"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: iaau

Bengtiaau | Ming Dynasty (1386-1644 AD) | 明朝
Beqliaau | a city in Yunlin County | 麥寮
Bykiaau | U.S.A. citizen living abroad; U.S. resident in a foreign country; U.S.A. expatriate | 美僑
Ciw tiaau | A dynasty in ancient China | 周朝
Cixn-tiaau | Chin dynasty (A.D. 265~419) | 晉朝
Goaan-tiaau | the Mongol Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368 A.D.) | 元朝
Goantiaau | a Chinese dynasty | 元朝
Ha-tiaau | a Chinese dynasty | 夏朝
Harntiaau | Han dynasty | 漢朝
Haxn-tiaau | Han Dynasty | 漢朝
Hoakiaau | overseas Chinese | 華僑
Jidkiaau | Japanese residents in a foreign country | 日僑
Kharkaebiaau | BCG vaccine | 卡介苗
Korngliaau | a city in Taipei County | 貢寮
Laam-tiaau | the South dynasty | 南朝
Lampaktiaau | the South and North dynasties | 南北朝
Liogtiaau | the Six Dynasties; Wu; East Tsin; Sung; Chi; Liang and Chen (3rd to 6th centuries) | 六朝; 吳,東晉,宋,齊,梁,陳
Pangliaau | a city in Pingtung County | 枋寮
Sam'oong laitiaau | Epiphany (obsolete Catholic) | 三王來朝
Sorngtiaau | Sung-Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.) | 宋朝
Soxng-tiaau | Sung Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.) | 宋朝
Taioankoaiaau | Taiwanese songs | 台灣歌謠
Tiongliaau | a city in Nantou County | 中寮
Toaxliaau | a city in Kaohsiung County | 大寮
Tongtiaau | the Tang dynasty | 唐朝
Toong-tiaau | Tang-dynasty | 唐朝
Zabtiaau-kaix | the Ten Commandments | 十條戒; 十條誡
Zhanliaau | a city in Kaohsiung County | 田寮
Zhefng-tiaau | Ching dynasty | 清朝
Zhengtiaau | Ching o Manchu Dynasty (1644-1911) | 清朝
ab bextiaau | unable to command or exercise control over a group of people because of a lack of prestige or personal ability; (Lit. not enough pressure to hold down a compressed object which is resilient) | 壓無住
afm bextiaau | unable to cover or hide | 掩無住
armtiaau | undercurrent; undercurrent | 暗潮
bagboea jiaau | wrinkles at outer side of eyes; crow's feet | 目尾皺
beftiaau | barn; horse stable; stable | 馬廄
bengliaau | understand clearly; clear; distinct; perspicuous | 明瞭
bextiaau | not firmly fixed; fastened or tied | 未條; 無牢; 不上癮
biaau | young plant; trace; aim; trace; to draw; to sketch; describe; depict | 苗; 描; 瞄
biauthiaau | slender; slender figure | 苗條
biautiaau | slim woman; willowy; slender and graceful; lithe | 苗條
biedtiaau | destroy dynasty | 滅朝
bin'iaau | folk song; folk-songs; ballad | 民謠
bixnphoee jiaau | wrinkled face | 臉皮皺
boadtiaau | the last dynasty | 末朝
boafntiaau | high tide; at full sea; high tide | 滿潮
boahtiaau | apply on the surface | 抹住
boextiaau | cannot, unable to | 未住; 不會
boxliaau | staffs; secretaries; advisors | 幕僚
budlie tixliaau | physiotherapy | 物理治療
buliaau | ennui; dejected; purposeless; unhappy; uneasy; silly; tiresome; tasteless | 無聊
bøextiaau | unbearable to; won't stick | 未條; 袂牢; 無能忍受; 未著住
bøliaau | nonsense; bored | 無聊
bøzhaosiaau | irresponsible; won't obey | 無責任; 無聽
chiaau khaq ban | set back clock or watch | 調較慢
chiaau khaq kirn | set forward or advance clock or watch | 調較快
chiaau sizefng | set clock or watch | 調時鐘
chiaau soafui | move things slightly; without much alteration of their position | 移徙位; 挪移
chiaau tiexnsixky | turn the dial or volume control of a TV; adjusting a TV set | 調電視機
chiaau ytøq | move desk or chairs to proper place(s) | 排椅桌
chiaau | move; move a thing slightly so as to get it into the right place or position; alter a slight twist to a statement or message on purpose; to adjust by a small change | 移; 撨; 調整
chiaauxtao | small truck rear compartment | 車後斗
chialiaau | car shed, railway roundhouse | 車寮; 車房; 鐵路迴旋處
chiamtiaau | memo; office note | 簽條
chiauchiaau`leq | adjust, move to the proper place | 調調咧
chiaw hof ciaau | mix completely | 搜乎齊; 攪勻
ciaau | fully; even; firewood; a reef | 全; 齊; 礁; 樵
ciah bextiaau | can't hold anything down | 吃不牢
ciaqtiaau | to be addicted to | 食條; 上癮
ciau'iaau toxngphiexn | swindle or cheat by posing as a VIP or claiming to be related to a VIP | 招搖撞騙
ciau'iaau | to show off | 招搖
ciauciaau | complete | 齊齊; 齊齊全全
cichii bextiaau | unable to keep up the effort; unable to hold down; not able to support or manage | 支持無住
cidtiaau khuiesi'ar | just a little breath left | 一條氣絲仔; 氣息如絲
cidtiaau | a strip of; a bar of; a pair of | 一條
cientiaau | previous regime | 前條; 前朝
cihzaix bextiaau | too heavy to bear (as a load or a disease) | 支持無住
cihzaix-bøextiaau | can't stand for burden | 支載無住
ciøhtiaau | an IOU | 借據; 借條
ciøqliaau | stone bench; long stone slab used for a seat; stone bench | 石條; 石條板
cviuløfliaau | hut or shed where camphor is distilled | 樟腦寮
cviuxtiaau | to go to court | 上朝
cynliaau | medical examination and treatment | 診療
egbiaau | vaccine; vaccin; bacterin; vaccine | 疫苗
gesiaau | hate (vulgar); to disgust | 厭惡; 㤉潲; 怨恨; 討厭
giaau | fortunate; lucky | 僥
giafmsiaau | loath; to hate; be disgusted with; disgust | 討厭; 厭惡; 憎恨
giedsiaau | very mischievous (slang) | 調皮; 孽潲; 孽迢; 很陶氣; 蘗
gintiaau | silver bar | 銀條
giwtiautiaau | pull very tight; hold onto securely | 拉牢牢
goaxkiaau kuliuzexng | foreign resident certificate | 外僑居留證
goaxkiaau | foreign resident; alien resident; foreign residents | 外僑
gutiaau | cattle shed; stable; cattle pen (shed) | 牛寮; 牛牢; 牛欄
hagliaau | student dorm; school dormitory | 學寮; 學生宿舍
hagtiaau | student demonstrations; such as strikes; etc | 學潮
hanliaau | gossip; waffle | 閒聊
hatsiaau | roar at; speak loud and angrily | 叱責; 怒吼
hausiaau | exaggerate; fail to keep one's word; make glib promise; speak irresponsibly; lie | 詨精; 嘐潲; 謊言; 說謊
haxliaau | subordinates | 下僚; 屬下
haxntiaau | welding rod | 焊條
haytiaau | ocean tide | 海潮
hiaau khazhngf | sodomy; feeling horny (be burnt by taking part in an unnecessary activity) | 多事; 自作孽; 嬲尻川
hiaau | loose in morals; licentious; lewd; have sex appeal; lascivious | 嬲; 嬈; 風騷
hiabtiaau | to readjust | 協調
hiauhiaau | somewhat ramping | 爬坡
hibiaau | fry; baby fish | 魚苗
hoakiaau | overseas Chinese | 華僑
hoangiaau | circle around; circle round | 環繞
hoanjiaau | wreathe; surround; zone; circle | 環繞
hoattiaau | spring (in clockwork); spring of a watch or clock | 發條; 彈簧
hoea siøf koliaau | no hope; hopeless (Lit. the net house is burnt down; it's hopeless.) | 火燒罟寮; 形容無望了
hoeatiaau | deposed dynasty | 廢朝
hoethiaau | minnow; chub; dace | 花跳; 花鮡; (魚名)
hoetiaau | return receipt; brief note in reply | 回條
hong'uo-phiau'iaau | be tossed about in wind or rain | 風雨飄搖
hongjiaau | rich and fertile; fecund | 豐饒
hongtiaau | direction of wind and tide; a paper strip seal; strips of paper pasted across parcels | 風潮; 封條
hongtiaau-wsun | timely wind and rain | 風調雨順
huojiaau | opulent, rich | 富饒
hviutiaau | stick of incense | 香條
hvorphiaau | fond of visiting prostitutes; frequent brothels; given to whoring | 好嫖
hwn ciaqtiaau | enslaved to cigarettes; unable to give up smoking | 食條; 煙抽上癮
hwnciawtiaau | pigeon house | 粉鳥巢; 鴿棚
hwntiaau | vermicelli made from beans; stick type cosmetics foundation | 粉條
iaau | slander, gossip | 謠
iau'iaau bukii | in the indefinite future | 遙遙無期
iau'iaau iogtui | shaky; wobbly; very unstable (regime; authority) | 搖搖欲墜
iau'iaau lefngsiefn | far ahead; enjoy a commanding lead | 遙遙領先
iau'iaau siongtuix | facing one another at a distance | 遙遙相對
ienthiaau | lead bar | 鉛條
iliaau | cure or treat (a disease); medical treatment | 醫療
iliaau-ioxngkhu | medical instruments | 醫療用具
iliaau-ioxngphirn | medical materials | 醫療用品
iogbiaau | cultivate seedlings; seedling | 育苗
ittiaau thienzuo ittiaau siin | When a new king is crowned he brings to the court his own favorites and expels those of his predecessor.--the tenuous nature of official positions | 一朝天子一朝臣
iuobiaau | tender seedling | 幼苗
iutiaau | fried bread stick; fritters of twisted dough--a Chinese breakfast specialty; a suave; well-oiled person; long on experience but short on sincerity | 油條
iwtiaau-iwtvoa | systematical; orderly; properly and logically arranged | 有條有段; 有條有理
jiaau | forgive; to spare; have mercy; lenient; abundantl to become unsmooth; to get wrinkled | 饒; 皺
jiafmtiaau | dyeing | 染住
jiaujiaau | crumpled | 皺皺
jibtiaau | enter the dynasty | 入朝; 進見
jiedtiaau | upsurge | 熱潮
jih-bextiaau | unable to command or exercise control over a group of people due to lack of prestige; personal ability etc.; not enough pressure to hold down a compressed resilient object | 壓無住
jintiaau | stream of people | 人潮
jirm-boextiaau | cannot stand it | 忍無著
jixtiaau | memorandum; note; note or slip attached to a document | 字條
jymbextiaau | cannot endure it | 忍無住
ka-tiautiaau | clench the teeth firmly; as in convulsion near death; holding fast with the mouth | 咬牢牢
kabsiaau | be grumbling (vulgar expression) | 嘀咕; 抱怨 (粗話)
kangliaau | a shack used by workers; simple hut for workmen at a construction site; construction shack | 工寮
kangtiaau | labor strike or sabotage | 工潮
kaotiaau | creed; doctrine | 教條
kaotiaau-zwgi | doctrinairism | 教條主義
kee`tiaau | stuck | 卡住
keq cidtiaau kaw | separated by a stream | 隔一條溝
ketiaau | a coop; a henhouse; chicken roost | 雞舍
khaliaau | shackles, fetters | 腳銬
khantiautiaau | hand in hand | 拑牢牢
kharmbextiaau | cannot be hidden | 蓋無了
kharmtiautiaau | cover tightly | 蓋牢牢
khia-extiaau | stand steadily; able to hold one's own | 站得住
khiaau | be fretful, be peevish | 使性的; 脾氣暴躁的
khiaxtiaau | stand still | 站住; 豎條
khitciaqliaau | beggar's hut | 乞丐寮
khoanjiaau | surround | 環繞
khongtiaau | A/C | 空調
khorsiaau | muddled or mixed up characterized by rashness or recklessness | 無知死活
khvitiaau | to succeed in capturing | 擒住; 纏住
khybiaau | to weigh anchor | 起錨
khyjiaau | beginning to have wrinkles | 起皺; 起皺紋
khøftiaau | pass an examination (for admission to a school; employment) | 考取
khør-bøtiaau | failed in an examination | 沒考上; 考無著
khør-uxtiaau | passed the examination | 考有著; 考上
kiaau | disguise; one who lives abroad; bridge; inn; to sojourn | 喬; 鯤; 翹; 僑; 蕎; 橋
kietiautiaau | remember perfectly | 記牢牢
kiliaau | brothel | 妓寮; 妓女戶
kimtiaau | gold ba | 金條
kinpurn tixliaau | thorough treatment | 根本治療
kirmtiaau | forbidden article; section; clause etc of an agreement; pact; treaty; law; etc. | 禁條
kiujiaau | to ask for forgiveness; to seek pardon; to beg for mercy | 求饒
kix-bøextiaau | unable to memorize | 記無住
kixm-bøextiaau | cannot bear it; cannot help; involuntary | 禁無住; 忍不住
kngrtiaau | steel wire | 鋼條
koa'iaau | popular song | 歌謠; (曲)
koaesiaau | monstrous; strange; strange phenomenon | 怪迢
koaiaau | popular song | 歌謠
koetiaau | chicken coop | 雞牢
kofngsiaau-kofngphvi | scold someone criticize behind him (slang) | 講迢講鼻; 罵他人在背後批評; (粗話)
koo bøextiaau | paste does not stick | 糊無住; 貼不住
koo`tiaau | to stick tightly; to adhere tightly | 糊住
kortiautiaau | keep and guard carefully | 顧牢牢; 看得緊緊的
kotiaau | glued | 糊住
kotiaau`leq | glued or pasted firmly | 糊住的; 黏住
kuitiaau | regulation, the whole rod | 整條; 規條
kuyliaau | how many | 幾寮
kuytiaau | how many (sticks) | 幾條
kviaauxbefmngg | back door; under table | 行後尾門
kviaauxboefmngg | back door; under table | 行後尾門
kviliaau | guard-house | 更寮; 守更亭
kvoaliaau | bureaucrats; government official | 官僚
køiaau | ballad | 歌謠
køtiaau | high tidal wave | 高潮
laau-bøextiaau | unable to detain; unable to make someone to stay | 留無住
lafmtiaau | hold by the waist; usu. from behind | 抱住; 攬住
lafmtiautiaau | embrace tightly | 攬牢牢
lafngtiautiaau | pull the pant or skirt tightly | 簍牢牢; 拉緊(褲; 裙)
laitiaau | come to court; pay respects | 來朝
lampag-tiaau | Southern and Northern Dynasties | 南北朝
laptiaau`teq | step on | 踏住得
laqtiaau | candle | 蠟燭; 蠟條
lautiaau | keep; stay | 留牢
lauxhiaau | old obscene husband's mother?? | 老精
lauxiutiaau | a person who has learned to be sly; a sleazy fellow; a smoothie | 老油條
legtiaau | successive dynasties; through the successive dynasties | 歷朝
liaam bøextiaau | fail to stick or adhere | 黏無住
liaau khear | wade across stream | 蹽溪仔
liaau khoear | wade across stream | 蹽溪仔
liaau | ;to wade through or across water bright; clear sighted; sharp eyed | 瞭; 寮; 涉木; 蹽; 條
liaau-pofpor | wrinkled | 皺襞襞
liaau`løqkhix | get involved; participated | 蹽落去
liamtiaau | stick together | 粘住; 黏牢
liamtiautiaau | stick together well | 黏牢牢
liaqtiaau | have grabbed or arrested | 捉住; 緊握
liauliaau | to have a chat | 聊聊
liaxm'iaau | sing | 唸謠
liedtiaau | upsurge | 熱潮
lienkiaau | forsythia | 連翹
lintiaau | crowd | 人潮
liwtiaau | willow branch | 柳條
loxkekthien'iaau | far away from the destination | 路隔天遙
loxtiaau | violent radicalism; angry waves; tides; a traveling passport | 怒潮; 路條
lurn-bøextiaau | cannot stand it any more | 忍無住
lwnbextiaau | unable to bear it; unable to suffer more; insufferable; intolerable | 忍無住
løfliaau | hut or shed where camphor is distilled | 腦寮
maflengcitiaau | French fries | 馬鈴薯條
miaau | seedling; plantlet; shoot | 苗
miatiaau | name tag | 名條
miauthiaau | slender; slim | 苗條
mixtiaau | noodle | 麵條
mohtiaau | hold on | 抱住
mohtiautiaau | clinging and hindering; cling together | 摟牢牢; 抱緊
neh tiautiaau | grasp tightly | 掐牢牢
omtiautiaau | covered tightly | 掩牢牢
ongtiaau | dynasty | 王朝
oxngtiaau | domesticated animals; prosperous livestock (pigs and chickens doing well) | 王朝; 家畜興旺
padtiaau | different song | 別條
pafnliaau | the rest and beat of music; orderliness | 拍子; 板眼
pagtiaau | to tie; to bind; tied firmly; bound fast | 綁住; 綁緊; 縛住
pagtiautiaau | restrain; control very tight | 綁牢牢
pautiaau | wrap tight | 包牢
pautiautiaau | wrap tightly | 包牢牢
phahjiaau | wrinkle | 打皺; 弄皺
phaubiaau | cast anchor; develop engine trouble and become stuck mid-way | 拋錨
phiaau tor | prostitution and gambling ─ profligacy; patronize whore and gambling houses; indulge in fast women and slow horses | 嫖賭
phiaau | prostitution; a ladle made from a dried gourd; visit prostitutes; patronize whorehouses; commit with a harlot; whoredom | 嫖; 瓢
phiaau-tor-irm | prostitution, gamble, and drinking alcohol | 嫖賭飲
phiau'iaau | rocking in the wind; drifting about | 飄搖
phoetiaau | comments sheet | 批條; 批語條
phvaixtiautiaau | hold something on the back tightly | 揹牢牢
phvialiaau | mid-section of an animal (exclusive of front and hind quarters) butchered for food | 背料; 背脊肉; (豬)
phø-tiautiaau | hold tightly in one's arms | 抱牢牢
piexntiaau | a note paper; a scratch paper; note; memo; informal letter | 便條
porliaau | narrow cloth strip | 布條
portiaau | cloth strips | 布條
put'toxng'iaau | unswerving, firm, steadfast | 無動搖; 不動搖
pwntiaau | original dynasty | 本朝
samtiaau-goanlør | high statesman of three reigns | 三朝元老
sanhociaau | coral reefs | 珊瑚礁
saobiaau | scan | 掃描
sarmsiaau | curse roundly; scold abusively | 臭罵
seatiaau | little strips | 細條
siaam-tiautiaau | seize firmly in the arm | 蟾牢牢; 摟得緊緊的
siaau | semen; ejaculate; semen; sperm | 韶; 迢; 精; 精液
siau'iaau hoatgoa | remain out of the law's reach | 逍遙法外
siau'iaau | to be free; loose; wander about for pleasure; loiter about | 逍遙
siau'iaau-zuxzai | enjoy leisure without restraint; enjoy a free and leisurely life; carefree | 逍遙自在
siauiaau | wander about for pleasure, loiter about | 逍遙
siautiaau | at a low ebb; at an ebb; depression; slacken off; lonely and desolate; bleak and chilly; poverty stricken | 蕭條
sidbut-tixliaau | therapy by food-control, food-control therapy | 食物治療
sidliaau | diet | 食療
siliaau | operate a free medical clinic | 時設; 義診
simhied laitiaau | hit upon a sudden idea; have a brain storm | 心血來潮
simtiaau | heart tight | 心緊
sinhiø siautiaau | die without heirs or an inheritance for them | 身後蕭條
sinliaau | new village | 新寮
sintiaau | renaissance | 新潮
sirntiaau | tenet; creed or code; dogma | 信條
sittiaau | disorder | 失調
siuo-bøextiaau | cannot hold (a frontline; position) | 守無住
siutiaau | receipt | 收據; 收條
siøftiaau | neap tides | 小潮
soatiaau | any of several kinds of shark, Carcharhinus sorrah, Carcharhinus menisorrah | 沙條
soaxnsiaau | shame | 訕潲
soesiaau | be out of luck (vulgar) | 衰精
sorbiaau | pencil sketch; line drawing; sketch; sketch (writing or painting) | 素描
suokuieiaau | four seasons folk songs | 四季謠
sutiaau | current in thought | 思潮
svekyn terngtiaau | take root in a place become rooted in | 生根定條; 根深蒂固
sviafsiaau | what! | 啥潲
svoartiaau | line | 線條
søftiaau | locked fast; secured | 鎖著
tagtiaau | every piece | 每條
tahtiaau | fasten | 貼牢
tangliaau | colleague | 同僚; 同僚的
taux-bøextiaau | the parts not keeping well together | 鬥無著; 連接無上
teatiautiaau | follow closely | 綴牢牢
tekliaau | store where bamboo is sold; bamboo hut; bamboo shed | 竹寮
terngtiaau | to nail firm | 釘住; 釘牢; 釘緊
terngtiautiaau | clinch | 釘牢牢
texng-bøextiaau | the nail will not hold; impossible to nail it | 釘無住
thattiaau | stocked; choked | 窒牢
theatiaau | ebb tide | 退潮
theh-bøextiaau | unable to retain (hold) | 拿無住
thiaau | a section; an article; in good order | 條
thiaq hongtiaau | break an embargo; break a sealing tape | 拆封條
thientiaau | Heaven's law | 天條; 天律
thihtiaau | iron bar | 鐵條
thihtiaau-bang | barbed wire entanglement | 鐵條網; 鐵絲網
thitiaau | an edible green seaweed | 藻潮; 乾苔
thngtiaau | sugar stick | 糖條
thvex-bøextiaau | prop or one's hand unable to sustain the weight | 頂無住
thviax-kaq toxng-bøextiaau | intolerable pain | 痛得忍無住
thvy teq chiaau | balance; handle by god | 天在左右
thøeatiaau | [[theatiaau]]; ebb (tide) | 退潮; 退朝
tiaao'tiautiaau | extremely tight | 牢牢牢
tiaau | branch; anything long and slender; long strip (of walls); to tear (paper) along a fold; saw (wood) up longitudinally | 條; 朝; 牢; 住
tiautiaau iwlie | there is reason in every clause; orderly | 條條有理
tiautiaau | far distance | 迢迢
tiexnliaau | electrotherapy; electrotherapeutics | 電療
tikongliaau | male pig farm | 豬公條
tintiaau | rattan; wicker or cane; a rattan whip | 藤條; 籐條
tiokkiaau | bamboo bridge | 竹橋
tiorngtiaau | tide flows; flood tide | 漲潮
tirntiaau | nail tight | 鎮牢
titiaau | pigpen | 豬舍; 豬牢
tixliaau | to treat or cure; cure; therapy; treatment; treat or cure (a disease); treatment | 治療
tixliaau-seg | treatment room | 治療室
tixliaau-sw | a surgeon | 治療師
tixliaau-tvoaf | doctor order sheet | 治療單
tiørtiaau | stitch on loosely | 釣條; 縫住
toax-bøextiaau | can not live with others very long; he must leave a place or a job; can not stay very long | 待無住; 幹不下去
toaxtiaau | large piece, long one, large size | 大條
toeatiaau | follow closely | 綴牢
toeatiautiaau | follow closely | 綴牢牢
tong'iaau | children's songs | 童謠
tongliaau | fellow officials; colleagues | 同僚
torngbextiaau | unable to stop; cannot help | 擋袂牢
torngbøextiaau | can not bear something; compelled to do something | 擋無著; 不支; 架不住
torngtiaau | stop effectively | 擋住
torngtiaau`teq | stopped | 擋住著
torngtittiaau | able to stop, and sustain | 擋得住
toxng'iaau | sway; to shake; be disturbed | 搖動; 動搖
toxng-bøextiaau | unable to hinder; cannot be prevented; to try to stop; but fail in the attempt; unable to endure; cannot bear it; intolerable | 擋無住; 耐不了; 忍不住
toxng-extiaau | oppose effectually; can endure; can stand up to | 擋得住; 撐得住; 忍得住
tuobøextiaau | cannot resist | 抵無住
tutiaau | pig farm | 豬牢
tvitiaau | entangled | 纏牢
tvitiautiaau | entangled | 纏牢牢
tvixtiautiaau | hold down tight | 捏牢牢
uitiaau | jail | 圍牢
viutiaau | sheepfold | 羊欄
voaxtiaau | change era | 換朝
yliaau | backless wooden bench | 椅條; 長板凳
zae'extiaau | can carry; strong enough to prop up or support | 載得住; 撐得住
zafmtiaau | inscription on the criminal to be beheaded | 斬頭; 罪狀
zaix-bøextiaau | have a load too heavy to be carried; said also of a person in weak health | 載無住; 撐不住
zaqtiaau | ward off effectively with a shield or door | 遮住; 攔住
zarnliaau | warehouse | 棧寮; 倉庫
ze-bøextiaau | be tired of sitting down; cannot sit still; cannot sit idle | 坐無住; 坐煩了
zengsiin tixliaau | psychological therapy | 精神治療
zerngtiaau | masada | 正條
zhaeliaau | vegetable garden | 菜寮
zhaixtiaau`teq | stadn upright | 豎住著; 置立好
zhaliaau | wooden yard | 柴寮
zhankiaau | farmers who got rich by farmland price jump | 田僑
zhapsiaau | have to do with (vulgar) | 插迢; 管它的
zhasiaau | vulgar language | 粗話; (罵人好管閒事)
zhawliaau | a shelter made of straw | 草寮
zheng-bøextiaau | cannot wear it any longer (due to rise in temperature) | 穿無住
zhuichiaau | adjust a difference in money matters; discuss a bargain till the price is fixed; change something into | 調整; 改換
zoafliaau | slip of paper | 紙條
zoaftiaau | slip of paper | 紙條
zvoaxsiaau | emit semen | 濺迢; 射精
zøxiaau hegcioxng | cheat, swindle or mislead the people with lies or rumors | 造謠惑眾
zøxiaau sengsu | start rumors and incite incidents | 造謠生事
zøxiaau | start a rumor | 造謠
øextiaau | bearable, able to | 會緊; 會牢

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