chiørpoef | two ear-like bamboo devices used in divination; when one throw the devices and it touch down with both devices face upward; it means the God is laughing; he is allowed to throw the devices again.; cast two small moon-shaped pieces of wood; round on one side and flat on the other; to seek an answer from a spirit (When both flat sides come up; the answer is uncertain.) | 笑筊; 笑桮; 筊面朝上; 陽卦
chiørpvex | laughingstock; butt of a joke | 笑柄
chiørpvix | a matter of laughter | 笑片; 笑柄
chiørsiin | smile; smiling; kindly countenance | 笑神
chiørsviaf | laughing sound; laughter; laughter | 笑聲
chiørsylaang | shameless; make one laugh to death; extremely ridiculous | 笑死人
chiørtaam | joke, jest, funny story | 笑談; 笑話
chiørthaau chiørbin | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 笑頭笑面; 眉開眼笑
chiørthaau-chiørbin | alls smiles; smiles radiantly | 笑頭笑面
chiørthauchiørbin | smiling brightly | 笑頭笑面
chiørtøflaang | LOL | 笑倒人
ciaqciør | eat less | 食少
cidbiør | one second | 一秒
cieciør | at least; at least; the least | 至少
cietbogpiør | program of a concert or show | 節目表
cinciør | very little, a small quantity | 真少
ciongsiør | since childhood, from childhood | 從小
ciphiørpho | check book | 支票簿
cirntoxpiør | work schedule | 進度表
citbiør | this second | 這秒
ciukipiør | periodic table (physics; chemistry); statistical entry made on a weekly basis | 週期表
ciøfciør | a little bit | 少少
ciør thauzhuix | small family | 少頭厝; 小家庭
ciør | tiny; poco; fewness | 少
ciør`khix | diminish, become little | 少去
ciørbeeng | photographic lighting | 照明
ciørbin | to reflect face from a mirror; look into a mirror; illuminate the face | 照面; 照臉
ciørciøx`leq | look into mirror, shine around | 照照咧
ciørhoe | memo; note | 照會
ciørjit | to bask in the sun; be illuminated by the sun | 照日; 晒太陽
ciørkngf | (Polite) excuse me; illuminate | 借光; 照光; 照亮
ciørkviax | to face a mirror; look at oneself in a mirror | 照鏡; 照鏡子
ciørlo | to illuminate the street | 照路
ciørsia | shine upon; illuminate; radiate | 照射
ciørsinkviax | full length mirror | 照身鏡
ciørsiong | take a photograph | 照像; 照相
ciørtiexnkofng | X-ray | 照X光
ciørtiøh | to shine upon | 照著
ciørtvoaa | pagan altar set up opposite a shrine for a celebration | 醮壇
ciørviar | photograph | 照影
ciørzurn | aim accurately | 照準
cviaciør | very little; few; seldom; little | 很少
cviasiør | very small, very little | 成小; 誠小; 很小
e cioong khiør zhud | The mouth is the primary source of calamities (literally)--Careless talk may land one in trouble | 禍從口出
gagbiør | man's mother in law | 岳母
gipiør | instrument and meters | 儀表
gixbiør | relationship somewhat like that of godmother; cf.; khe-bo | 義母
giør | blink; glance; Look out of corner of eye; glance quickly at; glance at momentarily (as shy girl at a boy) | 瞟; 眽; 睨; 一瞥; 瞥; 瞟一眼
giør`laang | give a contemptuous look to a person | 睨人; 瞟人一眼
goaxpiør | outer appearance | 外表
goeqsiør | twenty-nine-day moon of the lunar calendar; 30-day month of the Gregorian calendar | 月小
hanswpiør | thermometer | 寒暑表
hegtai-hegsiør | either large or small | 或大或小
hengchiaf sikanpiør | train schedule or timetable | 行車時間表
hiamciør | to think insufficient | 辣椒; 嫌少
hienzhef-liongbiør | dutiful wife and loving mother | 賢妻良母
hitiørar | fishing rod; fishing pole | 魚釣仔; 釣竿; 釣魚竿
hiør | no; not; negative | 否
hoatpiør | to publish; to issue; to announce | 發表
hokiørkhix | beeper or pager (bee-bee-call) | 呼叫器
hong'wpiør | barometer | 風雨表
hunbiør | second minute | 分秒
hutiørar | fishing pole | 魚釣仔
huxbiør | parents | 父母
huxbiør-cy-pafng | one's own country; one's native land | 父母之邦
høfchiørsiin | cheeful | 好笑神
hør-chiørsiin | is always smiling | 好笑神; 笑口常開
iofngbiør | foster mother | 養母
itlafmpiør | chart; table; brief list of contents | 一覽表
ixbiør-hengte | brothers born of different mothers; half brothers | 異母兄弟
iør | hit sideways with a stick | 甌; 舀; 掃打
jiogsiør | small and weak; puniness | 弱小
jiogsiør-binzok | small and weak tribe | 弱小民族
kabiør | my mother (humble expression) | 家母
kaobiør | godmother | 教母
karmphiørjiin | ballot supervisor; scrutator | 監票人
keabiør | stepmother | 繼母
keasipiør | chronometer | 計時表
keathengpiør | taxi meter | 計程表
kegsiør | the smallest, minimum | 極小
kegsiør-hoax | minimization | 極小化
khan'goxpiør | list of corrections attached to a publication; errata | 刊誤表
kharmgoxpiør | corrigenda; errata; table of errors | 勘誤表
khiørsiin | superstitious | 迷信; 竅神
khiørsiuo | kowtow to the ground | 叩首
khoatciør | diminish | 缺少
khuiphiørsor | place for counting ballots | 開票所
khørtheeng-piør | schedule of classes | 課程表
kiafmciør | to decrease; to reduce; to diminish | 減少
kieliogpiør | record sheet | 記錄表; 記綠表
kiwkiuo-piør | multiplication table | 九九表
kiørbie | order rice to be sent to the house | 叫米
kiørbøe | to peddle goods in the streets by chanting; to hawk | 叫賣
kiørchiaf | hire a car | 叫車
kiørchvie | to awaken; to arouse | 叫醒; 喊醒; 喚醒
kiørhiaw | to vociferate, to clamour | 叫梟; 叫囂
kiørhiaxm | to shout; to yell; to scream; tp cry; to call loudly | 叫喊
kiørhør | to applaud, applause | 叫好
kiørixn | to be called and responded; echoed; echo | 叫應; 呼應
kiørkafng | call workers to do the work | 叫工; 雇工
kiørkheh'ar | person who canvases (solicit) | 叫客仔; 招攬客人的人
kiørkheq | canvass (customer) for business | 叫客; 招攬客人
kiørkhor | complain about hardships loudly; broadcast one's grievances | 喊苦; 叫苦
kiørkhor-lienthiefn | lament; cry to heaven; to mouth complaints about hardships | 叫苦連天
kiørkorng | to say by shouting | 叫講
kiørlaang | look for someone | 找人; 叫人
kiørma | to scream and use foul language--like a fishwife | 叫罵
kiørmiaa | call the name | 叫名; 點名
kiørmngg | to call at the door to get it opened | 叫門; 敲門
kiørmxkvar | begging for mercy | 叫毋敢
kiørnau | to raise a hue and cry, to shout | 叫鬧
kiøroar | to call (someone) to come closer | 叫近; 叫倚
kiørsi | think that; believe that | 叫是; 以為是
kiørsiaux | a role | 腳數; 角色; 叫數
kiørsviaf | yelling (sound made by person); barking; braying; roaring (sound made by animals); cry sound; shout sound | 叫聲
kiørthvy | (literally) to scream to heaven | 叫天
kiørthvy-kiørtøe | cry for help to heaven and earth | 呼天叫地
kiørzhaix | order food (in a restaurant) | 叫菜; 點菜
kiørzhvea | awaken some one by calling him | 叫醒; 喊醒
kiørzoex | be called; be known as | 叫做; 號稱; 稱做
kiørzøex | be called, be named | 叫做
kiørzøx | be called; be known as | 叫做; 號稱; 稱做
koatsoarnpiør | balance sheet | 決算表
kofngchiørkhef | tell a joke | 講笑詼
kofngchiørkhoef | tell a joke | 講笑詼
koksiør | elementary schools | 國小
kongkhørpiør | class schedule | 功課表
kongkhøx sikanpiør | class schedule | 功課時間表
kongkhøx-piør | schedule of classes | 功課表
lefngchiøroe | cold joke | 冷笑話
liafmciør | to reduce the amount | 斂少
liaqkiørsi | thought .. was | 掠叫是
liedpiør | to list | 列表
liør | to look down from a higher place; glance; glimpse; to gaze; ogle; give a quick glance | 瞭; 瞥
liør`cide | wink; quick glance | 瞥一下
liør`tiøh | wink; quick glance | 瞥著
loxkngf-piør | exposure meter | 露光表
lylegpiør | one's personal history | 履歷表
lythengpiør | mileage meter; odometer | 里程錶
muybiør | every second | 每秒
nipiør | chronicle | 年表
nisiør | young | 年少
niupiør | graduated table | 量表
pafngphiørhoan | brigands | 綁票犯
pan-chiørbin | pretending to be smiling | 扮笑面; 賠笑臉
paxnchiørbin | make up for the smile | 扮笑面
phahchiørkhoef | joking | 拍笑詼
phawmafpiør | stopwatch | 跑馬表
phiørbin keakeg | face value (of a stock) | 票面價格
phiørbin | on the face of a check; ticket; face value of a note; bond | 票面
phiørgiah | sum stated on check or certificate | 票額
phiørhurn | bleaching powder | 漂白; 漂白粉
phiøriuo | fancier | 票友
phiøriøh | bleaching medicine | 漂藥
phiørkex | ticket price | 票價; 漂價
phiørkiehoad | Law of Negotiable Instruments | 票據法
phiørkix | certificate; negotiable instruments | 票據
phiørkngx | tickets | 票券
phiørkoad | decide by casting ballots | 票決
phiørkoaxn | ticket | 票券
phiørkoex | be bleached | 漂過
phiørkux | receipt | 票據
phiørkyn | check stub; ticket stub | 票根
phiørlo | bleach | 漂露
phiørpaang | box office; box office; ticket window | 票房
phiørpauar | wallet | 皮包仔
phiørpeh | bleach; decolor | 漂白
phiørpeh-hurn | bleaching powder | 漂白粉
phiørpeqhurn | bleaching powder; bleaching powder; chlorine powder | 漂白粉
phiørpeqzef | bleaching agent; decolorant | 漂白劑
phiørpox | bleached cloth; bleach linen | 漂布
phiørsoarn | elect by casting ballots | 票選
phiørsox | number of votes; ballots | 票數
phiørsviw | ballot box | 票箱
phofpiør | a music score | 樂譜; 譜表
phogkofng-piør | photometer, exposure-meter | 曝光錶; 曝光表
piekhiør | to shut one's mouth | 閉口
piør | report card; transcript of a student's scholastic record | 表; 錶
pofphiøree | ticket replacement | 補票的
poxngpiør | meter; meter for measuring electricity | 電錶; 計量器
pve cioong khiør jip | diseases enter by the mouth (Therefore; one should be careful in his diet or eating habits) | 病從口入
pvexlegpiør | chart | 病歷表
pvixlek-piør | patient's case history | 病歷表; 病歷單
pykaopiør | comparative chart; table | 比較表
pørpiør | report | 報表
saiciørjit | afternoon sun; a house into which the afternoon sun shines is very uncomfortable | 西照日; 斜陽
saiciørlit | sunshine from west side | 西照日
saiguciørkag | imply people that are quarrel all the time due to disagreement | 犀牛照角
sengzekpiør | reported card | 成績表
sicitpiør | written resignation | 辭職表; 辭職書
sienbiør | my deceased mother | 先母; 先慈
sikanpiør | time table; schedule | 時間表
sioksiør | zoom out; reduction; deflation; shrinkage | 縮小
sioxngciør | least; at least | 最少
sipiør | watch (for telling time) | 時錶
sipiørar | watch (for telling time) | 時錶仔
siptoxpiør | hygrometer | 濕度表
siuphiørkhao | ticket office; box office | 售票處; 售票口
siuphiøroaan | ticket collector | 收票員
siuphiørzhux | ticket office; box office | 售票處; 售票口
sixlegpiør | sight testing chart; visual acuity chart | 視力表
siøfsiør | small, unimportant | 小小
siør | small; little; tiny; minor; young; humble; mean; junior; unimportant; petty; trivial | 小
siør-bøefbøe | small business | 小買賣
siør-chiuxnaa | grove | 小樹林
siør-lionghee | crayfish | 小龍蝦
siør-peng'iuo | little friends; children (a term expressing goodwill) | 小朋友
siør-piautøee | a subheading | 小標題
siør-poxhun | a small part | 小部分
siør-senglie | small business | 小生意; 小生理
siør-simgarn | petty-minded | 小心眼
siør-thekhiim | violin | 小提琴
siør-toxngmeh | arterioles | 小動脈
siør-tøebak | a smallsmal subject | 小題目
siør-zexngmeh | venules | 小静脉
siør-zhongbeeng | sharp witted but petty minded | 小聰明
siør-zuyliux | small water pipet | 小水鷚
soksiør | contract; draw in; reduce; curtail | 縮小
soktoxpiør | tachometer | 速度表
subiør | one's teacher's wife | 師母
suxhong huxbiør | serve one's parents | 侍奉父母
tagbiør | every second | 逐秒
tauphiørhoad | laws and regulations governing balloting | 投票法
tauphiørjiin | voter | 投票人
tauphiørjit | voting day | 投票日
tauphiørkoaan | the right to vote; the franchise | 投票權
tauphiørsor | polling place; place where voters cast their ballots | 投票所
tauphiørsviw | ballot box | 投票箱
tauphiørzhux | the polls, a voting booth | 投票處
tekphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
tengkix-piør | registration table | 登記表
texngkex-piør | list of fixed prices | 定價表
thefunpiør | temperature chart (medical) | 體溫表
thiap'hien phiørkix | discount on checks | 貼現票據
thienpiør | sill out a form; fill a blank | 填表
thiørbie | sell rice | 糴米; 糶米
thiørzheg | sell unhulled rice | 糶穀; 賣稻穀
thiørzhud tiaqjip | sell and buy grain | 糶出糴入
thofngkeapiør | statistical table; chart; graph | 統計表
thofngkex-piør | statistical table | 統計表
tiauzapiør | record of investigation | 調查表
tiexnpiør | electric meter; electrometer | 電表; 電錶
tiexnzwpiør | digital watch | 電子錶
tinzengpiør | sentiment table | 陳情表
titphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
tiøh chiørpii | always laugh much | 易笑的; 笑個無停
tiørar | fishing rod; fish pole | 釣竿; 釣仔; 釣鉤
tiørbie | retail rice | 釣米
tiørhi'afng | kingfisher | 釣魚翁
tiørhii ioxngku | fishing gear | 釣魚用具
tiørhii | to fish; to angle; fishing; fish with a rod and line | 釣魚
tiørhii`ee | angler | 釣魚翁
tiørhuafng | kingfisher | 釣魚翁
tiørhuu | fishing | 釣魚
tiøriuo | fisherman | 釣友
tiørji | bait; lure; bait | 釣餌
tiørkaw | fishhook | 釣鉤; 魚鉤
tiørkheq | angler | 釣客
tiørku | fishing tackle | 釣具
tiørkvoa'ar | fishing pole | 釣竿仔
tiørkvoaf | fishing rod; fish pole | 釣竿
tiørkøf | fishing rod; fish pole | 釣竿
tiørli | bait | 釣餌
tiørsvoax | a fishing line; a fish twine; fishing line | 釣線; 釣魚線
tiørtaang | float for a fishing line | 釣銅; 浮子
tiørtiaau | stitch on loosely | 釣條; 縫住
tiørtiøh | fishing | 釣著
tiørzhoee | fishing rod; fish pole | 釣竿
tiørzhud | fish out | 釣出
toaxsiør | all sizes, large and small, size, dimension | 大小
tongkhorng-soksiør | have miosis | 瞳孔縮小
topiør | chart; diagram | 圖表
tuieciaopiør | contrastive or comparative table | 對照表
tuieciørpiør | synopsis, table for comparison | 對照表
tøefciør | be deficient, be short, be too few | 短少
unto-piør | clinical thermometer, temperature chart | 溫度表
untoxpiør | temperature chart | 溫度表
uxsngx-piør | budget table | 預算表
uxsoarnpiør | budget | 預算表
uxsoaxn-piør | budget table | 預算表
wlioxngpiør | rain gauge | 雨量表
zek'hunpiør | points table | 積分表
zengpiør | clock | 鐘錶
zengpiør-tiam | clock and watch shop | 鐘錶店
zernggo-piør | corrigenda, errata | 正誤表
zexciør | many or few; much or little; more or less | 多少
zhafkiørsviaf | noise | 吵叫聲
zhafmkiørsviaf | scream | 慘叫聲
zhaiciør | cut down | 裁少
zhexng'øee tiørboeh | dress up; wear shoes and socks | 打扮斯文
zhuiechiørbagchiøx | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 眉開眼笑
zoeaciør | at least; the smallest | 最少; 至少
zoeasiør konghunbør | least common denominator | 最小公分母
zoeasiør kongpoexsox | least common multiple | 最小公倍數
zoeasiør | smallest; minimum | 最小
zoexciør | more or less | 濟少
zulegpiør | qualification form | 資歷表
zusarn huxzeapiør | statement of assets and liabilities | 資產負債表
zuxkhiør | to stop talking, shut up! | 住口
zuxlaizuypiør | water meter | 自來水錶; 水錶
zuyappiør | hydraulic gauge | 水壓計
zuylegpiør | hydraulic gauge | 水力表
zuypiør | water meter; water gage; water meter; water gauge | 水錶
zuysokpiør | tachometer | 水速表
zøexciør | more or less | 濟少

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