"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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chiachiakurn | bustling | 戕戕滾; 熙來攘往
chiak | hasten; hurry | 蹦; 嚓; 跳動; 催促
chiak`cide | kacha | 擦一下
chiakafng | a lathe worker; transportation expenses; sewing expenses | 車工; 運費; 針線工資
chiakag | oblique angle | 斜角
chiakex | car price | 車價
chiakhag | car body | 車殼
chiakhie | teeth of gear | 車齒; 齒輪齒
chiakhoarn | car model | 車款
chiakhox | garage; garage | 車庫; 車房
chiakofhix | Taiwanese Drama | 車鼓戲
chiakor | car drump | 車鼓
chiakulaxng'axng | make a mess of a room; (Lit. to overturn every box and basket- to make a thorough search) | 翻東翻西
chiakuy | turning-lathe | 車床; 車規; 旋轉車床
chiapthviakhix | bugging device | 竊聽器
chincviakafn | among one's relatives | 親戚間
chiøf kiakkiag | very energetic and vigorous; to be full of vitality (of males) | 精力旺盛
chviakeg | Decoration | 成革; 裝潢
cviakef | set up a home, become a family | 成家
cviakhafng | very hollow; wound | 很空; 成洞; 有傷口; 破孔
cviakhoarn | to become a presentable or decent person | 像樣
cviakirn | before long; soon; in no time | 很快
cviakoaan | very high | 很高; 誠懸
cviakofgoeh | almost one month | 成個月; 將近一個月
cviakuo | for long; for ages | 很久
cviakuun | form a group | 成群; 成羣
cviakviar | to become a useful person | 成器; 成囝
giak | malaria | 瘧
giakafng | centipede | 蜈公; 蜈蚣
giakag | alert? | 舉覺; 鵝鵤; 雄鵝
giakee | to feel hopelessly worried or get in trouble for imaginary fears; wear a cangue | 抬枷; 夯枷; 負枷; 自找麻煩; 帶腳鐐
gviakoafn | receive a coffin | 迎棺
hiakorng | leg of the boots | 雨靴; 靴管
hviakøf | elder brother; older brothers | 兄哥; 哥哥
iuchiakefng | old-fashioned press | 油車間; 油坊
jiakhaxm | cover over (a matter); conceal | 遮蓋; 隱藏
jiakkuq | zipper; チャック | 拉鍊; 源自日語チャック(chakku)
jiakngf | to shield from light; block light | 遮光
kawsviakym | ninety percent pure gold | 九成金
khangsviakex | nobody left behind to guard the house; a bluff | 空城計
khiak | hit with knuckles | 手指彎曲而打
khiakhafng | to pick fault; look for trouble | 騎孔; 故意出難題; 找麻煩
khiakhafng-khiaphang | create difficulties | 騎孔騎縫; 諸多刁難
khuisviakhaux | cry with a loud voice | 開聲哭
kiakhw | rugged; rough | 崎嶇
kimsiaksiag | golden shining | 金鑠鑠
kviakang'oo | wander from place to place among the common people | 走江湖
kviakang'oo`ee | traveling quack | 走江湖的
kviakaux | to walk to (a place) | 走到
kviakefng | to pass (a place; store; ect.); one's conduct or behavior; a path; a trail | 行經; 來月經
kviakhix | die (kia* doesn't change it's tone) | 行氣
kviakhuy | walk away | 行開
kviakiernsiaux | afraid of being laughed at; shy | 驚見羞; 害羞; 怕羞
kviakii | to be surprised; to marvel; amaze; play chess for draughts | 驚奇; 行棋; 下棋
kviakngf | photophobia | 驚光; 畏光羞明
kviakuun | to do shadow boxing | 行拳
kviakviaa`leq | walk around | 行行咧
kviakviaf | a little bit scared | 驚驚; 有點害怕
kviakviaf-hviahviaa | trembling with fear; very cautious | 驚驚兢兢
kviakviahviahviaa | trembling with fear; very cautious | 驚惶驚惶; 戰戰兢兢
kviakøex | to pass by ( a place); to pass through (a place) | 行過
kvialaai-kviakhix | walk about | 走來走去
miakaf | logicians | 名家
mxcviakaau | amazing; terrific; extraordinary; ugly (doesn't look like a human being) | 毋成猴; 想不到; 真了不起; 不像人樣
mxcviakviar | scrawny looking child; mischievous child | 毋成囝
mxcviakw | amazing; terrific; extraordinary | 毋成龜; 真了不起
og-khiagkhiak | radically bully | 惡確確
okkhiagkhiak | violent person; overbearing (man) | 兇巴巴; (男人)
peh-siaksiag | glittering white | 白爍爍
peqliaksiag | very white | 白皚皚
peqsiaksiag | brilliantly white | 白皚皚
phiagphiak thiaux | leap up and down frantically (e.g | 跳動無停
phiagphiak tvoa | palpitate | 跳個無停
phiak | dash on a wall; hit | 抨; 擗; 炸起來; 劈; 射(打)
phiak`cide | hit | 擊一下
phiak`laang | hit someone | 擊人
phviakikud | rib cage | 骿支骨
phviakud | rib cage | 骿骨
phvialaai-phviakhix | throw around indiscriminately | 丟來丟去; 丟這丟那
phviavoar siakti | throw down bowls and chopsticks in a sulk; pet; or rage | 丟碗丟筷; 發怒; 使性子。
piak | fried | 爆; 啪一聲打下
piak'høea | slap fire | 啪火
piak'iuu | make oil from fat meat | 煏油
piak`cide | fried | 啪一下
piakkhafng | (of a plot; etc.) fall through and stand exposed; reveal; lay bare | 爆空; 出紕漏; 敗露; 事情暴露
piakkhuy | burst; crack; burst; to crack; to split up and fall apart (e.g.; things that had been glued or joined together) | 逼開; 爆裂; 裂開; 迸開
piakkofti | drumsticks | 煏鼓箸
piakkor | drum | 煏鼓
piaklih | split open | 破裂; 裂開
piakpaf | dry (food so as to preserve it) | 焙乾
piakphoax | burst; crack; break (a pot; glass) by cracking | 爆破; 裂破; 破裂; 繃裂; 爆裂
piakpiag | like to burst open, open with sounds | 壁角
piaktøq | too many guests show up in a dinner party | 煏桌
puhiakhog | wooden scoop shell | 瓠桸觳
puihiakhok'ar | gourd shell ladle | 瓠桸觳仔
pvialaai-pviakhix | throw around indiscriminately | 丟來丟去; 丟這丟那
sakchiakafng | push-cart labor | 捒車工
sekkhiakør | sweetsop; sugar-apple | 釋迦果
siak | silicon | 矽
siak'ie-siaktøq | throw furniture around in anger | 摔桌摔椅
siak'voar-siakti | throw down the bowls and chopsticks; very angry | 摔碗摔筷; 很生氣
siakag | oblique angle | 斜角
siakaux | false religion; paganism (obsolete) | 邪教
siakbeh | thresh wheat | 賒麥; 摔麥
siakhiaxm | be in debt for goods bought on credit | 賒欠
siakhiog | clicked, immoral | 邪曲; 狡滑
siakhix | evil aura; noxious influence; perversity | 邪氣
siakløqlaai | fell down | 摔落來
siakphoax | dash to pieces (a dish); break something by dashing it on the ground | 摔破
siaksie | fall to one's death; be dashed to death | 摔死
siaktharng | tub for threshing rice | 摔桶; (脫穀用的大木桶)
siaktiu | thresh rice in a barrel | 賒稻; 摔稻子
siaktoaxbiin | deep sleep | 摔大眠
siaktør | person to fall down; throw the opponent to the ground | 摔倒
siakuie | demon, devil, evil spirit | 賒鬼; 魔鬼
siakzheg | throw millet | 摔粟
sviakag | corner of city wall | 城角
sviakhaf | at the foot of the wall; near the wall | 城腳; 城下
sviakhix | allure away | 唌去
sviakhw | urban area | 城區
sviakii | kinosaki | 城崎
sviakngf | sound and light | 聲光
sviakngr | larynx | 聲管; 喉管
sørpiagpiak | love deeply | 愛極了
thiensiakuie | devil | 天邪鬼
thviakag | audio; acoustic; audition; auditory; ear; the sense of hearing | 聽覺
thviakarng | listen to a lecture; speech | 聽講
thviakhie | sounds; have heard | 聽起
thviakhvoax | listen to see whether | 聽看
thviakhøx | attend class or a lecture | 聽課
thviakoaf | listen to songs | 聽歌
thviakoex | have heard | 聽過
thviakorng | It is reported that...; according to unconfirmed reports | 聽說; 聽講; ...
thviakvix | hear; hearing; to hear (Lit. perceive by listening); can hear (have the faculty or power to hear); hear something without the express purpose or intention of listening to it | 聽見
tiak sngrpvoaa | do abacus - budget wisely | 擉算盤
tiak | catapult | 擉
tiaksngrpvoaa | abacus | 擉算盤
tvialaai-tviakhix | be staggered; to reel | 搖搖晃晃
viakhw | military post or camp | 營區
viakiao | win at gambling | 賭贏; 贏錢
viakiuu | win | 贏球
viakoarn | operation management | 營管
viakoex | won | 贏過
zoxthviakhix | hearing aid | 助聽器

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