"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ahciarng | duck feet | 鴨掌
anhiarng boafnlieen | enjoy a happy time in old age | 安享晚年
bin'eeng hoattiexnchiarng | privately owned power station | 民營發電廠
boexhiarng | unable to sound loud; ; will not; be unable to; be incapable to | 未響; 無會
bwiarng | bring up; rear; bring to maturity; only about humans; raise children | 撫育; 撫養
bøexhiarng | unable to | 未響; 無會
chiaciarng | bus server | 車掌
chiarng | busy; to strike; plant; to startle; a long day; hop along; walk with much difficulty as with a lame or sore leg | 冗; 蹌; 獨腳跳; 廠; 昶; 聳; 跛行
chiarngchiarngzao | run very quickly | 䢢䢢走; 跑得很快
chiarngkex | bidding price | 唱價
chiarngkhaf | dance with one foot | 䢢腳; 單腳跳
chiarnglea | sing | 唱禮
chiarngmiaa | call name; call the roll loudly | 唱名
chiarngphiøx | count votes aloud | 唱票
chiarngsviaf | raise voice against | 試看覓
chiarngtø | advocate or lead with a new idea | 倡導
ciarngsii | this moment | 掌時; 這個時候
ciarngzun | this moment | 掌陣; 這個時候
ciarngzuun | steer the boat | 將船
cidciarng | one palm (Lit. slap the face with the hand) | 一掌
cipciarng | have authority; to manage; to superintend; to be in charge of; to control | 執掌
citciarng | have charge of; direct; manage or supervise as part of one's official duties; functions and duties of an organization or official post | 職掌
exhiarng | to be able to; to be capable of | 會響; 能夠; 會曉
giarnggee | to gnash the teeth; provide an explanation; try to defend oneself | 齜牙; 齴牙
giarnggiaxng | uneven; irregular; prominent; give prominence to | 齴齴; 參差突出的樣子; 參差無齊
giarngkhie | projecting tooth | 暴牙; 齴齒
gvexpiarngpiaxng | hard and firm; rigid and inflexible; stiff | 硬幫幫
gvi-piarngpiaxng | stark | 硬爆爆
hiafnghiarng | resonating well | 響響
hiarng | enjoy; receive | 享; 響
hiarng'au | in the future; turn around | 向後
hiarng'eeng | on the road to prosperity; making progress | 向榮
hiarng'iaang | facing the south or the sunny side (said of a house) | 向陽; 採光好
hiarng'orng | admire and try to imitate a great person | 嚮往
hiarnggoa | turn outside | 向外
hiarngjidkuii | sunflower | 向日葵
hiarnglaai | hitherto; until now | 向來; 從來
hiarngsii | yore; once upon a time | 向時; 那當時
hiarngsimlek | centripetal force | 向心力
hiarngsiong | turned upward; strive upward; try to improve oneself | 向上
hiarngzeeng | go forward | 向前
hunhiarng | share blessings or happiness | 分享; 同享
itluii thienha hiarng | achieve enormous success at the very first try; become famous overnight | 一雷天下響
jiafngjiarng`leq | shout aloud | 嚷嚷咧
jiarng | yell; roar at | 嚷; 叱嚷
joaqpiarngpiaxng | very hot (weather) | 熱烘烘; 熱極了
kangchiarng | factory; mill; plant; manufactory; workshop | 工廠; 工場
khiarngchiuo | a clever person, a sharp, strong-willed, overbearing | 能手; 精明的人
khiarngkhaf | terrible; formidable; serious; devastating; tough; capable; sharp; severe; fierce; unyielding (said of a woman); spirited; mannish | 能幹; 勥跤; 厲害; 精明
khiarngtao | a clever person, a sharp, strong-willed, overbearing | 能斗; 精明的人
khuiciarng | draw the winning numbers of a lottery | 開獎
kociarng | to clap the hands; to give applause | 鼓掌
liexn'iuu-chiarng | oil refinery | 煉油廠
liexnthiq-chiarng | blooming mill | 煉鐵廠
maix jiarng | don't make such a noise; quiet please | 別嚷
maixchiarnglie | singing girl | 賣唱女
mociarng | clutches of the devil | 魔掌
phahhiarng | beat | 拍響
phinpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phynpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong | 乒乓球
piarngphoax | burst; fracture; burst; crack; splitting (with a headache); be punctured; to burst up | 爆破; 繃破
piarngpiarnghao | loud noise of heavy steps; sound of steps on an unsteady floor; noise of carrying heavy things | 砰砰響
piarngpiarngkiøx | loud noise of heavy steps | 爆爆叫
piarngsviaf | explosion noise | 爆聲
pirnpiarnghao | loud noise of heavy steps; of steps on an unsteady floor | 砰砰哮
puttoong hoanhiarng | extraordinary; remarkable | 無同凡響
pøciarng | to commend and award | 褒獎
siarng | Who? | 甚; 啥人; 誰; 甚麼人
siarngtoaxbiin | have a good sleep | 摔大眠; 睡大覺
siarngtoaxho | pouring | 摔大雨
siøjiarng | scream at each other | 相嚷
teg'iw-ciarng | special outstanding award | 特優獎
thihsoaciarng | Chinese version of karate | 鐵沙掌
tiøqciarng | award | 著獎
tngxciarng | palm reading that show heart line and head line become one line | 斷掌
tonghiarng | share blessings or happiness | 分享; (同享)
tørsiarnghviax | fall backwards | 倒相懸
zeazøxchiarng | factory; mill | 製造廠
zhenghiarng | reverberant | 清響
zhernghiarng | bang | 銃響
zhvepiarngpiaxng | greenish | 青迸迸
zofngchiarng | main factory | 總廠
zuychiarng | waterworks | 水廠
øexhiarng | be able to; can | 能曉; 能夠

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