"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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chiagarn | strabismus, wall-eyed | 斜眼
chiagchiagkiøx | chatter; prate; jabber | 喋喋叫
chiagchiagtiøo | palpitate; to jump up and down noisily | 蹦蹦跳
chiagiaa | toss restlessly from side to side; be constantly moving from one situation to another | 車夯; 無事找事
chiegiagiaa | fierce; violent | 兇巴巴; 刺夯夯
chincviagoxzap | relatives and friends | 親情五十
chiuxlefng phiag'ar | slingshot | 樹乳甓仔; 彈弓
chiøf kiakkiag | very energetic and vigorous; to be full of vitality (of males) | 精力旺盛
ciaqnngfkviagve | bully the weak but scared of the strong | 食軟驚硬
ciaqnngfkviagvi | bully the weak but scared of the strong | 食軟驚硬
ciawphiag'ar | slingshot | 鳥擗仔
cviageqcviasii | Lunar new year | 正月正時
cviagoeh cviathaau | first few days of the year sometimes including to about the fifteenth in which time debts are not collected and ill-omened language is avoided | 正月正頭; 大年初
cviagoeh | January | 正月
cviagoeqcviasii | Lunar new year | 正月正時
cviagoeqjit | almost one month | 成月日; 將近一個月
cviagoeqzhef | first ten days of the year | 正月初
cviagøeh | January | 正月
cviagøeh-bøea | end of January | 正月尾
cviagøeh-pvoax | mid lunar January | 正月半
cviagøeh-sii | lunar January | 正月時
cviagøeh-zhøef | beginning of Lunary January | 正月初
cviagøeqjit | the whole month long | 個把月
hekophiag'ar | fam shrimp | 蝦蛄擗仔
iag | overflow; to spill | 溢
khiag | pound; rap | 敲; 敲擊
khiagkhiagkiøx | strike noise | 擊擊叫
kiagkiagkiøx | talkative; be a chatterbox | 喋喋叫
kimsiaksiag | golden shining | 金鑠鑠
kviagii | fearful and apprehensive; afraid and anxious; suspicious from fear | 驚疑; 狐疑; 驚訝
kviagviaw | sensitive to tickling; ticklish | 驚癢
miagi | under the name of; in a person's name | 名義
miagiah | (n) particular number of people; quota; the full number of names | 名額
miagieen | famous saying | 名言
mxcviagyn'ar | bad kid | 毋成囡仔
mxcviagynnar | scrawny looking child; mischievous child | 無毋成囡仔
niawchyphiag'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠擗仔
niawzhwphiag'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠擗仔
og-khiagkhiak | radically bully | 惡確確
okkhiagkhiak | violent person; overbearing (man) | 兇巴巴; (男人)
pakkviagie | mandarine | 北京語
peh-siaksiag | glittering white | 白爍爍
peqliaksiag | very white | 白皚皚
peqsiaksiag | brilliantly white | 白皚皚
phahzuyphiag'ar | stir up water | 拍水擗仔
phiag | bang | 擗
phiag'ar | catapult; slingshot | 彈仔
phiagphiak thiaux | leap up and down frantically (e.g | 跳動無停
phiagphiak tvoa | palpitate | 跳個無停
phiagzhud | kock out | 擗出
piag ciawafpaf | dehydrate a bird over a slow fire | 烤鳥
piag | burst open; fry food (so as to preserve it); to break with a crack; to burst and fall to pieces | 爆; 煏; 繃裂; 爆炸; 熯; 脹裂
piag`phoax | burst open; broken | 爆破
piagpiag'ar | snap | 擗擗仔
piakpiag | like to burst open, open with sounds | 壁角
pvoarchiagoat | half moon | 半斜月
siag iambie | toss rice and salt on the floor in order to avert the evil that might result from an unlucky utterance | 摔鹽米; 驅邪
siag | throw to the ground; fall down; get rid of | 摔
siag`khix | dash on the ground | 摔去
siag`løqlaai | dash on the ground | 摔下來
siag`phoax | dash to pieces, throw down and smash | 摔破
siag`sie | fall to death | 摔死; 甩死
siag`tør | fell | 摔倒
siagarn | strabismus | 斜眼
siagied | viper | 蛇蠍
sviagak-kaf | vocalist | 聲樂家
sviagoa | outside the city walls; the suburbs | 城外
sørpiagpiak | love deeply | 愛極了
thviagoa | outside the hall | 廳外
tiag sngrpvoaa | use an abacus; reckon on the abacus | 打算盤
tiag | touch; butt; to flip with the finger; to snap; to choose | 觸; 彈指; 選
tiagsngrpvoaa | abacus | 擉算盤
tviagoa | outside patio | 埕外

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