"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Giam'oong | Ruler of Hades; King of Hell | 閻王
Giamkwn | king of hell | 閻君
Giamlø'oong | Ruler of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
Giamløoong | Ruler of Hades, King of Hell | 閻羅王
Iasof Serngmiaa ciamlea | Feast of Holy Name (Catholic) | 耶穌聖名瞻禮
Kiamzuie | a city in Tainan County | 鹽水
Serngbør zhwkied ciamlea | Feast of the Purification (Catholic) | 聖母取潔瞻禮
Serngthea Ciamlea | corpus Christi (Catholic) | 聖體瞻禮
Thok'hog zhekgiam | Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) | 托福測驗
ang'iam | gorgeously red | 紅艷
armliam | recite; repeat from memory; recite from memory; recitation | 暗唸; 默記; 背誦; 背念; 默唸
baxnliam kuxhoef | completely discouraged; extremely pessimistic; totally devoid of ambition and hope | 萬念俱灰
baxnsexng bongtng'iam | chronic appendicitis | 慢性盲腸炎
begliam | recite; recitation; to teach with book closed; silently think of; repeat a passage; read meditatively; silently; ponder or think | 默念
bin'ix zhekgiam | poll taking; public opinion survey | 民意測驗
bongtng'iam | appendicitis | 盲腸炎
bongtngg-iam | appendicitis | 盲腸炎
byiam | beautiful and voluptuous; glamorous | 美豔
bøkenggiam | inexperienced | 無經驗
bøkiambøsiafm | tasteless | 無鹹無纖
bøo liamthie | shameless; devoid of honor | 無廉恥
chiam'aq | to take somebody into custody | 簽押
chiam'ar | a slip of bamboo engraved with signs to be used in gambling or divination | 籤仔; 簽仔
chiam'ii kanggiap | textile industry | 纖維工業
chiam'ii | fiber; fibre | 纖維
chiam'ii-beghoax | change and influence unobtrusively and imperceptibly | 潛移默化
chiam'ii-sox | cellulose | 纖維素
chiam'iog | sign; conclude (treaty; contract) | 簽約
chiam'isox | cellulose | 纖維素
chiam'ixn | sign or put a seal on | 簽印
chiam'iøh | injection | 纖藥; 注射藥
chiam'uii | fiber; fibre; fiber; plastic fiber | 纖維
chiambiet | wipe up; annihilation | 殲滅
chiamhok | to be dormant | 潛伏
chiamhok-kii | incubation period, latent period | 潛伏期
chiamji | sign; signature; to sign or initial | 簽字
chiamjixpid | signature pen | 簽字筆
chiamkoaan | exceed or usurp authority | 奪權
chiamli | signature | 簽字
chiammiaa | sign name; sign; put down one's signature | 簽名
chiammiapho | an autograph book | 簽名簿
chiammoo | cilia | 纖毛
chiamngg | doors of a vehicle | 車門
chiamsuo | sign or initial a document | 簽署
chiamsy | lot poem; One's fortune written in verse obtained by divination at a temple | 籤詩
chiamtaang | bamboo tube for holding skewers | 籤筒
chiamteeng | to present or submit to a superior | 簽呈
chiamteng | signed | 簽訂
chiamtexng habtoong | sign a contract | 簽訂合同
chiamtexng tiau'iog | sign a treaty | 簽訂條約
chiamtheeng | office note addressed to a superior | 簽呈
chiamtiaau | memo; office note | 簽條
chiamtvaf | carrying pole with tapered ends | 扁擔; (長且兩端尖)
chiamtørpho | attendance book | 簽到簿
chiamtøx | sign the attendance book at the office; firm or factory | 簽到
chiamzexng | visa, grant a visa | 簽證
chiamzuie | diving; dive | 潛水
chiegiam luxnlyhak | experimental logic | 試驗論理學
chiegiam | test; try; trial; experiment; to experiment; to try; test or examine | 試驗
chiekiamcviar | taste the flavor, test | 試味道, 考驗
chix kiamcviar | taste the flavor; test | 試鹹淡; 考驗
chviamia | fatal; mortal; deadly; to sacrifice one's life | 成命; 致命
chviuoliam | rap | 唱念
ciaarm'ciamciafm | very sharp (point) | 尖尖尖
ciam | gradual(ly); temporarily; gradually; little by little; by degrees | 漸; 暫; 暫時
ciam'ab'ar | small needle case | 針盒仔
ciam'afbie | kind of rice in Taiwan | 占仔米; 在來米之一種
ciam'ah | a box for needles and threads | 針盒
ciam'ar | hairpins; lady's ornamental hair pin | 簪仔; 簪子
ciam'ieseg | the subconscious; subconscious | 潛意識
ciam'ii-beghoax | imperceptibly | 潛移默化
ciam'iorng | armature-fish | 潛養; 針鯒; 電樞魚
ciam'iøh | injection | 針藥
ciamboea | point of a needle | 針尖, 針尾
ciambong | aspire to; hope for; raise one's head and look far ahead | 瞻望; 精神狂亂
ciamboxngkviax | periscope | 潛望鏡
ciambøea | (adj) most advanced and sophisticated; (adj) highest peak; the best; cusp; point of a needle | 尖尾; 尖端; 針尖; 針尾
ciambøeftøf | sharp pointed knife | 尖尾刀
ciamchiaf | sewing machine | 針車; 縫紉機; 裁縫機
ciamchie | shrew mouse | 針鼠
ciamchix | pin; needle; thorn; sting | 針刺
ciamchix-hoad | acupuncture | 針刺法
ciamciafm | extremely shaped; tapering; pointed; sharp pointed | 尖尖; 尖尖的
ciamcid | knit; knitting | 針織
ciamcie | needle work and embroidery | 針姐; 針線工作; 女紅
ciamcieen korhiø | very cautious (Lit. look forward and backward) | 瞻前顧後
ciamciøh | a aborigine village in Hsinchu County | 尖石
ciamgarn | needle-eye | 尖眼; 針眼
ciamgiorng | to look respectfully; look up respectfully; pay respects to; admire | 瞻仰
ciamheeng | stealth; go secretly | 潛行
ciamhiøh | needle-leaf | 針葉
ciamhiøh-chiu | needle-leaved tree, a conifer | 針葉樹
ciamhiøqchiu | conifers; coniferous trees | 針葉樹
ciamhoad | stitch | 針法
ciamhoef | wearing | 簪花
ciamhofng | sharp attack; pin point | 針鋒
ciamhogkii | incubation period; latent period | 潛伏期
ciamhogsexng | latency | 潛伏性
ciamhok | lurk; dormancy; be in hiding; lie hidden; latent; hidden; concealed | 潛伏
ciamhok-kii | incubation period, latent period | 潛伏期
ciamjip | steal on; enter secretly; slip in; dive into water | 潛入
ciamjoe | sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed | 尖銳
ciamkag | keen-edged | 尖角
ciamkhaf | needle stitch | 尖腳
ciamkhafng liap'viafky | surveillance camera | 針孔攝影機
ciamkhafng | pinprick; hole made by a needle | 針孔; 針空
ciamkhaiuochiuo | tender hands and feet unfit for menial work | 尖跤幼手
ciamkheg | acrimonious | 尖刻
ciamkiux | acupuncture and moxibustion; acupuncture and cauterization | 針灸
ciamkoax sngrmia | tell one's fortune by divination | 占卦算命
ciamkoax | divine; tell fortunes by means of the eight diagrams | 占卦; 卜卦
ciamkux | acupuncture and moxibustion; acupuncture and cauterization | 針灸; 針炙
ciamlea | feast day (Catholic) | 瞻禮
ciamleeng | potential energy; potentiality | 潛能
ciamlefgo | Thursday | 瞻禮五
ciamleftvoaf | calendar of feasts (Catholic) | 瞻禮單
ciamlek | potential; hidden force; unused strength | 潛力
ciamphvi | pinhole; eye of a needle | 針孔; 針鼻; 針眼
ciampog | divination, divine | 占卜
ciamsealek | potential | 潛勢力
ciamsefng-sut | astrology | 占星術
ciamsiw | cultivate oneself in quiet privacy | 潛修
ciamsoafn | acrid | 尖酸
ciamsviaf | penetrating sound, sharp sound | 尖聲; 尖銳聲
ciamsviaf-kiøx | strident | 尖聲叫
ciamsvoax | needle and thread; needle and thread; needle work | 針線
ciamsym giefnkiux | study diligently,and concentrately with a quiet mind | 潛心研究
ciamsym | concentrate on | 潛心
ciamtaang | a syringe | 針筒; 注射筒
ciamthaau | pinhead; sharp point | 針頭; 尖頭
ciamthaq | needle tower | 尖塔
ciamtherng | submarine | 潛艇; 潛水艇
ciamtoafn | jut; acme; cusp; point; tip; high point; climax | 尖端
ciamtuix | in allusion to; be aimed at; contrapose; aim directly at; to focus on | 針對
ciamtun | escape secretly; slip away | 潛遁
ciamtøf | sharp knife | 尖刀
ciamtøo | to abscond; flee secretly; slip away; abscond | 潛逃
ciamzai ieseg | subconscious | 潛在意識
ciamzai lenglek | potentiality | 潛在能力
ciamzai | latent | 潛在
ciamzhaq | pincushion, needle-cushion | 尖插; 真墊
ciamzhuiegveh'ar | sharp plier | 尖喙夾仔
ciamzhuiekudar | small digging tools | 尖喙掘仔
ciamzhuix | pointed mouth | 尖嘴
ciamzhuo | shrew mouse | 尖鼠
ciamzngx | a drill | 尖鑽
ciamzuie zartaan | depth charge | 潛水炸彈
ciamzuie | diving; dive | 潛水
ciamzuie-oaan | a diver | 潛水員
ciamzuylam | submarine | 潛水艦
ciamzuyoaan | diver; frogman | 潛水員; 水鬼
ciamzuypve | submarine sickness; the bends | 潛水病
ciamzuytheeng | submarine | 潛水艇
ciamzuytherng | submarine | 潛水艇
ciamzuyy | diving suit | 潛水衣
ciamzvae | thimble | 尖頂; 針指; 頂針
ciaxmciam | in process of time; with time; gradually; gradually; little by little | 漸漸
ciaxmciam'ar | gradually | 漸漸仔
cidciunii kieliam | first anniversary | 一週年紀念
cietkhiam | frugality; economise; prudence; be frugal; practice austerity; economize | 節儉
cikhiekngfiam | bronchitis | 支氣管炎
ciunii kieliam | commemoration of an anniversary | 週年紀念
cviamih | to become a decent person; be something | 成器; 成物; 像樣
cviamii | all night long | 整夜
cviamngh | decent | 成物
ernggiam | to come true; come true (prophecies | 應驗
giam siofng | eaternal confinement room | 驗傷
giam | to examine or check; test | 驗
giam'ar | temple | 岩仔; 巖; 寺院
giambeeng | stern and impartial (administration of law); hard but fair (said of discipline) | 嚴明
giambeng | a stern order; father's command | 嚴命
giambit | rigid of tight; to the letter stern; rigid discipline; stiff rules; rigid | 嚴密
giamgiaam | strictly, sternly, severely | 嚴嚴
giamgve | resilient | 嚴硬
giamgvi | resilient | 嚴硬
giamhaan | severely cold; severe cold (weather) | 嚴寒
giamhad | severely exercise control over | 嚴轄; 嚴格
giamheeng | harsh punishments; tortures; inflexible administration of justice; severe punishment | 嚴刑
giamhoat | severe punishment; heavy punishment | 嚴罰; 嚴懲
giamhoong | be strictly on guard against; take strict precautions against; keep a sharp lookout for; guard carefully | 嚴防
giamhu | stern father; severe father; father; my father (honorific) | 嚴父
giamjieen | having the true appearance; like real | 儼然
giamkaf koafnsog | exercise strict discipline over (juniors or subordinates) | 嚴加管束
giamkeq | strict, rigid, strictness | 嚴格
giamkheg | harsh; exacting | 嚴刻
giamkhog | cruel; unrelenting; strict and ruthless; cruel | 嚴酷
giamkirn | rigorous; strict; careful; cautious; compact; well-knit | 嚴謹
giamkiux | to investigate closely, to examine carefully | 嚴究
giamkixm | strictly forbid; prohibit or forbid strictly | 嚴禁
giamkwn | father | 嚴君
giamle | strict | 嚴厲
giamleng | strict order; strictly order; severe order | 嚴令; 嚴格命令
giamlø'oong | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
giamløo | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅
giamløo-oong | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
giampan | to punish severely; to clamp down on; deal with severely | 嚴辦
giamsiog | solemn; seriousness; serious-looking | 嚴肅
giamsirm | severe investigation | 嚴審
giamsiuo piebit | preserve strict secrecy; strictly confidential | 嚴守秘密
giamsiuo tionglip | observe strict neutrality | 嚴守中立
giamsuu | stern words | 嚴詞
giamsw | a stern teacher; strict teacher | 嚴師
giamtafng | harsh winter | 嚴冬
giamtiong | serious; seriousness; severe | 嚴重
giamtofng | cold winter | 嚴冬
giamzay | strict fast, absolutely without meat | 嚴齋; 嚴齊
giamzeg | reprimand severely | 嚴責
giamzexng | test; verify; strictly correct or just | 嚴正
giamzuxn | serve | 嚴峻
giliam | suspect in mind; doubt in mind | 疑念
gixbu koanliam | sense of duty | 義務觀念
gvauqgvauqliam | muttered; mutters; mumbling; chattering | 咬咬唸; 咕噥; 喃喃
gymsiong-thiamhoaf | embroider flowers on a piece of brocade--to make a good thing even better | 錦上添花
habseeng-chiam'uii | synthetic fibers | 合成纖維
haglek zhekgiam | examination of scholastic ability | 學力測驗
hauxgiam | effective, efficacious, effectiveness | 效驗; 有效
hengmoh-iam | pleurisy | 胸膜炎
hiam'iax | dissatisfy and dislike, sick of | 嫌惡; 厭惡
hiam'og | to loathe | 嫌惡
hiambi | peppery, hot, pungent taste or smell | 辛味; 辣味
hiambixsi | dislike, grumble | 嫌惟是; 無理由地討厭
hiamciø'ar | red peppers; capsicums | 辣椒仔
hiamciøar | red peppers, capsicums | 薟椒仔
hiamciøf | pepper | 辣椒; 薟椒
hiamciør | to think insufficient | 辣椒; 嫌少
hiamgiciar | suspect; suspected person | 嫌疑者
hiamgihoan | a suspect | 嫌疑者; 嫌疑犯
hiamgii | suspect; suspicion | 嫌疑; 懷疑
hiamhiafm | pungent | 辛辛; 薟薟
hiamhoaan | to dislike the trouble | 嫌棄; 嫌煩
hiamhoan | a suspect in a crime | 嫌犯
hiamhoex | not to be satisfied with something | 嫌貨
hiamkhi | keep away from (person) out of dislike | 嫌忌
hiamkhix | to abandon (lover or wife) | 嫌棄
hiamkhor | dissatisfied because of difficulty | 嫌苦
hiamkuix | too expensive | 嫌貴
hiamkviuar | hot petter | 薟薑仔
hiamliau | spice | 辛料
hiamtafng-hiamsay | criticise everything of no exact | 嫌東嫌西
hiamzefng | hate | 嫌憎
hie'iam | pneumonia | 肺炎
hieiam | pneumonia | 肺炎
hiemoh-iam | pleurisy | 肺膜炎
hiemoqiam | pulmonary; pneumonia | 肺膜炎
hienliam | to be concerned, anxiety, concernment | 懸念; 賢念
hiongthor-koanliam | provincialism; narrow minded loyalty to one's hometown | 鄉土觀念
hoailiam | pine after; to have sweet memory of; miss; think of | 懷念
hoargiam | test; to make a chemical examination; subject to chemical analysis | 化驗
hoargiam-seg | a loboratory | 化驗室; 化驗所
hoarhak chiam'uii | synthetic fiber | 化學纖維
hoarhak sidgiam | chemical experiment | 化學實驗
hoat'iam | to become infected; inflammation; become inflamed like an eye or a tooth | 發炎
hoefiam | flame | 火燄
hogmoh-iam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hogmøqiam | Peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hokmoh-iam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hokmøqiam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hudzuo ciamtherng | nuclear submarine | 核子潛艇
huie'iam | pneumonia | 肺炎
huieiam | pneumonia | 肺炎
hviamoe | elder brother and younger sister; man and his young sister | 兄妹
høefiam | flame | 火焰; 火炎
iam | inflammation | 燄; 炎; 焰
iam'arng'ar | salt urn | 鹽甕仔
iam'oo | salt lake | 鹽湖
iambi | saline taste | 鹽味
iambu-kiok | salt monopoly | 鹽務局
iambuxkiok | salt monopoly | 鹽務局
iamcvie | salt wells | 鹽井
iamguu | castrate a bull | 閹牛
iamhoear | little salt | 鹽花仔; 一點點鹽巴
iamhun | percentage of saltiness salinity | 鹽份
iamhwn | salt content; salinity | 鹽分
iamkef | castrate roosters, a capon | 閹雞
iamkekviaa | walk on one's hands | 倒立走
iamkhoxng | salt mines | 鹽礦
iamkoaq | to castrate | 閹割
iamkoef | capon | 閹雞
iamkvoaf | a eunuch | 宦官; 閹官
iamkøef | capon | 閹雞
iamlo | wet salt | 鹽露; 鹽潮濕
iamlui | salt (in chemistry) | 鹽類
iampe | drowned | 淹斃
iamsiofng | salt merchant | 鹽商
iamsiog | cover up | 掩飾
iamsng'ar | mulberry fruit | 桑葚仔; 鹽桑仔; 小葉桑
iamsngf | hydrochloric acid | 鹽酸
iamsngtiin | rubber creeper | 鹽酸藤
iamsoex | salt-tax | 鹽稅
iamsokøef | Taiwanese crispy salty chicken | 鹽酥雞
iamsox | chlorine | 鹽素
iamsøex | salt tax | 鹽稅
iamthor | fill in a grave | 掩土
iamtieen | slattern; salt bed | 鹽田
iamtviaa | slattern; salt bed | 鹽埕; 鹽池; 鹽田
iamtw | to castrate a boar | 閹豬
iamty | castrate pigs; hog | 閹豬
iamzexng | salt monopoly administration | 鹽政
iamzhaan | salt pan; salina | 鹽田
iamzuie zuosia | saline injection | 鹽水注射; 打鹽水針
iamzuie | salt water; brine | 鹽水
iamzvea | salt wells | 鹽井
iamzvoaa | brine-spring | 鹽泉
iau'iam | pretty and flirtatious; seductive charms; seductive; (with) heavy make-up; meretricious | 妖豔
iaxm'iam | beautiful, gorgeous (flower), brilliant, shiny (gold, diamond), flaming (fire) | 炎炎; 艷; 豔豔
ieliam | an idea; a thought | 意念
imliam | lust | 淫念
imtø-iam | vaginitis | 陰道炎
iogliam | desire; longing; craving | 慾念
irngiam | to be fulfilled | 應驗
isvoariam | pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) | 胰腺炎
itliam | a thought | 一念
itliam-cy-kafn | just at the moment | 一念之間
itliam-cy-zhaf | (full adage: ‘itliam cy zhaf, ciongsyn cy hoex') a wrong decision made in a moment of weakness; a false step | 一念之差
iøchiøq-iam | pancreatitis | 腰觸炎; 腰尺炎
iøcyiam | inflammation of the kidneys; nephritis | 腎臟炎; 腰子炎
jiafzhao liamhoef | have one love affair after another (said of males) | 惹草拈花
jiamoaa | to hide the truth; to conceal | 遮瞞; 隱瞞
jibhagchiegiam | an entrance exam | 入學試驗
jibliam | to put a corpse in a coffin | 入殮
jidsw-iaxliam | think about day and night | 日思夜念
jiøxkngfiam | inflammation of the urethra | 尿管炎
jiøxtø-iam | urethritis | 尿道炎
jiøxtøxiam | urethritis | 尿道炎
juhor thiam'ek | like adding wings to a tiger (literally)--with added strength; greatly strengthened or reinforced | 如虎添翼
juo-giamtiong | more serious | 愈嚴重
ka'iuu-thiamzhox | exaggerate or give embellishment to a story | 加油添醋
kaegiamleng | martial law | 戒嚴令
kaeliam | concept | 概念
kafmliam | gratitude | 感念
kahzoxngsvoariam | thyroiditis; inflammation of the thyroid gland | 甲狀腺炎
kakmoqiam | inflammation of the cornea | 角膜炎
kauxkauxliam | nagging | 詬詬唸
kehmoqiam | diaphragmatitis; inflammation of the diaphragm | 隔膜炎
kenggiam honghux | rich in experience | 經驗豐富
kenggiam | experience | 經驗
kenggiam-simlyhak | empirical psychology | 經驗心理學
khaciamchiwiux | slender hands and fee | 跤尖手幼
khaeliam | concept; notion; conception; general idea; notion | 概念
khaf tiam`tiøh | tread on a stone in such wise that a stone bruise may result | 腳硌到; 腳砧著
khaikog-kieliam | commemoration of the foundation of a country | 開國紀念
khamgiam | Inspection | 勘驗
kharmgiam | examine on the spot; officially inspect the state of a place or person (esp. as to injuries) | 堪驗
khatliam | long for (e.g.; an absent friend); to miss very much | 渴念; 渴慕
khauqkhauqliam | complain continually | 愕愕念; 嘀咕個無停
khawlaixiam | stomatitis; canker sores) | 口內炎; 口腔炎
khekkhiam | have capacity for industry and thrift | 克儉
khekkhiin-khekkhiam | diligent and frugal | 克勤克儉
khiam | frugality; thrifty; frugal; to save; economize | 儉; 節儉; 節省
khiam'ar | nip | 鉗仔
khiamhw | humble and willing to receive instruction | 謙虛
khiamhy | humility; condescension; modest; unassuming | 謙虛
khiamhøo | meekly; modest and good-natured; mild; meek | 謙和
khiamjiong | yield from modesty | 謙讓
khiamkexng | respectful; unassuming | 謙敬
khiamkiofng | respectful; unassuming | 謙恭
khiampy | modesty; humility; modest; self-depreciative | 謙卑; 謙遜
khiamsex | modesty; humility; modest; self-depreciative | 謙勢; 謙遜
khiamsun | humbly compliant | 謙順
khiamsurn | modesty; humility; modest; self-depreciative | 謙遜
khiamsuu | modest speech; humble remark | 謙詞
khiamsuxn | humble, modest, humility, modesty | 謙遜
khiamthøex | humbly retreat | 謙退
khiaxmkhiam | economical, thrifty, money saving | 儉儉
khiaxmkhiam'ar eng | frugal | 儉儉仔用
khie'iam | bluster, overweening arrogance | 氣炎
khiecid-ciamtøo | desert one's post and take flight | 棄職潛逃
khieiam | bluster, overweening arrogance | 氣艷; 傲慢自大
khiekngfciiam | bronchitis | 氣管支炎
khiekngfcy-iam | bronchitis | 氣管之炎; 氣管支炎
khiekngfiam | bronchitis | 氣管炎
khietiam | air cushion; air mattress | 氣墊
khiezoat sialiam | reject impure thoughts (Catholic) | 棄絕邪念
khinkhiam | diligence and frugality; diligent and economical | 勤儉
khiukhiam | thrifty; penny-pinching; very thrifty and rather niggardly | 虯儉; 吝嗇; 省儉; 節儉
khiukhiuu-khiaxmkhiam | hard working and thrifty during one's life | 虯虯儉儉; 勤苦節儉
khiuu køq khiam | stingy and thrifty person | 虯擱儉; 又小氣又節儉
khoarliam | be anxious about; have on one's mind | 掛念
khongkhietiam | air mattress | 空氣墊
khunkhiam | industrious and frugal | 勤儉
khvikhiam | to be frugal; to practice austerity; to economize | 節儉; 纏儉
khøfgiam | test; trial; examine | 考驗
khørtiam | arm-rest, leg-rest | 靠墊; 坐墊
kiafmgiam | to inspect and examine inspection; inspection; examination | 檢驗
kiafmgiam-sw | laboratory technician, optometrist | 檢驗師
kiam'iong | to unite multiple purpose in one; combine; serve as well | 兼用
kiam'va | salty stuffing | 鹹餡
kiam'vii | salty balls of glutinous rice | 鹹圓; 鹹湯圓
kiambaq | salted meat | 鹹肉
kiambee | salty porridge | 鹹糜
kiambi | salty taste; saltiness | 鹹味
kiambu | to unite duties in one; to take two or more business simultaneously | 兼務
kiamcid | take two or more jobs at the same time; take two or more jobs; hold a concurrent post | 兼職
kiamcviar | salty or tasteless | 鹹淡; 鹹汫
kiamgiap | take two or more jobs | 兼業
kiamheeng | to manage or handle simultaneously | 兼行
kiamhii | salted fish | 鹹魚
kiamhuu | salty fish | 鹹魚
kiamjim | to serve concurrently as (a secretary; etc.); to have a side job; additional post; concurrent; to hold an additional post | 兼任
kiamkea | salty rice cake | 鹹粿
kiamkhøx | part-time teacher | 兼課
kiamkiaam | salty, somewhat bitter of words | 鹹鹹
kiamkoarn | to also look after; to also have charge of; also look after; also take charge of | 兼管
kiamkoea | salty rice cake | 鹹粿
kiamkogkef | salty baked chicken | 鹹焗雞
kiamkogkoef | salty baked chicken | 鹹焗雞
kiamkox | to look after both sides; look after both sides; take care of the needs of both parties | 兼顧
kiamlie | manage in addition | 兼理
kiamlienhii | salted fish – implies a person who is stingy | 鹹鰱魚
kiamlienhuu | red chub; also imply a stingy person | 鹹鰱魚
kiamlim | part time | 兼任
kiammoaai | a salted soft rice porridge | 鹹糜; 鹹粥; 鹹稀飯
kiammoai'ar | pickled plum | 鹹糜仔; 鹹梅仔; 酸梅
kiammoe'ar | pickled plum | 鹹糜仔; 鹹梅仔; 酸梅
kiammoee | a salted soft rice; congee flavored with pork; vegetables | 鹹粥; 鹹糜; 肉粥; 鹹稀飯
kiammøee | salty congee; salty rice gruel | 鹹粥
kiamnng | salted eggs | 鹹蛋
kiampan | to manage or handle simultaneously; manage; handle simultaneously | 兼辦
kiamphafng | salty and sweet-smelling; salty and delicious at the same time | 鹹香
kiamsexng | saltiness | 鹹性
kiamsiab | salty and slightly bitter taste that numbs the tongue; miser | 鹹澀; 吝嗇
kiamsiafm | a little bit salty taste | 鹹瞻; 微帶鹹味
kiamsiw | accept more than one, attend for an additional class | 檢收; 兼收
kiamsngkhofcviar | life is hard | 鹹酸苦淡; 比喻生活很苦
kiamsngtvy | candied or preserved fruit; candied; preserved fruit | 鹹酸甜; 蜜餞
kiamsokef | salty baked chicken | 鹹酥雞
kiamsokoef | salty baked chicken | 鹹酥雞
kiamtheeng | to proceed on one's trip on the double | 兼程
kiamtoax | salted things | 鹹帶; 醃漬物
kiamtoktog | very salty | 鹹啄啄; 很鹹
kiamtva | light salty | 鹹淡
kiamtøe | salty area, salt marsh | 鹹地; 鹽地
kiamvi'ar | salty rice ball | 鹹圓仔
kiamzaxng | small packet of rice and meat | 鹹粽; 肉粽子
kiamzhaepor | salted dry turnip | 鹹菜脯
kiamzhaix | pickled vegetables; pickles; mustard plant; pickled vegetables (especially mustard-green) | 鹹菜; 酸菜
kiamzhao | grass for making bags; sea-grass (used to make mats) | 鹹草; 鹵草; 海草
kiamzhay | concurrent posts | 兼差
kiamzuie | salt water; brine | 鹽水; 鹹水
kiamzuie-oo | salt lakes | 鹹水湖
kiamzuyhii | sea fish | 鹹水魚
kiamzuyoo | salt lakes | 鹹水湖
kiau'iam | beautiful; gorgeous | 嬌豔
kieliam | remember; commemorate | 紀念; 記念
kieliam-but | a keepsake, a memento, a token | 記念物
kieliam-jit | day of commemoration; memorial day | 紀念日
kieliam-py | monument | 紀念碑
kietmoqiam | conjunctivitis | 結膜炎
kiettng'iam | colitis | 結腸炎
kigiam | wonderful experience; a strange experience | 奇驗
kimciamkof | flammulina enoki | 金針菇
kimciamzhaix | lily flower | 金針菜
kinpurn koanliam | radical concept | 根本觀念
kng'iam | bright-colored; gally-colored | 光艷; 鮮艷
kng'iaxm'iam | bright and dazzling | 光炎炎
koancied-iam | arthritis, rheumatism | 關節炎
koanciet'iam | arthritis | 關節炎
koanliam | a concept; an idea or view; idea | 觀念
koanzad-iam | arthritis | 關節炎
koanzat'iam | arthritis | 關節炎
koarliam | be anxious about; have on one's mind | 掛念
koeakerng-chiamzexng | transit visa | 過境簽證
koeakiamzuie | travel far overseas | 過鹽水
kokkaf koanliam | sense of nationality | 國家觀念
korliam | to care for; to be worried about | 顧念
kuixtiam | cushions for kneeling; kneeling cushion | 跪墊
kut'iam | osteities | 骨炎
kutmoqiam | periostitis; inflammation of the periosteum | 骨膜炎
kutzhøefiam | osteomyelitis; a purulent inflammation of the bone | 骨髓炎
kvoa'iam | hepatitis, inflammation of the liver | 肝炎
kvoaiam | hepatitis | 肝炎
ky-chiam'ii | muscle fiber | 肌纖維
kyliam iuphiøx | commemorative stamp | 紀念郵票
kyliam ivi | memorial hospital | 紀念醫院
kyliam | remember; commemorate | 紀念
kyliam-ciofng | memorial badge, memorial pina | 紀念章
kyliam-jit | memorial day, anniversary | 紀念日
kymsiong-thiamhoaf | add flowers to embroidery; to give something or someone additional splendor | 錦上添花
køeagiam | inspect | 過驗
legmoqiam | pleurisy | 肋膜炎
lenggiam | prediction; (said of a prediction)to come true; medicine); charm; (a drug) with uncanny or unbelievable efficacy; prophecy come true; with unbelievable accuracy; efficacious protection (attributed to an idol | 靈驗
lengsvoariam | mastitis | 乳腺炎
liam huciux | recite charms; chantan incantation; mutter spells | 念咒; 念符咒
liam siarzoexkefng | say the act of contrition; give sacramental absolution (Catholic) | 念赦罪經
liam thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 以話暗示
liam | though, reflections, think of, consider, remember, to chant, recite, repeat from memory, to recall | 捻; 念
liam'afhii | catfish | 鯰仔魚
liam'ar | sickle | 鐮仔; 鯰魚; 鯰仔; 鎌刀
liam'ek | mucus; viscous liquid; mucilage | 黏液; 粘液
liam`tiøh | think of | 念著; 思念
liambeeng | incorruptible and intelligent (of officials); clean handed and clear headed | 廉明
liamciap | nimble; shrewd | 連捷; 敏捷
liamcid | upright, correct in conduct | 廉質
liamcied | sharp sense of integrity; frugal; thrifty; not avaricious | 廉節
liamhap | to cohere, to stick together | 黏合
liamhii | a catfish | 鯰魚
liamhoef | twist flowers; womanize | 拈花
liamhuu | flat head lake fish with no scales | 鯰魚
liamhviw | to offer incense in worship; offer incense (powder before a coffin just before burial) | 上香; 拈香
liamjiong | sell (property) for a low price | 廉讓
liamkaf | glue | 粘膠; 黏膠
liamkex | cheaply-priced; cheap; reasonable prices; low price | 廉價
liamkhaf | walking softly and noiselessly; walk softly on one's tiptoes | 躡足
liamkhaf-liamchiuo | walking with light steps; walking stealthily | 躡手躡腳
liamkhakviaa | walking softly so as to avoid making a noise | 躡足走
liamkhauar | draw lots | 拈鬮仔
liamkhaw | draw lots | 拈鬮; 抽籤
liamkied | purity; honest; not corruptible | 廉潔
liamkiet | probity, integrity, uprightness | 廉潔
liamleg'ar | sickle for rice harvesting | 鐮刀仔; 鎌刀; 割稻刀
liamliaam | be sticky; be glutinous; be adhesive | 粘粘; 粘粘的
liamlii | very moving; overwhelming; powerful | 淋漓
liamløo | sticky, adhesive | 濃濁
liammi'ar | just a second | 連鞭仔
liammilaai | will come shortly | 連鞭來; 馬上來
liammisii | in a short moment | 連鞭時; 馬上
liammoh | mucous membrane | 黏膜; 粘膜
liammoqar | mucous membrane | 黏膜仔
liammy | at once; right away; immediately | 連鞭; 馬上
liampox | plaster; adhesive tape | 膠布; 黏布
liampvisii | in a short moment | 一會兒; 馬上
liampvy | immediate; prompt; promptly; at once; be about to (do something); right away; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; in one moment; immediately | 連鞭; 待會兒; 馬上
liamsexng | viscosity | 黏性; 粘性
liamsiaq | to solder | 銲錫
liamsiaq`ee | a tinsmith | 錫匠; 馬口鐵匠
liamsii | provisional; provisionally; special; temporary; suddenly; just at the moment; on the spot | 臨時
liamsiuu | bargain sale; sell cheap (at a reduced price); sell for a low price | 廉售
liamsvakuun | one-piece dress | 連衫裙
liamtaq | to paste, glue, stick | 黏填; 黏貼
liamthie | sense of honor; modest; bashful; decorous; sense of honor; bashfulness; modesty; integrity of character | 廉恥
liamthithy | sticky | 粘黐黐
liamthoo | clay | 黏土; 黏塗; 粘土
liamtiaau | stick together | 粘住; 黏牢
liamtiautiaau | stick together well | 黏牢牢
liamtit | honest and upright | 廉直
liamtiøh | to adhere | 黏著
liamtongsii | abruptly; unexpectedly | 臨當時; 突然
liamzhanvef | dragonfly | 拈田嬰
liamzhanvy | dragonfly | 拈田嬰
liaxmliam putboong | remember and not forget | 念念無忘
liaxmliam | talking always, deeply reminded | 念念
libliam | place body into coffin | 入殮
liediam | blazing flames | 烈焰
limpasvoariam | lymphadenitis | 淋巴腺炎
limzhngg kenggiam | clinical experience | 臨床經驗
limzhngg sidgiam | experimentation (clinical) | 臨床實驗
liongkutzhoefiam | spinal meningitis | 脊 (髓)膜炎
liuliam | to accept or keep as a souvenir; leave or take as a keepsake; souvenir | 留念
loaxnliam | nagging | 亂念
luo-laai luo-giamtiong | progressive; going from bad to worse | 漸劇; 越來越嚴重
lyliam | reasonable concept; ideality | 理念
motng'iam | appendicitis | 盲腸炎
mxcviamih | not very good; does not come to much; something inferior | 毋成物
mxcviamiqar | bad thing | 毋成物仔
mxcviamngh | unimportant thing | 毋成物
na'aau-iam | laryngitis | 嚨喉炎
naw'iam | cerebro-spinal meningitis | 腦炎
nawiam | encephalitis | 腦炎
nawmoh-iam | meningitis | 腦膜炎
nawmoqiam | meningitidis; meningitis; brain fever | 腦膜炎
nawmøqiam | meningitits | 腦膜炎
noar kiamzhaix | rub mustard greens; rub with hands | 揉芥菜來製鹹菜; 形容揉來揉去
nyhaxsvoariam | mumps; parotitis inflammation of a parotid | 耳下腺炎; 腮腺腫
oadliam | recite; repeat from memory | 虹誦; 越唸; 背念
oaqliam | memorize | 活念; 背誦
ogiamkag | Black rock point | 烏岩角
okliam | evil thoughts; evil intentions | 惡念
pekchiamsy | soul-clearing lot | 逼籤詩
pharnliam | think of longingly | 盼念; 想念
phoehu'iam | dermatitis | 皮膚炎
phoehw chiegiam | skin test | 皮膚試驗
phvixiam | nasal catarrh | 鼻炎
phvixto-iam | nasosinusitis, sinusitis | 鼻竇炎
phvixtoxiam | sinusitis | 鼻竇炎
phynhak kiam'iw | excel in moral as well as academic performances; excellent not only morally but also academically | 品學兼優
phøetiam | seat cushion made by leather | 皮墊
phørgiam | to hold inquest | 剖驗
phøx-liamthie | shamelessness, infamy | 抱廉恥; 寡廉鮮恥
piawhviamoe | cousin | 表兄妹
pietchiamsy | explain drawing with poems | 逼籤詩
pizoxng'iam | inflammation of the spleen | 脾臟炎
poexliam | recite | 背念
pokchiamsy | divination poem | 卜籤詩
pongkofng-iam | cystitis | 膀胱炎
pongkong'iam | inflammation of the bladder; cystitis | 膀胱炎
put'giamtiong | not serious | 無嚴重; 不嚴重
putliam kuxog | forget past grudges; let bygones be bygones | 無念舊惡
pvoariammui'ar | half-yin and yang | 半陰陽仔
pvoariamviuar | half-yin and yang | 半陰陽仔
pvoariamviuee | half-yin and yang person | 半陰陽的
pvoariamviuu | hermaphrodite; (slang) | 陰陽人
pvoarkiamtvy | neither salty nor sweet; between salty and sweet | 半鹹甜
pvythøsvoax-iam | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺炎
seqseqliam | nagging | 踅踅念
siag iambie | toss rice and salt on the floor in order to avert the evil that might result from an unlucky utterance | 摔鹽米; 驅邪
sialiam | evil thoughts or intentions | 邪念
siam | support | 贍
siam'aan | search | 尋絚
siam'ar | cicada; locust | 蟬仔
siamoo | evil spirit | 邪魔
siamsw | zen master | 禪師
siamtiøh | find | 尋著
siamzuu | toad | 蟾蜍
siaoliam | give thought to (a person); to miss (something or someone) | 想念
siau'iam | reduce or eliminate inflammation | 消炎
sidgiam longtviuu | experimental farm | 實驗農場
sidgiam simlyhak | experimental psychology | 實驗心理學
sidgiam | experiment; experimentation; experiment; to test; experiment; test | 實驗
sidgiam-lun | postivism | 實驗論
sidgiam-seg | empirical formula | 實驗室; 實驗式
sidte chiegiam | actual tests; field testing | 實地試驗
sidtøxiam | esophagitis | 食道炎
sidzex ee kenggiam | practical experience | 實際經驗
sien'iam | bright | 鮮豔
siexnliam | kindness | 善念
simliam | thnk of | 心念
simlie zhekgiam | psychological test | 心理測驗
simsym-liaxmliam | mindful | 心心念念
sipliamthoo | wet stick coating | 溼黏塗
sipsipkiamkiaam | damp and salty | 溼溼鹹鹹
sirnliam | belief; conviction; faith | 信念
siuliam | put a corpse into a coffin; coffining rites | 收殮
siuo ciamlefjit | observe a feast day or holy day | 守瞻禮日
siwciamlea | to observe feasts | 守瞻禮
sixlek zhekgiam | vision test; visual acuity test | 視力測驗
sixnzoxng'iam | inflammation of the kidneys; nephritis | 腎臟炎
siøfsidgiam | small experiment | 小實驗
suiliam | have gracious thoughts towards | 垂念
suliam | think of; remember; remember or miss (the old days; friends; parents); to recall | 思念
susuliaxmliam | miss badly | 思思念念
suxthaix giamtiong | the state of affairs is serious | 事態嚴重
svahiamsiekerng | picky | 三嫌四揀
svi kiambaq | salt pork | 醃鹹肉
sviamngg | city gate; gate of city wall; castle gate | 城門
sviuxliam | give thought to (a person); to miss (something or someone) | 想念
taeliam | out of regard for a person; in consideration of; with attention to | 顧念; 帶念; 體諒
taixliam | cover a coffin ready for interment | 大斂
thamliam | greed | 貪念
thauciam'ar | hairpin | 頭簪仔; 頭釵
thefgiam | to experience | 體驗
thefliam | be understanding; make allowances for; be sympathetic toward | 體念
thiam | sip; to sink; submerge by throwing into the water | 沉; 填; 投沉
thiam'iuhviw | add oil fragrance- a type of donation made by Taiwanese who worship in temple | 添油香
thiam'iuu | add oil | 添油
thiamchiofng | to fill the blank | 添沖; 添充
thiamhog | add luck | 添福
thiamhoksiu | lunar leap month’s gift from married daughter | 添福壽
thiamhux | append (to a document) | 添副; 記入; 填上
thiamhøo | to fill up a stream | 添河
thiamjip | to fill in | 添入
thiamkaf | add on | 添加
thiamkaw | to fill up a ditch | 添溝
thiammoar | to stuff full | 添滿
thiampor | add an amendment, to make up a deficiency | 添補
thiampvii | to level off | 添平
thiamsiar | to fill letters in, to add in blanks (on a paper) | 添平; 添寫
thiamsiu | add to your longevity; live longer; May you have your allotted term of life lengthened by Heaven! | 添壽
thiamtefng hoatzaai | to increase in family and in wealth | 添丁發財
thiamtefng | have more son; beget a son; to have an increase in the number of sons or of male inhabitants | 添丁
thiamzaai | add fortune | 添財
thiamzeng | quiet and reserved | 添靜; 恬靜
thiamzngf | to add more gift to bride; wedding presents sent to the bride | 添粧; 添妝 (送新娘禮物)
thiamzux | add a note or notation, codicil, notation | 添註
thiugiam | random test | 抽驗
thiusiong khaeliam | abstract concepts or ideas | 抽象概念
thiusiong-kaeliam | abstract concept | 抽象概念
thiusiong-koanliam | abstract idea | 抽象觀念
thvialek chiegiam | audiometric test; take an audiometric test | 聽力試驗
thviamngg | the door of living room | 廳門
tiaarm'tiaxmtiam | extremely quiet | 恬恬恬
tiam hoecie | plant flower seeds | 種花苗
tiam | quiet; still; peaceful; undisturbed | 恬; 安靜
tiam'ar | cushion, kneeling pad | 墊仔
tiam'ee | mend the soles of shoes | 修補鞋子
tiam'øee | mend the soles of shoes | 砧鞋; 補鞋
tiam`khix | be stopped, have stopped | 恬去
tiampheoee | shoe repairment | 砧皮鞋
tiamphoeee | shoe repairment | 砧皮鞋
tiamtea | sunk to the bottom | 沉底
tiamtiafm | pinch- like sand in shoes | 砧砧
tiamtøea | sink to the bottom | 沉底
tiaxmtiam | still; quiet; motionless | 無動; 恬恬; 停頓; 安靜!住口!緘默地!偷偷地
tiaxmtiam'ar jip`khix | in silently; steal into; enter without knocking | 恬恬仔進去; 偷偷地進去
tiaxmtiam'ar kviaa | walk along very leisurely | 恬恬仔走
tiaxmtiam'ar | quietly | 恬恬仔; 安靜
tieleeng zhekgiam | IQ test; intelligence test | 智能測驗
tielek zhekgiam | IQ test; intelligence test | 智力測驗
tiernliam | to reflect on | 惦念
tiexnliam | to reflect on, to be concerned about | 電念
tiokciam | little by little; gradually | 逐漸
tiongnyiam | middle ear inflammation; otitis media; tympanitis | 中耳炎
tng'afiam | inflammation of the intestines; intestinal or bowel catarrh; enteritis | 腸仔炎
toafnciam | transient; brief; short period | 短暫
toaxciamlea | big feast day (Catholic) | 大瞻禮
toaxciamsvoaterng | big mountain top | 大尖山頂
torngtiam | block and quite | 擋恬
tuiliam | remember with nostalgia or gratitude; to think on kindness or good deeds done to us in times long past; review the past | 追念
tvafiam | inflammation of the gallbladder | 膽炎
tvaflong'iam | cholelithiasis; cholecystitis; inflammation of the gallbladder | 膽囊炎
tvafloong-iam | have cholecystitis, have inflammation of the | 膽囊炎
tvietiaxmtiam | keep silent | 佯恬恬
tørliam | repeat backwards | 倒念
tøxteg koanliam | moral concept | 道德觀念
u kenggiam | experienced; have had the experience of | 有經驗
u-kenggiam | experienced | 有經驗
uixiam | gastritis | 胃炎
uixtng'iam | gastroenteritis | 胃腸炎
uixtngg-iam | inflammation of stomach and intestine | 胃腸炎
ytiam | chair cushions | 椅墊
ytiam'ar | chair cushion | 椅墊仔
zabliam | intrusive thought; nag; incessant complain; speak out of turn; shoot off one's mouth; grumbling; make idle complaints; worldly thoughts | 雜念; 雜唸; 嘮叨; 多嘴
zagiam | investigate; examine | 查驗
zaiteg kiampi | have both talent and virtue | 才德兼備
zaubuo kiamsy | try to suppress a rebellion by military operations as well as inducements to surrender | 剿撫兼施
zauqliam | censorious, hyper-critical | 糟念; 嘮叨; 批評
zekjim koanliam | sense of responsibility | 責任觀念
zenghongtaoiam | fight for beauty | 爭芳鬥豔
zenghwn kieliam | crystal (the 15th) wedding anniversary | 晶婚紀念
zengpiør-tiam | clock and watch shop | 鐘錶店
zexngmeqiam | phlebitis | 靜脈炎
zextiam | cushion; seat cushion | 坐墊
zhaetiam'ar | chopping block (cutting board) | 菜砧仔
zhagiam | to examine, examination (doctor, customs officer) | 查驗
zhaohiamhiafm | pungent urine odor | 臭薟薟
zhatgiam | investigate carefully | 察驗; 查驗
zhauqzhauh-liam | keep on talking | 嘈嘈唸; 喋喋無休
zhekgiam | test; workout; examination; test; examine; a test or quiz | 測驗
zhengliamkvoaf | an official of integrity | 清廉官
zhngtiam | mattress | 床墊
zhuieiam'iaam | broken into tiny bits | 碎鹽鹽
zux iamzuysia | saline injection | 水注射; 打水針
zuxliam | gather | 聚歛
zuyliamtong | cave behind water falls | 水簾洞
zwkiofng hoat'iam | uterine infection | 子宮發炎
zwpør ciamlea | feast of one's patron saint (Catholic) | 主保瞻禮

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